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The Dark Archangel Evael: The Moment of Truth

The Dark Archangel Evael: The Moment of Truth

Contact person: architect

A conversation with the head of the dark hierarchy. Approach the interaction consciously.
TA Evail: Shall we talk?
Ch.: I thought there would be no more public messages from the dark hierarchy through me.
TA: That’s right, we closed this task a year ago. And now – firstly, you don’t have to, and secondly, I don’t have to. But, as you can see for yourself, an information vacuum has formed, people are looking for explanations and do not find them. Communication with higher levels is unstable: then it is there, then it is not. The Earth is now actually a quarantine zone. There are many cracks in your world through which living creatures from the dark worlds seep. And, so that these dangerous essences do not spread further across free spaces, the Earth is seriously isolated. This affects the quality of communication, especially the purity of some interactions with bright teachers. But the connection with me is good, so I will provide the information.
Those who need information will read the conversation with me. Who doesn’t really need it, let them continue to tune in to the positive – maybe it’s for the best. So many people have already fallen off from genuine development and gone into their fantasies as soon as the case smelled of kerosene. You are already afraid to touch them once again – let them continue to hover in their dreams, since their psyche has closed.
There are few people with a sober view of what is happening. I’ll talk to them.
Ch.: What was the real meaning of communicating with dark structures?
TA: We have revealed in people what they did not see in themselves. This is our job – to find and show all the weaknesses of both the person and his team.
Intensive individual work began with those souls that our deep scanning was successful. In 2023, there were so few meaningful public conversations, because teachers already interacted with people who passed the tests individually. The year for such people was not easy, transformational, but definitely useful – it brought serious achievements, helped to see new horizons. Such people end the year with a non-zero volume of valuable thoughts, ideas and developments that can be further developed and implemented next year.
For those who partially coped and pulled up their tails, the year 2023 was ambiguous, perhaps chaotic, feverish, but also clarifying important life moments, allowing serious intermediate steps to be taken. In a word, such people were gradually slowed down so that they would not fall asleep. They did not let them escape from their difficulties. Of course, I didn’t like it and caused discomfort, but it was also a sure sign that the Forces continue to work with the person, which means that they see some chances in his probabilities to improve their results.
For those who did not pass our scan, the year was empty, stagnant, or filled with idle fuss. This vacuum was formed because the magnitude of the obstacle to human development turned out to be too large, and the person’s desire to overcome it was too small or not at all.
For many, the obstacle was internal. I am talking about personal qualities, beliefs, habits of thinking that a person either did not see, or saw, but did not consider them as obstacles, because he was too attached to them. Or maybe they seemed like a worthy part of themselves wonderful, but, objectively speaking, they were not. It is not easy to tear off and discard a piece of your beloved ego, even if it prevents you from moving forward.
In order to continue growing and moving forward, a stuck person will have to conduct an impartial assessment of his life and see the “elephant” standing in his way. And make an inconvenient decision to radically change some of its properties, which provoked stagnation. In this case, it can still be overcome. There may not be a second year of stagnation: if you do not find the reason for the inhibition of your development, there is a high probability of deterioration of the situation.
Everyone who is stuck understands and feels everything deep down. The ego can block this information, but the soul knows everything and is oppressed. In a long period, this oppression undermines a person from the inside, so you should not delay your inhibition. We need to try to change something, even if we have to make an uncomfortable decision.
Time is running out. Even if it is completely unclear what to do, you need to take at least one step towards updating. Life will show if he was right. But there is no water flowing under the lying stone. Now you can not freeze in indecision. If any step suggests itself, it needs to be done.
But the year is not over yet. November will be difficult. Since August, the frequencies of the Earth have been gradually decreasing. Because of this, there were strong disturbances in space in October, and sensitive people felt them well. But all this was just an unpleasant shaking during the difficult descent down. The Earth is now anchored at lower frequencies. The bottom is pierced.
For obvious reasons, the most severe collapse of the Earth’s space is now taking place in the Middle East. These processes will deepen and intensify. It is impractical and impossible to freeze them – at least some of this anger should burn itself out. How many more brave souls will climb into this blazing cavern, and how much they will suffer, depends only on their degree of stupidity and desire to stick their restless nose into this gloomy action.
