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January 31

When emotions come up for release labelling them can be a very helpful exercise, for it will assist you in feeling into them. You may be surprised to discover that once you feel into something and properly label it, it will instantly dissipate. If it persists, feel again to identify other emotions that may be part of the mix.
So for example, you may feel hurt by something. You feel into the hurt and it lifts a bit but there is still discomfort there. You feel again, and you discover disappointment. After the release of that, you still feel discomfort and you realize there is sadness. And perhaps frustration. And under that, fear. How remarkable that you have advanced to the point where you can now stay with it and heal many different layers at once!
This is the way to process what is ready to leave and what you wish to release, for it is through your exploration and naming of the emotion that you give it your permission to go. As with all things, your free will and your own divine guidance leads the way. And, of course, we are always available to you to assist with the process should you request our help. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 30

For many of you, unfair persecution is a wound or theme that is coming up to be cleared. If this is the case, you may have people accuse you of things that are not so, misinterpret your intentions, and do not reflect your truth. As you continue to move forward on your enlightenment journey, you will realize that shining your truth is more a means of self expression than it is proving anything to anyone. Releasing those old wounds will allow you to embrace more of who you are, and to lead by that true energetic expression of self which will allow you to continue to create and grow and draw to you those who have the ability to see you in your truth and authenticity. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 29

You will effortlessly harness every blessing of the flow if you simply choose to move with whatever is being energetically supported on any given day. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 28

It is important to remember that discomfort is merely a re-directional tool. Your soul is always seeking to grow and expand, so anything that blocks that is not going to be energetically supported. If you are being resistant to growth and expansion your discomfort will only grow until it becomes too uncomfortable to stay the same and at that moment you will willingly embrace forward movement again. The discomfort will have served its purpose and will quickly abate.
You do not need to wait until you are at that level of discomfort to move forward, Dear Ones. You can willingly enter the path of grace and ease by staying in surrender, faith, flow, and trust. Be willing to explore, to be curious, to try new things. Open up to whatever magic and wonder the universe wishes to lead you into, without constraint or preconceived notions of what it needs to look like, and you will be allowing your soul to do what it desires and is designed to do, and your discomfort will no longer be a necessity. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 27

Dear Ones, you cannot be constrained or resistant and love at the same time. You cannot be constrained or resistant and receive love at the same time. Love is flow and expansion. When we continue to impress upon you the importance of the surrender, faith, flow, trust model we are giving you the divine combination to the full experience of the love that exists for you and has been patiently waiting for you to embrace. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 26

So many of you, with your beautiful, tender hearts, wish to make a difference in the world, yet you aren’t quite sure how. You feel you don’t have the skills, or the training, the authority, or perhaps the resources to do so. Let us assure you that is not the case at all!
There are many different ways to be of service on your planet, Dear Ones, but all roads lead back to love. Love is your superpower and it is at the core of every single act of kindness, service, and beingness you could imagine. Choosing to show up as the love, to anchor the love, and express the love is all that is ever required to make a difference.
Love is your divine essence and available to you whenever you choose. There is no special training required to open your heart and let it flow other than your intention to do so and your willingness to remember that it is always an option to you.
So surrender into the flow of love. Be a giver of love and a receiver of love, and know that will always be more than enough, for each choice of love you make allows you to become a beautiful conduit of the most important element there is and lets your beingness be your action. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 25

You can often tell how healed you are by how much trauma you include in your personal story you share with others. While there is no doubt that traumatizing events are defining points in your incarnation, how you recount them can be very informative to you.
Do you see it as something that ultimately created growth and expansion? Did you gain strength and insight from it? Or do you still see yourself as a victim, powerless, or somehow broken from the event?
Many of you have been telling the same story for years. Listen to how you tell your history to others you have just met. Is it still an active wound or are you telling the story by habit? Does that old story truly match who you are today? Or has the energies of the past year released it to the point that there is no longer energetic charge to it?
You get to choose how you define yourself. We are not for a second suggesting that you should stuff or bury emotion, but rather to see how you are in unprecedented energies and many of those old events are very far removed from you now. Can you take the gifts of the experience and leave the rest behind? Can you see it as simply a stepping stone to who you are today? How much lighter would you feel if you did? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 24

If you haven’t had a lot of joy in your existence, we understand that experiencing joy might be too far of a vibrational leap for you. So why not simply be open to feeling pleasant presence? It is much easier, and far less pressure, to accept that you can create a pleasant now moment. By starting there, you just might be surprised at how quickly that moment can expand into deep, heartfelt, gratitude and joy. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 23

