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Everyone should read this before the world collapses

Everyone should read this before the world collapses

 With the onset of the Great Pandemic, which was strange in itself, people in their entirety encountered oddities in the behavior of those around them, observation of which suggested that the world had gone crazy. So some jumped naked on balconies and in the streets, others became Schumacher drivers, and others began to throw themselves at others. This is just what made it into the global press. 
And 99% of glitches did not reach the press – people simply shared their observations online, observing a sharp change in the behavior of relatives, friends and neighbors. For example, we once told our readers the strange experience of an American friend, whose neighbors, who had been hoarders all their lives, suddenly began spending all their money on buying unnecessary junk, which they threw away after a week. All this was accompanied by drying clothes indoors in the summer, when the temperature outside was 40 degrees Celsius, and hanging clothes and sheets outside when it was snowing or icy winter rain. 
Sometimes such behavior of people was accompanied by global lapses in memory, when graduates of one or another educational institution gathered for a general get-together and some people completely forgot some significant events from childhood and youth, did not just remember the names of mutual acquaintances, but completely forgot about their existence . 
And this is just the tip of the iceberg of behavioral deviations, since many things were of a personal nature. So simpler people simply complained about sleep disturbances, irritability, memory lapses, and so on. But people with a complex internal structure experienced some phenomenal glitches in the form of streams of synchronicities, lucid dreams, attacks of telepathy and remote vision. Ladies and gentlemen who never suspected that they had any extrasensory abilities suddenly discovered that they are now very sensitive people. And those who were highly sensitive before – those from the abundance of impressions generally began to go crazy.  
So far they have not been able to explain this in any way. The theory of vaccinations, 5G towers, HAARP, and so on was proposed – they went through all the options that the primitive mind was capable of. But these theories don’t work. 
And so, a couple of days ago, on some conspiracy platforms, a strange-looking message began to spread , which, perhaps, is the explanation of everything.
Usually some insider messages are written in text, that is, in words of letters that are copied and pasted from each other. But here the message is only in the picture, since the AI immediately deletes the English text from everywhere. 
In fact, a virus is not a virus. This is a microscopic spore of unknown origin, not included in the taxonomic tables. The spore infects the host through the mucous membranes of the nose, and from there it enters the bloodstream, where it begins to multiply.
As the foreign cells become more numerous, spore  clusters form in the liver, the glandular system, and, most importantly, in clusters of nerve cells such as the brain. Therefore, first the infected person begins to experience pulmonary (runny nose, cough) and gastrointestinal symptoms (loss/increase in appetite, vomiting/diarrhea), and then the symptoms are mostly associated with cognitive abilities.
At first, common symptoms include paranoia and delusions, auditory hallucinations, and trouble sleeping. People experience problems with memory and concentration, and their sensitivity to alcohol is impaired. But after this, people note an increase in extrasensory abilities, a sharp increase in the brightness of dreams, the ability to influence the world through thought (synchronism), the ability to receive both remote messages from other people and messages from various disembodied entities. Some predict the future, and there are reports from people who have experienced spontaneous collective consciousness. 
While nothing has been conclusively proven at this point, many believe that the spores
are slowly transforming the human race into a kind of hive mind, enhancing previously latent psychic abilities and allowing us to communicate not only with each other, but with other species that have gone through similar experiences.
If all this is finally confirmed and turns out to be true, then this means that we are mutating into alien-human hybrids. At the same time, foreign spores do not become part of our DNA, but are in symbiosis with us, just as the actors in our intestines provide us with digestion and without them it is impossible. 
It is not yet known who the source of the test is. Maybe this is from the private correspondence of someone with the employees of some secret laboratory, maybe a leak from the Masons at 34 degrees, maybe Artificial Intelligence is having fun. Or, for example, some alien brothers decided to enlighten us. And although all this is pure speculation, which can neither be refuted nor confirmed, it explains very well what is happening in the world. 
A similar scenario has been played out many times in books and films, and not only science fiction ones. The most famous example is the 2007 film INVASION . And although the topic has already been played to death, every year they release something new with such a plot. It’s strange that Hollywood receives such orders. If the stars light up, it means someone needs it. 
Now let’s assume that all this is as written in the text. How will the global authorities act in this situation so that the planetary garden system they have cultivated for centuries does not get out of control, so that the vegetables do not scatter to new beds and begin to grow on their own?
The first thing the farm management will do is declare a pandemic. The causative agent can be assigned to anything – even a mutated influenza virus. The source of the virus will also be identified. A source like the Moksha swamps would not be suitable in our times – countries and peoples would believe in the secret project of the USSR, but a leak from the laboratory of nesting dolls and balalaikas would be laughed at even in Africa. But China is quite suitable. 
Next, like the movie “Invasion,” we will need a vaccine, which will be sprayed from helicopters – using the same chemtrails. But what kind of vaccine can there be if the agent is alien and kills little green men with the same ease as representatives of less intelligent species? That’s right, there will be no medicine. Then, instead, it will be necessary to urgently come up with some new control system, since the old one will stop working. 
Previously, everything was simple: intelligence agents, Gapon priests, banks and the media. Try to control the crowd, where everyone is telepathic. The crowd will approach Klaus Schwab’s dacha like a swarm. And the cops and military will not help him, since they will also be part of the swarm. Even Billy Gates, when the spores grow into his nervous system, will go to the bank, withdraw all the money and start distributing bundles of it to the starving children of Africa.
The only way to somehow stop all this is for everyone to integrate a control chip and, if that doesn’t help, to stir up the Third World War so that parts of the swarm attack each other….
In other words, the theory turns out to be interesting. She will also explain everything. But we don’t know exactly how true it is, so we’re keeping an eye on developments.

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