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November 30

If something you wish to create seems stalled it can be helpful to stop and ask yourself what constraints you have put upon it. Can it only come from one source? Does it have to look a specific way?
So many of the times what is the highest match for your soul and your path is much bigger and more brilliant than you can imagine, and your control from your limited vantage point can be stalling your creation. In such cases the lack of manifestation is your soul and the universe protecting you because there is something so much better available to you.
So loosen up any restrictions and surrender into the flow that leads you to your next grand adventure. From there you will be able to rest assured that you are in a space of receiving and willingly co-creating with complete and faith and trust in the universe and that it will come together with divine timing for the highest good of all. Again we say, allow us to surprise and delight you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 29

Dear Ones, you can shift any situation with love. You might consider it your superpower. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 28

Dear Ones, so many of you are so unnecessarily critical of yourselves. You are having both a human and a spiritual experience at once. You are also experiencing unprecedented energies and pioneering the shift. Rather than berating yourself if you handle something in a way that is less than your preferred way of being, we suggest celebrating the fact that you have shifted back into a higher perspective that can see other options and having love, compassion, and understanding for the part of you that temporarily forgot. Your awareness is a sign of your growth. Your ability to shift into loving yourself, however you show up, is a sign of your mastery. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 27

Joy makes your energy field shimmer and shine in the most glorious ways. If you wish to spread more light on your planet, engage in more activities that bring you joy, and you will be serving both yourself and your planet brilliantly. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 26

We were asked, “When do you know to take action versus when to just do nothing and allow?” We would like to address this today.
When you are in the pregnant pause, when you feel it’s time for change but that change hasn’t shown up yet, it can be difficult to know exactly how to proceed. Do you attempt to make things happen? Do you just wait patiently? How do you know which to do?
The answer is very simple, Dear Ones. If you are surrendered into being guided for your highest good, all you must do is stay in the flow, watch for the signs and synchronicities, follow the path of ease, and do what is being energetically supported at any given time.
Surrender takes the guess work out of things. If you know your intention was to stay surrendered into the flow and not one thing happens that day, you can rest assured that the stillness was for your highest good and the highest good of all. That may mean that you were busy on an energetic level, integrating energy or holding space for the collective.
If you are surrendered and things start synchronistically popping into your awareness, coming together with ease, and feeling light and supported, that is the universe giving you the big neon sign that flashes THIS WAY. It is the same with feeling inspired, energetically drawn, or finding yourself in action spontaneously, almost as if you are in auto-pilot. All these are indicators that the flow is leading you to a place that is in alignment with your soul.
And you may find that there are little bits of movement and then stalls. This too is fine. It tells you that things are still taking form and all that is required is that you trust the energies and work with whatever is being supported on any given day.
There is always forward movement and manifestation happening. There is always much going on behind the scenes in the process of preparation to take on form in your physical awareness. Trust. Choose to embrace the benefits of whatever phase you are in. Your job is to be a willing participant in your co-creative relay with the universe. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 25

A lot of enlightening human beings are experiencing the pregnant pause. You have finished up, to a great extent, the life you have lived up to this point, but have not yet seen where your new life will be taking you. This can be an uncomfortable feeling, as many will experience a great urge to do something but cannot quite put their finger on what it is they should be doing.
It is so important to use this “hurry up and wait” period as an opportunity to rest and keep your clarity about what you would like to create. Rest assured that the time for movement will come before you know it, and the best thing to do in the meantime is to keep your balance and gratitude, and dream big about what you would like your next grand adventure to be.
We understand that it is easy to fall into doubt and impatience, but the pregnant pause is truly a gloriously expanded Now moment that can help you get very clear about what you want to experience. Don’t know what to create? Your highest path always starts with whatever brings you joy. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 24

Dear Ones, if you understand gratitude is sending love to the universe, and that love is the greatest expander and magnifier of all, you can see why gratitude is a powerful manifestation tool. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 23

There is a tendency in human beings to make declarations that they will never do something again if they have tried something and it hasn’t worked out. You do this in your desire to take back control in an area where you are feeling powerless. What you may not realize is such declarations can be detrimental to you.
Dear Ones, you are beings of flow, and your abundance and expansion is dependant upon you embracing that flow. Simply put, control slows your flow. Such vows are usually fear based which is a very constrictive energy. They can also keep you energetically tethered to what you do not want through your focus, which is always your blessing of continuation.
You do not need to make grand sweeping declarations in your life because the energies are forever changing and your empowerment comes from making decisions one now moment at a time. Deciding to be present and to make each choice based on the energy you are in at any given time will feel much better to you and will keep you moving forward with openness and acceptance while operating from your latest level of mastery. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 22

