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We cannot stress enough the immense power of experience in your lives. As you move forward as the empowered creator in your own life expression, you will support your freedom and expansion best by releasing the attachment to result and seeing that experience has immense value for you.
So if you try something and it turns out to be less than what you had hoped, rather than feeling like you have failed or feeling angry or resistant, we highly recommend you start to ask the following questions: “What value did I receive from this experience? What clarity do I now have that I didn’t have before? How did this further refine my preferences? What aspects will I take forward with me and what will I leave behind? How did this serve my expansion? How did this add to my wisdom?” These questions will very quickly allow you to see how your experience has served you well, both for your present and your future.
Playing in the energies of the unknown is much like being presented a platter of samples. You get to try whatever you think might appeal to you, decide what you like, what you would pass on next time, and what you absolutely love. If you can simply honour the purpose of experience, and anchor in what you would like to continue with the feedback tool of gratitude, you will move forward with far greater courage and curiosity which will allow you to make so many valuable discoveries. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


There are many of you who seek to release darkness or density from your soul. Dear Ones, you are beings of love and light. Your soul is never dark, there are simply areas where experience has resulted in your forgetting that truth.
A better practice than looking for darkness would be looking for where you’ve forgotten your divine wholeness and who you really are. The darkness is never the problem, it is simply a symptom of a deeper need that is yearning to receive your own love and acceptance. It is indicative of a part of you that is begging, not for further judgment and rejection, but for your recognition and inclusion.
That is where true transformation comes from – the release of the illusion that you are ever anything less than whole at your core and assuming the role of your own wise and loving guide and parent who helps you remember and reconnect to the complete beauty that is your true divine essence. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Our wish for you today is that you open up and allow yourself to be loved, not just by other people, but by the entire universe. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


The fastest way to transform your life is by accepting your authentic power and divine worthiness while being willing to embrace the endless supports available to you from a universe that adores you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Your acceptance and allowance of your own mastery is the ultimate game changer as you move forward into phase two of your incarnation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


A great many of you are feeling the winds of change blowing in your lives. This is indicative of the work you have done and the new phase you are entering. You are transitioning from the first phase of your incarnation which was about doing and duty, into the next phase which is about being and self expression. Your service, your location, your interests, your preferences, and your approach to life are all areas that may shift to reflect this. Trust in this unfoldment, Dear Ones, for this is exactly what you have been waiting to move into for so very long. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Your ability to trust and play in the expansive energies that exist just beyond what you can see or imagine, is what opens the door for you to co-create a full and satisfying life that is beyond your wildest dreams. To have a big, beautiful life you must be willing to play in the big, beautiful energies of the unknown where all things are possible, including your highest soul expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


We have long advocated the importance of asking questions during meditation. It can be easy to forget to ask while you are in a shifted state, but there is great value in starting to ask for more clarification or guidance while you are in that connected state and open to receive. A great question to ask is, “What would you like me to know today?”
But a meditative state is not the only time questions have great value. Asking questions during your waking state is a powerful practice for it is what keeps you in conversation with the universe. Ask for signs. Ask to be shown the next steps. Ask to be shown what potentials or solutions are open to you that you may not be aware of. Ask to be led to your next great adventure!
Questions keep you moving forward for they indicate your desire to continue to expand and receive assistance. Questions during meditation allow you to experience guidance etherically. Questions in your waking state allow you to tangibly experience guidance in the physical. They both have great value to you in your co-creative processes and take full advantage of the vast amount of help that is available to you at all times. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Dear Ones, it is impossible to shine and pick up other people’s energies at the same time. Be a bringer of the light by simply embracing and leading with your own beautiful and unique energy, and everywhere you are guided to go will become a loving act of service. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


As you embrace your innate ability as the empowered creator of your own life expression, we encourage you to select a mantra or affirmation for yourself that embodies the essence of what you would like to experience. Make sure it feels wonderful to you and makes you feel alignment with that which you desire.
Say it often. Write it out and place it where you can see it. Imagine seeing it in your energy field. Feel it as a beautiful blanket you can wrap yourself up in.
It doesn’t need to be complex or complicated at all. If you cannot think of what to say, you can simply use whatever your immediate preference is, such as, “I choose love” “I choose peace” “I choose joyful connection” or “I choose to embrace the unfoldment of life”.
There is no right or wrong, Dear Ones, just whatever helps you comfortably embrace the idea of forward movement when you think of it. Deciding what you choose is a powerful act of self declaration for it shows that you understand all options are available to you. What do you choose? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


There are going to be times in your life when you don’t know where you are going or how things are going to work out. If you have well established faith and trust, you can approach that phase much like allowing yourself to be blindfolded and led by your beloved family members to a surprise they have set up for you that is sure to delight you. You can surrender into the idea of delicious unfoldment and fully embrace the joyful anticipation of what your highest self and your guides have in store for you because you are secure in the fact that they love you and know you so well. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


What if the only thing keeping you stuck is your attachment to the idea that you are stuck? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


One of the most profound shifts you can make in your life is to start to make choices based on what you wish to experience rather than what you wish to avoid. The intention you choose to create change from makes all the difference in the world in terms of energetic result for the simple reason that one is born from fear while the other is born from empowerment. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


We wish to explain vibrational layers in a way that will be easy for you to understand. Imagine you have a house with many different floors – a basement, a main floor, an upper floor, and an attic. Each floor represents a different vibration, with the basement holding the most density and the attic holding the highest energies.