Dear Ones, if you lost something and were trying to find it, you wouldn’t keep looking for it in a place that you had already thoroughly searched. You find what you are looking for by choosing to keep seeking until it is found.
The same it is for your life. If you are looking for a new, more satisfying way of living, you cannot find it in energies that are already expired for you.
As you continue to move forward in this new year of creation, you will come to see that growth, expansion, and exploring the unknown, while you once may have found it scary, will become your greatest adventure and gift, for that is where there the magic is found. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 22

Can you soften the energy of judgment by recognizing it is simply the realization that you would do things differently yourself? Can you love others enough to give them the freedom to explore and self express for their own expansion and growth? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 21

Many of you understand the concepts of surrender and flow but have trouble staying in it with your faith and trust. This is due to having fear or doubt that things will really work out if you stay in that movement. Because of this, many of you don’t stay in surrendered flow long enough for the magic to happen.
So if you know trust is where you falter, why not experiment and find techniques that help you stay in that surrendered flow? You could use an affirmation such as, “God is guiding me now”. You could simply decide that it will be interesting to see how things will work out. Treat it like an experiment. Taking an observational viewpoint can help you detach from the emotional responses of fear and doubt.
The idea is to, with your wisdom, have a strategy to use before the fear and doubt hit. There is no one size fits all solution. Finding something that feels good, soothing, and reassuring to you, and remembering to use it when you hit that very predictable place where you typically falter will help you stay in the flow long enough for your soul and helpers to guide you to your highest potentials.
It can also be helpful to remember that fear and doubt are the most reliable indicators of empowered growth there is (your ego would not be trying to take back control if you were not onto something), so you can take their activation as a sign that you are on the cusp of discovery and positive change.
The Divine Combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust is the navigation system of the empowered co-creator, Dear Ones. Helping yourself embrace it will be one of the most transformative things you will ever do. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 20

So often you are advised to take the time to sit and get clear about what it is you are ready to let go of, and what it is you would like to create and experience. While we understand you have heard that a lot over the past several years, it is still an essential process. The reason for that is for every shift, release, and integration you go through, new truths and abilities become ready for discovery. This results in a continual unfoldment of information about you, which then opens new potentials and possibilities.
You have shifted so much over the past year you are truly getting to know yourselves in more profound ways than ever before. This is a deepening relationship with both your human and divine nature. It is never going to be something that you do once and are done with as your evolution process is ever on-going.
The enlightenment journey is really a process of the continual unfoldment of you, an invitation to accept yourself with love, and to shine brightly as the beloved and integral individuated aspect of Source you truly are. It is through the continuing exploration and nurturing of this relationship with yourself that your outer relationships and experiences will continue to evolve as well.
So understand that for every big shift you go through there will be more to uncover within, and allow that to become a natural part of your spiritual practice as you continue to move forward during these unprecedented times of discovery and creation. It is an essential activity that serves both the one and the whole. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 19

This is an ideal time to stop and become aware of any belief systems or self imposed restraints you still adhere to that do not offer you the freedom to create the life of your dreams. Do you believe that joy is an element that is only experienced sporadically? That true, deep love only happens in fairy tales or that the flush of first love is unsustainable? That it’s too late to do what you love? That your body naturally starts to fail at a certain age?
Who says you can’t experience joy on regular basis? Who says you can’t have big, beautiful, epic love that deepens and grows and expands in the most wonderful ways? Who says you can’t follow your passions? Who says that your body doesn’t have the ability to rejuvenate and thrive at any age?
There are so many beliefs that you could easily create beyond that you still accept as truth and keep you within the same old constrained realm of experience! Pay attention to all the ways you say no to expansion and growth, to truly living in the ways that would honour and delight you.
You are pioneers! That means you will discover and create many new ways to experience the world based on the energies of where you are right now. You get to decide what is your truth and what is possible for you. We simply cannot wait to see what you will all create once you truly accept this and begin to play in the realm of endless potentials. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 18