Gratitude is sending a love letter to the universe. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 21

We have spoken extensively about the fact that you are completing the first phase of your incarnation and stepping forward into a brand new phase. You are wrapping things up much like you would do a life review at the end of a lifetime. For many of you what you have lived through and have been working on healing and releasing will start to feel very far removed, much like a pastlife.
Old patterns that would have had you triggered before will no longer hold a charge. Ways you used to give your power away are no longer an option. Areas of your life that you had trouble standing up for yourself are not challenges anymore because you have stepped off of that timeline.
Some of you are already in your new phase, some of you are in the transition between the two, and others haven’t quite finished wrapping up the old yet. How do you know where you are?
If you are in the next phase of your incarnation, even though all the elements may not have come together and you are just getting glimpses of the new, you have a clear feeling that you belong where you are and that you have stepped into a new beginning. You may have moved or experienced other major life events such as changing careers or life partners (or all of the above!) You are not feeling any urge to travel or leave, but rather will be busy grounding into the energy of where you are with your presence.
If you are in the in-between phase, you know that the past is done. You have a sense of completion about it, but haven’t quite seen where you are going next. You know it isn’t where you’ve been. While this phase can be challenging and uncomfortable, your discomfort lets you know that your energy no longer matches the old and that something new is in the process of manifesting for you. You may feel poised, ready to move, a sense that you are anxiously waiting for news, or a knowing that change is coming.
If you are still wrapping up the old, you still feel the need to be where you’ve been. You might be concentrating on rearranging your foundation in order to support change in the future. This might include concentrating on healing, focusing on dismantling old themes, preferring solitude, or learning new skills that are necessary for your next phase. You might be honouring old roles or service contracts that you have entered into that you know will be coming to an end but aren’t quite complete yet.
Please know that you can move through different phases very quickly in the new energies you are stepping into. There is no set amount of time for any phase – all are playing out in a way that is divinely perfect. Profound change can happen in what feels like the blink of an eye even though you have been preparing for it for so very long.
Follow your heart. Listen to your inner knowing. Flow when movement is supported, and rest and get clarity on who you really are and what your preferences are when it is not. The coming year will give you all much more information as you step forward out of this pivotal year of transformation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 20

As you continue your enlightenment journey, you understand that it is all about growth and expansion. It is because you have become aware of the importance of that expansion you will become more aware of freedom and how essential it is for all beings.
You may naturally start to let go of anything that feels restrictive and start to resonate more and more with things that allow you your own unique expression of freedom. You may find yourself drawn to rearranging your work life in order to have more time to yourself. You will seek relationships that honour you in your own unique needs for self expression and growth. You will find yourself creating space in any area of your life that had become constrained or restrictive, much like you would clean out your closet and release any old clothes that are too small and uncomfortable to wear.
You will also seek to honour the freedom in all other beings, as you become more aware of how essential an element it is for the health and wellness of all. You will naturally shift into supporting the freedom of others through this new level of understanding and wisdom. And it will be through this new respect for the sacredness and importance of freedom that your relationship with all things will shift and become more accepting and respectful, as well. This is yet another way that your profound growth is supporting the energies moving forward into the new earth you are all so diligently creating the foundation for. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 19

As you continue along your healing journey, many old patterns and habits will be up for review and for change. What often accompanies this is a need for the readjustment of boundaries.
Healthy boundaries have been a major theme for enlightening human beings. Simply put, healthy boundaries are about creating a space that is loving and empowering for all. What that means may shift or move according to each individual situation.
A simple rule of thumb you may wish to use as you explore the creation of healthy boundaries is to simply make sure that you are never more invested in another person’s wellness than they are in their own, and to make sure you are not more invested in another person’s wellness more than you are in your own. Making sure if you do step up to give assistance you are doing it from your heart and not from obligation or an unhealthy desire to control is important. To give under such circumstances often leads to resentment.
You are wise, Dear Ones, and by simply stopping and evaluating from your latest level of mastery, you will be able to find the place that supports everyone in showing up in their highest expression of self. Sometimes that might mean stepping in with others to help stabilize them during crisis, other times it might be stepping back and offering encouragement so they can find their own divine capability. Allow your boundaries to be part of the flow of support, love, and wellness for all, and you cannot make a mistake. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 18

Dear Ones, you are ever shifting beings of flow. What that means is that your needs are ever changing. There may be times of release, or times of integration. There will be times of giving, and times of receiving. Times of connection and times of solitude. Times of activity and times of rest. Times of being love and times of being loved.
What we urge is that you not make yourself wrong over any of it. If you can simply stay present and trust what it is that is needed and supported at any given time, you will embrace your divine nature of being part of a much larger flow, and you will understand that everything you could ever need will be identified and provided for you through the natural rhythm of the universe. You will also discover that the balance you seek is inherently part of that larger flow that you are already a beloved part of. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 17

