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December 31

What we want you to understand as you move forward into a new year and a new decade is that nothing is carved in stone. The energies are expansive and malleable, as are you. By embracing your alignment with your beingness, understanding that alignment might be in a different place each day depending upon what the energies are doing and where you are in your own personal shifting (but you can always find with your intention), you start to experience yourself as part of how the flow flows. Your willingness to move with whatever is being supported is how you experience yourself as a valued and necessary part of the flow, which supports your growth, expansion, and highest discoveries as well as your beloved planet’s. There is such joy moving forward for you as you accept yourself as an essential part of the heartbeat of the universe, for you will no longer experience yourself as separate from anything. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 30

Many of you have issues with the word power. This is due to your many, many incarnations exploring power, which will include lifetimes where you have had power and used it inappropriately, had power and tried to use it appropriately and it didn’t work out well for you or for others, or had it misused against you. The major theme that will continue into 2020 and beyond is the further exploration of power – what it is, what it isn’t, and how to navigate through your own authentic power.
If you are still not comfortable with assuming power for yourself or exploring power issues, we urge you to find a substitute word you are non-resistant to. The word we will suggest today is the word alignment.
There is an inherent belief that power is separating. If you replace the word power with the word alignment, you release that. It takes you out of the idea that someone is somehow better than another because you understand that alignment is a personal thing. Feel into the difference between saying someone is really powerful and saying they are very aligned. Can you see?
Further you can embrace your authentic power effortlessly by simply supporting your own alignment because that is always your personal power base where you recharge, have the most support, and make the best decisions for yourself moving forward.
The same it goes with others. The more they are aligned with their truth and authenticity, the safer they are and the more qualified they are to make decisions that affect others.
It does not need to be complicated or complex, Dear Ones. Lovingly guide yourself forward in ways that best express who you are and that move you beyond resistance. If there is a word or a concept you have trouble embracing, simply find another that holds the essence of what you do wish to embody and know that is the perfect energetic match to allow you to move forward in the ways that best support you and your beingness. The rest will fall into place naturally. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 29

Dear Ones, what we want you to really understand is there can be great joy in not knowing what is next as you are poised to move forward into the energies of 2020 and beyond. Think of young children. They come into the body with a remembrance of how to simply be. They naturally embrace their curiosity, imaginations, and sense of wonder, which are all essential elements of creation. They embrace the full potential of each now moment. All of these are higher vibrating traits that many of you lose as you mature into adults.
As you evolve you are connecting back with those innate strengths. Allow the wonder, not just of the season, but of moving forward into the new. Embrace the joy of not knowing understanding that it is from that place you welcome the highest potentials and possibilities without constraint and fully harness what is opening up for you energetically. It is not only safe for you to explore from that heart space, it is exactly where your soul is leading you in order to experience the full magic of the unfoldment. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 28

Many of you are experiencing a space of not knowing. Not knowing what is next for you, which direction to go in, or even who you are or what brings you joy. While we understand this can be disconcerting, this is actually a very good thing and proof positive of the work you have done.
You know you have been releasing and integrating, and for many of you this has created a sensation of spaciousness within you. This is because you are no longer holding old belief systems, expired soul contracts, or the energy of old wounds. These have held much density and in many ways have been how you have identified yourselves. So much of your old lives have been stripped away, and this will serve you well moving forward.
The reason why we say this is because you have lost all your old identifiers you will now be able to move forward without any attachment to outcome. When you know nothing you become naturally curious, open to see what is next without any constraints or preconceived notions. It is from that place that you start to navigate one now moment at a time, based on what matches the new you. It becomes easier to embrace surrender and flow and to see where the unfoldment takes you. It allows you to receive higher outcomes than you ever could have experienced before due to the conditioned restraints of who you thought you were and how you thought things should be.
This spaciousness is due to the fact that you are embodying more of your soul, and it is from state of beingness you will create like never before. You will allow the full potential of the energies and explore and make new discoveries with far greater ease because you allowing your true essence to take the lead. And it is stepping into 2020 without those preconceived notions that will make it such a monumental change for all of you, because you will finally be fully embracing the idea of pioneering and exploring what is possible as you go. And that, Dear Ones, is exactly what is behind the shift of consciousness you are all so lovingly participating in and what all of your hard work has been preparing you for. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 27