As many of you have a focus of creating vibrant health for yourselves, we wish to discuss the vibrational state of food with you today.
One of the reasons modern food has become far less sustaining than ever before is the lack of love that has gone into its preparation. As food started to be mass produced it became more of a business of profit and the vibration of the food changed to reflect that shift. It is the same with fast food – it is food prepared to meet the criteria of speed and convenience, but is lacking the energy of love.
When things are mass produced they can often come with the energetic stamp of indifference. If the worker really didn’t want to be there, it can hold the energy of resentment or that the preparation of it was a chore.
In older times food was grown with purpose and prepared with love. That, combined with the practice of blessing the food or saying grace before a meal, resulted in food being presented not only with the intention of it sustaining everyone, but it held a higher vibration, regardless of what the food was due to its handling and presentation. It was also used as a tool for connection, which further supported its loving vibration.
So as you move forward in your desire to love and support yourselves and the ones you love, we urge you to make love the main ingredient of your food. Grow your own food with love or choose to buy food that was grown with care and responsibility. Cook with love and the intention for connection. Thank your food. Bless your food and those who provided it for you.
Before you eat, ask if the choice you are making is loving to you and your body. Ask your body what it needs and be sure to give it to it. And, if you cannot access food that you feel is made with love for whatever reason, infuse it with your own love knowing that your blessing of it will create a vibrational change that makes it far better for you. There is nothing that will make your cells shimmer more vibrantly than the ingestion of food that holds the energy of love. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 17

As you step into this new year of creation, trust in your growth and your divine capability. You have worked hard to get where you are. Explore your gifts and what has opened up for you from reaching this latest level of attainment, for every new energetic shift creates expansion that includes new potentials and possibilities. Every release has allowed room for more embodiment of your true soul essence. That, combined with the fact that you are experiencing unprecedented energies on your planet, opens up more untapped potential than ever before. Play bigger, dream bigger, shine bigger, Dear Ones, for your time is now. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 16

Dear Ones, we understand trust can be a very difficult element for you. But please understand when you choose to try to navigate without trust you are choosing resistance to your now moment without any basis for doing so. Further, your lack of trust shifts your attention from your own space of creation to a timeline that holds what you do not want. Then when things don’t go well in the way you feared you will exclaim, “See? I knew it!”
Trust is what allows the unfoldment of the true potential of any given circumstance. If you haven’t employed trust to see what something can become, you haven’t given it a fair chance. It is like planting seeds and then refusing to water them because you convince yourself they aren’t going to grow anyway.
Isn’t it time to see where trust can bring you? If you have trouble with the energy of trust, why not simply shift into the affirmation, “God is guiding me now” and see where you are led? Trust is what allows you to be guided to the experiences you are yearning for.
Due to societal conditioning and your experiences before as unconscious creators, trust is an aspect that has been shunned and due to this is rather underdeveloped. But you are ready to move forward now and hone your skill of trust as it is the key to discovering your highest potentials in all areas of your life. It is the power tool of conscious co-creation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 15

Dear Ones, if you are always telling others what they should do, while it may be coming from a place of love, it will ultimately be disempowering to them. At best, constantly stepping in sends the message you don’t believe a person is qualified to run their own life, which has the potential to feed fear and doubt. At worst, it encourages them to give their power away to the opinions of others.
Further, it perpetuates separation in your own relationships because the underlying theme is that you feel more advanced or somehow above the other rather than simply connecting with them from a space of unconditional love and acceptance.
It is much like seeing that someone signed up to take an aptitude test to see how much they have learned and then sitting down next to them and giving them all the answers. It would be very difficult for them to gauge their own wonderful capability! Constantly stepping in for another can also deny them the joy of the unfoldment, the joy of self discovery, and the joy of connecting with their own inner guidance systems.
Love others enough to let them find their own way. Share open-heartedly if they come to you for guidance in a way that is empowering to all. Trust that they will learn and grow because they have their own team of helpers and their own beautiful, capable soul at the helm. Encourage those you love to explore their own truths and abilities and celebrate their successes! To do so honours the free will and highest soul expression of all, which is exactly what your guides do for you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 14

Dear Ones, please realize that your broad intentions give the universe much more room to connect you with the highest potentials and greatest possibilities you are not aware of. If you are trying to create something in your life and it is not coming together, we strongly advise that you examine any ways you may be limiting your dream and cast your net wider because it has been our observation that the majority of the time what you think you can create and what is truly possible for you are vastly different.
Co-creation is honouring your seed of inspiration and then allowing your soul, along with a universe that adores you, to water and grow that desire into its fullest potential and beyond in ways you simply can’t imagine from your side of the veil. The magic occurs in the realm of infinite possibility, and that is where you wish to give your soul permission to play. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 13

What energy do you choose to lead with today? There are a myriad of options. If you are wishing to be a bringer and experiencer of higher vibrational energy, you may choose peace, acceptance, or love.
There is incredible power in consciously choosing, Dear Ones, for not one of you would consciously choose to lead with fear, doubt, or disempowerment. It is an exercise just as valid as deciding which route you would like to take to work for it is selecting the line of potential you wish to step onto.
The fact that you are choosing is empowered movement. Taking the time to decide allows you to feel into which energy is your preference, what you wish to bring as an offering, and what you wish to experience more of. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 12

