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I have already said that consciousness consists of all human bodies – from his personal energy space – the aura. Each body has its own emotions and mind, as well as its own memory. Everything depends on the focus of attention – to which body attention is directed, perceives its resources, senses and memory. And man does not remember other incarnations, and he hardly realizes the accumulated past experience, because his attention is focused in the material body, which is different for each incarnation, therefore, and the material memory starts cleanly, from scratch.
After the birth of the child, his consciousness is not exclusively focused in the physical body, so he has access to past memories and subtle perceptions, but with time the habit of focusing in the brain to control the physical body becomes stronger, and lower overall vibrations due to interaction with the material world. It becomes more and more difficult for man to pay attention to his subtle sensations (to his subtle bodies), mainly because society constantly suggests that everything is a play of the imagination.
If a person becomes interested in spirituality, but not in a religion that forbids communication with subtle reality, he begins to try to expand his consciousness, paying attention to the reality beyond the material. In most cases, meditation is used as a tool to shift the focus of consciousness from the brain to other personal bodies. Meditation is not an absolutely necessary condition for redirecting attention, but as relaxation it gives an increase in general frequency, which facilitates the perception of higher frequencies in the subtle bodies. In short, the low frequencies can be felt as rough/rough and the high frequencies as much smoother and subtler. But this is strictly individual, since perception is complex and you can notice thousands of different things.
When expanding consciousness you must keep in mind that the verbal thinking/logic of the material mind is typical only of the material body. While reasoning with words, the mind remains connected to the center in the brain that controls the vocal cords, and so it is very important to pay attention to everything you perceive/feel without words. As I have mentioned before, the divine soul that wishes to incarnate usually splits into twelve parts, some of which incarnate in babies and become humans, and others create a mental/mental body and become the guardian angels of the incarnated, and the others provide support as a higher self. The mental body of the guardian angel merges with the mind of the person so that he can monitor the thoughts of his ward and be aware of what nonsense he is about to do, without this he cannot be a guardian angel. It is also very important that the person and his angel are from the same soul, that they are as close as possible to each other, so that conflicts do not arise between them – if they are from different souls, the differences may cause rejection.
Since only the guardian angel is connected with the human mind, only he can use the vocabulary of man and push verbal thoughts that man perceives as his own, precisely because he does not feel the presence of another. All other beings, light or dark, can communicate with man verbally only through the guardian angel. Can directly perceive human thoughts/speech by meaning, but in most cases distinguish the energies of the words. Therefore, if you want to communicate with the subtle worlds, get used to perceive/be aware of telepathy – the transmission of information in a variety of ways: through meaning, emotions, images, sounds, aromas and much more, all of which have in common the lack of words. This is not so difficult – the important thing is to admit that it is possible, the rest is a matter of practice, and also because it is the usual way of communicating in the subtle worlds, which you master perfectly.
The most important thing in expanding consciousness is to admit that you have other memories/experiences that are recorded in the subtle bodies, and not to think of them as a play of the imagination – as your sensitivity increases, you will see the differences between the bodies more and more clearly si – the different energy/frequency ranges.
Keep in mind when you are on a subtle level and you get a hint/insight, if you try to put it into words and take your attention away just for a moment, the insight disappears as if it never existed – you can’t even remember the subject. To recall the insight, you must return to the level where you received it, then, focusing your attention, try to formulate it in words and repeat it to yourself several times so that it is remembered in the material memory of the etheric body.
Note that you MUST NOT necessarily be SURE about your subtle perceptions because:
First, the desire for certainty is created by an inferiority complex – you do not trust your own perception and judgment.
Second, certainty creates a fanatical belief in some one-sided truth and turns you into a parrot.
Some believe that there are differences between the higher self and the subconscious mind, but to me they seem exaggerated. Essentially, subconsciously The mind is all the extended consciousness that remains outside the focus of attention, and the higher self is precisely this consciousness, each body of which is a part of some very large being.



