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Opening Hearts

Opening Hearts!

Very often people complain that they do not feel the Light in their Heart, the flows of Love.
My dear ones, Light and Love are our true essence. It cannot be lost or completely forgotten and closed.
A sparkle of Light, the Soul, animates our body. Love is the Divine energy from which everything is woven by the Creator.
If you do not feel your Heart, because it has closed from mental pain, suffering and earthly problems, then call on Archangel Chamuel and Jesus. These are Light beings who help open the Divine Heart. They awaken the inner Light!
Ask them to help you and kindle the flame of Love in your Heart. Contact them every day! And they will definitely come to your aid!
Warmth, soft vibration, and even active transformation of all internal pain may appear in the heart, and this causes heat in the chest.
A bright spark of Light will light up in your Heart, and then help it, kindle the fire. It’s like a fire. You are given a spark that needs to be supported, and then it will definitely turn into a powerful fire.
Our Heart comes to life, opens and kindles when we begin to Love. Without this desire, aspiration, action… there is no active inner disclosure.
Love as much as you can! Shower the Light of the Heart!
Love God, all the Light forces, your Guardian Angel, Mother Earth. Love nature, the entire animal and plant world. Love your loved ones and relatives, all people, trying to see in them not the darkness, but the Light. Love everything on Earth and even beyond it.
Let your Heart shine more and more every day!
With love to you,
Magda Funia.
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