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March 27

REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (Admiration for authorities)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will also talk about the things that prevent you from acting in a confident way moving towards your Ascension and being completely dedicated to it.
One of them is your ineradicable habit to idolize someone – those who you look up at and whose lips you hang on.
This habit has been imposed on your subconscience for centuries.
In order to implement their programme “Divide and rule” all through the history reptiloids have been creating and “beefing up” artificial authorities in all the spheres of your life.
And since all the mass media have always been in their power these “authorities” are imposed rather vigorously.
People have got so used to relying on somebody else’s opinion they have “on authority” that they don’t believe themselves any more.
And these things still take place in the esoteric circles as well, which I have already told you about in many of my messages.
Pure human souls’ credulity sometimes goes beyond all borders and they are eager to follow advice of anyone who forcefully expresses their opinion with confidence generously giving advice on how to live and what to do, in some cases, even to complete strangers.
Well, their advice is certain to be helpful to some people, yet people are so different that it is just impossible to find a single recipe for everybody.
That is why all my messages answer the one and only purpose: teach you to be self-sufficient and responsible for your own life, trust only yourselves and listen only to your Soul making all the decisions INDEPENDENTLY.
So as to let you better understand how destructive idolizing someone can be for you I will explain the energy issue of the process.
In this particular case by the word “authority” I mean anyone whose “competent” opinion you rely on.
Let’s image the following.
You come to a lecture of a well-known and boosted in the Internet guru or a channeler who arranges their talk with the Higher Powers of the Universe “live”.
As a rule, mass sessions like this are usually arranged by people, more often NOT people, with very low vibration frequency but very high self-esteem charging fees at that.
Finding themselves in their energy field the audience gets severely attacked by the astral beings manipulating the channeler.
Any mass session organized by the “guru” turns into a real feast for them.
And this is the reason why it happens.
Since the audience unintentionally gets resonated to the energy wave of the lecturer and, consequently, to their vibration frequency, the astral beings, who feed on this kind of energy, are given full play, which means new sources of energy.
When the lecture is over people carry away these uninvited guests with them – in their subtle bodies – and they are quite difficult or, in some cases, impossible to get rid of, if one becomes a dedicated follower of such “a guru”.
You would be horrified if you knew how many light human souls have been misled from the straight and narrow by the people like this who are more likely to be authoritarian than competent.
Therefore, my dear ones, I ask you, please, each time you are overwhelmed by your curious mind and admiration for the latest “celebrity” remember the saying “You shall not make for yourself a graven image” and ask your own Soul whether this person is worth your attention or not.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly Father-Absolute spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on March 27, 2019

March 20


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to round up with the series of messages on self-cognition and self-esteem.
These notions have a lot in common, yet, they differ at the same time.
While self-cognition presupposes work of Soul and getting to know oneself from inside self-esteem is greatly influenced by outside factors, which was spoken about in detail in my previous messages.
So, why is it so important to thoroughly get to know oneself – cognize and objectively estimate oneself?
To cut a long story short, it is essential in order to live your life, not anybody else’s.
Sad as it may be, the overwhelming majority of people in the world live not their lives but those imposed on them by parents, society, religion, traditions, mass media, friends and relatives…
Therefore, from incarnation to incarnation they go round in a circle.
Their Souls don’t get the experience They came on Earth for because They can’t reach out to the persons who got used to live as others tell.
Reptiloids have managed in full to make their dream come true: to drive human conscience to submission.
But the current affairs on Earth really make them panic.
More and more people start to revive realizing that all this time they used to be entrapped by CONVENTIONS and lived not their genuine life but the one imposed on them from outside.
And new high vibration frequency energies do their job slow but sure.
Layer after layer they wash away the duality dirt off humans and they remember themselves real – free, independent, light and loving themselves and the world around them.
Having recovered from the 3D world stupor even those who haven’t heard of the Ascension of Earth, start to feel physical and spiritual changes in the air.
Although they don’t understand quite well what is going on with them the process of their conscience transformation has already been triggered and it is impossible to stop it.
So, the first step towards new life can be self-cognition and self-esteem based on quite different criteria.
More and more people stand out of the crowd that reptiloids so diligently have been driving them into for thousands of years.
These people start finding THEIR OWN PATH but to find it they should first cognize and objectively estimate themselves.
They start understanding they have come on Earth WITH A CERTAIN MISSION, not to live a standard life just like anybody else.
They start searching for their true destination and develop the unique talents and abilities they possess.
They start attracting their congenial souls who also dream of breaking free from the world with reigning division energies that have become alien to them.
Such kind of stratification of society is getting obvious though it happens rather slowly.
Unfortunately, money and power are still in the grip of reptiloids and they are not going to give them of their own free will.
Their recent attempts in keeping human conscience under control resulted in mass chipping of people that is being widely introduced right now in many countries of the world under the forced pretext of people’s “convenience” and “benefit”.
That is why I ask you, my dear ones, be alert and let only YOUR OWN feelings and views guide you in your life, not those ones imposed on you from aside no matter how “appealing” the way they are suggested is and how “wisely” the reasons are grounded.
And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly Father-Absolute spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on March 20, 2019