While browsing the internet, I came across the following comment and wanted to share my thoughts on the matter:
“The guy I met said he doesn’t do sports or meditation because they inflate the ego.
Sports and practices (yoga, qigong) can cause pride if there is a predisposition to it.
But you can be proud of other things: high income, status.
And the reason is not in practice, but in pride. There are people who are not proud of making them.
And it is not yet known, which is better: to be without pride and without results or vice versa.
And even if pride appears, it may later disappear, and the results of the practices will remain.
I have also noticed that complacency often occurs at low levels. For example, after the first run. But when the workload increases and the practice becomes a part of life, taken for granted, then pride, as a rule, goes away.”
To begin, I will mention two basics that I have written about before, but I want to repeat them.
First, the dark age (Kali yuga) ends, during which there is a shortage of vital energy and an ego develops, i.e. survival habits and the struggle for the scarce resource, all of which gave rise to extreme competition and the dictatorship of the strong.
Second, truth is always multi-faceted/multi-meaningful. In short, it can be summarized as having a positive and a negative side. The one who wants to spit on something chooses the negative qualities, and the one who praises chooses the positive. When both opposites are presented objectively, they neutralize each other, and the truth is not conclusive, but highly contradictory (according to current human perceptions). Therefore, when strong persuasiveness is sought, the truth is presented one-sidedly, which is called propaganda or advertising, but is actually manipulation.
When a person lives in misery for thousands of years and experiences constant failures, he accumulates inferiority complexes, i.e. he does not trust his mental faculties, his ability to judge adequately. So he looks for an idol/authority/teacher to follow and refuses to think for himself. He who allows himself to have his own opinion is aware that the truth is contradictory and does not impose it on others, and the complexists, in practice, not allowing themselves to think, repeat like parrots the statements of their idols. And because the statements are one-sided and do not question them, they begin to believe them fanatically, because of their low self-esteem and the exaltation of the idol. That’s why you see people constantly arguing and proving their one-sided point of view, precisely because of the fanatical belief in some “authority”, and on top of that, they try to impose on everyone who does not share their opinion, looking down on them and trying to “reason” them. The complexer necessarily defends his point of view, because otherwise his self-esteem falls even more and can lead to the disintegration of the personality (as is the case with unsalvageable alcoholics and drug addicts).
When a person is sufficiently balanced and harmonious, he has dignity, and the complexer has the property of staggering to extremes, i.e. his ego assumes a haughty posture, demonstrating: “Look, I’m the most worthy – even if it’s not for others, it MUST be for me.” And dignity hypertrophies into pride (a mortal sin).
As a rule, the fanatical complexor follows some foreign rules, and when he succeeds in keeping them, he considers himself righteous, and the more effort he makes to follow the rules, the greater his pride. This phenomenon is observed in all areas of human life. For example, when a person does not have money, a car, a big business to be proud of and to suppress his low self-esteem, he invents some other saving grace – a telling phenomenon is the “hoorah-patriots” who are proud of their nationality or state affiliation. Like I said, they’re not critical of their idols, so they tend to support anyone who makes them proud, no matter what crap they do.
When a person realizes the true motives that drive him, he can very quickly change them and create completely different habits. Unfortunately, during the dark ages, few realize why they actually act one way or another – mostly they imagine they are doing the right thing – as the idol said! Therefore, people who allow themselves to have their own opinion are a rare phenomenon, the black sheep of society, and the other sheep/complexarians can easily follow them and abandon the shepherd who only scolds them and imposes them with a crook. And those who want power are very afraid of such people and kill them, for example, publicly, on the cross or at the stake, and most often, quietly, in some dark alley or in the prison/lunatic asylum. This creates additional fear in people and they want to be like others – not to have their own opinion, that’s why they become very easily controlled.
Watch your motives! Always aim for the golden mean and avoid extremes!
Yosif Yorgov



In the mass consciousness, the soul exists as some imaginary poetic expression. Some even try to describe it as biochemical processes in the brain. But the soul is completely real and has nothing to do with the brain, because it is an energy construct. More than 20 years ago I wrote that the astral body can also be called the animal soul, because roughly speaking, it contains and controls the animal instincts in man. And the mental/mental body I call the human soul, containing all the rules and dogmas suggested by the family, the environment and society as a whole, in short: ego. And the soul body or the divine soul is one with the whole and conforms to universal laws and goals (the so-called higher self).
Therefore, it is appropriate to distinguish three levels in our consciousness: instincts such as physical survival and the sexual drive. The second level arises from the ego/mind and is determined by survival in competitive conditions – all sorts of imagined fears and worries. And the third level is the sensations of the divine soul: such as joy, happiness, curiosity, interest, love and many others.
For example, depression is a typical internal conflict: a person is convinced that he is doing the right thing according to universal standards, and the soul suffers because it fails the incarnation, i.e. the mind does not allow the aspirations and interests of the soul, because they contradict the common sense, the standards – that is why psychological (of the soul) convulsions occur.
It is very puzzling that people seek happiness in material acquisitions, since happiness is an experience of the soul – the state when it succeeds in fulfilling what was planned for the incarnation. Did they have anything in common? Material gains are imposed on society by consumer aspirations, by advertisements. And what is planned for the incarnation manifests itself as interest, as inspiration, which, if discovered and realized, create a feeling of ecstasy, as they say: my soul sings.
But these are very rare phenomena, and gray everyday life is dictated by competition, which creates successful and unsuccessful ones, which affects self-esteem as pride and complexes. And the stronger the competition, the greater the wobble in these extremes. Low self-esteem is very depressing, so people protect themselves by looking for something to brag about, ie. they start playing imaginary roles, posing and pretending to be what they are not. But this cannot make them happy and satisfied, because it is self-deception of the mind, illusions. And the soul does not enjoy such illusions. But the mind constantly tries to prove that it is the best to silence the inner discomfort, but it clearly realizes that it is deceiving itself, and then it begins to seek salvation in clouding awareness with alcohol and drugs. This results in a constant wavering in extremes between the torments of the soul and another illusion of the mind, which does not give any encouraging prospects and hopes.
But still there are such, it is enough to consider that in the imposed mass values there is nothing that pleases the soul and to begin to observe and take into account what gives us pleasure, what inspires us – this is exactly what the mental reactions of mental activity are. I.e. we must remove the dictates of the mind and accept the leading role of the soul: this should be an easy conclusion, but it is not in the mass consciousness, and therefore few achieve it. However, mass values diverge to a very large extent from the individual interests of our soul, so it is much wiser to conform to our own desires rather than to those of others.
Therefore, the soul must be like the ruling party, and the mind like the opposition – the rulers look optimistically at all their endeavors, and the opposition looks for their weaknesses – this is how balance and successful management is obtained. But if the opposition is weak (complexar), the result is a windy, hovering person who flutters like a headless fly here and there without any practical benefit.
Therefore, the solution is always in the golden mean: in avoiding extremes, maximalism and minimalism, in a conscious search for balance and moderation in everything. Gradually give up the search for the unequivocal truth, from duality (everything is multidimensional, contains different versions of truth, everything is both positive and negative at the same time), therefore you should already look for the OPTIMAL RATIO of all ingredients according to your goals.




