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February 28

Love is a comforter, a soother, a reassurer, a healer, a connector, and an essential tool for growth and evolution. Those are just some its many wonderful abilities!
When times are chaotic it can be hard to imagine how love can transform those energies. The energies of hate, anger, or discord are not stronger than love. Those energies are just louder.
Dear Ones, never think louder equates stronger. While love is a seemingly quieter energy, that is where its power lays. It is an anchor, a constant, a stabilizer that creates a space for people to find their balance again. It is pouring a soothing healing balm over inflamed pain.
Your love is your greatest gift and blessing, both for yourself and for others. As more and more enlightening human beings embrace being beacons of love, your world will be supported in moving into the peace and unity you all yearn for. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 27

Dear Ones, change is a beautiful combination of intention and consistency. Are your actions matching your new desires more than your old habits and patterns?
You don’t need to be in perfect compliance to create change. Small consistent efforts add up very quickly. Please know there is profound power in putting action into your intentions, for it anchors what you want more of and directs your flow.
What action can you take, right now, to support your greatest dreams and highest life expression? Your dreams are your desires in energetic form. Action is your physically manifested declaration of self. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 26

Every time you seek to separate yourself it is an indication of a part of you that is wounded and feeling vulnerable. The more you can love, nurture, and encourage that part of you that seeks to separate itself, the more you will create the safe conditions for healing and integration to occur. This will ultimately result in empowering yourself to have the courage and confidence to step forward into the discovery of your greatest life expression. Your self love and awareness is truly all you need to guide yourself back to wholeness and into the endless potentials that then become possible from that healed space. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 25

Many of you think of boundaries as being hard, permanent lines that are drawn, but in fact, boundaries are fluid just like everything else in your experience.
There will be times people will need more assistance because they are struggling. There may be other instances where it is time to allow them to discover their divine capability by letting them stand on their own.
And there may be times when, for whatever reason, others are not able to treat you the way you deserve. For the highest good of all involved they must be moved away from your inner circle until they are able to reconnect from a space of mutual respect and honour.
The thing to remember about all of this is that you can still love someone regardless of where they are in proximity to you. It can be helpful to remember that it is never loving to allow someone to continually show up in a lesser expression of self.
Boundaries are really about the safety and empowerment of everyone involved. These decisions are best made one instance at a time, based on the reality and needs of where everyone is at the present moment. They are an opportunity for you to be fair, both to yourself and to others, from a space of love and wisdom. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 24

Many enlightening human beings have had life expressions that have involved them seemingly carrying all of the weight. This is because they have come onto the planet with service contracts and have tried to honour those contracts with the martyred service paradigm.
You are now all understanding that your service was never intended to leave you out of the care and love you have so generously given. You are starting to include yourselves in your unconditional love, and starting to come out of your solitary existences and connect with others again.
Because of the heavy lifting of the first phase of your incarnation, many of you are afraid to shine your brightest and move into your expansion because of old fears. You may believe that you will be persecuted if you step forward in a more visible way, or that it will only add to your burden. It is essential to release these fears as you move forward into the next phase of your incarnation.
What if you could embrace new potentials and possibilities that allow your service to be not only bigger but easier? What if you released martyred service for joyful, supported service? The assistance will always be there for you if you make room for it and are willing to accept it. This is about moving into the flow of both giving AND receiving.
The easiest way to move into a new way of being is stepping into incrementally. If you have a fear of shining brightly we suggest you create a new affirmation or mission statement that directly addresses that. We suggest something along the lines of, “It is safe to shine a little brighter every day and it feels wonderful in every way.”
You can have it all, Dear Ones. You can honour your deep commitment to service in a way that is expansive, connected, joyful, satisfying, supported, safe, and empowering to all. In fact, that is the shift from separation to wholeness your soul simply cannot wait to make. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 23

In some cases the act of surrender can bring you right up against a blockage you have been struggling with. Do not let this make you think surrender makes things worse or doesn’t work! The reason why it may take you to your biggest challenge is because this time you can navigate it with the assistance of your universal team who now, because you have surrendered, have the permission to help you and to guide you to its resolution. If you don’t panic and stay in the surrender, faith, flow, trust model of the Divine Combination, you will finally move above and beyond it in ways you couldn’t have imagined or created on your own and will then be able to truly start to discover the life that has been beckoning to you all along. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 22