You might imagine that people who are still steeped in 3D energy resonate with the energy of the basement. It is dark without much light. It is difficult to even be aware of there being a top floor or an attic from such a place. There is an awareness of a set of stairs and a floor up above but most people are too caught up in their own discomfort to pay much attention to those things.

Most enlightening human beings reside on the top floor and have access to the attic. Now here is where it gets interesting. Those who reside in the upper floors have access to all the levels they have already moved through. However, those in the lower floors who haven’t yet decided to move up in their own evolutionary process have little awareness of the upper floors because they have not experienced them just yet. This explains why people who haven’t yet evolved can’t see enlightening human beings in their truth. They simply don’t have the vantage point yet.

Now if you have worked hard to evolve beyond old painful energies there is no need to fear their reoccurrence in your life if you stay on your own floor because they simply don’t reside on your new vibrational layer. But so many of you have the habit of running back down to the basement to see what they are up to! The second you allow your focus to slip back down into that old layer of density, you allow yourself to be seen by what you wish to leave behind.

The people on the upper floors are not better than those in the lower floors. You have all come from the same space! Eventually all people in the basement will decide it’s too uncomfortable to stay there and will find the courage to climb the stairs. You will be delighted to see more and more people popping up on the floor you are currently residing on, and you will all see each other and understand each other in the energetic space you are in.

Embrace who you really are! Shining your light helps you find the layer that provides the conditions you need to self express, grow, expand, and find the other people and experiences you truly resonate with. Know you can always visit layers you have already moved through to be of service. Give love, compassion, understanding, and encouragement to those who haven’t yet found themselves, and rest assured that they will when the time is perfect for them. But most of all, understand you are all beautiful beings in various stages of remembrance living in the same home. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Your creations may require smaller steps to make them sustainable. Pieces may need to fall into place in a specific order in order to create a foundation that can be built upon. Some lulls serve the purpose of allowing energetic integration to move you closer to your goals. Your co-creation is not unlike the energetic shifts you go through in your enlightenment process. Each part of the journey supports the whole of your expansion. Do you see? Every step of the unfoldment has purpose, contains exactly what you need, and moves at the perfect pace for your comfort and success. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Huge vibrational leaps can be difficult to make for most humans seeking change. It is far easier for you to move incrementally towards your goals. So if you wish for more happiness, actively choose things, one at a time, that would bring you more joy. If you seek healing, start making positive changes for your health – small shifts that are easy to implement. If you wish to deepen your spiritual practice, you can do so quite nicely by simply choosing to pause in more presence and gratitude whenever you may think of it. If more love is what you desire, seek out things that represent love to you and find simple ways you can express love to yourself and others. All great change is a process of expansion and unfoldment, which can be done with far greater grace and ease if you allow yourself to move into it one small step at a time. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Your support and encouragement for others to follow their hearts and listen to where their soul wants to lead them can be all it takes for them to find the courage to move into their highest expression of self. What a beautiful gift to give! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Deciding something is lucky for you or not is an act of self declaration that moves you into alignment with that outcome. What superstitions are you clinging to that don’t match what you really want or honour your ability to create? The belief in luck, good or bad, suggests an outcome you have no control over. Why not simply redirect with your focus into creating what you wish to experience on any given day? Why not create a new affirmation that supports preferred alignment? Something as simple as “I am blessed in so many ways. Thank you!” would be a lovely place to start as it contains both intention and gratitude. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trust, simply put, is letting go of your need to know details and willingly embracing the divine flow of unfoldment. It is making the shift from head to heart. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Every time you recognize and appreciate beauty in its many forms, you are actively anchoring the energies of heaven on earth. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Dear Ones, if you are seeking happiness and don’t know what it is that makes you happy, you are still further along than you think. You know what doesn’t make you happy, and that is a wonderful place to start.

Don’t push against your conditions but rather commit to becoming a happiness detective. Try new things! Listen to your instincts and what your soul is drawn to. Don’t be caught up with the ideas of good or bad, right or wrong, and understand that experience is what has the value to you. Think of what you used to love when you were younger and see if you can incorporate those aspects into your life now.

More than anything understand that you have been busy letting go of the idea that suffering is somehow noble and makes you worthy. This is a powerful shift which result in the releasement of the martyred paradigm. Allowing your soul to lead the way based on preference and what brings you joy is how you will step into your shimmering and shining highest expression of self. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Dear Ones, if you wish to walk a path of beauty, you must navigate by seeking out beauty. If you wish to walk a path of magic, you must acknowledge the magic that surrounds you and allow that to show you the next steps to take. Do you see? Your continued focus allows you the unfoldment of that which you desire. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Many of you who are on your enlightenment journey feel you need a partner who is spiritual. Let us tell you this is not always the case.