I regularly mention that a dark age is ending and a light age is beginning. The dark age is short of energy and for this reason it is ruled by the dark forces and naturally, they arrange everything in their own image and likeness, i.e. everything is set up to create maximum suffering, as it is the most favorable environment for them, and they can subjugate all who experience a lack of energy.
With the end of the dark age, the dark forces reap their harvest, i.e. select the most talented devils to fill their ranks. People sell their souls by not paying attention to their desires, but by striving to do the “right” thing. And devils become those who, striving to get rich, do not hesitate to ignore all human principles and especially the “ten commandments of God”.
When people lack energy, they feel a threat to their existence, so they enter “survival” mode and develop competition, i.e. begin to fight for the scarce resource. Everyone begins to prove that they deserve more than others, while spitting on them in every possible way to prove that they are not as worthy as him. This is how the attitude arises: man to man is a wolf – in short, “ego”.
But the dark age is over, the energies are increasing, and the beliefs and habits accumulated during the dark age do not allow adaptation to the increased energies. Therefore, people must replace old beliefs and habits with new ones that meet the new conditions. Because they are different for everyone, everyone must deal with their own deposits in the mind, clear them and replace them with ones suitable for the new conditions.
As I mentioned, for survival, everyone develops an ego, ie. creates a habit of presenting himself in the best light and at the same time, demeaning all other “competitors”. Thus, over the course of millennia, an extremely stable habit is built to react negatively to everything – the main desire of the dark forces. And because this habit is very ancient, it is very difficult to overcome – it must be consciously replaced with a positive reaction: to respond to absolutely everything with respect, gratitude and love. This gradually eliminates hypocrisy and expectation of aggressive attack, and makes human relations much easier and lighter, without the obligatory quarrels and scandals of competition. In this way, warm relations are gradually born between all people, without being motivated by any interest – simply because the energy is enough and there is no need to prove ourselves.
The development of normal relations between people creates a new society: the principle “man to man is a wolf” ceases to operate and “man to man is a friend” begins to operate. I.e. between people there is a unity according to a divine principle and it begins to conform to the universal universal laws. The existing legal laws become completely redundant because they were created to cause suffering, and transition/evolution requires that suffering be minimized. Therefore, the regulation of society should be simplified as much as possible, and of the thousands of legal laws, only the principles called “God’s Ten Commandments” should remain. Of course, a great many people will be alarmed and howl because of the possible crime, but everyone should realize very well that despite thousands of laws and draconian measures, crime is increasing – ie. the approach is completely inadequate.
And now very real conditions arise, due to the increased energy, for crime to disappear as a phenomenon and for social relations to be based on very simple principles. Before the dark age, the “ten commandments of God” were quite enough, and with the exit from it, they can once again become the basis of society. Forgive the impertinence, but I took the liberty of modernizing them according to modern concepts:
1. God is one – do not divide and oppose his parts;
2. Do not create for yourself an idol – neither in heaven nor on Earth;
3. Love everything that exists, without exception;
4. Do not judge;
5. Remember: every action, thought, emotion causes a consequence;
6. Everything flows, everything changes;
7. Thou shalt not kill;
8. Do not steal;
9. Don’t lie;
10. Like attracts like;
11. Share everything you value;
12. Do what brings you joy, not what others think is right.
Mass consciousness is a sum of individual consciousnesses, therefore, in order to change society, each person must change according to current realities, i.e. it must evolve and adjust to exist in energetic abundance. It is mandatory to get rid of the old habits motivated by survival and adjust to a society without competition. That’s exactly what transition is – it’s not by choice: species that don’t evolve die out.




Going to extremes creates all the suffering on Earth. When you are balanced, you feel harmonious. A balanced state is common to most beings in the universe. The extremes on Earth have been created for thousands of years by the dark forces of power as a way to consolidate it.
The main generator of extremes is competition, caused by a lack of energy, which is felt as a threat to life, and everyone is fighting for survival, for the scarce resource. Moreover, the lower the self-esteem, the more hysterical the struggle to prevail over others.
The ages change, the dark ones go, they go, and the dark ones rule this age. A bright age is coming, Energy is constantly rising, and all people have to adapt to the increased amount of energy. T.well. survival / competition in the Dark Age is incompatible with increased energies. Therefore, going to extremes becomes completely pointless, and only those who manage to balance themselves can survive, evolve.
Evolutionarily, balancing takes place through thousands of lives in three-dimensional worlds, until the soul grows tired of the extremes and gives up more and more of them. But apart from rubbing the sharp edges, evolution can also happen consciously, with man setting himself the task of achieving the golden mean, Vol.well. he’s starting to realize when he’s going to the extreme and he’s controlling it. Humans are programmed by the dark ones to believe in the existence of the only truth, and it is this fanatical belief that creates the constant conflicts and attempts, each to prove his faith. The assumption of multivariate truth gradually reduces fanatical belief and thus conflicts. The golden mean is a conditional space in which nothing is precisely defined (neither cancer nor Fish), t.well. all conditions of competition disappear. When a person gets used to tracking the motives that drive him – what his family and society have programmed into him-he begins to weed out those that drive him into extremes and conflicts. And this is the main way of evolution of consciousness – self-control. Consciousness is individual and no one can change it except its owner. Of course, there is an influence of the collective consciousness, but it is precisely these suggestions that dominate society, and they are no different from personal beliefs. Collective delusions are strong in people with low self-esteem who do not allow themselves to have their own opinions and rely on imitation to be like others. But regardless of individual motives, absolutely everyone must evolve to be able to withstand the increased energies. Those who imagine that all this is nonsense and do not bother to control their minds, to avoid extremes and competition, are leaving the planet at an accelerated pace – it is no longer suitable for natural evolution.
A major problem with balancing is the persistent belief that others are to blame for the individual’s suffering – because a person with low self-esteem is convinced that he cannot, does not have enough mental capacity to judge for himself, due to the numerous failures in his life. Therefore, he strives to be like others, to imitate them, and imagines that others are much better than he is, and embraces the conviction that he is an innocent victim, and feels powerless before some evil will, which makes him passive, does not decide to change himself.
No matter what happens to you, the cause is never one – everything is always a consequence of accumulation. In trying to understand the causes, initially, while being a fanatical follower of the truth, you declare only one cause. But gradually, as you open your mind to other possibilities, you allow more and more complex reasons, and this makes the golden mean/equilibrium more and more real. Everyone should always keep in mind that whatever is in the universe, there are always positive and negative sides. Those who lurch to extremes are either positive or negative – so their consciousness is set up to notice only one side (filters in the consciousness). Even from above, they advise to stick to a positive point of view. The one-sided perception of the world is always illusory, but it seems to be regarded up there as a lesser evil compared to the fear that the negative perception causes. But in my opinion, if you have dealt with your fears, you will be more balanced, if you have an objective view of reality-with all the disadvantages and the good sides.
Never forget about the ego – these are millennial survival habits accumulated in the subconscious (genetic memory), which the mind perceives as completely natural, but their time has passed and their motivation needs to be neutralized.
The more old habits one person can neutralize, the more balanced he becomes, because there is nothing to throw him from one extreme to another. Success.