Allowing your own essence and wisdom to lead the way is the ultimate expression of trust, both in yourself and in the universe’s willingness to respond in kind. That is all that is required moving forward into the energies of a new year and a new decade to shift into living your highest, most satisfying life expression. The magic you have been seeking comes from the acceptance of your own beingness and the unfoldment that can begin from there. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 26

The holiday season can be stressful for many of you. Due to its hectic nature and demands (many of them self imposed) it is common for people to get out of balance. That, combined with being around family members who may still be living by old conditioning and belief systems that do not match who you are and whose presence may very quickly bring to the surface unresolved hurts, is a recipe for getting triggered and reactive. Most enlightening human beings later feel great remorse for having that response and can be quite hard on themselves, indeed.
If you did get triggered during the holidays, the first thing to do is to simply forgive yourself. Understand this is a part of you that is seeking your love and compassion. What does that part of you need from you? Take the time to sit with it, to love it, to reassure it, to give it compassion and a safe space to be heard. The last thing that part of you needs is for you to be berating yourself. It needs your love and guidance, and that is well within your capability to give to yourself.
Taking the time to tend to yourself first, with love and compassion, is the first step to being able to keep your balance during future holidays. Next, examine how you might have allowed yourself to get out of balance. Did you take on more than you should have? Did you over give and not allow yourself to receive assistance? What did you take on that really wasn’t necessary? How could you have improved your self care? Now is the ideal time to reexamine how you handle holidays and to move them into a better balance.
If you announce now how you will be changing things up for the next holidays, people will have plenty of time to adjust to the change and will not be shocked when the time comes. It’s important to shift with how your family has grown. Are there new members of the family who can become part of your traditions and assist? Have children grown to be older and can now help more? Ask people how they would like to contribute. You might be surprised to realize there’s more help available to you than you realized now that you are open to the help. How could you make holidays more manageable and more joyful for everyone involved, including you? What traditions are lovely and enjoyed by all that you wish to keep?
Last of all, take a moment to make a strategy on new ways you can respond if people do the things that you find difficult in future holiday get togethers. Write them down and leave them where you will find them next year, because humans have a tendency to just want to move on and forget. When you have a plan you won’t get caught off guard when those triggers occur and you will be able to respond in brand new ways because you will be prepared.
Dear Ones, please do not beat yourselves up if you feel you could have handled things better. Use your regret to create new strategies that better serve everyone involved. Apologize if necessary. Accept apologies if you receive them. Stay focused on the apology if given or received as a loving connection point and resist getting drawn back into the same old issue if it starts to go there again. Remember, as you change the music, the dance steps change.
Please know your families are where the conditioning and belief systems you are releasing and healing beyond were born, and because of that they are often the last territory you master. Be kind and gentle with yourselves, forgive yourselves and others for not knowing better, and know you can always choose differently next time. This is all part of your evolution and the triggers serve to shine a spotlight on where you need to direct your love and nurturing for yourself the most, and that is a wonderful and empowering thing. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 25

Dear Ones, what we want you to understand on this holiest of days is that your acceptance is what allows you to experience joy in every stage – in the ebb and in the flow, in the giving and in the receiving – if you are simply choosing to move with whatever is being supported as your highest expression of self. You are an essential partner in the dance of creation, and you are absolutely glorious in it all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 24

The greatest gift you can give is to show up as your most authentic self, which in turn opens the door for you to be loved right back, exactly as you are. It is that energy of acceptance that allows you to give, and receive, in ways that honour and celebrate everyone involved and creates ripples of love across the entire universe. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 23

Many of you think change needs to be huge to be effective. This is simply not true. Every small incremental change you make shifts your energy to hold more of what you desire, which will then be reflected back to you externally. It shifts you out of wanting something that you perceive as separate from yourself to incorporating it as being part of your who you are, which can then be watered and grown and built upon.
So many of you stagnate because you think you don’t have what it takes to make the change or you think it needs to be done all at once. This results in you overwhelming yourself by the enormity of what you think it will take to get from where you are to where you want to be, which results in you giving up before you even get started.
Dear Ones, all change, including truly great and transformative change, is done one now moment at a time, because your consistent small efforts are huge declarations of who you are and the direction you want to go, and the universe will always respond to that in kind. Each journey begins with the first step and from there the unfoldment will provide the energetic support for each subsequent step. Before long you will be astounded at quickly they add up and how far an accumulation of small steps can take you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 22