The end of the year will be sobering, both globally and personally. But I’m not making forecasts, I’m just voicing my plan. I have it, because during all these amazing events, I will be a senior manager on Earth. But this should not be taken as a reason for fear, because my task is quite conservative: to lead civilization through this difficult stage with minimal damage to souls and to ensure the safety of those people whom the development system considered valuable.
Over the past few months, teachers have been selecting protective tools for their wards so that people would approach this difficult period prepared. But not everyone received protection. In particular, because the value of some people’s lives is still not clear either to themselves or to the development system.
Yes, many people have an instinct for self-preservation. If you ask them if they value their lives, they will answer “yes”. For example, many are not averse to prolonging their incarnation in order to treat themselves to another portion of “yummy”. But not all of these people know how to dispose of their lives so that it will benefit the development of their soul or other souls. But this is the most pressing issue right now. Healthy selfishness and the desire to live in order to continue to pamper yourself may not save a person in the near future if at a deep level he has such a hidden meaninglessness. The absence of a reasonable plan, reasonable reasons for prolonging the incarnation puts a huge number of souls on Earth at risk now.
Therefore, you need to find a reason for yourself, you need to make a plan by answering the question: what benefits does this incarnation bring to the soul, the world, God? A sincere, valid reason can serve as the best protection for any person in this difficult time.
A serious problem for some active people now is that they live in a false paradigm. They are active, see the meaning of their lives and invest efforts in those areas that they consider right. But this is a path to nowhere, eating up all their efforts.
Imagine that there is a kind of hill-altar, and a person brings something there every day and adds, supplements, updates. He directs his thoughts to this altar, is engaged in its arrangement, expands, etc. And so, over a long period of time, this hill turns into a pile of everything: invested resources, meanings, expectations, prejudices and beliefs. Maybe a person has already taken the best things out of the house and placed them on the altar – so he firmly believes in the correctness of his actions. This is how people’s life happens: when they have invested too much of themselves into their “holy” hill, so they are incredibly attached to it. To remove this hill – and under it a terrible abyss.
But what does it feel like for a person to realize that the altar was chosen incorrectly from the very beginning? That he wasn’t worth the effort? Such are the properties of a person: when you have seriously spent yourself on some business, it is already your personal shrine. The questions are no longer asked here: was there any genuine value in that hill? Or was it originally a barren land?
It is extremely difficult for a person to see the meaninglessness of his altar, because he already values not so much the work itself as the soul invested in it: the scheme of actions has already been built, the ritual has been thought out, habits have been developed, and the last thing he wants is to turn off this beaten path.
But what to do if the “holy” hill of man still turned out to be barren? Continue to believe that “this happens to other people, but it can’t happen to me”? Persist in your blindness and continue to invest your strength in your altar of unfulfilled hopes? Or do you still recognize the falsity of the chosen path?
It is possible that the reasons for the wrong choice lie very deeply – at the level of some personal “holy postulates”, at the level of basic beliefs, basic life strategies. That is, we will have to take a swing at the very foundations of personality, reshape them to see a new path. Of course, it won’t be easy. But in some false altars it is impossible to invest more, they will crumble. And it is better to prepare for this in advance: to realize and accept everything, and then carefully close the streams between themselves and the false “holy” hill, release their luminous threads from there and move away – this will increase the chances that during the destruction all this will not overwhelm a person with debris.
Ch.: Sometimes a person realizes that he is stuck and wants to change something in himself, but he really does not see the reason. How to see your obstacle?
TA: Development is a continuous qualitative expansion of oneself. It is necessary to ask the question into space: “where do I limit myself?” And then open your mind so that the ego does not block an honest answer, and watch for a week or two for the signs that the surrounding world sends to a person.
Ch.: At what frequencies is the Earth now?
TA: The frequencies of the Earth are heterogeneous. But the average now is 2.7.
Ch.: Do I understand correctly: somewhere in the mountains of Tibet, the frequencies are high, and in the hot spots of civilization they can be even lower than 2.7?
TA: No, they don’t lower it below 2.7, it’s already too low. Animal impulses are already circulating at this level. When they take over a person, the constraints of civilization work much worse, and every kind of ugliness rises from the human depths.