The more self aware and self loving you become, the more you allow yourself to move with what the flow is supporting on any given day. That may not seem like much to you but it is a profound shift, for not only does it create more freedom and assistance in your life, it also allows you to be far more efficient in all you do.
It moves you out of effort into flow, which is wisely harnessing the power of the universe in your own life expression. It also lets you experience far more peace and acceptance in your life because you understand if something isn’t being supported it is meant to be addressed another day.
This is working with the operating system of the new earth, and once you become used to navigating through self love and flow you will wonder how you ever did things the old way for as long as you did. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 16

The more you can embrace being you – beautifully, unapologetically, authentically you – the more you honour your service contract to the world. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 15

If you would consciously choose to find something to appreciate in every person or situation you come across, you would shift from the wariness you have been conditioned to approach life from that perpetuates resistance and separation, to a positive focus that nurtures acceptance and inclusion. If you understand that your focus is your blessing of continuation, you can see how this approach has the ability to create a profound shift in your life. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 1

As so many different things are coming up to the surface to be examined, there are many conflicting voices vying to be heard. While it can be disconcerting to have so much noise, it is a great gift for when it becomes too noisy human beings will naturally withdraw and search within. This is leading people to connect with their inner wisdom, which will serve a great purpose indeed as you move forward in these unprecedented times.
So if you find yourself presented with many different opinions, simply ask yourself what your truth is and what aligns with the traits of the new earth you wish to anchor and experience, Dear Ones. The contrast of the chaos will always lead you back to the clarity of your heart, and from there you will always know which path to take. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 2

You will notice as things continue to move forward that there will be many times that your brain simply cannot figure things out. This is because the energies are shifting and you work with the new energies not through the brain, but through the heart.
It is a different knowing you are seeking now, the one the heart offers, that honours your soul and your highest purpose. It is also a simpler knowing, what comes from the heart. The power is in its simplicity, Dear Ones, so don’t let that make you believe it isn’t as valid or valuable as the complex theories your brain likes come up with.
Eventually all spiritual paths lead to the core elements of unconditional love, surrender, faith, flow, trust, acceptance, purpose, and gratitude, and those are the energies your heart is expert in working with. The simplicity is an indicator of great advancement on your path and opens the door to your beingness. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 3

Are you living a lifestyle that you would want your children to create for themselves? Are you so out of balance that you have little to no time for your own enjoyment of life? Are you present?
If your life is such that you would not want it for your loved ones, right now is the perfect time for you to reexamine it and adjust it to better honour what you would want for someone you loved. It is also a wonderful opportunity for you, right now, to embrace being the powerful leader of example you truly are and model behaviour you would want them to choose for themselves.
Your self love and balance serve not just you, but everyone around you in so many ways. We urge you to finally include yourself your loving care for the highest good of all, for as you dismantle your old conditioning, you get to put in place new healthier templates for your children to adopt as their own. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 4

Too much busyness leads to distraction. Distraction leads to dismissiveness. Dismissiveness is one of the most common causes of emotional wounding.
Have you filled your life with so much that it is difficult to be fully present, both with yourself and with those you love? Your presence allows you to feel connection, empathy, acceptance, and to be a safe person for others to come to with their feelings. The overabundance of busyness has resulted in, and perpetuates, separation.
It is not a race, Dear Ones, to see how much can be done in a day. There is a glorification of busyness that has happened in modern society which has resulted in people losing themselves in all the distractions. It is time to come back Home to yourselves.
We urge you to make time for yourselves, and to rearrange your lives into more balanced creations that are far more manageable. Tend to yourselves. Create space that allows for connection, both with Source and your loved ones. Give yourself permission to slow down, for your presence is your beauty and your greatest gift, for it allows the love that you are to shine and that is what the entire world craves. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 5

Many of you are poised to move into great change in your lives and expect to move directly from where you are to your end result. Depending on how big of a change of circumstance you are intending to create, the vibrational leap may be too large to do all in one step. That is where stepping stones come in.
You may very well start to notice small changes coming into your awareness that aren’t your end goal. These are blessings from the flow of unfoldment, designed to move you forward in a way that is far more comfortable for you. Please see these for what they are! Do not say no to them for they will serve a great purpose along the way.
Dear Ones, please know the unfoldment is designed with your success and comfort in mind. Have faith in the flow. Trust. Know big changes happen one Now moment at a time. Embrace that big transformational change can happen all at once but more often than not your transformation comes in incremental steps. It is all wonderful, and all part of supportive movement that will make perfect sense when you look back on it in retrospect. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 6