The more you trust and lead from your heart the more you will discover your biggest, most beautiful life expression because the heart takes you beyond what the mind thinks is possible. Your heart is your soul’s navigation and creation centre and its specialty is connection and expansion into your highest matches and purpose. Honour where it wants to go, Dear Ones, for it is the part of you that is most qualified to lead the way. The mind thinks, the heart knows. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 21

Many of you who are dedicated to your enlightenment journey fear slipping backwards. We want to reassure you that will not happen.
When you make the commitment to truly evolve, you enter an energetic timeline that supports that intention. If you attempted to stall or move backwards, you would simply get too uncomfortable to stay in that resistance for any length of time.
It would amount to attempting to go back to an old operating system on your computer once you had a taste of the newest one that is fully supported. Trying to downgrade, even though it might seem familiar, would make things slow, glitchy, and frustrating and would not support the newest offerings you wish to explore. You would quickly understand it was expired energy and be grateful to move back into what is fully supported to meet your needs moving forward.
Dear Ones, trust that once you have had a taste of soul centred navigation it quickly becomes your preference. You may temporarily fall into old habits but you will not stay there long because they are no longer supported. And the beauty is each redirection further anchors in your energetic preferences and creates new habits.
Further, your solstices serve the purpose of saving your energetic progress. So rest easy and trust the process you are part of as well as your divine capability. The shift is designed to assist you and your forward movement, just as your forward movement is assisting it the shift. Allow yourself to surrender and flow with the energies, and know following your heart and embracing your beingness is more than enough to ensure your evolution. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 20

There are so many limitations that are commonly accepted by your society. A few of these beliefs include the model of the starving artist, or that you must suffer and pay your dues before you can be successful, that there is victimhood in being a single parent, that it is feast or famine if you are self-employed, that aging looks a certain way, that fun is frivolous, that the more selfless you are the more noble you are. You are even told you are born a sinner! All of these beliefs are only true if you believe them to be.
As you move forward in the new energies, following your passions is your highest, most supported path. Your greatest achievements are discovered and best supported by flowing not efforting. You can absolutely be a single parent and be successful (in fact, in many cases it is a blessing because you have the opportunity to be the primary energetic influence on your child and can parent intuitively).
You are shifting into higher vibrational energies that are non-linear. That means your aging process can look and feel more vibrant that you have ever considered possible before. You can align to new levels of abundance through self employment with your quietest times still being more than adequate to sustain you. By following your joy you find your greatest matches. You are evolving beyond martyred service into joyful service that includes and supports everyone involved. And, as a beloved aspect of Source, your essence has always been divine and your beingness has always been more than enough.
These are just a few of the more pervasive beliefs that are societally accepted as true. You are in brand new energies. You are the pioneers, the great drivers and discoverers of the grand shift of consciousness that is occurring on your planet. Explore what else is possible now! We urge all of you to use your awareness to examine all of your beliefs and ask yourselves if they are really true and explore what new potentials are opening up for you when you combine your latest level of attainment with unprecedented energies. You get to choose, Dear Ones, what you wish to create from this point forward from a realm of potential that is beyond anything you have thought possible. What glorious times, indeed! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 19

Dear Ones, as you prepare to move into the energies of 2020, we highly advise you to get comfortable with the surrender, faith, flow, trust model, which allows you to embrace the unfoldment of your highest life expression.
What if you approached each day like you have just received a package from a dear friend who has visited a different land and has found the perfect gift for you that you didn’t even know existed but they know you will love?
Do you see? Even though you don’t know exactly what your soul is co-creating for you as your next great adventure, you can receive it without reserve and explore it with anticipation and joy because it is from a source that absolutely adores you and knows you so well. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 18

