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May 6

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Holiday on command)
May 6, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
As a continuation of my previous message, today we will talk to you about what “clichés” of your life you need to reconsider in the light of your current priorities.
Many of them have already been mentioned more than once in my previous messages, but some will be discussed for the first time.
We will start with those that are already well known to you.
I know that many of you have radically changed your attitude towards holidays, both secular and religious.
Why are they so widely and persistently imposed on people?
Primarily for purely commercial reasons.
But there is a more serious reason for this, and it lies in the fact that even with the help of holidays, people are driven into matrix patterns of behavior.
This is a kind of invisible command to people to do the same actions at the same time, which is reinforced by advertising and active participation of the media.
And the vast majority of holidays were created artificially for precisely these purposes.
But folk festivities often result in unbridled “fun” – a real feast for the astral plane and various low-vibration creatures that feed on people’s energy.
Unfortunately, even such concepts as “holiday” and “tradition”, which once – during the Golden Age on Earth – brought Light, Joy and Love to people, were distorted and “devalued” by Dracoreptiles, like many other aspects of your life.
Therefore, these very concepts can become the first in line for you to be “trap” from the sphere of the Fire of Universal Love, so that they forever go into oblivion with the help of the Energy of Dissolution of the Three-Dimensional Matrix.
It will not be easy for many of you to do this, since your environment and especially those close and dear to you may not understand such strange behavior on your part, and you will have to find an explanation for such “oddities” that is understandable to them.
But if you manage to withstand their pressure and exclude this “cliché” of the three-dimensional matrix from your life, then you will free up energetic space to create your own holidays and traditions, based on the dictates of your Soul, and not on those imposed on you by society, completely at the mercy of the three-dimensional matrix.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 6, 2024
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