The moment the word should enters a sentence it is an indicator that you are making choices based on self judgment or fear of the judgment of others. It is a sign that you are in resistance to what you are truly feeling, or at the very least not connecting with your own needs and preferences. It is an indicator that you are giving more value to external validation than your internal guidance.
What if you replaced what you should do with what you feel guided to do? You would start to create more comfort, grace, and ease for yourself. You would start to make decisions based on what is the highest choice for you at any given time. You would step outside of societal expectations into honouring self.
You would leave resentment behind because your choices would be based on what is in alignment with you. You would begin living far more authentically, which would shift all of your interactions with others into truer connections because you would be showing up with your full willingness and presence.
Be aware that the word should indicates there are other choices that are looking for your consideration. If, once you look at all the options you still decide to go with what you think you should do, realize that has now become your preferred choice that you are making consciously, not something you have no control over. You are always, always in charge of your choices and your awareness of that will shift how you show up for yourself and others. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 11

Dear Ones, all things have the potential to be in light or in shadow. We wish to explain it in a way that is very simple for you to understand. If something is in light it is in a state of connection, if it is in shadow it is in a state of separation.
Let us give you an example. Beauty when created or appreciated as a pure expression of heaven on earth, is an example of the light side of beauty. Beauty when chased as an external means of validation or to set oneself aside as better than others would be its shadow side. Beauty itself is neither light nor dark, it is simply beauty.
The use of spirituality/religions is light when used as a means of connection, support, and expansion that serves the whole. It is in shadow when a person sees themselves as superior or more gifted than others and uses that judgment to separate themselves from or control others.
Money can be used to create healing, expansion, and to serve the whole. It can also be used as a means of external validation and to separate oneself from others. Money itself is neither light nor dark, it is simply money, a tool for energetic exchange.
So when you are led to consider shadow work for yourselves, it is merely the discovering and reclaiming of the parts of you that have chosen to separate themselves for whatever reason and to welcome them back into the love, safety, and full potentiality of the wholeness of you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 10

Many of you put up barriers to stepping into your true authentic power because you have a fear of it creating a burden of responsibility. This stems from the old paradigm of martyred service, along with past life memories of less than positive experiences around power.
Stepping into your authentic power, your own sovereignty and mastery, is your service. It serves in a multitude of ways. It is showing and anchoring the energy of what can be accomplished on your planet. It is demonstrating that you are in energies that are completely safe for you to embody your divine authentic self and choose a path based on that truth. You are being powerful leaders by example. Further, your enlightenment process assists the energetics of your communities, the grid, the entire planet.
Doing your own work allows you to assist others from a balanced, loving space. It allows you to be a safe person to others who can then seek you out and know that they will be met with love and acceptance because that is what you have worked on embodying within yourself, you see.
So not only does your beingness serve the energetics of the planet, it serves others as well in a way that flows and supports everyone involved. It also allows your own gifts to come to the surface to be shared in a joyful way, which was always your divine mission.
It has never been about carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, but rather allowing the light that shines within you to demonstrate what else is possible, which paves the way for others to step into the discovery of their own light and divine capability. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 9

Allowing your beingness to lead the way is shifting your confidence out of the mind and into the heart. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 8

Dear Ones, comfort is your natural state of being. You came from the energies of Home through the womb, both of which are places that support your comfort and well being. As babies, you expect comfort and will cry to have your needs met and to move back into that natural state of being.
So how do you expand and experience comfort? By staying present. By listening to what your needs are and giving them to yourself. By not creating discomfort for yourself through the energetic overlays of fear, doubt, worry, and resistance. By trusting and flowing, knowing that wellness and wholeness are your preferred states and you will always redirect back into them. By acknowledging all the things that support your comfort that are already in place and serving you.
Every profound energetic shift supports your expansion but then will seek integration so you can be comfortable in that new expanded state of beingness. You navigate great change one Now moment at a time. By doing so it will never, ever be more than you can handle and you will always ultimately find your way back into comfort. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 7