We invite you to remember a time when, as you look back, you see how every single element came together to give you a perfect result. It might have been when you suddenly felt drawn to buy a lottery ticket and won. It might have been showing up at the exact moment that allowed you to meet someone who ended up having a profound impact on your life. Or it may have been a time when you were delayed, only to discover had you been on time you would have been involved in an accident.
These events are not rare, in fact, they are exactly how your life unfolds all the time, just some events are more recognizable than others. We wish for you to know that this is exactly what is happening in your life right now. As you read this the universe is orchestrating your next great alignment, your next important intersection, your next wonderful surprise. Your job is to simply follow the flow and accept the timing, which is always, always divinely perfect for your highest outcome. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 21

Dear Ones, the service paths on your planet are as vast and varied as the needs of your planet and her inhabitants are. Please do not compare your service to that of others! One is not better than another. All are equally valid and essential.
So if you are in a space where you feel you must withdraw and focus on your own growth, do not make yourself wrong for that. Every healing that occurs within a human being supports the planet in a myriad of ways. Do not worry that you are not doing enough because your growth is your service.
If you feel drawn to offer service in one specific way, do not feel the need to push others to mirror your service, for every service path is unique to each person’s incarnation and is dependant upon their own skill set and soul mission. You all come onto the planet with specific interests and passions for a reason.
Just as there are many different paths people can take on their enlightenment journey, so it is with service. It is designed that way to meet the needs of the whole. Celebrate each other in your efforts and thank those who are doing different service work than you for that is what gives you the opportunity to focus on your unique offerings.
And if you find yourself stepping into service that a lot of other people offer, please know you are still required as there is no one else who can offer your unique blend of self and Source and that is what will make your service special and necessary. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 20

If you have a situation that doesn’t seem to be budging, we advise you to explore how you can expand it. What is the easiest way to expansion? Love. Give the situation love, for it is the greatest transformational tool you have and it is accessible to you, always. Simply put, you cannot flow love and be in resistance at the same time. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 19

Cruise ships have stabilizers to make your voyage safe, successful, and comfortable. Did you know you also have stabilizers for your journey? They are called faith and trust. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 18

Many of you are sensitives and empaths, and as such, have developed various ways of diminishing the intensity of how much you feel. One approach to this is to spend more time connected to the higher realms, where it is more comfortable to feel due to the subtleness, peace, and safety of those energies.
One of the major themes you are currently experiencing on your enlightenment journey is learning how to be fully in the body and feel. This will mean many of you will be learning how to be in charge of your own energetics. This will result in stepping away from the many ways you have distracted yourselves from feeling.
There is a pervasive belief amongst those who are empathic that their depth of feeling is somewhat of a curse. As you move forward in your mastery you will come to see it as a great blessing and will learn how you can fully enjoy your time in the body, on the planet.
It will become what you lead with, how you navigate, and most of all, how you finally allow yourself the presence to experience the vast beauty and joy that is available to you, and embrace the fullness of the love that you are. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 17

Your real evolution begins when you can switch your focus from your inner critic to your inner wise one who will lovingly hold the space for you as you heal and grow. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 16

Dear Ones, there is much energetic power in a single word. If you are feeling challenged you can activate what it is you are wishing to experience by simply finding the word that expresses what you would prefer.
For example, let us suppose you are having trouble physically doing something such as opening a jar. If you try and struggle, simply say the word “strong” and try again. You will find you have activated the energetic boost you require.
A single word is the most powerful expression of its unique energy. And you have so many to choose from! A new word will automatically shift the energy of your situation and point you in a new direction with a different outcome.
Adjusting your energy does not need to be a complicated process. You are the captain of your own ship and can redirect any time you like through the empowered choice of a new intention which can be perfectly expressed by a single word. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 15

There is an interesting phenomenon that is happening on earth. Traditionally people who were on their healing/enlightenment journeys would do their healing work remotely when it came to pastlives and the retrieval of soul fragments, often through the use of meditation, dream states, or hypnosis. While this was certainly adequate, this has been changing over the past few years, which is another mile marker of how far you have evolved.
Now many enlightening human beings are physically visiting the places where the wound happened and where the healing can occur. This has shifted it from being a healing opportunity for the human being, into being both a healing for the person and for the land. The healing that comes from visiting those particular sites moves the person into a greater state of wholeness and also anchors that state of transmutation and wholeness into the land itself. It becomes twofold healing.
You may be led to visit places you had never considered before. You may find yourself in such a place having an emotional reaction, which is always an indication that this sort of process is occurring. It is remarkable service to both yourselves, and the planet, that you are now journeying on the earth on your healing quests. This is another aspect of the shift that is showing you the progress that has been made and your emerging mastery in the realm of physicality. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 14