There are a great many souls on the planet who do not practice spirituality but who do embody the traits spirituality helps foster and grow – love, compassion, empathy, truth, and transparency. The greatest indicator of soul attainment is not necessarily spiritual practice, but rather the person’s level of integrity and the embodiment of those higher traits.

Having a partner who is not necessarily spiritual can be of great assistance to you and your journey. They have the job of anchoring physical presence. This, combined with your spiritual presence, creates balance within the whole of the relationship. In many cases, the non-spiritual partner was the more spiritual one in other life expressions with you. It may be that this time around they are stepping back from that role in order to allow you the opportunity to take the lead.

When you are looking at your potential partners it is wise to look at how they contribute to the balance of the whole, and if they embody the traits you admire and respect. Kindness, love, acceptance, and support are the essence of what you really seek, and that can show up for you in many, many forms. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Shelley’s note: As I’m on the move again there will be no daily messages for the next couple of days. They’ll resume as usual Monday April 9th. Have a great weekend! 🙂


If you are trying to manifest an amount of money for something and can’t seem to find success doing so, you may find it helpful to broaden your horizons. Rather than seeking a specific amount of money, try opening up to receiving however the universe chooses to bring you your goal. It may very well be that it would be easier to move you directly into your desired experience in other ways than with the tool of money. A non-resistant human being who is willing to accept however things are delivered is much easier to help than someone who can only imagine and accept things coming one specific way. Cast your net wide, Dear Ones, and be fully open to the myriad of ways it is possible for us to serve you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Your discomfort is nothing more than your soul letting you know there is a greater plan for you than the one you are settling for. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

APRIL 1, 2018

There can be a reluctance to surrender into having your highest life expression. It may feel daunting to you, like the amount of change would be overwhelming, that it would take too much work, or would be too uncomfortable in some way. Please release those fears!

What you need to understand is that the unfoldment towards your greatest expression of self is a completely customized flow that will move at the most perfect pace for you. Your soul, along with your guides and helpers, are the co-creators of that flow and know precisely the speed and amount of support you require in order to be successful.

Your life can and will expand in the most wondrous ways if you can let go and allow the process to guide you, one step at a time. Big change can be thrilling and exciting if you can surrender into the experience of it with full trust in both your self and your team who know your full potential and the most comfortable way to get there. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

APRIL 2, 2018

Imagine that you are on a journey that is long and demanding. You are moving as quickly as you can trying to make the most progress possible. Scattered along the way are rest stops where you can pause to catch your breath, honour your body with whatever it needs, assess your progress and itinerary, and rehydrate. You understand the importance of these rest stops and embrace them gratefully when you come upon them. You know they are a necessity for your continued success.

There is no difference between a physical journey and a spiritual journey! The lulls strategically occur to give you what you need to refresh and rejuvenate in order to carry on. Both the action phases and the rest phases serve each other.

You are in very fast forward moving energies, Dear Ones. There will still be lulls but for most of you they will be of shorter duration than you have experienced previously. It is important to embrace them and accept the gifts they offer in order to have everything you need for your comfort and success. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

APRIL 3, 2018

Dear Ones, what percentage of your life would you like to change in order to be truly satisfied? Ten percent? Thirty percent? Fifty percent? Ninety percent? (There is no such thing as a life expression that needs one hundred percent change. There is always at least ten percent of your life that is working beautifully in line with what you would like to create, with you being in the body, present on the earth, breathing, living, and seeking growth.)

So let’s presume you are completely happy with all but one area of your life. For example, everything is working for you to your satisfaction except your career. Let us suppose that your career needs to shift approximately thirty percent in order to be better.

This is a powerful exercise. If you can recognize thirty percent of it isn’t working, it means seventy percent of it is. It means one hundred percent of the other areas of your life are wonderful. That is how much you have to be grateful and celebrate!

Now the next question is, are you ready to move into the unknown that you need to open up to in order to create the thirty percent change for your career? How much expansion are you comfortable with? Ten percent? Thirty percent? Ninety percent? What amount could you surrender and flow into willingly right now?

Do you see? It can be as simple as identifying how small of an area of your life is not working for you and agreeing into that exact amount of surrender and expansion. That can make it far easier for you to see what is satisfactory for you and move into expansion and open to new potentials and possibilities without being overwhelmed. The more complete your surrender, the greater and more transformative the change, to be sure, but it is perfectly fine to start small if that is what is required for you to willingly experiment and cooperate with the process.

Play the numbers game. Transform your life one area at a time. This is exactly how you will start to have fun with co-creation, get comfortable with surrender and flow, and begin to willingly embrace the forward movement that is always available for you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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