After such a prolonged period of review, release, integration, and transformation, it can be easy to fall into a weariness of ascension symptoms. We understand why this occurs but we wish to expand your perception of the ascension process.
Your ascension symptoms are proof positive that the shift is occurring. It is proof of change, proof of your growth, and proof of your success with the assimilation of the previous energies because you are ready for more.
Further, we wish for you to understand that energetic shifts always occur in the exact perfect timing to support your continued success and expansion, and to honour your soul’s desires and agreements. Trust that they are always in line with your capabilities and your mission. They serve the purpose of moving you deeper and deeper into the knowingness and experience of your own divine essence.
From that perspective, you can accept that when a new energetic phase occurs it is because you are ready for it. You are being invited to surrender into the flow of releasing and receiving, and to acknowledge and embrace the fact that you are up-levelling once again. The more you can surrender into what the energies want to do for you with your wisdom and acceptance, the more adept you will become at moving through them efficiently with the most comfort possible.
Every single energetic shift is a cause for celebration, Dear Ones, for it shows your incredible growth and ever expanding capabilities and opportunities. You simply would not be on the planet having the experiences you are if it were not so. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 6

As you move further into the energies of 2019, many of you will make discoveries of subtle yet profound change. You may be surprised to recognize that healing has occurred or is occurring in areas of your life that felt very stuck for a long time. Because comfort is your natural state of being, sometimes it takes you a while to realize that an old familiar pain hasn’t reared up in a while, or that an old issue isn’t as charged as it used to be. This is the natural progression of the work you have done, the fact that you are stepping into the next new phase of your incarnation, and the more forward moving energies of the new year. 2019 will be filled with many discoveries of self and the awareness of new potentials due to those internal shifts. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 5

Dear Ones, during such changing times when so many are at different stages of their journey, we ask you, as the front runners and pioneers, to choose kindness, compassion, and graciousness towards others who may be triggered and acting out. You are ready to hold the space of understanding because you have had those moments yourself, and have appreciated when others have had patience and forgiveness for you.
You have cleared out so much of the energy that would result in your own reactiveness. You have healed to the point where are not viewing the world from victim consciousness. Holding the space in a calm, loving way, while having healthy boundaries and responding in ways that serve everyone involved is now completely available to so many of you.
Try it! You just might be surprised at what you are capable of. This is going to be a theme of 2019, recognizing the ways your mastery is accessible to you now due to the massive amount of clearing and personal work you have done. Your awareness will help you move beyond getting triggered out of habit into new responses of balance and compassion. More and more you will remember that how another behaves isn’t personal, but how you choose to respond is.

January 4

Initiates focus and talk about what they want to be. Actuates shift into the embodiment of that desire. 2019 is a year of actuation meaning that you will give yourself permission to be and to navigate through that beingness. This is an absolute game changer in terms of what you will create because for the first time ever you will allow yourself to follow your own heart and your own energetics. This will allow you to experience a life that continues to expand and match your ever unfolding truth. This is what will settle in and start to create the deep satisfaction so many of you have been missing. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 3

Shelley’s note: Today’s message came back into my awareness thanks to Miranda Sparks-Nieves sharing it on facebook. I have no idea the date we originally posted it, but I think it answers a question many of us ponder on our journey, and it felt very pertinent to the energies today. Sometimes Gabriel’s messages seem to have a life of their own and pop up in the perfect timing. 🙂
Many of you wonder what your enlightenment process means for your current relationships. Can you have a relationship with someone who is not spiritually awakening?
We liken this scenario to being on a highway, which could be considered your soul path. The person who is embracing their spiritual awakening seems like they are in a race car, while the one who is not may seem like they are walking down the side of the road. What we wish for you to understand is that both are in forward movement and one is not necessarily better than the other.
You see, there are many who do not have conscious spiritual awakening on their “to do” list for this incarnation. They may have focused on spirituality for many lifetimes and are wishing to take a break this time around. They may be fine-tuning other parts of the human experience and have come in service to you, to create the stability, resources and time you need to have the freedom to embrace your own enlightenment.
This role would be just as sacred as the role of spiritual seeker. Often times this can be much like the passing of a baton between two souls, with you taking turns being seeker and supporter in different lifetimes, but make no mistake about it – both roles are equally honoured and sacred, even if the supporter displays no interest in the spiritual process whatsoever.
Know that you are all masters, perfectly playing out exactly what you wish to experience in your life expressions. You will find much more comfort with your interactions with others if you can respect their own ability to direct their path exactly as they need, and that all of you are moving forward in one way or another, and serving each other, in a way that is always divinely perfect. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 2

We urge you this year to shift from the concepts of good or bad, right or wrong, into simply seeing the value of experience. What would that do for you? It would instantly release you from the chains of judgment (both for yourself and for others) into the grace and ease of honouring the process that allows you to discover your preferences and expand more into the knowingness of who you truly are. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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