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Winter will last until April, at least

Winter will last until April, at least

As residents of Northern Europe have probably noticed, despite the talk about global warming, January turned out to be quite cool:
The reason for what was happening was another splitting of the stratospheric polar vortex:
Normally, there should be one vortex, but now there are two, so what follows will be something like this:
As NOAA’s graphic shows, the stratospheric polar vortex normally pumps cold air from the poles toward space and prevents it from spreading toward the equator. But if the vortex breaks up, then the pump power is not enough and the icy air releases tongues into the middle latitudes, where the temperature can drop to minus forty. 
At the moment the vortex breaks up, climatologists play roulette, trying to guess which way the cold air masses will go. So far, according to forecasts, the main cold will move to the North Atlantic, hitting Canada, the USA and the UK:
If the forecast is correct, the Western United States and Eastern Europe will be relatively warm as cold air displaces warm air. But this is unlikely to last until the end of winter, and ultimately all countries and peoples of the Northern Hemisphere will fall under the distribution; dancing with a tambourine around frozen water pipes will continue until April.
Meanwhile, renowned experts from the WEF continue to talk about catastrophic climate change , promising that soon Norway will be like the Sahara:
And we can’t say that the experts are lying, because in the Sahara and in the Arabian desert it’s now like this:
If conversations about global warming were just conversations, that is, academics defended their dissertations, Greta did PR, and Bill Gates made grants – all this could be understood. But, unfortunately, the fight against warming or something else is real, something is constantly being sprayed into the air, and the polar vortex has been splitting for the fifth year in a row, and then the following may happen:
..The attempt of scientists to cope with global warming led to the opposite result and turned out to be fatal – an irreparable global climate cataclysm provokes a new ice age on Earth. The mysterious rich man Wilford builds an intercontinental ring railway and runs an extra-long train of a thousand cars along it. The remnants of humanity find refuge in it…
So far everything is moving towards this, so we will monitor the developments.

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