I have written about self-esteem and complexes many times, but I find myself constantly missing a lot of things. Now I will try to add, without imagining that I have exhausted the question.
When a person is offended or feels guilty, it is indicative that they have low self-esteem, t.well. he does not respect his own opinion, considers it incompetent, and therefore attaches great importance to the opinion of others. Conversely, if a person has enough self-esteem, he does not care about other people’s opinion, because he respects his own, and such no one can offend, because insults have no value/weight. T.well. when a person is offended, he places too much importance on other people’s words and behavior.
Self-esteem is a basic feeling of the soul – it is replenished with thousands of years of experience in the soul. When self-esteem is low, the mind constantly tries to compensate by inventing reasons for pride: the car, the house, the wife, the mother-in-law, titles, titles, prizes and so on. Perhaps the most common reason for pride is the national/state – that is why the emphasis is so much on propaganda of rampant nationalism – it is so easy to manipulate people who have no other reason for self-esteem, it is enough to tell them: kill the infidel (the one who does not think the same) and immediately run to defend their self-esteem. Mental self-esteem is not based on Soul Experience, since the mind remembers only this life and only its experience, and therefore tends to go to extremes, because the mind is motivated by the ego, which is primarily competition, t.well. the mind is constantly trying to be higher and higher than others. This is used by the dark ones who fuel maximalism, which in turn creates so much suffering. And also, complexes are very cowardly – the lower the self-esteem, the more fear. They become brave when they get drunk (their inhibitions fall off), when they manage to scare someone with their washing or in front of children and women – and they can become sadistic – the more fears they have accumulated before, the more they become intoxicated by other people’s fear. And more, complexers crave fame, it creates a false self – esteem for them, at least for a while-no matter what it is (even if it is shameful), because they can not boast of special talents/abilities.
Low self-esteem makes people very easy to manipulate, so there are constantly talking heads who are pushing into the mass consciousness what they have learned in their lives. In fact, they are as free of opinion as the audience, and in practice they are an exact match for the expression “blind lead the blind” – the Rams leading the flock into the abyss. Note that those who imposed the limits of the pandemic remain in power, and we cannot expect different measures in the next pandemic, although it has become infinitely clear that the measures do not produce any results, but they are programmed and do not allow themselves to think for fear of making a mistake. And they continue to spend the public millions on vaccines, which they then throw away, but the master wants funding – is it not more than obvious who runs them!!!

CONSCIOUSNESS (supplement)

CONSCIOUSNESS (supplement)