March 19

REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (Religion’s influence on human self-esteem)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
And in conclusion, we will speak about the way religion influences human conscience.
Despite the fact that energy egregors of all main religions of the world have recently weakened to a considerable extent most people are still in the grip of religious dogmas still celebrating religious holidays and following the rituals connected with them.
Reptiloids are well aware of what powerful a tool religion is in controlling human conscience so they maintain, might and main, egregors of all religious confessions having this way conscience of millions of people in the hollow of their hands.
All through the ages there existed a firm belief that religiosity is an essential part of decency and following all religious rituals is a guarantee of spiritual purity.
As a matter of fact, this is how humans’ conscience was enslaved IN TERMS OF ENERGY and how they were depersonalized with slavish psychology being raised.
Due to clear-cut religious rituals people are made to choose the style of behaviour based on obedience and submissiveness – just the things that answer the purpose of shadow world government.
High caste reptiloids, unlike people, realize quite well how powerful energy is so they try to direct it the way they need and religions are their first mate in this respect.
In the scope of centuries they succeeded to create a clear system of principles, customs and traditions that influence human self-esteem enormously.
Thus, the one zealously respecting all religious rules considers themselves to be an ideal of a citizen and is regarded the same by others so it means that their self-esteem is rather high.
While another one who for some reasons doesn’t do so feels guilty and somewhat inferior which results in a dramatic decrease in their self-esteem.
In truth, both religionism and feeling guilty for not following religious principles have nothing to do with God as it is since long ago that human beings don’t need any intermediary between themselves and God whose particle lives in anyone’s Soul, consequently, anyone is a human God.
The paradox is that it is the true knowledge about humans that is hidden from them by all the world religions concealing their Divine essence, depersonalizing them this way and decreasing their self-esteem.
One aware of one’s Divine origin becomes free from any religious dogmas and develops one’s self-esteem on the basis of quite different criteria and, consequently, quite different energies.
Instead of slave-like obedience to God and ministers of church – the so-called “representatives” of God on Earth, they feel Love and Gratitude towards Creator for having His particle in them.
Their self-esteem is based on the feeling of responsibility to themselves and others for their actions and level of conscience correspondence to those of a human God’s born on Earth in a physical body and for being capable to carry out the great mission they arrived on the planet for during the hard times of the Transmission of Earth and humanity into another dimension.
And all the Higher Powers of the Universe help them with this filling their bodies and conscience with the highest vibration frequency energies whereas people who remain within strictly determined religious patterns go on living in the energies typical of their faith’s egregors that prevent them from breaking free from duality which lays the foundation of any religion.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly Father-Absolute spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on March 19, 2019