Dear Ones, being willing to receive beyond what you think is possible is one of the most powerful shifts you can make on your journey. It is so valuable to examine where you have put constraints on yourself or still carry limiting belief systems.
If you believe you cannot be healed, you will not receive healing. If you believe money can only come from a certain source, there is no room for it to come to you in any other way. If you feel there are no good single men or women left, that will be your truth because you are dismissing any other possibilities before they can happen. Your constraints emit a loud energetic no to anything else coming in.
People become attached to their beliefs because they can’t figure out how else things could happen for them so they continue on the same old path, which seems to reinforce those old beliefs. New beliefs create new energetic pathways! Again we tell you, you do not need to know the steps you simply need to be willing to expand, explore, and receive.
If you fear being so open will leave you vulnerable in some way, simply add in a broad intention. “I embrace the experience of whole healing” or “I allow the universe to assist me in all ways” or “I welcome my next great love” or simply, “I surrender into my most satisfying life expression” are all wonderful ways to allow the unfoldment to reveal how much more is available than you could ever imagine from your vantage point.
We urge you to love yourselves enough to be willing to start to explore the possibilities and potentials that exist for you just beyond what you can see. This is an excellent way to approach the energies of a brand new year and decade that will be full of incredible discoveries and experiences for those who wish to open up and embrace co-creation like never before. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 17

Many of you are feeling somewhat empty or in a state of suspended animation. That emptiness is indicative of how much releasing you have done. What do you invite in now? How do you want to express yourself now? What would you like to experience now? The expansiveness you have created internally is now ready to be expressed externally. Both are allowing you to experience the freedom of beingness your soul has been leading you towards all along. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 16

The phase you are currently in is all about shifting from doing to being, from efforting to flowing, from judging to accepting, from false power to authentic power, from the doubting of the mind to the trusting of the heart, from separation to inclusion, from conditional love to unconditional love for both yourself and others, from martyred service to joyful service that honours everyone involved. All of these shifts allow you to move forward with greater ease, comfort, and joy.
You will not be perfect at embracing the new all the time. Be gentle with yourselves. Lovingly redirect yourself if you forget and revert back into the old. You are learning to lead and respond with your wisdom which creates new habits and supports new templates. You will not mess this up, Dear Ones, because the old is expired energy for you now and it would be too uncomfortable to stay there for any length of time.
So trust. Trust the process. Trust your own mastery and wisdom. Lead with your heart one Now moment at a time and soon you will find navigating in the new ways will be your natural response and preference. It is your mindfulness that lets you know you are more than ready to step forward into your empowered, highest expression of self. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 15

Faith and trust, when combined together, are the energy that takes you into the realm of your highest potentials. They are the fuel, the bridge, and the guidance system that takes you to the discovery of the solutions and perfect matches that exist for you just beyond what you can see. Love yourselves enough to be willing to see just how big and beautiful your lives want to get, Dear Ones, for all that is standing between you and that magic is your willingness to explore the great beyond. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 14

The time between now and your solstice is offering you a wonderful opportunity to reexamine any limiting beliefs or ways you give your power away before you step into the energies of 2020. This is a profound shift, not only into a new year but also into a brand new decade.
How do you know you are giving your power away? Look for any area that you believe you cannot shift or that you feel you need to be rescued from. Seeking rescue is a sure sign you are still identifying in some way with powerlessness or victim consciousness.
Why not decide to give up those disempowering beliefs up? What if giving it up meant passing the baton to your highest self and your team to navigate beyond it once and for all? Your perceived powerlessness is never true, it is only an illusion. How can you start to take back your power in this area?
It could be as simple as deciding to explore it with fresh eyes, casting your net wider into greater potentials than you’ve been willing to consider thus far, or practicing presence and gratitude. What if you finally declared enough and fully surrendered into a completely different experience? What if you decided to be okay with not knowing all the steps and trusted the unfoldment?
If you surrender with the inner argument that there are no other options or nothing works for you, you will not get very far because you will be trying to expand into the new while holding onto the constraints of the old. The inner arguer can only keep you energetically attached to the expired timeline you are ready to evolve beyond. Your arguments are loud energetic no’s to forward movement.
So listen to any protests of powerlessness that come up in your mind as you feel into this and gently redirect yourself into a new space of possibility beyond the dead end of those old beliefs. You get to decide when they no longer deserve your blessing of continuation. Start to play with the energies of exploration and curiosity.
There are so many ways to disengage with what is unwanted, Dear Ones. Withdraw your energy from engaging with the old and be willing to be led into the new. Truly commit to surrender and flow into the unknown with your faith and trust and broad intentions. Be willing to receive. Again we say you have never been in this right now moment before and it is ripe with possibility. The solstice always serves as an energetic save point, so now is the ideal time to release and openly embrace moving forward into the next exciting phase of your incarnation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 13