As I have already promised, consciousness is a vast subject and I will be constantly adding to it. Now I will try to describe my idea of consciousness as an energy construct.
Consciousness is the personal energy space, t.well. the energies that he can control with his will/intention – the being of man. Consciousness is an energetic interaction between polarized energies, and the greater their potential, the more intense and conscious they are. Every being in the Universe has only his own personal energy space/consciousness, but many beings are composite – a unity of common goals and interests. Energy is reasonable, and the level of intelligence depends on quantity and quality. In short, man has seven bodies and all are his consciousness. Every coarser body is composed of the particles of the finer, and in the young soul the bodies are more a shell with no content or very little content. With the accumulation of experience, bodies become filled with content and create individuality. And the denser the content, the more conscious the corresponding body, t.well. it has a more or less dominant effect. In the young soul the coarsest bodies are filled first, and gradually the experience is sifted and transferred to the finer ones. Therefore, the older the soul, the more experience it realizes at the same time, T.well. he uses the wisdom of all his Bodies, his common consciousness.
In the three-dimensional world, there is one fundamental part of consciousness: the mind. With the fall into matter, the usual telepathic thinking/communication disappears and a mind based on language/verbal thinking/communication arises. This mental activity is severely limited by the poor ability of verbal expression to convey more than one logical thread. Moreover, in order to be able to control people easily, the dark ones constantly suggest that people think only with their heads, that all thoughts are their own and there are no external suggestions. Thus disappears almost completely the awareness of everything that is not words, T.well. it has become the so-called subconscious, which few pay attention to and have no idea what determines their behavior. For example, they cannot even imagine how great is the influence of their low self-esteem, of the dualistic opposition, which causes them to rush from one extreme to another, and all this increases the suffering infinitely, and we see what the modern world has reached.
Therefore, I can only recommend that you pay more attention to everything in yourself that is not words: these are the real reasons, these are the real motives, this is the real wisdom, t.well. accumulated in your whole being. In addition, you begin to realize that you are not isolated from everyone else and there are constant energy interactions, and this is called “expansion of consciousness.”
Of course, there are dominant bodies, depending on their energy potential – T.well. some are more aware, others less aware. Some people are more emotional, others are more mental, but the most important thing is not to create internal contradictions and psychological convulsions, but to complement each other harmoniously and create inner peace, which also affects others.
I would like to say a few words about T.N. causal / causal body. This is the grossest part of the divine soul, in which all suffering is recorded, and which is stored in special dungeons after the death of the physical body, because with it the soul cannot reach high frequencies – it is too heavy to ascend after death. After the new birth of the soul, it inherits part or all of the causal body, depending on the tasks set for working off.
Every body has a mind and feelings – male and female energies, in different proportions. In addition, it enters into some unity/entity of the corresponding level.
On intuition: considering that intuition is the opposite of the mind, Vol.well. sensations are not related to words, you can call intuition the whole subconscious, t.well. the consciousness of all bodies, and the mind as dominant in the three-dimensional consciousness, silences/suppresses it.
The same applies to the Higher Self, in essence, the higher self and intuition are synonymous, but over the years intuition has been declared to be an unreasonable feeling, while the Higher Self is quite reasonable. Because the higher self realizes and accepts the oneness of all, its priority is the common interest, as opposed to the ego, which has arisen as an accumulation of conflict and competition, as a struggle for survival for thousands of years, and therefore its priority is self-interest. In essence, the ego consists of the mind programs created by education and training in this incarnation (from the collective consciousness), supplemented by the causal body, which contains precisely these habits accumulated over millennia. For example, the fear of sin and the punishing God, inculcated for thousands of years to turn people into a docile flock.
Other parts of consciousness are the soul and spirit, which are separate bodies, Vol.well. parts of the general consciousness. The coarser material, Astral, and mental bodies are mostly individual, and the soul is fully conscious of unity and part of collective souls. Spirit is the highest body to which the individual consciousness has access and, as having the highest frequency, is the most powerful/energy-intensive, so it performs the role of will. As I mentioned above, everyone has a different accumulation in their bodies, so the Will is different in different people – stronger or weaker.



I’ve written before about the reduced energy reaching Earth, which feels like a threat to life and forces all beings into “fight for survival”mode. This unleashes competition and everyone develops ego in the fight alone against everyone. This competition creates duality, and the unified duality forces become opposing forces. Thus man invents the illusion of a struggle between evil and good, between dark and light, between truth and falsehood.
Now the energy is rising, but man continues to live in competition, alone against all, which does not allow him to adapt, evolve and adapt to the increased energies. And as I keep stressing: species that don’t evolve are dying out.
In order for man to evolve, he must get rid of everything that causes suffering, or at least minimize it. This allows it to tolerate the increased energies much more easily and to go through all the transformations necessary for evolution. T.well. thoughts and emotions must stop controlling him, as they say, “he was stronger than me,” and become a conscious choice to be the master of his life, not a docile puppet/zombie automaton.
In the passing dark age, the ruling force on Earth is the dark, T.N. Satan and all others, to a greater or lesser extent, are his subordinates. Now you see the result of this rule for thousands of years, and the dark ones are reaping their harvest. Those who have sold their souls, Vol.well. they consider earning money more important than their spiritual desires, become devils and fall into the dark world, where they continue to fight for their survival and become Satan’s servants. And they manage to keep something clean in themselves, t.well. they pay attention and respect to their soul desires, have the chance to evolve and escape the dark fate.
The abundance of energy eliminates all competition and creates conditions for unity.well. all contradictions disappear or become minimal, all that creates some suffering. That is why it is so important to fix the ego – the habits accumulated in survival (fighting alone against everyone). Without this purification of consciousness, evolution is impossible. This is quite a difficult process because very few people realize that they are driven by fears developed and accumulated over millennia of survival. Most people value their fears as something else entirely, and this illusory notion does not allow for objective marching and coping. Everyone finds an excuse that accumulates rather than neutralizes fear.
We are in a period of chaos, the main purpose of which is to detach ourselves from the old systems, so as not to cling to them and to accept the new more easily. Unfortunately, it’s quite a painful process, because everyone is grasping at something familiar, like drowning by a straw, and it doesn’t allow change. This is one of the main problems facing evolution.
As a guide you can look for joy and inspiration as the highest spiritual experiences. Not everything Pleasant can cause evolution, for example, sexual pleasure is more of an animal instinct, but it can increase frequencies and cause euphoria, but too frequent use leads to exhaustion of the body. You should also not rely on Narcotic pleasure, because it does not change consciousness in any way, on the contrary, it certainly leads to degradation, because external causes are sought and leads to impotence and passivity.
If you feel insecure, if you cannot appreciate any information or make any decision, you should be aware that this is an inferiority complex – over thousands of years of living in poverty and comparing yourself to the rich, you have accumulated it and made it so effective. The complexes are complemented by the suggestion in the mass consciousness that only one true truth is possible and everything else is a lie. It was necessary for the dark ones to turn humanity into a docile herd, and how far they have succeeded has been seen in the past pademia. Isn’t that a very good herd??
In order to get rid of your complexities, you must fully accept and realize that the truth is never unambiguous, that there are a thousand sides and nuances – only then will you stop being afraid to choose when you are convinced that you cannot be wrong.
A massive consequence of inferiority complexes is T.N. righteous. These are people who cling to traditions as something tested and proven, ensuring that they cannot go wrong – they develop a fanatical faith and try to impose it on others. This is the case in all religions, and unfortunately it prevails in T.N. esoteric circles, because obedience to their dogmas has been instilled for millennia. Unfortunately, the search for certainty, conservatism, does not allow evolution, and if they are not startled by events, they lose their chance of transition.
Everyone should determine what values he prefers: the old accumulation of money or follow the desires of his soul, which makes him automatically satisfied and happy, because the soul becomes the leader. Everyone should pay attention to why they act in one way or another, whether because they want to or because others do so. Carefully assess why it attracts one or the other – for the evaluation, T is enough.N. The “Ten Commandments”, of course, are other universal universal principles that are being studied with increasing interest in spiritual development. All these are necessary stages of evolution.
Another very important condition for evolution is balance (golden mean). The main thing that causes suffering is going to extremes, so the conscious search for the middle ground ensures the reduction or disappearance of suffering. Man is very dependent on the natural environment for his equilibrium, so cardinal changes are set to help his equilibrium. For example, the night will disappear, the daytime and seasonal temperature differences will be in very narrow limits, which will help a second sun. The primary function of the second sun is to equalize the energies of the solar system, as The Sun has primarily electrical/male radiation and additional magnetic/female radiation is needed. The second sun appears more and more often so that people can get used to it. Everything will become very uniform and even, but also very calm, which will direct human efforts in a completely different direction from survival. It is already noticeable in human behavior: women are becoming more active creatively and in society because of their increased male energy, but men are becoming more indecisive because of their increased female energy. Please do not criticize them – everything changes very intensively and has a goal, balance.
The deliverance from suffering makes the earthly life a paradise, all the more so that the profiteers who have turned the Earth into a dump will disappear. Then the chaos will gradually subside and nature will calm down. A completely different organization of earthly life becomes possible and the end of the Dark Age (Kali-Yuga) comes.



