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  I will try to make a brief summary of the most important thing here.
A person’s entry into being, his everyday life, happiness, and misery depend on his or her worldview and how appropriate it is to reality. If a person admits the existence of God, then there should be the following points in his worldview:
God is all that exists. There is nothing outside Him. Everything is a giant organism – the living being is the Earth, the Solar System, and so on. Therefore, we are all parts of Him and as such we are eternal as our Creator. God is the father (creator) of everything that exists, therefore, all people are brothers and sisters. From this consequence, it is our duty to try to be equally benevolent to all without exception. Even if it is difficult to realize, because people are very different from each other, we must constantly strive to achieve it. Moreover, our brothers and sisters are all the ingredients of nature, even the little ants and grasses, and they deserve our full attention and love. It is worth taking care of them and avoiding meaningless destruction simply because they are inferior or not sympathetic to us.
In fact, everything exists because of harmony and mutual tolerance – divine love. Therefore, the greatest interpersonal problem among people creates pride, or as defined in Christianity, as the most terrible of the seven mortal sins. Therefore, our efforts to create harmony between people should be directed in two main directions: developing a benevolent attitude towards ALL without exclusion and restraining our own pride. Here I have to make a distinction between pride and dignity. I will try to do this with a comparison. Dignity can be likened to armor that protects our ego from injury, and pride is a hole, a weak spot in this armor – pride demonstrates literally our stupidity and self-esteem.
As being created in the image and likeness of God, we are endowed with all the possibilities of God, but since we are many times smaller than Him, and our power is so weaker, and in the prevailing cases it is insufficient for an immediate and obvious result. This creates the illusion that our thoughts are ours and do not concern anyone. But our thoughts are energy and inevitably cause some changes and impacts; these impacts have the property to accumulate and produce a significant result, but it is very rare for us to consider that we are the causative agent. That is why we must learn to be responsible for our thoughts and feelings – this is another reason to be benevolent to everything that exists. Collective thought forms affect the Earth as a whole and, to some extent, the entire Solar System.
For millennia, it has been thought that the world is chaotic; unpredictable – the events are completely random. But if God exists and He is perfect and harmonious, if everything exists is part of Him – that is, is interconnected and interdependent – is it possible that chance exists? The more people realize this fact, the more they will begin to think, that is, will begin to look for the causes of “chance”.
From a divine point of view, the value of a person is determined by his deeds, what contributes to the development of the people around it. The more useful, the more his powers are. Many people live in the belief that they have many abilities and knowledge, but if they are only passive dreamers, if they think other people do not deserve their efforts, even if they have any knowledge and ability, they will atrophy if they do not enjoy good (in the service of God).
It is very important for people to become accustomed to the thought that all are channels to and from God, because we are all parts of God, we are all his instruments in the realization of His plans. It all depends on the qualities, abilities and interests acquired by the particular person in certain areas. By analogy, each person can be likened to a light filter (colored glass). Everyone has a different degree of transparency and different coloring, some are scruffy, others are monochrome. It would be best to be completely transparent in order not to limit and distort the divine light, but so far we only strive to achieve it. God always finds a way to disseminate his ideas, thus inter alia, that will lead to the realization of his plan.
No less important is never to forget that we have the right to free choice, that is, we are full masters of our lives and everything that happens to us. Unfortunately, a great deal of people have the illusion that they depend on other people and circumstances. This suppresses them immensely, they feel unjustified sacrifices and can not take their lives in their own hands. To realize your own freedom is a small personal revolution, a huge step in your own evolution. So do not blame other people for their misfortunes, but take the responsibility to solve yourself.
Finally, perhaps the most important thing is to understand that the stage of social evolution across the Earth, because of the absolutisation of the truth, creates an infinite number of rules that act programmatically on humans and theycease to think – fatal are the first 14 years of our life on Earth. For robotics, we are working with the utmost public opinion, the mass media and perhaps the most educational system. Only when we get used to the millet that we can exist without the verified and proven truth, we start to break the chains of illusions and the bitter attempts to think on our own.
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