You have heard us and many others talk about following your joy. Why is joy so important? For several reasons.
When you are in an experience of joy, you are fully present. You are grateful. You are in acceptance. You are in your heart. You are embracing the flow which will lead you to your greatest potentials. You are experiencing yourself in complete alignment with your now moment, which allows even more beingness as soul and Source. Further, you welcome the feeling which allows you to be fully in your body in a way that feels wonderful and is energetically transformative.
Joy has never been frivolous, Dear Ones. Find your joy. Follow your joy! It is waiting to be discovered both in small magic moments and in bigger experiences, as well. However you find it, know it will serve you in a myriad of ways as it anchors the energies of heaven on earth and assists the grand shift on your planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 12

The more present you are with a person, the more loved they feel. The more present you are with yourself, the more loved you feel. Isn’t that remarkable? All you have to do is be fully engaged in any now moment in order to experience and express the love that you are. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 11

Dear Ones, many of you will be looped back around to experiences you have had before. It is important to not paint the new with the brush of the old. You are being given opportunities to experience these themes in new ways based on your latest level of attainment combined with the current energies.
So, for example, you may find yourself preparing to sell a home and buy a new one. Even if that had been a difficult process for you before, it can be a wondrous time of new beginnings for you now, designed to move you into a home that will be far more energetically supportive to you for the next phase of your incarnation.
It is so important to approach each experience as if it is fresh and new because it is! You have never had the exact same experience because you have never been in the unprecedented energies of today. Further, you are stepping forward as an empowered co-creator like never before.
So embrace the unfoldment. Know that change is designed to reflect who you are now and where your soul is taking you to align with your next great adventure. Be open to the new potentials and possibilities that are trying to make their way to you, for you are being loved, supported, and guided through it all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 10

There is a common belief that it is scary to explore within yourself. But what if we told you it was a world of wonder? Don’t let the fear of your shadows deny you the joyful discovery of the glory of you, Dear Ones, for your love, acceptance, and acknowledgement is all they are seeking. Ultimately it is your presence with yourself that opens the door for greater presence with others. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 9

Each energetic shift you go through can leave you feeling more sensitive. That, on top of your own natural empathic tendencies, can make the busyness of the Christmas season and the crowds and social obligations that often come with it seem daunting, indeed. We wish to offer some suggestions to help you navigate these challenges with far greater ease.
While your increased sensitivities are certainly true, the idea that you have no control over how energy affects you is not. Dear Ones, you are always in charge of your own energetics! So the first thing we wish to offer you is that choosing to practice energetic clarity is key. Our recommended method is to simply imagine a seed of light, in your centre, which is the divine essence of you, and imagine that light grows and grows until it fills every nook and cranny of your body with golden sparkling light. Once you have your body filled with the light, pull it out until it extends roughly arm’s length in front of you, beside you, behind you, over your head, and under your feet.
The reason why this is such an effective technique is it leading with your own empowered essence. It is allowing your own beautiful light to shine, unimpeded, which supports your whole health and assists you with moving forward with the energies with the most comfort possible. It acts as a filter to anything that does not honour you, yet supports the energies you do wish to receive. This energy not only positively affects you, it positively affects others, and the physical space you are in, as well. It is you deciding to be the bringer, rather than the catcher of energy.
As you face holiday crowds, we wish for you to be aware of your projections upon the experience. If you feel like it will be horrible, you are entering into the experience with resistance and negative expectation. What if you approached it as being a wonderful experience? What if you chose to see the positive as people shopped or travelled to see loved ones, as people had reunions, as children brimmed with excitement and anticipation, that so much of it is based on love and caring? What if you decided to show up with an energy that added to and supported the joy of it all?
You always get to choose what you lead with and what you wish to experience more of. If you have had challenges in the past with these activities, start small. Choose a time/location you feel might be a good place to start, do your light, step out with positive intention, see how it goes, and grow it from there. More and more you will be able to emerge from your den of solitude and connect with others with acceptance, love, presence, and purpose and that is where the real joy will be experienced. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 8