All those who argue, condemn, reproach, do so because of fanatical faith. Because they do not trust their mental faculties, they choose or inculcate an authority whose opinion they accept as absolute, the true truth.
Those who have enough self-confidence to allow their own opinion, contrary to what is generally accepted, do not allow themselves to argue, because they know from their own experience that there are no unambiguous truths, everything has its pros and cons. That is why only fanatical believers in another’s truth pretend to know what is right.
That’s why they take care of T.N. “talking heads” – a very good name, suggesting that it is about artificial intelligence, Vol.well. that they are programmed / trained in a certain way (as I call them “zombie automatons”). This is how humanity becomes a docile herd, and the past pandemic showed this clearly.
And who are you from? If as a child you were put in your head to be like the people with the idiotic argument that everyone can’t be wrong, even though human history is a string of dead civilizations. Then you will not dare to have your own opinion and you will jump after Aries into the abyss. But for Aries, The Abyss is the birthplace, and will you continue to let yourself be fooled? Time is short, will you dare to be the black sheep and not follow the Ram? Or will you fanatically, like a parrot, repeat other people’s opinions and become part of another Dead Earth civilization?
On Earth, the age of suffering (the Dark Age, Kali-Yuga) is replaced by the Golden Age (hell is replaced by Paradise). At the moment, it is a transitional period in which, of course, chaos is very much, because everything that causes suffering must be removed, and in order to be removed, people must be disgusted with it, otherwise they are reconciled. In order to suffer, people have been taught to react negatively to everything – so the negativity accumulates. In order to eliminate suffering, the negative must be reacted with a positive – thus the negative is neutralized. In order for the transition period to be short, a conscious change of habits is necessary. Success.