Those who are well on their enlightenment journey have all been going through a prolonged release and review period, intent on wrapping up the first phase of your incarnation. The phase many of you are entering now is simply about finally making peace with all that you have experienced. It is through that vital stage of finding peace with where you’ve been that you can finally step forward into the next new exciting phase, carrying the wisdom you have gained while being unencumbered by your past.
Where you have been will start to feel farther removed, much like if you examined a pastlife experience. It will be easier to see the purpose of it all, and you will have little desire to drag any old energies with you because you know they simply do not apply any longer.
You will begin a fresh phase, drawn to things you would like to experience and new ways you would like to express your beingness and service, driven by choice and preference rather than old wounds or karmic obligations. This will feel very freeing for you and will support the expression of your personal attainment like never before. Again we say what remarkable times you are in! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 7

So many enlightening human beings are on the planet with service agreements to be of energetic assistance. For many of you, the more chaotic the collective gets, the more you are drawn to becoming very still and spending time in your own space.
This does not mean that you are going into another long drawn out phase of solitude. It simply means that the best way you can assist and hold the space for yourself and for others who have not been able to find their way to create it for themselves, is to withdraw into your own temple, so to speak, in order to be of your best energetic service.
This is an automatic response that you shift into in order to anchor energy and support balance in the collective. Once the energies settle you will be off seeking your new adventures once again. Your service to yourselves, to others, and your planet will always contain elements of ebb and flow, perfectly designed to meet the needs of all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 8

Trust is what deepens every experience into its full potential. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 9

If there is a problem, there is also a solution. If there is a dream, it or an even better outcome, can become a reality. This is so because the universe contains all that is. If you cannot find your way to the end result you wish to experience, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, it simply means you don’t know the steps to get there from where you are.
That is when shifting into using surrender and flow becomes the wisest way to proceed for it allows your guides and helpers, along with your highest self, to take over and from their expanded vantage point, guide you to where you wish to go in the fastest most efficient way possible. It all exists for you, Dear Ones, you just must use the operating system that has the ability to get you there. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 10

The energies are continuing to bring up opportunities to examine and release old relationship habits and patterns that are not supportive or empowering. If this happens, take a moment and ask, “How can I shift this relationship into a new place of balance that better serves everyone involved?” Then imagine a beautiful, healing blanket of love enveloping you all. Transformation is possible, in fact, it is supported in these energies. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 11

What if you replaced the old, very common vow, “I will never trust again” with a new declaration like “I trust wisely and with discernment”? The replacement would feel much more comfortable to you because it aligns with what you truly wish to create, which is not separation but rather safe connection. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 12

If you wish to manifest something in your life, what is the essence of what it will offer you? For example, if you would like to manifest money, why? The real reason for the money might be to experience more freedom, ease, or fun.
Once you identify what it is you would truly like to experience more of, stop and see how it already exists in your life. Find the ways you already have that essence, even if it is the littlest bit. You may be surprised to realize that you already have quite a lot of what it is you desire! This is a wonderful discovery for it shows you that you already have the ability to manifest it.
Next, express heartfelt gratitude for what it is you already have, even if it is the tiniest amount of what you would like more of. By doing so, you are anchoring and nurturing its existence it in your life. This is a very direct form of manifestation, and something that is easy to turn into a daily practice.
Gratitude helps you practice more presence, which is staying in the now moment where your true power is. Your days are always much more pleasant, and far more empowered, when you can recognize and grow the blessings that are already there, if only you have the eyes to see. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 13

There is incredible power in declaring, “Today I choose a different way” if you become aware you are replaying an old pattern. It does not matter if you do not know what the new way is, it is your choice to try something new that will open up new avenues. It is never too late to change even the oldest habits, Dear Ones, in fact, that is exactly what leads to your healing, expansion, and wonderful new discoveries. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 14

Do you find yourself secretly wishing to be rescued in some way? The desire to be rescued from yourself is letting you know two things. First, that is an area of your life that is inviting you to step into your authentic power. It is also a cry from your inner child for healing, safety, reassurance, and guidance from you in that area. (The desire to be rescued in some way is what makes people seek authoritarian leaders. Authoritarian leaders know this, so they will often feed fear or people’s illusion of powerlessness in order to maintain their position. As people shift into being willing to embrace their own authentic power, you will see your world leaders change as a reflection of this change in consciousness.)
As you have learned from your journey thus far, the whole process is about coming Home to yourself, to your love, to your truth, and embracing your divine capability. The good news is, you have done so much work the areas still looking for your love and attention are becoming rarer, and when they come up it is more informative than it is triggering. You are all doing an outstanding job, moving and growing in these unprecedented energies! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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