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Half of the world is already observing the second moon

Half of the world is already observing the second moon

At the end of last week, MrMBB333, who lights up YouTube almost like Elon Musk’s rockets, shared with the public two videos from subscribers from the USA and Australia who looked at the moon at night and saw something like that. It was clearly superfluous there:
And now, only two days have passed since the public in Siam became agitated. People there didn’t just stand and stare at the moon, but looked and howled:
The phenomenon was discussed at Zuckerberg’s site, from where it is impossible to pull out the video, but we assure you that there is a lot of video there. 
It was explained to the local Indians that “it was a lunar halo” and some probably believed it. However, the explanation is very funny, since even from the above photos it is obvious that no halo can be observed at dusk and midnight; a halo is a very short-lived phenomenon.
But there it was even worse – the lunar “halo” was constantly seen in the period from December 24 to December 27, the moon bifurcated for three days. And in places very, very remote from Siam geographically it was like this:
Or like this:
We don’t think that all this started on December 23-27, when videos from MrMBB333 were filmed and a miracle happened in Siam. For example, on November 30 in England the following happened:
And this miracle was removed from a balcony in California back in August of this year:
In light of the above, it is, of course, possible to talk about the “halo” if we are talking about talking with the weak-minded, but here there is clearly something else. But what?
Pessimists think that the times of Muhammad are repeating, when the sky was divided, rolled up into a scroll and all that, and right before that there were two moons:
However, optimists have a different view of the situation and they tend to think that the second moon is something like a spaceship.
Photos from both Siam and other places show that one of the moons is very bright. and the second is dim, like its reflection. Most likely this is camouflage and the real object underneath looks like the roller skates from MrMBB333 – that is, there is some kind of small planet of a reddish color, covered with huge craters. When camouflage is turned off for some reason – which was the case on December 23 – the second moon looks exactly like this. And when camouflage is turned on, it doesn’t show what looks like a second dim moon. 
It is probably on this second moon that the administration of the Planet Earth amusement park plans to leave. And apparently it will be soon, since the bus has already arrived, so we are monitoring the developments.

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