Love is a beautiful combination of acceptance and connection. On this day that focuses on love, we celebrate your heart connections with you.
What if you don’t have a beloved in your life? You can still celebrate that connection because your soul always knows exactly how to connect with the energy of your next great love. Simply stop, still yourself, and feel their presence energetically. Honour their existence, and feel the love that already exists between the two of you!
The same it is for the loved ones you already know who may not be in close physical proximity to you on this day. Simply close your eyes, connect with them, and feel their loving embrace. Wrap them up in your love!
Dear Ones, the energy of love transcends time, space, and physicality. It is a glorious energy that can be acknowledged and shared in many different dimensions and ways, all of which are equally valid and beautiful.
While you are at it, why not open up and feel the immense love we have for you? This day is a day to honour and embrace the many different ways love can be felt and expressed, which, in turn, creates ripples of love across the universe. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 13

There are many great gifts that come from what you consider to be intense energies. They offer the opportunity to move the old up and out. They provide clarity on what you are doing well, what you could improve, and what you are ready to tackle based on this latest level of attainment. They transform you and are proof positive you are ready for the next step.
But more than anything, they help you deepen the skills of surrender, faith, flow, and trust, along with intuitive self care, acceptance, and love, and those are the essential skills required to thrive in the new energies.
They also require you to remember and apply what you know, and to keep redirecting back into your heart and your beingness. In essence, they assist you in the embodiment of your highest expression of self in all ways and that is exactly what you have been journeying towards all along. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 12

Dear Ones, it is safe to trust in your growth, your knowledge, your wisdom, and your divine capability as you guide yourselves into the next exciting phase of your incarnation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 11

A very common limiting belief is that love is hard to find. Please know your soul always knows exactly how to connect with your beloved. Send out a clarion call to your soul companion with your heart. Send them a telepathic message letting them know where to find you. Feel their presence. Announce to the universe, “I call my next great love to me now. I am ready.”
Your declarations have great power, Dear Ones. Feeling the presence of your beloved, even if it is only energetically to start, is a great practice for it allows you to feel the relationship as existing already rather then being off in some unknown future. Using these simple techniques can pave the way to your next relationship for it shifts the energy around love for you and combines intention with action, which the universe will always respond to. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 10

If you have a limiting belief that you keep repeating like a mantra, we recommend you find the energetic antidote to replace it with.
For example, if you have a belief that it is not safe to trust anyone, you could imagine it being energetically released from you with whatever imagery works for you, and replace it with a new statement.
So perhaps you have a belief that only fools trust other people. A wonderful and far more empowering belief would be, “I trust wisely and with discernment.” So see the old one crumbling away or dissipating and see the new one written out and settling into your energy field. When you find the new statement that gives you healing you will feel a subtle but distinct shift in your heart centre.
You can do this with anything you feel is holding you back or any area where you feel stuck. You could replace “Nothing is coming together for me” with “Things are manifesting for me with grace and ease.” You could replace “No one understands me” with “I am seen, honoured, and appreciated in my truth.” “Life is hard” with “I shift my life into being a wonderful adventure”.
Do you see? You are the author of your own life expression and there is tremendous power to your words and belief systems. Write down your limiting self talk whenever you catch it so you can begin to rewrite it.
If you don’t catch your thoughts on the way by, which is very common for old beliefs because they have been with you for so long, that is ok. Simply wait until you are feeling particularly uncomfortable and then explore the feelings behind that discomfort. Once you identify the feelings, you will be able to uncover the words you repeat that support those feelings and then proceed with the rewriting process.
This is a very easy and powerful technique that is absolutely available to everyone. For every shift you go through, there are more old beliefs that can be uncovered and reworked to better honour what you really want and deserve. And if you need some assistance in the creation of your new statements, we are always available to help. Simply call on us for assistance for it is our greatest honour to serve you in your empowerment and evolution. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 9

Embracing the unfoldment allows the foundation for your highest life expression to take form. It makes your dreams possible and sustainable. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 8

We understand that your mind wants assurances. But the way to create into your grandest experiences and creations is to get comfortable with unfoldment and the great beyond.
Your mind will always seek to constrain and control through habit. That is the old, conditioned way. As pioneers you are on the planet to lead through expansion. This involves getting comfortable in co-creation – being comfortable with both what you can see, and what is beyond your realm of experience.
Unfoldment is the way to allow the greatest outcome to every single aspect of your life. Love is an unfoldment. Healing is an unfoldment. Growth is an unfoldment. Enlightenment is an unfoldment.
So what if we get tired, you ask? What if all that forward movement is too difficult or taxing? Dear Ones, that is exactly why the flow has periods of both ebb and flow contained within it. It will move you at the perfect pace for your comfort and success.
So we urge you to be aware of any way you constrain or control, whether consciously or unconsciously. Release that old way of doing things whenever you become aware you have slipped into old habits and be wise enough to allow the unfoldment to serve you. You will be amazed at how much more has been possible for you all along. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 7