There is a huge difference between pain and suffering. Pain is a physical sensation, and suffering is psychological torture, self-torture, etc.well. living in the role of an innocent victim who suffers because she thinks she didn’t deserve anything, and life is terribly unfair. But since everything is energy, nothing can happen without mutual energy interaction, t.well. there is a need for similarity of frequencies, because different frequencies have different properties. That is why they define others as a mirror – by them we can judge what we have in ourselves, what is our essence.
As I have said before, as a result of decreased energy, the feeling of threat to life arises. Then the human psyche/soul enters survival mode, competition arises, and everyone tries to prove that he is worthy of the scarce resource: everyone starts to advertise/throw himself out and belittle the merits of others in order to present himself as the most worthy. This struggle for survival/competition has created the existing hell on Earth. And all those who fail to prove themselves accumulate inferiority complexes / low self-esteem. And there are always smart people who take advantage of the situation – people with low self-esteem are very easily manipulated because they don’t trust their own abilities.
As I said, all suffering is the result of lack of energy and the struggle for survival. But now there is a change of ages, t.well. energy scarcity is replaced by abundance, and the need for competition and proof is no longer needed. Therefore, it becomes essential to replace all habits/instincts for survival with positive intentions – only in this way can man evolve and adapt to the growing energies. And also: suffering, joy, happiness-all this is a state of the soul. And the soul suffers when the mind is imposed by other values (being like the others) that ruin the life it has planned. Conversely, the soul rejoices and is happy when it realizes what it has incarnated for, as the saying goes, “my soul sings.”
The main driver of survival is fear with all its variants, and getting rid of fears is not easy. As I mentioned, fears arise from the lack of vital energy, which creates the fall into matter (creation of the lower dimensions). But according to the Universal cycles there follows a return, t.well. dematerialization of the lower dimensions. Love is best suited for this because it heals all suffering and increases the frequencies of energies, which invariably affects the consciousness as well by reducing the ego and fear of all, as well as possible threat and competition, creating trust, which although very difficult to achieve in times of chaos, but with conscious aspiration and effort it is possible. To do this, it is desirable to trust the intuition that tells you who to trust, and who better not to deal with. When people do not trust their own judgments/inferiority complex, they try to replace them with some rules, but the rules are very unreliable/inadequate – people are too different, and this is also a constant source of suffering due to inadequacy. Moreover, those who follow the rules feel righteous and often impose them on others, which further increases the suffering.
I’ve talked about the ego before – it’s accumulated survival habits that are genetically inherited and have been accumulated for thousands of years. T.well. for thousands of years, humans have waged a circular defense against everyone else because life energy is scarce and everyone else considers themselves competitors. Therefore, unconsciously and reflexively, everyone tries to prove himself more deserving of the limited resource-as they say: alone against all. These selfish habits have created revenge and punishment, jealousy and ambition, greed and condemnation, the struggle for everything and time as a fighting factor, disturbed emotional balance and competitions in every respect, the pursuit of Fame – directly gives the energy of the audience and compensates for inferiority complexes. All this suffering becomes meaningless in the new age, where energy is abundant and there is no need to fight for survival, and the egoistic attitude against everyone is meaningless. An age of unification is coming, which requires that all factors that create suffering be healed and purified in order for mutual trust to be possible.
And it doesn’t matter if you have any special abilities, the important thing is to pay attention, to be aware of what is happening inside you – only then can you change something. For, as they say, an angel and a demon whisper to everyone, and in order to distinguish your own from the suggested thoughts and desires, you must have a critical and analytical attitude. But most people take everything in their minds as their own and become obedient puppets.
Because we are trained to retaliate and punish, we react negatively when, for example, somewhere our body hurts. Pain is usually an accumulation of negative energy, and with an angry and spiteful attitude, we punch even more negative. The same is true in human relationships. In order to neutralize the problem, we need to focus our attention on positive energy – the positive neutralizes the negative, but it is rarely achieved complete neutralization, because, as a rule, the negative is accumulated for a very long time.
Another source of suffering is non-compliance with universal laws. In the old age, the problem of breaking the laws was solved by the soul alone, and as a rule, the soul took measures not to ignore the laws until the next rebirth. Therefore, it is very rare to notice the consequences caused by a violation of the laws. But in the new era, which began ten years ago, the kingdom of God reigns on Earth, Vol.well. these same universal laws or commandments of God (do not lie, do not steal, do not kill, etc.N.). Since people do not realize the consequences of breaking the laws, they imagine that there are no consequences and they lie and steal uncontrollably. But already Everything existing is taking care of the observance of the general laws – just observe what revelations are happening every day! I feel for the winners, they’re the ones who get the most.
Human greed prevails over reason, thanks to fear and survival. No one wants to realize that it cannot survive if it destroys the planet, and if human greed is not caught, humanity cannot be saved!
When the karmic obligations are exhausted, aggression ceases to be constructive, then it is directed against another aggression: politician against politician, criminal against criminal, Gypsy against gypsy, military against military – every Serb whatever he has earned! By the way, I recently watched a video in which soldiers of China and India, on their common border, beat each other with clubs and fists, and although they were armed, no one fired and no one died – as they say, they scratched their mange and were peaceful. Very encouraging!
A person will always suffer until he understands why he suffers and stops doing “the right thing” – that is why he considers himself an innocent victim following the rules and not getting the expected results. And he takes everything out on others because he comes to the conclusion that they are not doing the right thing. In the end, it all comes down to a conscious choice, everyone to replace suffering with something more pleasant. Very often the main cause of suffering is the impotence experienced by people with low self-esteem/inferiority complexes. Because their consciousness is directed outward, they feel powerless to change the world, but if they focus on themselves and decide to change their own consciousness: to stop lying, stealing and killing (whether it is virtual or mental – through manipulation), they have a very good chance to change the world, otherwise they can only bring depression.

Of sudden deathю

Of sudden deathю

I have said before that the soul can leave the body whenever it sees fit. This is starting to happen every day-sometimes single cases, sometimes mass cases (the case in Seoul), and will probably increase even more. Increasingly, pilots and drivers die in the workplace – often as a result of vaccinations – a genetic conflict occurs in the body, which prevents the rise of vibrations, evolution along with the planet.
As the soul leaves, the body first stops heart activity – it looks like suffocation/shortness of breath. You have probably read or heard that when, during sleep or meditation, the soul leaves the body, it remains connected with it through T.N. “silver thread” – this is an energy stream that feeds the most pressing life processes, for example, the heart and kidneys. And when the soul leaves the body for good, the silver thread breaks and the vital processes stop. This creates big problems for pathologists who can’t imagine how a healthy heart can stop. After a long scratching of the back of the head, they come up with a conclusion far removed from reality.
Increased mortality is due to natural changes, and as you know, species that do not evolve/adapt to these changes are dying out. T.well. for some souls, the increased energy of the planet becomes inappropriate – it is not suitable for their development/evolution. That is why they leave at an accelerated pace: those who do not have serious karmic obligations leave directly, and those with karmic obligations are killed, raped, killed in accidents or due to diseases. In general, there is an accelerated cleansing of karma in all possible ways – that is why human relationships become more and more tense.
What will be the number of extraordinary dead, not even the boss can say – we surprise him constantly and confuse his accounts. It’s about changing personal consciousness through personal effort, and that’s an equation with millions of unknowns. It all depends on how scared they are for their lives and how serious they are about personal evolution. It seems to me that the Earth’s population will decrease tenfold, but probably within a century or two. It is likely that death rates rise and fall in waves – again directly dependent on human effort. Never forget the old fairy tale: God gives, but in the crib does not bring – t.well. there is nothing to give to those who are waiting for it to fall on top of them.
The evolution of consciousness adjusts to natural changes, in short, you need to clear the bugs in the head (What Is Right) – t.well. stop acting on someone else’s mind and trust yourself. Only then can you become human again, stop being Zobi-Automata.

