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“There are many turbulent times and energies of change going on at the moment .
Fears, low energies are cleared, the division into people’s worldview is palpably felt, and so on.
As they say, he turns around about everything.
I will be happy if you publish your opinion, opinion, recommendations for people.
Although the messages from all over the world are similar and clear enough, and although you live in countries of everyday experience and society, you know and understand what is happening. Many of the people who are confused, scared, and wandering will be useful to anyone who can encourage,guide, and lift them-you know that. I feel that we have already reached the limit, the edge where people have to make a decision and choose where to go, I see, and how many young people are leaving massively and quickly. I understand that from the point of view of a person we look too narrowly, and from a higher plane of the sun. well, as it should be, and nothing is random. However, I still have an unclear question… no matter how predetermined and clear it is, how everything will develop, however, each of our choices also depends on the final result. I think that from the highest point of view, it would not be allowed to self-destruct, and at the same time, how can we allow this option, if we continue to refuse to change and live in the old way. There are reports everywhere about how the upcoming months of this year are crucial.
I would be happy to read your opinion on things and upcoming changes.
Two days before I found out and informed the hackers that they had hacked my email, etc.I had a dream about 2-3 young men trying to attack me with a knife through a small narrow window. I grabbed him by the arms, and he turned out to be one of these children, shiny, long, but plastic, bent. The dream was clear, brief, and revealing… I learned to calculate them correctly, but I got scared in my sleep and in my sleep. I realized that I was removing old fears, perhaps from my life. I still wonder where these clues come from. From the heart or from the drivers…?
I missed something…
I’m thinking of going through a hypnotic regression. I hear a lot of good reviews and I’ve listened to a lot of recordings like this,
they definitely have an exceptional auxiliary effect for solving and solving everything that is our problem.
After all, I am divided…If I did, it would definitely be a curiosity, not a necessity.
On the other hand, I have repeatedly received answers to my questions through sleep, suggestions, feelings-sensations…
So, if we need something along the way, and it’s important, it will be provided to us, one way or the other. way. However, I know that if I allow the outside to guide me through regression at all, I will have something to learn…”
I want to emphasize once again that no one is doomed in advance. I have been saying for many years that there is a lot of cleaning going on on Earth-but to get a clean planet, you need to have less pollutants than cleaners. There are two ways to do this: through evolution and leaving the planet. All those who are too wobbly at the extreme and age leave the planet quickly, in this case, it does not matter. The submerged person melts suffering and karma, and the soul tries to avoid this, but, having lost hope that they will pay attention to it, leaves the body – nevertheless, these accumulated problems will have to solve them with subsequent incarnations. So please don’t be alarmed, despite the ever-increasing mortality rate. As I have already said, the Problem lies in extremes-such people cannot raise their vibrations, so they cannot adapt to the increasing energies. Only those who strive for moderation, for a Golden environment, manage to develop along with the Earth. And those who are interested, stay on the planet and make every effort to fight their habits, get intensive help from above. Don’t get attached to any deadlines-those who seek change, when they do, have a chance that they will even need decades. Only those who do not want to get rid of their old beliefs lose their chances-as you know, violent beauty does not work. Don’t expect anything to change dramatically soon-as I say, the boss goes on tiptoe while there is a danger that people will panic EN masse. It seems to me that the boss won’t be settling in any time soon, despite all the reports to the contrary. Therefore, the changes will be mostly cosmetic and only for the awake, and most people will continue, sleep and leave this world. But you should not be surprised at the tension / expectation that has been maintained , because they do not allow people to relax, to fall asleep again. But because our desire for all of this to happen is huge, we inflate the expectation, and in my opinion it’s a big craze followed by a lot of frustration, so I’m also trying to “calm the ball down” to reduce expectations.
The most important necessary change is to understand the internal leadership, i.e. well. people should stop being complacent about the rules / herd and take responsibility for their lives – only in this way can they develop, keep up with natural changes. Humans have been trained for millennia to be an obedient herd. For example, the pandemic is another training, how to become an obedient sheep. What makes me happy is that people in masks are very rare on the streets, where it is not necessary, i.e., scared and obedient. It’s hardly more than a few percent-and that’s what’s leaving accelerated Earth. You should keep in mind that such people also have their chance, but in order to realize it, you must awaken at least 50% of all people. Because they imitate others-they lack self-confidence (there are compexars-unfortunately, 99% of people are compexars-to a lesser or greater extent, in one or another sphere), and therefore do not allow themselves to take responsibility for their lives, consider themselves insufficiently competent, and therefore become obedient performers of “specialists”. A man becomes a beneficiary when he finds that he has not realized that he has success, and he is barely making ends meet, so he is also forced to take the means of subsistence of the majority of the population in order to become obedient sheep-people without an opinion of their own. This is why poverty is maintained throughout the world. Therefore, the whole world is infected with the “American culture” of acquisition (pilgrimage of the Golden calf).
“What faith are you from, grandfather?
“I don’t believe it. That’s why I don’t trust anyone but myself, ” the old man replied quickly and decisively.
“But how can you trust yourself?” Nekhludoff said, interrupting the conversation.”You could be wrong.
– Not in life, – decisively beat the old man.
“Then why so many veris?” Nekhludoff asked.
That’s why there are so many of them, because they trust others and they don’t trust themselves… Faith is many, but the Spirit is one. In you, in me, and in him. So everyone should trust their own spirit, and everyone will be together. When everyone is for himself, everyone becomes one.”
I use this quote from Leo Tolstoy as an illustration of the main problem at the moment. All human problems can be solved if a person ceases to trust others and begins to trust only himself – only in this way he ceases to be a sheep of the flock, ceases to be right.
I have already described this, but obviously I will have to repeat it at every opportunity: if you accept the existence of God, and for you it represents everything that exists, yet an intelligent being, you must accept that there is only one being, with one consciousness. And everyone else just imagines that they are separate minds. Consciousness is formed by beliefs that we accumulate as a result of current or past experience, or are the result of suggestions from authorities/idols in our lives (parents and relatives, teachers and popular personalities). These suggestions are so strong that we overestimate the source, and we put ourselves lower because of low self-esteem. These beliefs become illusions because we do not adapt them to the changes that time imposes, or to each particular case – because each person is unique. Thus, beliefs become a veil that distorts real reality, and when we have low self-esteem, we tend to become fanatical followers and impose our opinions by pressure/violence. This phenomenon is well known in psychology: there it is called “filters in the mind”, if you are interested, you can search for more information .
Therefore, be very attentive to everything that you feel as a conscious process: thoughts, emotions, sensations – pay special attention to nuances that are usually ignored. All this includes various visual effects, the feeling of sounds, smells, and even imaginary tactile sensations. All these are energies that circulate in the so-called” universal consciousness”, part of which is also yours. The idea that everything is happening in your brain and is only your imagination is that you will not be guided by your soul / The higher Self, i.e., well. to suffer. If you are tired of suffering, you will need to accept the existence of your higher aspects, which have experience available for billions of years, both to you and to everyone in the Universe. Do not underestimate it-still, it is actually a salvation!

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