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Architects of the Universe – Why is consciousness sleeping now

Architects of the Universe – Why is consciousness sleeping now?

Channeling: Almaty

Architects of the Universe, please clarify one point that is happening to many now.
Time is now very compressed, it flies quickly, and not only do you not have time to look back, how the day has flown by, but also very often you are overcome by a state of laziness, drowsiness, a state of sleep with your eyes open, when there is simply no energy. Why is this happening? It would be nice from period to period, there are eclipses or solar flares, but there is almost no light, and this state is rather the norm.
You describe everything correctly – a dream of consciousness. This happens in several ways.
Firstly, due to the fact that a restructuring is taking place at the global level of people’s consciousness, and in order to prevent the system from being knocked out, you are immersed in sleep states, in a drowsy state of consciousness.
Secondly, because external structures are now also collapsing globally and many people have a breakdown in their systems of perception of reality, and as a defensive reaction it is a state of vacuum, when everyone in their own cell is protected from external harsh changes, and this is felt as the isolation of your space from the outside world. And since such people are connected to point events, i.e. they see only the picture of the world that they need due to karma.
Thirdly, many people lack the desire to go somewhere, to a new life – there is no idea of going there, no goals, no intentions. And in this case, a person lives his life one day at a time, without striving for anything. Yes, he has thoughts about the future, maybe even some desires/dreams, but he has no intentions to realize it. Accordingly, no energy has been allocated for development for him, he only lives on self-sufficiency, only for a new day. There is no path to the desired goal.
If you observe many, even those who are constantly busy, for example, immersed in their work, then this can also be regarded as a dream, and a person as a program only carries out a preset algorithm of actions that he learned earlier, which already make up his skills and abilities. This is also a type of sleep when only a certain program of the mind works. And energy here is given only to complete this algorithm of tasks, and it is given by the egregorial system for which the person works, this is an employer, some kind of company, etc.
Almost everyone sleeps, each in their own vacuum, limited by their own picture of the world, filled with the meanings, desires, and pictures they need.
Is this done on purpose? Well, that is, who is the initiator of this dream? Person or external processes?
One comes from the other.
Here, external processes throw off old patterns in powerful streams, and as a result, consciousness plunges into a protective sleep. And the person himself subconsciously chooses a dream, seeing what is happening around him.
And if a person himself cannot cancel external restructuring, then he can reduce the sleep of his consciousness if he wants.
This cannot be done with a big leap now, especially if the consciousness is not ready for powerful, sudden changes. But you can, through the art of small steps, take a step into something new into what you want every day, and this way you will see for yourself how your path is being built. It is important, of course, to determine where this path should lead you, because… that desired future that you want to manifest in life.
If you do not have such a picture of what you want, then you will receive a picture of the outside world, with those system algorithms that are run by everyone, except the one who declares what he wants to see.
Yes, now follow this path, you will be more with the wind towards you, i.e. through the resistance of external systems, and here you can take each new step only on your intention – a clear desire to get where you want. Every new day is a new step. It’s like you’re putting together a jigsaw puzzle, you have so many pieces.
And imagine that every day by inserting the necessary element into the overall picture, you are getting closer to what you want, to the picture of events that you want to see in your life.
The more elements you lay out, the more small but systematic steps you take, the closer you get to a new picture of the world.
And the more the mosaic expands, the more elements you add, the wider and more voluminous it unfolds. It’s as if at the very beginning of your journey you had a 4×5 mosaic, and as you progress through it you realize that it is already 8×10 – so you expand your vision of the world picture wider, larger – bringing action every day to manifest this in your life.
If you stop, do not complete new steps, which is the same as laying out a new puzzle, then your mosaic – your representation of the desired reality ceases to be fed by your attention and fades in the overall picture. In order for it to manifest, in order for it to be clearer = more manifested in matter, it needs to be fed with your attention and your action, as an intention that you really want to manifest this reality in your life.
A small step with a big intention, and the further you go, the more it will manifest into reality.
This is not the first time you have drawn my attention to the practice of small steps. This is it What is the most effective way now?
For your benefit, yes. You do not now have the necessary amount of resources to make a powerful leap forward. And if you make such a breakthrough with enthusiasm or emotional upsurge, then taking into account the return, after the breakthrough you will remain in the minus of your energy, when faith has already disappeared and there is no desire or strength to move on.