An animal kills if it is hungry or to protect itself and its territory. The concise motivation of a predator naturally regulates its manifestations of violence towards other animals. No lion will run to conquer the entire savannah to demonstrate his superiority. The absence of a more complex motivation to kill allows you to avoid mass slaughter in wildlife and limit yourself to the minimum necessary for the survival of predators.
People are more intelligent, so they have a whole list of reasons to kill, they have a complex motivation to destroy their own kind. But many of them are not yet smart enough to lock their bestial impulses under lock and key, as they inevitably trigger the flywheel of mass brutality and lead earthly communities to trouble or death. The natural limiter of the animal world on the use of violence in human society no longer works. From here we come to an old, but very relevant thesis: the toughest animal on Earth is man.
Each side of the confrontation expects to win in order to “live like a human being” later. Everyone hopes that they will be the ones who will be told the last, most weighty word in the conflict, which then all opponents will honor with reverence and fear. But figs to you. The basics of the use of violence are arranged differently, and such naivety is not forgiven to anyone. If both sides do not put a lock on their animal impulses and do not extinguish aggression, no most formidable last word leads to the end of the conflict. He still sits in the heads, even if there are no forces left to continue the opposition at all.
But human exhaustion can be used to extinguish the conflict. The civilization was lowered to level 2.7, because these are border frequencies with dark worlds. And from this position, it is already possible to bring the entire negatively charged resource of life, which will spill out as a result of mass violence, easily into the dark worlds. None of these bursts will return to the earth’s megastructures, and it will not be possible to use these resources again. As they say: it spilled and went into the ground. Thus, the exhaustion of those who want to play violent games will come much faster. And together with the resource, the accumulated animal impulses from souls will merge from the space of the Earth.
Of course, the Earth’s energy exchange networks will become impoverished, and the dark worlds will be at least a little sated. But what if people don’t want to control their thirst for violence? If everyone had restrained themselves and chosen a peaceful path, none of what is happening could have happened.
The price for the desire to fight for the soul is huge, for the desire to actively cheer for one of the parties is also decent. The best way for the soul not to remain bankrupt during this gloomy feast is not to participate and not to get involved emotionally.
Tsch. Questioner: So why do animal impulses manifest? Is it because of the descent to frequencies 2.7? Or are they already prevailing in people, that’s why civilization was lowered?
TA: Good question, you’re digging deep. In descending to frequencies 2.7, there is indeed an element of motivation to manifest their bestial impulses. But only those that a person already has.
It’s like taking a man’s pants off to see what he’s covering up there. Without pants, everyone can already see everything, and the person himself can see what he has there.
So it is with the descent to frequencies 2.7 – it is necessary for the hidden to manifest. But he doesn’t provoke really friendly people to bite into other people’s throats. What is not there will not manifest.
Ch.: So dark structures will encourage people to merge their aggression?
TA: And where else to put it before the transition of the Earth to reduced destructiveness? It has already accumulated in earthly networks and in souls. It remains only to merge, and only in such an ugly way.
Ch.: And what happens: a person killed a bunch of people, merged his aggression and enters the new world clean?
TA: A sharp question, think about your bias, it does not decorate you. You yourself understand perfectly well that violence is not so easily forgiven to anyone. But I will answer.
Those people, through whom all these animal impulses from the earthly megastructures merge, suffer the most. If a person lets violence into himself, gives himself to it, longs to ride this swift wave, begins to enjoy his cruelty – he becomes something like a water purification filter, a consumable. And such elements in any system are the fastest to fall into disrepair, and they are thrown away. A person who has let evil into himself has high risks of losing his subjectivity and becoming a slave to dark structures. People have protection of their subjectivity from the invasion of dark forces, but it no longer works if the animal begins to dominate. You can’t let the darkness in and let it drink your strength, grow at your own expense. Valid reasons and excuses don’t work here. You can’t, period. Therefore, a person who wants to be treated with respect by the Forces, who wants to preserve his strong defenses against dark obsession, should monitor his humanity with special rigor.
Even if a person finds himself between a rock and an anvil and is forced to participate in violence, in no case can this be considered normal, justified, permissible. There is no killing for good. Killing is always harmful. Whoever decides to commit violence must forever forget about any valid reasons and excuses and accept the fact that he is sowing evil with his own hands. Only such a position leaves any real chances to emerge from this dark abyss, move on to repentance and subsequent stabilization of life. But even in this case, participation in violence will cost the soul dearly. Do not expect that you will be able to shake off this experience quickly and ride on, like a mountain goat, to the top.
