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April 30

Most of you have been raised to adjust your behaviour into some version of what others think you should be. This has been done by shaming, punishing, and criticizing you into conforming. Judgment and control is at the core of all of it. This is a system of non-acceptance and conditional love. You are on the planet to shift beyond all of that and anchor new ways of being.
Your fear of judgment dissipates when you understand other people are simply not qualified to speak on your own unique life expression. They can only give advice based on what would be best for them. If they were evolved enough to understand your entire soul mission, they would have no interest in judging you. The very fact they judge tells you they are not qualified to advise.
Conditional love is a means of control. You, as an enlightening human being, are about freedom and expansion. You are no longer interested in giving your power away to an old, outmoded system. Rather, you are invested in creating new templates of unconditional love and acceptance. Encouragement and creative self expression is what your soul wishes to support and experience.
The main point of this message is if the next step of your evolutionary journey is to evolve beyond those abusive constraints, you must begin within with your treatment of self. You must release that old conditioning and pattern of abuse with mindful self talk that is encouraging, accepting, and full of loving guidance in order to break the cycle once and for all. We hope that you will commit to that sacred mission today, for you simply cannot bully yourself into enlightenment. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

April 29

One of the most important shifts you can make as an enlightening human being, is transitioning from making decisions based on what others think to making decisions based on what is right for you and your own unique life expression. This involves stepping beyond old conditioning as well as trusting your own wisdom and divine capability to assume the role of being the only expert on you. In many ways this is a spiritual coming out, allowing your mastery and truth to shine so you can finally live in an authentic and empowered way. Let us assure you this is something that is celebrated and heralds great and profound change in your life for everything can now start to reflect the real you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

April 28

Dear Ones, you may find there are specific words connected to your enlightenment process that you are resistant to. This is often due to previous experiences that have left negative connotations associated to that word, either in this or other life expressions. It is perfectly ok to not like a specific word. What we recommend is replacing it with another word that feels better to you and will support your forward movement.
For example, you may not like the word power, but can stay completely non-resistant to the word empowerment. You might find mastery daunting but can embrace maturity. The word ascension might not sit well with you but you are more than open to the idea of the shift. You might find the word energy to be impersonal but can really connect with the idea of essence. This is all perfectly fine!
Your enlightenment journey is completely personal to you. There is no rule that says you must use any language associated with it. If, with your awareness, you recognize that a specific word or phrase creates resistance in you, simply feel into what it is trying to convey and find new words that soften it up and make it more comfortable for you to flow with. You are, after all, the director of your own cruise. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

April 27

The words mastery, sovereignty, and actuate may seem grandiose to you, but what they really mean is spiritual maturity. You might find the idea of spiritual maturity easier to embrace, as you already accept maturity is what happens as the natural result of accumulated growth and experience.
When you step into your spiritual maturity, you realize you are fully capable and in charge of your own energetics. You realize you are a bringer, not a catcher of energy. This will allow you to shine brightly and confidently like never before. You will feel prepared to embrace your own unique path and to create as you go.
Because your wisdom is leading the way, you will make far less mistakes than you did when you were younger, and if you do have an experience that is not your preference, you will simply redirect with mindfulness and self responsibility. This knowingness will make you far more willing to shift out of your head and into your heart.
Allow yourselves to show up as the mature, capable souls you are, Dear Ones, as that is the first step of reaping the fruits of your labour. From there you will guide yourselves beyond the old fears and belief systems that used to seem so real into the land of your true potential. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

April 26

What we want you to understand, Dear Ones, is as you are moving into this next exciting phase of your incarnation, you are stepping forward with spiritual maturity. You have never navigated your life with this level of maturity (embodiment) before. You are bringing the wisdom and knowledge of your soul with you, which means you can completely trust yourself and your ability to make the right choices and changes that have not been possible before. These are the times your soul has been excitedly waiting for. Savour them because you have worked hard to uncover the love and guidance you are and know you are well prepared for whatever you choose to create next. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