March 19

REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (Mass media’s influence on human self-esteem)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will speak about the influence of mass media on your self-esteem.
It will not be an exaggeration to call them “weapons of mass destruction”, for they are really destructive for human Souls.
Newspapers, magazines, television for millions of people have turned into “trendsetters” and over the last decades they have also been joined by the Internet.
Being totally at reptiloids’ disposal all the mass media impose on people the life style that meets interests of reptiloids.
In a cunning and sophisticated manner they thoughtfully form the consumer society guiding human conscience the way they need.
We have already spoken a lot about this but today we will focus on the energy issue of the process.
So, let’s see what happens, for example, to someone watching “beautiful” life of the rich they can’t afford even a thousandth part of.
Here a lot depends on their spiritual development level.
A human being with a wise ancient soul is perfectly aware that money doesn’t make people happy and true tragedies can develop behind the beautiful picture and they have to pay dearly for the excessive material welfare.
That is why in terms of energy they are not affected by this: they are self-sufficient and quite happy with the things they have, so their self-esteem will not change.
What about a young and inexperienced soul in the same situation?
They will be severely attacked in terms of energy based on jealousy, envy, greediness and inferiority complex.
The more often they watch programmes and read articles about luring beautiful life the more sound position will get in them these negative energies ruining their soul and body ultimately seizing their thoughts and emotions.
They gradually become obsessed by the idea to get everything insistently advertised at every turn and in all the mass media: everything expensive, prestigious and in high demand.
They can’t think about anything else but this and their self-esteem is totally determined by their ability to follow the lifestyle imposed by invisible manipulators of their conscience.
And if they manage to achieve the desirable level of welfare they regard themselves as happy people quite sincerely – their self-esteem will rise to the sky.
If they fail to do so they regard themselves as losers and feel they are in the others’ opinion too.
Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of people on Earth live this way – try to embrace the unembraceable and to keep up with the consumer society with all it has to offer in abundance.
And it is not till recently that high vibration frequency energies have arrived on Earth and started forcing out these 3D world energies that drive people to uncontrolled and unflagging consumption of all kinds of material goods and services.
People start thinking about other life values and it means estimating themselves they rely on quite different criteria.
And this tendency will gain in strength during coming years, for it is possible to survive on the new Earth only for those who will be able to transform their mentality and outlook from dual into unipolar to get resonated this way with the new vibrations of Earth.
Loving you endlessly Father-Absolute spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on March 19, 2019

March 14

REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (Ego’s influence on human self-esteem)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will speak about the way human self-esteem is influenced by Ego that in the 3D world plays an important role in life of many people.
Why does this happen?
Before all, because Ego has turned into a survival tool in the dual world substituting Soul that didn’t stand up to “the competition” and moved to the background.
Being at the subtle level it is so hard for Soul to reach out to a human being that lives in the material world.
While Ego exercises total control over human conscience as a full-fledged master.
Possessing low frequency vibrations of the 3D world Ego exists under its laws and it quite often asserts itself to the prejudice of other people struggling for its place in the sun in accordance with the laws being too far from the Divine ones.
So, what is Ego the almighty – the one that for the majority of people has turned into the main obstacle on their spiritual development path?
In fact, it is an energy substance artificially produced by reptiloids which is forcibly introduced into the subtle bodies’ structure of human beings.
It is possible to call human Ego a means of survival for reptiloids who consume low vibration frequency energy.
The one with no Ego and guided by the upper chakras turns into “a saint” consequently depriving reptiloids of energy infeed.
This energy “modification” of humans was certain to be implemented little by little, for their Divine being didn’t lose its ground straight away.
But reptiloids have gained a victory enjoying its benefits up till now.
And now humans have to make enormous efforts destroying age-old customs and traditions so as to return to genuine themselves – to regain their Divinity.
To make it happen they must get rid of their Ego that influences their self-esteem to a large extent either praising them to the sky or dethroning them depending on the life lessons being learnt and the manner they take hardships on the way.
Being a product of low energies human Ego is closely connected with the astral beings of all levels.
Yet, it also follows its own path of evolution as it is an independent energy substance.
So, a spiritually advanced person’s Ego is out of reach of low astral beings while high astral beings still influence it.
A vivid example of this is people who switched over to Service but being influenced by the astral beings nourishing their Ego with pride and self-admiration energies they stray failing to manage their insatiable Ego that drags them back to the 3D world.
In the world of the Fifth dimension which, slow but sure, humanity is moving to, Ego will become an unnecessary rudiment, for Soul will eventually play the leading role there.
To take over Ego that reigned in the dual world and effected humans’ self-esteem to a great extent there will come up their unique individuality showing itself for the highest good of all to their joy and others’ delight.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly Father-Absolute spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on March 14, 2019

