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February 15

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Motley Veil)
February 15, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to summarize our conversation about how the two realities now formed on Earth come into contact with each other.
The first reality is the one in which the “obedient”, unawakened part of the population of your planet lives.
And the second reality is the one in which people live who have already gone beyond the three-dimensional world with their consciousness and do not want to live according to the programs that globalists are trying to impose on them.
As you can see, this division can be seen at all levels of your existence.
In some areas these realities are extremely distant from each other, but in others they are still quite close.
And this is explained by the fact that almost all of humanity is still with their physical bodies in the third dimension, which largely determines the thoughts, emotions and actions of people.
In addition, even among the awakened inhabitants of the Earth, few manage to live surrounded by their like-minded people, whose consciousness in all its parameters completely coincides.
Most often, there is a closeness of views in certain groups of people only on some specific issues.
As for the level of their vibrations, they largely depend on the age of a person’s Soul, which largely determines the level of his spiritual development.
Therefore, my dears, far from homogeneous energies reign not only in the camp of deeply sleeping people, but also among those who have already awakened sufficiently, since the consciousness of these people is also heterogeneous.
And in order to balance the chaotic and multi-vibrational background of the Earth, formed due to the fact that each person, regardless of what reality he belongs to, has his own unique energy “palette”, I offer you the following meditation practice.
Let’s call it “Motley Bedspread”.
To begin with, I suggest that you conduct a fairly deep meditation in order to feel the overall energy picture on Earth, and then you can carry it out as a working practice.
So, call upon all your Heavenly helpers and enter into a rather deep meditative state.
Imagine your Earth, wrapped in a motley energy “blanket”, each “piece” of which represents one or another type of energy.
Some of them are gloomy, dark and ugly, while others are bright, joyful, beautiful.
They are all mixed together so closely and densely that it is not possible to “sort” them.
Therefore, the only thing you can do is to create another one above this blanket – in the form of a single energy background, which will affect each “shred” separately and simultaneously all together.
And let this second “veil” consist of the Energy of the Prime Creator of the Universe, which is quite neutral and balanced.
This is what the vast majority of the inhabitants of your planet can assimilate.
This way you can lend a helping hand to those who have not yet reached the level of the fourth dimension, because under the influence of this energy their vibrations will begin to rise and their consciousness will begin to become clearer.
For those inhabitants of your planet who are not able to develop spiritually due to their “origin”, this energy will also benefit, since it will not allow them to fall with their consciousness into even lower vibrations.
This way you will be able to balance the energetic heterogeneity on Earth, bringing it to a certain common denominator, which will have a positive impact on the current difficult situation on your planet.
Leave meditation when the flow of energy subsides.
Try to get into the habit of doing this walking meditation as often as possible when you have the opportunity.
And you will definitely see the results of your work both in your immediate environment and on Earth as a whole.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 15, 2024
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