April 25

We speak so often of the importance of trust. It is an absolutely essential element for your spiritual journey. But there can be a shadow side of trust and that is what we would like to address today.
Trust is a power tool when it is used in an empowered way for co-creation. This means seeing yourself as an equally important partner in creation and taking those steps to do everything you can from your end. This involves staying in surrender and flow, watching for and following the signs, synchronicities, and inspirations as they come into your awareness, and being poised to move with what the energies are supporting.
If no movement is energetically supported, you still stay in the space of openness, acceptance, and willing expansion, allowing the unfoldment and continuing to explore how you can add to it from your end without trying to force or control things.
So how do you know if you have slipped into the shadow side of trust? If you are passively sitting, not taking any action to continue to expand and grow, and are waiting to be rescued. Any time you are wishing to be rescued, you are not embracing your authentic power.
We understand it can feel a bit confusing as you first step into co-creating, Dear Ones, but if you are always looking at it from an empowered space and using the tools outlined above, you will be moving with the energies beautifully.
You are learning this as a new skill and like anything else, with practice you will get better and better at it. With your awareness you will begin to identify and recognize the subtleties of co-creation and will find yourself getting much more adept at embracing your own sovereignty. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

April 24

By intending to move forward into the next phase of your incarnation as an empowered co-creator, you are also choosing to deepen your experience with trust, for you simply cannot embrace one without the other. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

April 23

Do you believe expansion needs to be painful? Many of you do. This is due to thinking of expansion as being stretched beyond your capacity.
But what if expansion could be joyful? Have you ever looked at people, animals, or places you love and felt your heart expanding? Have you ever been moved by music, an event, or act of kindness? The vast majority of you have had that experience, which proves you are capable of joyful expansion and that expansion can feel wonderful.
We urge you to explore any beliefs about your enlightenment journey that say it can only be hard, exhausting, or painful because those beliefs will create resistance towards your growth which can perpetuate discomfort. What other possibilities are there? As pioneers you can discover new ways of forward movement that can also contain excitement and open-hearted presence as part of that flow.
This is not to say that there may not be moments of discomfort, or that you are in some way doing it wrong if there are. But what we are saying is that opening up to the idea that expansion can occur joyfully can create new potentials for you, and add much more balance, acceptance, and wonder to your ascension process. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

April 22

We were recently asked by someone how they could be more loving toward their husband. They were not happy with how they were treating their partner, and wished to shift it. This is a common experience within relationships and we wished to discuss this today.
You cannot force yourself to be more loving if you do not feel loving. You cannot find a space of flow from the energy of resistance. You must add in another element that you are not resistant to. In the case of being more loving, we suggest you take your focus off love and put it on appreciation.
Simply focus on appreciating your partner. Look for the things you are grateful for that they do or say. Consciously choose to observe them, with an eye toward their wonderful traits. What are they good at? Think about all the ways their presence adds to your life.
If you do that, something magical will happen. Your love will suddenly begin to flow because you will have moved yourself into a space of non-resistance to them. You simply cannot appreciate something and resist it at the same time. Your appreciation will shift you into a heart space of love and acceptance, and from there you will connect with them in the loving way your soul has been wanting to do all along. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

April 21

Dear Ones, you are in an age where you are being exposed to a vast amount of information. We understand that at times this can be overwhelming, but this is accelerating your evolution. With so many voices and opinions it is allowing you to try on a lot of ideas, deciding on what is a match to you and what to leave behind.
When we say “try on” we mean just that. Consider what is being presented. Does it match who you are and what you believe? How does it fit energetically with your body? Is it empowering? Does it aid your expansion and growth? Does it support your own unique path? Does it feel right?
Just as you would try on a garment in a store, if it doesn’t fit you can leave it behind without having any attachment to it being wrong. Further, you can be at peace with the idea that it might be a perfect match for someone else. You don’t have to push against it, you can just try on something else until you find what is comfortable and suits your needs. You understand that it is just a process of self expression.
These accelerated energies can seem overwhelming at times, but you are well prepared for all of this for it is supporting your advancement into the next phase of your incarnation. You get to decide what fits you and supports you and your unique expression of self. Again, allow the noisiness to redirect you into the knowingness of your soul. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

April 20

Are you denying care for yourself? Are you consistently too busy to give yourself what you need? When you say no to yourself you are, in effect, transmitting a no to the universe. You are holding yourself outside of the love and support that is available to you, both from yourself, and from other sources. Remember, Dear Ones, you are always setting the energetic tone for what you will accept. We hope you will shift into receiving the many ways the universe can serve you, beginning within with your own loving care. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

April 19

The stronger an energy comes up for your attention, the greater the potential for healing exists. This is transformation in action. It shows that you are now ready to handle the change and make major leaps, both individually and collectively. Every trigger is an announced opportunity for deep healing. It simply would not be coming up in such a big way if it were not so. ~Archangel Gabriel though Shelley Young