March 21


Greetings, my dear beloved earthlings!
Today I would like to communicate a message of my own as a commander-in-chief of the galaxy fleet and share with you my impressions of the things happening on Earth.
As you already know, my spaceships have been supervising your planet for some years, so we can assess the dynamics of events development on Earth.
And this is what we see.
In general, the mankind has changed the overall vibration frequency rate for the last decade.
At this point I mean only humans.
Reptiloids can’t change no matter how strong their wish may be as they don’t have at their disposal any subtle sense organs capable of perceiving new high vibrations of Earth.
The same applies to clones who totally lack any chakra system.
So, the picture we observe from above the subtle plane of Earth is as follows.
In big cities in huge crowds of people with dark and heavy energy space there are humans with beautiful voluminous auras that are “the highlight of the night”.
They automatically absorb surrounding people who also start glowing, not that bright as the source of this Light, though.
Their auras range of action change sometimes even within minutes depending on the emotion a human feels at the moment.
For the last months there have appeared more people with rather steady energy field that sometimes embraces large areas of several dozens of meters and even kilometers, in rare cases.
All this denotes that high vibration frequency energies coming to Earth nowadays are filling you more and more and it is people being embodied who start influencing the overall vibration frequency rate of Earth.
And in order to achieve energy stability you should change your subconscious programmes.
In other words, feeling of being responsible for yourself and your Earth should be qualitatively transformed into your subconscious one. Just like fear with all its manifestations that once seized the subconscience of 3D world humans, so should the feeling of absolute certainty of Earth and all the mankind Transmission into the Fifth dimension make your subconscience their home from now on, as well as the feeling of being in perfect security and safety guaranteed by the Higher Powers of the Universe and your Galaxy family.
And this is how you can do this.
Imagine your subconscience as a big beautiful and brightly lit sphere with lots of treasures kept inside that are nice and safe behind the thick impenetrable membrane.
The treasures are your belief in yourself and your great future, your certainty of being always supported by your Heavenly Safeguards, of your Earth’s transmitting into the Fifth dimension and your transmitting, too, having tuned to the planet’s vibrations.
The treasures are Unconditional and Unlimited Love towards yourself, your kith and kin, towards distant relations and even complete strangers, as well as your enemies who are your main teachers.
The treasures are unconditional acceptance of all life events as unique and invaluable experience of the Soul.
Let this sphere of your “subconscience” free of any 3D world energies glow running the gamut and saturating the space around with new energies of the Fifth dimension.
And we will indulge in watching this brilliant image from above and feel happy for our earthly brothers and sisters’ sake.
Loving you with all my heart Ashtar Sheran spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on March 21, 2019

March 17

News from the Galactic Federation of Light (March 17, 2019)

Greetings, our dear earthlings!
Today I am asked to communicate a message on behalf of the GLF.
It says about our role in keeping the vibrational rate of Earth balanced that in recent months shows up in leaps, which affects the physical state of both the planet and the people.
Why does it happen?
First of all, it happens because of the gap between the new vibration frequency of Earth and the dual world vibration frequency getting bigger and bigger with every single day.
That is the reason why the space-time continuum of your planet starts dramatically changing its parameters.
Many of you, probably, notice that time flies these days.
And some of you could see space refraction after meditations or when you happen to be in harmony.
This is exactly the way the Fifth dimension shows itself at the physical level and the process will inevitably gain in speed.
But we understand that the humanity is not ready for those rapid changes yet and at the last sitting of the GLF there was made a decision to take measures in order to moderate the process so as not to interrupt with the usual life rhythm of earthlings and to give them opportunity to extend the Ascension dates, which will result in the largest possible number of people capable to make the Transmission together with Earth.
You see, our dear ones, despite increasing number of natural disasters all over the planet human casualties are not many.
It is accounted for by the fact that our spaceships are patrolling Earth and screening the most dangerous sites and moderating the elements’ energy at the most crucial moments.
But our interference is limited, for there is no one to change the course of events.
All we can do for you is to minimize disasters’ effects limiting them to property damage and saving as many human lives as possible.
The overwhelming majority of our spaceships are not visible to you yet as they are masked by the clouds, still some of them are identified by humans and their appearance is covered by the mass media.
We do this on purpose so as to make humans accustomed to our presence in the near-earth space.
And we see it has already given good results: a lot of people are sure of our peaceful intentions having noticed no hostile actions on our side and no negative consequences of our arrival.
Why are we spotted mostly in cities?
As a matter of fact, to a great extent, big crowds of people are responsible for bringing discord into the interaction of the old energies and the new ones upsetting the overall vibrational rate of Earth.
Open places reigned by nature are so harmonious by themselves that they don’t require our assistance.
What is the way in which we influence your planet’s overall vibrational rate?
We have designed specific technologies that enable high and low vibration energies to interact so as not to repel each other when in contact but pass through double-sided filter that makes their parameters average.
And with the help of our spaceships we have spread “a filter” like this all over your planet’s surface.
It resembles an air interlayer by means of which there takes place the mingling of different vibration frequency energies.
So, we hope it will help you to adjust to the process of the new energy arrival on your planet.
With love to all the earthlings,
Ashtar Sheran spoke to you on behalf of the Galaxy Light Federation.
Channeled by Marta on March 17, 2019
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