When you acknowledge and honour your connection to Source, you realize you have endless resources for yourself, and for others. It is much like a device that is plugged into a charging current. It can operate endlessly without ever running out. You can function separately from that source of energy for a period of time, but if you don’t recharge, you will eventually become drained. Is it time for you to plug back into the alignment that allows you to receive the endless flow of energetic support that always exists for you? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 7

Human beings often worry about unknowns. This is actually a misuse of your creative energy. There is a pervasive belief that the unknown is bad. What if the unknown is wonderful? What if it is a vast expanse, a playground of potential and possibility? What if it only wishes to serve you?
Worrying about the unknown creates resistance to your future and immediately constrains your flow. The key here is to simply connect with what is working for you presently, and from that space you will naturally flow farther down that energetic trail. Use your focus to bloom and grow what feels good, what brings you joy, to acknowledge your mastery as a creator, and to make room for even more of what lifts you up and excites you.
Release the idea that the mind knows best, and delegate it into the more helpful role of observer. Allow your heart to take the lead, for it is your heart that is much more comfortable with feeling and expansion, is in touch with your soul, and is always ready to receive the blessings of the flow. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 6

Dear Ones, many of you will be drawn to travel to different areas. We highly encourage you to follow those nudges. Travel automatically shifts you into presence, prioritizing enjoyment, and embracing flow. There will always be an aspect of service to it, as well, with you assisting an area with your own unique energy, being assisted by specific energetics an area holds, activating crystals, doing gridwork, healing by remembering pastlife experiences and/or retrieving soul fragments, and sometimes all of the above!
The beautiful thing is you don’t need to know the complexities of what is happening, showing up is all that is required. So if you are feeling your soul yearning to go to a certain place, or if you suddenly find the flow sweeping you somewhere unexpectedly, embrace the opportunity for it has far more purpose than you realize. When you look at it this way you realize that travel is not frivolous at all, but rather honouring your soul and the planet through your presence. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 5

Many of you miss the energies of the other side while you are in the body. You miss the unconditional love, the beingness, the complete acceptance of who you really are. What we want you to understand is that you can choose to create that energetic state for yourself, right now, by stepping up and giving yourself what you’ve been missing. Do you see? Your self love and self acceptance are exactly how you come Home to yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 4

Dear Ones, you know that you cannot bully others into enlightenment. So why do you attempt to do it to yourselves? Isn’t it time for you facilitate safe attachment by loving, accepting, and encouraging yourself, understanding that is exactly what you’ve been seeking all along? It is from that space of safety and consistency you will finally create the environment that allows you to heal beyond any old abandonment or abuse wounds you may have been carrying and finally bloom into your fullest expression of self. We cannot wait to see you look at yourselves with the same unconditional love we have always had for you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 3

What if you released the idea that transformative energies are uncomfortable and difficult and started to view them as being exciting and something to embrace? How much easier would you find it to enjoy your forward movement then?
There are no hard fast rules, Dear Ones, because every phase you enter, even if it has similarities to times that have preceded it, is different than the last one you have experienced. Each phase will always be unique because your energetics have evolved, astrological and earth influences will not be the same, and it will naturally have its own pace, purpose, flow, and built in supports. Also, do not forget that you have become much more adept at shifting than ever before.
Trust in your mastery and allow it to lead the way, and be willing to explore each phase with openness, curiosity, and presence, understanding each moment in time is fresh and new and filled with new potentials and possibilities, and you will be amazed at how much wonder you can experience along the way. Simply put, don’t frustrate yourself as you begin to create a new painting on a fresh canvas by using a dirty brush. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 2

Many of you have been growing your presence skills. This usually begins as expanding your awareness and deepening your ability to feel from a space of solitude first. Once you get comfortable with being fully with your feelings from the safety of being alone, you will naturally take that skill and expand it into being able to be more present with others, as well.
This is you wisely guiding yourself forward as your own loving parent and guide, which is exactly how you navigate your awakening process – acknowledging your own skills and capabilities within and then applying them outwardly.
As you shift with the energies you will go through this process time and again. In order to get comfortable with deeper sensitivity and awareness you will withdraw first and then, once the energies have been integrated, you will step back out into the world to lead from that newest state of attainment.
This is surrendering into the natural movement of the universe. Trust yourself enough to embrace both the ebbs and flows, the inward and the outward, as your acceptance is how you harness the gifts and supports that exist in each phase and ultimately create balance with your empowered forward movement. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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