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Scientists have named products that cause fatigue and impotence

Scientists have named products that cause fatigue and impotence

American scientists have compiled a list of foods that cause fatigue and impotence. Alcoholic beverages top the researchers’ rating.
Scientists note that alcohol causes drowsiness, which does not relax. In their opinion, sleeping under the influence of alcohol does not restore the body’s strength.
Sweets are next in the list of products that cause impotence. They increase the glucose level in the body, which then drops sharply. In this process, a person feels a decline in strength.
Turkey meat was placed in third place. The proteins contained in it reduce performance due to their relaxing effect.
Flour products, including pasta, took the fourth place. They, like sweets, lead to jumps in the blood of rapidly digestible glucose.
Fried food closes the top five “leaders” of products. According to scientists, it takes away a lot of energy from the body for digestion and irritatingly affects the digestive tract.
Meanwhile, foods that make up for iron deficiency – spinach, apples, beets, buckwheat, beans – allow you to overcome the feeling of impotence and fatigue.

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