April 18

The greatest gift that comes from intense energy and forging ahead in unprecedented times is it forces you to live through your heart and your inner knowingness, which is how the greatest transformations are made. The noisiness will always redirect you towards the peace and wisdom of your soul, and from there your perfect path is always discovered. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

April 17

We often speak of the essential elements of the Divine Combination which are surrender, faith, flow, and trust. But did you realize there is another essential element required to make the system truly divine? That missing element is you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

April 16

3D manifestation comes from the mind, and works within the parameters of what the mind thinks is possible. Higher vibrational creation comes from the heart and works with the highest potentials your soul wishes to experience. One serves the individual in a limited way, the other serves the entirety of you, and the whole, in an expansive way. Dear Ones, there is so much more available to you than what you can imagine. Trust enough to allow your heart, and your soul, take the lead. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

April 15

Dear Ones, the flow is an incredibly intelligent support system designed to give you exactly what you need, when you need it. It guides you, it supports you, it nurtures you, it leads you to any healing you may need, it navigates you beyond any blockages, it knows exactly how to put you in the right time/right place scenarios your soul desires. It is the sustenance of the universe. If you truly understood the comprehensive and customized service it provides for you, you would never choose to spend a single moment outside of its loving care. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

April 14

If you could settle into the absolute certainty that everything is unfolding exactly as it should with divine perfection (and it is!), what would that free you up to do? How would that change your focus? How much more grace and ease would you experience? How much more peace would you feel, and from that space of calm assuredness, what choices would you make?
The majority of your discomfort in any situation comes from resistance. Acceptance is the anti-dote to resistance. You can shift how you experience your reality right now through the elements of faith and trust, acceptance and allowing, presence and gratitude, and from there you will find the peace and comfort you seek as you navigate the various phases of your journey. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

April 13

We spoke yesterday of the role many enlightening human beings are finding themselves in, that of energetic stabilizer and space holder. We realize that many of you are tired and anxious to move forward. We wish to reassure you this is not a phase that lasts forever. In fact, it is quite a short yet pivotal phase.
Think of a child who is first learning to walk. You slow your steps for them. You are there for them to use to rebalance themselves should they stumble. You create the safe space for them to find a new way of navigating life.
By pacing yourself and patiently waiting for them to catch up if they lag behind, you are creating a space for them to hone and find confidence in their new abilities. In what seems like a blink of an eye, the child becomes much steadier on their feet and before you know it they are off and running on their own, excitedly exploring the world from their new vantage point and skill set.
So know this is a short, necessary, and sacred service you are offering. Even though your steps are slower, they are still forward moving. And before you know it, this service contract will be completed and you will be freed up to concentrate on your own accelerated expansion. All is well, Dear Ones. All is well. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

April 12

Dear Ones, we realize many of you feel frustrated by a lack of movement in your lives. We wish for you to know that you are making progress. Many of you have volunteered to take one step forward and then hold the space for the collective. Once they have integrated an energy, then you take another step forward, and so on. This is a phase, not a permanent position, and we wish for you all to know that progress is accumulating for you throughout it all, for serving the one must serve the whole and vice versa.
This will explain why during particularly intense energetic phases you feel inexplicably stalled, even though you feel like you shouldn’t be because you are applying all the spiritual tools you know. You have been acting as energetic stabilizers and space holders. Before long others will have integrated enough energy to begin to hold the space for themselves and for others and you will be swept into fast forward movement toward your heartfelt creations. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

April 11

Power is evolving, Dear Ones. The old 3D power models were outwardly focused, looking for the external to define the self, and generally served the one. They supported separation due to the fear of there not being enough for everyone.
The new higher vibrational power models are divine, authentic expressions of self, that begin within and create change that spreads outwardly to support the whole. They support unity consciousness and understand there is more than enough for everyone.
What it all boils down to is you are all getting your masters in empowerment, and that is what is making the shift that is happening on your planet so remarkable and transformative. You are dismantling the old and creating the new templates which support true, lasting, sustainable change. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

April 10

So many of you feel cautious about stepping into your authentic power and sovereignty because you don’t want to misuse it or fall into ego. Dear Ones, let us reassure you the fact that you are mindful and have a healthy respect of power is a sure sign you are more than ready to assume it. In fact, it is the next essential step of your evolutionary process. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

April 9

Staying in surrender, faith, flow, and trust is holding the space for your greatest manifestations to occur. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