Isn’t it more effective to take systematic steps without bending the space, without swinging the pendulum and without shaking your consciousness? And step by step go towards the same goal, but firmly and firmly declaring what you want.
It’s not for nothing that we touched on the topic of the pendulum here. Because This is an element of the system that many are unfamiliar with and do not know how to control the release of their emotions or desires to manifest something in life.
It’s like when you want something so much that with the power of your desire you remove it from yourself.
We want to teach you to take steps wisely, thoughtfully, even if small actions, but a big result. As in the case of the Pareto principle – where you spend 20% of the effort to get 80% of the result. You need to learn not just to take steps, but to be effective in doing so! Save your energy, your strength. Don’t waste it on dreams or fantasies.
And from your dream to make a specific wish come true,
out of a desire to build an achievable goal,
from the goal to lay steps from the point now,
and every day take action towards the manifestation of the desired reality.
At the same time, live your life, do everyday things, be with your family, but every day devote specific time to take action in the direction of what you want.
If this is the picture of the world that you can create with material steps, i.e. if you dream of a house, but you don’t have the funds or time to do it yet, but you have the desire! Start small, allocate a period of time every day according to your capabilities. Where you will look for land for a house is the place where you will be comfortable. Or a ready-made house means looking at catalogs and deciding what you like and what you don’t, etc. Those. Every day you give attention = energy to your desire, you take steps based on the moment now – what you can do now.
You can look at the catalog – do it, or meet with a house sales specialist – do it. Can you make a cash contribution now? If not, then do not do this action, because… You don’t have this resource yet. And if you have thoughts about borrowing money in order to achieve what you want in one jerk, think about whether this action will cost you 80% of the costs to get 20% of the result.
Evaluate each of your actions based on how much strength and energy you put into it, and how much you receive. This way you will measure the effectiveness of your actions.
How can you measure this in life without seeing the whole picture of reality? This can be felt in your energy, in your strengths and capabilities. If it’s easy for you to do this, you have the resources and capabilities, then this is the minimum cost to take the step. And if you feel that it is difficult for you, then this is already a waste of energy.
For example, you need to make your physical condition more athletic.
There are several options.
A gym near your house with a subscription and a trainer, for example, 16,000 rubles per month. Is it expensive for you? Let’s say yes, financially you don’t have these resources. But there is a desire for a sports figure, so we are looking for further options.
You can walk or run several times a week. Is it expensive for you?
No, this does not require any money. But next to your home, this cannot be realized. If you go to the park and work out there, there is an area with exercise equipment and a good treadmill. But there is one BUT. There is a lot of time spent going to the park and back. Is it expensive for you? Yes – here the resource is not money, but time.
But the desire remains, we are looking for another option.
What if you go to a gym near your home and don’t take a personal assistant yet. For example, here a subscription will cost 5,000 rubles per month. After all, there is always a master there who can tell him, especially at first, how to use this or that simulator correctly. To select a program, you can look at training programs on the Internet, or find another acceptable way. Is it expensive for you? No, this is just acceptable, both in terms of financial costs and satisfactory in terms of time resources.
You have chosen the method of achievement, the path to the desired goal. Next steps.
Is it difficult to study for 3 hours at the beginning? Study for an hour.
Is it difficult to work out in the gym at first? For the first time, master the treadmill.
You yourself adjust your starting point, what is acceptable for you and what is not. What is too expensive for you and what is not. After all, in this case, wouldn’t it be a good result that you exercise for 3 hours for the first time by willpower and then take a week off from this workout? A small step is better, but in a disciplined, systematic manner.
And in this case, will you have the energy for this?
Yes, if you decide for yourself that it is you who want to go into this desired picture of the world, no one else, namely you, and you need it, not your mirror. To do this, you go with the intention of reaching what you want at any cost. And for this you do this step by step.
This is how you build the eventfulness you need. So in the moment you will realize that you are doing this in order to make your desire come true!
Don’t have the energy to exercise today? The time you allocated for this in the gym, allocate today to learning new ways to train! Don’t focus on one thing. You juggle mosaic elements at your convenience. But! The main thing is to go towards the goal, and if you can’t go, then lie in the direction of this goal))
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