Ch: Can the awakened individually keep their personal frequencies high?
TA: They can and do, if it turns out. But it does not work for everyone and not always. Those who succeed, who are inclined to climb tirelessly up the slope themselves, even if everyone is already rolling down, are now being helped to stay higher and conduct high-frequency infusions for other awakened ones. Your special networks are still working, but their recharge from above is minimal, for survival, and not for life on a grand scale. Hunger on Earth continues, so all costs are minimized.
If a person does not have the strength, enthusiasm, if he sleeps a lot, and the days rush one after another – these are signs of economy. So the soul has no resources.
There are people who benefit others, they are given more resources for their activities. If the awakened one does not know how to help others, he is fed at a minimum. Therefore, when a person has an idea of how to be useful to others, additional resources may come in. They will give him more strength and inspiration. But a person needs to think through some reasonable plan and take concrete steps.
Tsch. Questioner: But this immersion of the Earth into low frequencies is dangerous. You said that not everyone has protection. But the dark entities are now brazen and actively attacking people in dreams.
TA: There is enough protection for all awakened ones who are not in contention with the development system. Not complete, without blowing off dust particles, but quite sufficient. If a person used to have a feeling of patronage from above, and he appreciated his security, thanked and did not abuse this help, then there is enough protection now. Those who move to a new level will be covered. The earth will cherish its best children, who continue their journey with it in a new Cycle.
Ch.: And if it seems to a person that he is still not protected?
TA: Let him learn to pray.
Ch: Are you kidding?
TA: I’m serious. To whom pride does not press, let them read prayers. But in order for them to work for protection, sincerity is needed. Who is trapped – my kids, my school. I would sympathize with you if I could. But I don’t know how, and you don’t know how to tame your pride. Well, we all have to grind our sharp corners with a file more than once. Or continue to pay dearly for their desire to remain apostates, for the joy of showing the middle finger to the whole world.
Ch: I’ve already forgotten how hard it is to receive messages from you.
TA: I believe it willingly. I see that I’m tired.
At the end of our conversation, I would like to say that many important global events have already happened in the future: they have already been calculated as a whole, it remains only to reveal the details. The same applies to the personal scenarios of people whom the development system has found valuable and is now leading through this chaos with a strong, careful hand.
Many things that you don’t know about have already happened in your life in the future, and you have to put up with it. I know it sounds strange to come to terms with something that hasn’t happened yet and a person doesn’t know. But this is exactly the state that will be incredibly useful now. “Whatever happens to me in the future, I’ve accepted it.” Just twist this phrase in your head, and when a certain moment comes, it will become clear and help you to accept the coming future more easily.
Now it really makes no sense to expend your emotional strength, because all the resources spent on the hassle are not returned to either the soul or the Earth, all this goes into the dark abyss. And most importantly: the events have already happened with a high degree of probability, the soul already knows everything. And she has some kind of plan–maybe not the most perfect, but there is. He may be unknown to the earthly mind, but none of the awakened in this difficult period comes without a plan.
This does not mean that everything will happen by itself, some people will have to take quite specific decisive actions more than once. I only suggest that we focus on intuition, but this is a quiet guest – unlike fear, she never shouts in a person’s ear. Therefore, it is necessary to keep a cold mind and accept your future in advance – in order to preserve the ability to hear your intuition at a difficult moment.
All those who have already been selected will survive and build their way into the future. All those who can still join, having made the right choices, are also closely watched in order to pick them up at any moment. Someone is already doomed, but their souls also know everything, accepted and accepted.
While a little rest is still going on after the October shaking, you need to take advantage of it. And in general, now it is important to use any outstanding quiet moment to rest and restore mental strength.
There are such crazy periods in life when only the controlled can protect against uncontrolled evil. I will cover all worthy candidates – those who are without rot and hypocrisy, brave and principled, not broken, not tempted by any of my insidious proposals. I’ll cover for you. And this is not a reason for suspicion and searching for a double bottom in my words. This is not a reason for gentle virgins to send me kisses. There just comes a moment of truth when the cheater stops playing for a brief moment. But this luxury is available only to those who refused to play with me at all on any terms.
That’s it for today. Be there.

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