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Ten main signs of a psychopath

Ten main signs of a psychopath

“Is he a psychopath? Maybe I’m wrong, because after a series of humiliations, insults and beatings, he becomes good, kind and attentive. And in general, I can cure him with my love, humility and patience. I’m a woman, I can endure anything and I can do anything!” Let’s figure out whether we need to endure and put our life, health, love on the sacrificial altar of a
Psychopaths are people who are good at testing reality; they do not have delusions or hallucinations, unlike people with mental illness. They can be rational and have a high level of intelligence.
Future psychopaths can be seen already in childhood. From early childhood, they will be characterized by such behavior as lying, theft, truancy, violation of school discipline, violence against animals and peers, early sexual activity, and leaving home. Such children can be born even in families with good upbringing.
It is impossible to change the character of a psychopath through education, since psychopaths are not made, but rather born.
Psychopaths exhibit dysfunction and pathology in the frontal and temporal lobes of the cerebral cortex, as well as in the amygdala in the limbic system. MRI clearly shows deficits in impulses in the frontal and temporal lobes of the psychopath’s cerebral cortex.
In addition, psychopaths have a very high pain threshold due to the development of their autonomic nervous system.
Their sensitivity to other people’s emotions is very reduced. The most important thing you need to understand about psychopaths is that they never experience emotions such as empathy, compassion, empathy and emotional attachment. They can torture their victims with the same composure and insensitivity as an ordinary person cuts bread on a cutting board.
A psychopath does not have such feelings as love, sadness, sympathy, joy. Their autonomic nervous system almost does not react to even the most tricky questions, which is why they can deceive a polygraph examiner during a lie detector test.
Even the aggressiveness of a psychopath is cold, he easily manages to control his anger and rage. Therefore, psychopaths will feel comfortable in combat.
Many socially adapted psychopaths can become very good soldiers, athletes and surgeons.
Another person’s resources are the psychopath’s goal
A psychopath is a kind of interspecies predator in a human shell who coolly and calmly hunts for the resources of another person.
Money, your intelligence and abilities, influence, help in work and career advancement, etc. – these resources may be of interest to a modern psychopath.
The goal of a psychopath is to obtain the victim’s resource without giving anything in return. In a relationship with a psychopath, you will constantly feel used and robbed.
All signs of a psychopath have two important properties:
1. Totality of manifestation. It is impossible to be a psychopath at home and not be one at work.
2. Stability of manifestation throughout life. A psychopath is not a temporary phenomenon, it is a feature of the structure of a person’s personality.
Main signs of a psychopath
1. Cold, empty, emotionless look, like a reptile. A person can joke, have fun, carry on a conversation, but his eyes will be empty and lifeless.
By the way, psychopaths really like to look into a person’s eyes for a long time, as if trying to mentally understand how you feel now. It is with the mind, and not with the heart, since psychopaths do not have emotions.
2. Extremely high egocentrism. For psychopaths, people are either things or resources. The victim must belong to the psychopath completely.
3. Lack of empathy and emotional attachment due to pathology of brain development.
4. Manipulativeness. These people are professional manipulators.
5. Deceit. Psychopaths are professional liars. They can easily deceive without even blinking an eye. Lying is like a habit for them.
If you are careful, you will notice that a psychopath, before deceiving, has an unhealthy smile on his face.
6. Aggressiveness. Psychopath’s rule: strike first, or they will attack you.
7. Irresponsibility in various areas. For example, in the financial sphere, a psychopath cannot withstand financial obligations for a long time (does not repay debts, does not pay loans, utilities, etc.).
8. Composure. Watch how a psychopath will watch scenes of violence or horror in films. He can watch all this while eating his dinner or calmly having a conversation, without experiencing any emotions.
9. Risk appetite. Psychopaths have virtually no fear of death. They do not care about their own lives, much less the lives of the people around them. Most often this manifests itself in aggressive, impulsive driving.
10. Complete absence of guilt and regret. Psychopaths do not know what conscience and pangs of conscience are.
What not to do if your loved one is a psychopath
If among your friends, acquaintances or family members you have found a person with psychopathic traits, let’s discuss what not what to do when communicating with such people.
1. You should not hope that you will be able to correct or remake this person. People with such disorders cannot even be treated with medication, and their behavior cannot be corrected in any way.
2. Don’t underestimate their threats. If a psychopath makes a threat, it’s serious. These are exactly the people who can hatch a plan for revenge for decades and strike at the most unexpected moment.
3. You cannot conflict with a psychopath, because in a conflict he feels like a duck to water, and his composure will help psychologically or even physically destroy you.
4. Don’t threaten a psychopath. Remember that a psychopath does not feel fear, and your threats are nothing to him. He thinks very well and rationally, and if he feels that you are a source of a real threat, he may decide to psychologically or physically destroy you.
5. You should not share your inner world with a psychopath, be open with him and show your emotions, since psychopaths are professional manipulators. The more information he has about you or your loved ones, the more skillfully he can weave intrigues against you, manipulate and blackmail you in order to obtain your resources.
6. You should not wait, analyze and think due to what childhood trauma this person behaves this way, justify it and engage in self-examination and think what you are doing wrong.
REMEMBER! The more you are in contact with a psychopath, the more his destructive behavior replaces your personality, and for you such a life with him becomes a pseudo-norm. In the future, building a relationship with a psychologically healthy person becomes almost impossible.
If you realize that you live with a psychopath and are under his influence, minimize communication with him as much as possible. This is a person who poses a real physical threat.
Attention! This material does not intend to offend anyone or undermine their reputation. Information about people mentioned in the article is presented for educational purposes only.
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