You are goodness personified. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 6

A common theme that is coming up for healing for a great many of you is the belief that you are not good enough. This belief sits at the bottom of all self imposed limitations. It is impossible to step into your highest life expression and still carry this false belief. It would amount to trying to leap with an anvil tied around your neck.
It is time for you to embrace this truth – you are enough. You are more than enough. You are good. You are innately good. The fact that you are reading this post and interested in self improvement proves that point.
Your ascension process is about the rediscovery of your own unique goodness – your true divine essence. There has never, ever been a time that you have not been good enough. You are all individuated aspects of God. As such, how could you be anything other than good enough? In fact, how could you be anything less than spectacular?
Release that old belief that was only designed to make you obey someone else’s desires who had no ability to see you in your own truth and beauty. Commit to never re-wounding yourself with that old judgment with your own self talk. Let your essence shine, beautifully and brightly for that is exactly how we see you – as beautiful, bright, courageous souls, driving the shift on your planet as tender, sensitive beings of love. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 5

If you are trying to create or move into something and it feels completely stuck, it is because there is a missing energetic ingredient that is required for its manifestation. This could be the energy of a certain person, an additional element, an energetic shift that is required for you to move into full resonance with it, or simply an alignment that comes with divine timing.
So if something feels stalled, how can you expand it? What can you add to it? What new energy can you infuse it with? There is great power in setting a broader intention or to expand what you are willing to receive, and surrendering into casting that wider net.
Check in with your body. Are you feeling contracted? You cannot create from a space of constriction. Feel into what you can add or loosen up for your creation until your own energy feels expansive. That is when you know you have shifted out of fear, doubt, and control and back into your heart, the space you always wish to create from.
If you have done all of those things and still nothing is happening, it is a matter of the universe pulling the elements for you that will all come together in the best timing to assure your success. Use the time you have to continue to grow and evolve in other ways, or to simply rest in faith and trust and engage in activities that bring you joy. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 4

Your ego self wants everything to stay the same so it can feel in control. Forward movement and expansion is what your soul craves. This disconnect is what often creates discomfort. Think of your soul self as the loving guide and parent of your ego self, making the highest decisions for the entirety of you, knowing that with your care and guidance the ego will always settle into its new reality. When you are tending to all aspects of self you will find it much easier to surrender into the forward movement you seek. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 3

Most of you understand the value of trust when you are in an ebb phase. But trust is equally important when you are in accelerated forward movement. Trust is the element that allows you to move with, and harness the full potential, of each phase. Many of you will be experiencing breakthroughs this year. Having a well developed ability to trust in yourself, your guides, your soul’s agenda, and a universe that adores you, will allow you to navigate those breakthroughs with the utmost grace and ease, wonder and joy. We cannot stress enough that it is trust that opens you up to the highest outcomes that can continue to grow and expand. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 2

Faith is the belief in something bigger than yourself. Trust is the belief that that bigger something is consistently there for you in all ways. It is your faith and trust that allows you to move with the flow with the most ease possible. If you are resistant to the flow, what can you do to deepen your trust?
Trust is an incredibly important element in your life for it is what allows you expansion, growth, and forward movement. Trust is also the element most human beings struggle with the most. You deepen your trust by starting to work with the universe, through meditation, asking for assistance, watching for signs, and playing with the divine combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust.
You might start out treating it like an experiment. Surrender with the intention for your highest good, enter into the flow with your faith and trust and see what happens. Watch for the signs and synchronicities. If you allow yourself to stay in the system and pay attention, you will start to see the magic that abounds around you, and how incredibly guided and cared for you are.
You will start to recognize that when you use the divine combination things come together with far greater ease and your days are more pleasant, and when you do not things feel more difficult. By choosing to redirect, time and again, into the surrender, faith, flow, trust model, you will truly begin to see how beautifully the universe guides you. And from there your faith and trust will grow and deepen and open the door to acceptance and allowing, which creates the experience of peace. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 1

One of the most integral steps of self healing is to release your fear of feeling, for choosing not to feel is choosing separation from yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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