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October 16

Daily Message by Shelley Young – October 16

It’s Metaphysical Monday! Today’s post is about being in the in-betweens.
One very common theme that is occurring in so many people’s lives right now is knowing that the past is done, that things have changed profoundly, but not knowing what that means or what to do next. This is a case of the in-betweens.
What I hear almost all the time from clients, and to be honest, what I also sometimes wonder myself is, am I doing something wrong? The longer the phase lasts the more we start to doubt ourselves and before we know it we are in a complete spin of fear wondering if you are missing out on something important and doubt about what you should be doing next.
Do I have all the answers about this? I do not. But I can tell you a few things:
Way too many people are experiencing this for us all to be wrong or missing something important.
If you don’t know what to do next, doing nothing major until you have more clarity is wise.
Lulls always serve us in one way or another and precede a period of forward movement.
Curiosity and questions always bring expansion. What is supported? What else might be possible that you haven’t considered? Where is your soul trying to lead you? What would bring you joy? What is your body asking for right now?
Is not knowing what to do an opportunity for you to get comfortable with the idea that your beingness is more than enough? (Spoiler alert – YES!)
Simply making your highest choice one now moment at a time is all that is ever required.
I realize that these phases are uncomfortable. We are used to living in a linear way where things are laid out in an easy to follow way. But linearity, planning, and taking action for the sake of having something to do are 3D constructs and we are shifting into 5D.
5D is about flow, natural unfoldment, and soul inspired action. We are making the monumental shift from doing, doing, doing, hoping it will lead to being (second spoiler alert – it won’t because you will never stop finding something else to do), to simply being and then doing when it is supported and divine inspiration comes from that space of alignment. So it makes sense that we would create a phase to get more used to allowing our beingness to lead the way. We are skill building.
I know we are diligent and want to do everything right, and that is a great intention. But honestly, considering the fact that it seems we feel every single ripple in the universe these days, it would be LOUD if we were missing something important about our own path or purpose.
We can’t get it wrong. We have evolved to the point where we can navigate a stage of not knowing to ultimately discover where our souls have been excited to go all along. That is what we came for. So trust the process and your own innate sensitivities and knowing. Our mind wants the answers but the heart leads the way.
And remember, as Gabriel often reminds me, you don’t build a house on a bridge. The in-betweens are a time of reflection, inner expansion, and connecting to your truth and preferences based on your latest level of attainment. There will be plenty of time for tangible, satisfying creations once we fully ground into the new.

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