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Happiness loves silence

Happiness loves silence

There are certain things you shouldn’t say to a man. This will help to preserve the connection and prevent the occurrence of unnecessary problems.
The ability to say the right things at the right time is an important indicator of true female wisdom in relationships.
Its shortcomings
At the beginning of a relationship, women shower men with compliments and do their best to make them feel good. After a while, the next stage begins, when lovers take off their rose-colored glasses and begin to see their shortcomings. During this period, it is important not to be too honest.
Some women openly say to men,” you need to change your job, “”you need a different style.” Others are even worse – comparing their husband to their exes or acquaintances:” Pepa’s husband earns more”, ” My Ex always gave me gifts, and you didn’t.”
In this case, the man simply stops completely to stop trying to please his wife. And instead of provoking a competitive spirit in your loved one, the opposite happens. Speaking openly about his shortcomings and criticizing him, the woman severely hurts his ego, and the result is always the same – quarrels, tears, and even separation.
“I’m fat”
Every man gets annoyed when his wife tells him that she is fat, that she has wrinkles or that she is ugly. And he’s really starting to see her as she imagines herself.
And vice versa-if a woman does not talk about the shortcomings, then a man does not notice them. It is important to ask yourself: “Do I want my husband to see me young and beautiful, or do I prefer to instill in him the opinion that I am old and ugly?“ The answer is obvious, so it’s better to keep quiet about your tummy, wrinkles and full thighs.
Criticism of its most valuable
For example, after you see his mother, even if she did not like you, do not speak ill of her. Don’t criticize his work if he likes it. The same applies to a man’s lifestyle, his hobbies and his friends. The foundation of a strong relationship is the ability to appreciate what the other person values.
Everything a man invests in is a taboo for criticism. Otherwise, there is a danger that you will quickly get cold to each other. Even if you’re right about his stupid friends or his terrible job, it doesn’t change the nature of the council.
Past mistakes
You should not pour out your soul to a man about what happened in the past. First on this list is infidelity. Never say,”I cheated and I’m so sorry.” It’s better if your current partner doesn’t know this. He will surely wonder if you will not do the same to him.
The man will immediately analyze everything, immediately begin to make analogies: “what if it was me?“ It can completely destroy trust, both at the very beginning of a relationship and in a long-term relationship.
The past is a topic that should be discussed very carefully and only if the partner insists on it.
Horrible girlfriends
Don’t tell your husband how terrible your best friends are. The representatives of the stronger sex are not fools and know: as your friends are, so are you.
Spare him stories about how you managed to cheat your rich uncle out of money or you took a very cruel revenge on someone. This will expose you in the eyes of the man and make him think that he is dating a dangerous or duplicitous woman.
Author: Laura Kostova,

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