April 8

There is no one size fits all journey to enlightenment. That is the beauty of it, the fact that you can find a way that fits you, your personality, your needs, your self expression, your soul’s agenda, your purpose. It is completely unique and personal.
When you hear teachings or methods from various teachers or healers, they are simply guidelines. Some might work wonderfully for you and your unique energetics, others may not. It is important to not get stalled if something doesn’t give you results. All movement is forward movement! If you try something and it doesn’t work, it is redirecting you towards what will. Keep trying until you find what that is!
What we are trying to encourage you to do is give yourself the permission and freedom to try many different things. Experiment! Play! Use your imagination and intuition to try different colours, words, affirmations, visualizations, or any other techniques that feel good and right to you that support your own expansion and healing.
There is no greater expert on you than you, Dear Ones. Take the guidance you receive from others that resonates with you as a foundation and then feel free to customize it and grow it from there, for that is exactly how you guide yourselves in the most empowered ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

April 7

As you step fully into the next stage of your incarnations as empowered co-creators, navigating your path through your beingness and what would bring you joy, it can initially be difficult to choose what it is you would like to experience because you are working in vastly expanded energies that contain so many potentials and possibilities.
This is much like a small child walking into a huge toy store for the first time. At first, they are awed by the vastness of it all, and can only stand at the doorway and stare. After a few moments though, they will assimilate into their new environment and be ready to explore with excitement and open expectation.
They don’t know what they want because they haven’t explored the store yet, but they may know that they love dolls so they naturally gravitate to that section. From there, they can choose what would be the best match for them from a variety of options they didn’t even know existed, embracing their expansion with joy and wonder.
The same it is for you in expanded new energies. Explore. Look for the essence of what you love and be willing to be amazed by the new ways it can show up for you that you had never imagined before. Allow your heart and your joy to lead the way and know it is absolutely safe for you to surrender into the full experience of it all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

April 6

We often speak of moving into the energies of grace and ease. The word ease speaks for itself. Today we would like to offer our definition of the word grace. Grace, simply put, is embodiment of acceptance, both of your own divinity and the divine perfection of everything around you. It is embracing the flow with complete faith and trust, a beautiful and willing dance partner of a universe you know completely supports and adores you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

April 5

How do you know if you are in an energetic space that is conducive to manifesting? Check in with your body. If you are holding tension, particularly in your abdominal area it is a sure sign you are constraining your creations and your flow. You simply cannot create from a space of constriction.
Loosen up. Adjust your body and the thoughts you have about your creation until you can feel ease in your body when you think of it. Understand creation is a flow. Experiment until you find the tools that help you stay in that flow and you will be in the perfect alignment to bring your dreams to life. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

April 4

Surrendering into the flow with your complete faith and trust is exactly what puts you in an energetic space that opens the door for miracles to occur. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

April 3

Miracles are divine manifestations beyond what you could ever imagine being possible. They can occur at any time, all that is required is an openness to receive them and a willingness to make room for them in your life. The more you can release the urge to control your manifestations and constrain what you think is possible (and thus, what you are willing to receive), the more you can be surprised and delighted by a universe that knows and wishes to deliver to you the highest outcomes you are not even aware of. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

April 2

As you shift from doing to being, you may release many things from your life. This is in preparation for the cocooning phase. It is creating the sacred space for your transformation to occur. Once you have had the time to discover and settle into the full acceptance of your true essence you will emerge again, adding into your life what matches your new state of being, and move forward into the next phase of your incarnation in a far more empowered and congruent way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

April 1

If you have been feeling overwhelmed, it is a wonderful opportunity to step back and simplify your life. What are you hanging on to out of habit that is expired and ready to go? What are you taking on that isn’t yours that others can easily step in and take over? How can you simplify your diet to foods that are natural, vibrant, and nutritious? How can you make room for the enjoyment of life’s simple pleasures?
Many of you have become distracted by the busyness that can come from being influenced by societal norms. Enlightening human beings are realizing more and more that quiet and simplicity in their lives are essential in order to connect and create the peace their soul craves. Making space for greater stillness allows you to better connect with your own needs, inner knowingness, and guidance.
One of the greatest transitions you will ever make will be the shift from doing to being, and seeing each as equally valuable and necessary depending upon which phase of the evolutionary process you are in. Once you move into the acceptance of the importance and incredible power of your beingness, what you begin to create will be a beautiful match to who you really are and what you wish to experience because you will be emanating your purest, most beautiful energetic vibration, and that, Dear Ones, is embodiment. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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