The war in Ukraine

The war in Ukraine

I have already told that in order to easily manipulate the Earth’s population, it has to live in misery, so it becomes with low self – esteem and does not trust its abilities-refuses to think and leads according to the opinion of those who are declared smarter. But constant misery often causes spontaneous revolts, so a constant world tension is maintained, then the discontented tend to press their rags. For a world tension, it takes a few peoples who are taught that they are superior to all the others-then they begin to impose their opinions on the stupider. For many years the world bogeys were the United States and the USSR, but now things are changing, the ages are changing and the accumulated old karmic debts must end. Such cleansing is taking place in Ukraine now. Russia has lost wars before (Russo-Japanese in 1905 and Finnish in 1939-40), and there has always been a national crisis, as Germany and Japan went through after World War II. Such national crises crush the nose, and people become more humble and accommodating. Now the same thing is waiting for Russia to have a future. Probably, Americans will also pay their karmic debts with natural disasters in the coming years, and their debts are quite large, yet they have lived for more than half a century at the expense of the rest of the world. There will probably be few Americans left, and they will certainly be very humble.
It is high time for all people to realize that borders and states are created according to the principle of “divide and rule!”and stop behaving like an obedient herd. Perhaps, at last, they will realize that if all borders are removed, the wars of the world will cease. The abolition of borders does not obliterate peoples, other nationalities live in every state, but if they are not forcibly melted down, they retain their national identity for a very long time. Self-consciousness begins to blur only in mixed generations, all others self-identify according to their kind.

P.S. Since the issue of citizens ‘ personal responsibility for government policies arises, it is always shared. For example, as a result of Putin’s adventure in Ukraine, more than 300,000 people died and many towns and villages were destroyed – together with him, all those who supported him, regardless of which country they are in – can do nothing without such support.



The official reason for writing this article was Selene’s conversation with the Jovian civilization, in which Selene repeatedly searches for the true truth. Selena is an old esoteric, probably with more than 20 years of experience. But he continues, out of an old habit, to rank truths, and that makes me think that most people have the same problems. The search for the one truth is indicative that in 20 years there has been little progress in the expansion of consciousness, Vol.well. in the assumption of many possible truths / many possible points of view.
As I repeat repeatedly, going to extremes causes great suffering, and in this case, the search for truth guarantees inner anguish and doubt, which in turn does not allow for a serious increase in vibrations and the transition is problematic. Of course, small doubts are useful in distinguishing details and discovering new sides in reality – it is all a matter of measure, but very often, it is difficult to cope with an accumulated old habit, even with a great desire. Everything, again and again, touches how much we realize why we act one way or another or do everything out of habit/automatically, without thinking (zombie-automaton).
The main generator of true truths is the dual suggestion/thinking that there is only one truth, the rest is a lie. Duality is so convincing because there is a natural duality: male and female energies, electricity and magnetism, yin and Yang – but they are always in unity and do not exist on their own. However, in order for existence to exist, there must be polarized energies that attract and repel in order to sustain movement and life. There are such energies in Man, and they are not in conflict. Many people have internal contradictions, but they are due to beliefs, not a conflict between male and female energy. If the energies were not in unity, all people would be torn apart by internal incompatibility and life would not be possible. The existing Basic Law / commandment, which establishes Unity, states :” do not divide God into parts and do not oppose them”, was later changed, quite deliberately to create conflict and suffering: “you shall have no other gods but me”. Do you notice the implied suggestion of existing conflict and competition? All this has been imposed, for many millennia, and you feel the result: people cannot get rid of the habit, to seek the true truth. You must bear in mind that the primary dual stimulant of the only truth is the ego, which affirms itself through it – proves itself to be the best and most, quite worthy to survive. Another dual generator is the struggle between dark and Light Forces, which Marta likes to emphasize so much.
Given the multitude of truths, you cannot go wrong – the choice is always right – differently effective and appropriate, but this is not enough reason to writhe in your own doubts. And if you are convinced that you have chosen the right one, you stagger in the opposite direction and become rigid, lose flexibility/adaptability, fail to correct yourself in a timely manner. The belief in the only possible truth is the constant generator of daily disputes and scandals, of wars and dictatorships. And as you search for the real truth, you filter out your inner voice because low self-esteem devalues your own ideas.
To illustrate the multidimensional / multidimensional truth, I prefer to use the crystal lattice, as I quite definitely consider everything to be ordered and interdependent. If A and B interact directly, indirectly affects everything around, and through others, the interaction expands its impact even further. T.well. we have direct and indirect interactions that fade gradually the more intermediaries there are. It is immediately apparent that the sum of the indirect interactions has a much greater energy value than the direct interaction. But the suggestion of the one truth, which emphasizes only direct interaction, and the much greater indirect, is excluded from awareness at all. This is a typical example of a filter in consciousness that does not allow awareness of most of reality and creates an illusory idea. All this is for the purpose, easier to manipulate, of turning people into an obedient flock following the leading Shepherd. Indirectly, it results from the suggestion that everyone is for himself and others can not influence – so you do not realize at all that you are obedient puppets. And in order to get rid of all these manipulations, man must allow himself to have his own opinion, to accept that it is quite objective, to have many truths and not necessarily to be in conflict. Unfortunately, as you see all the time and everywhere, the more fanatically a person believes in something, the more likely he is to impose it aggressively, even if aggression is well disguised behind the mask of decency and good breeding. And it’s all for fear of losing your faith – then you might lose ground and feel like no one/person was important who has no right to survive. Faith gives strength.
All this I have explained many times, but seeing the difficulty of getting rid of the habits of thought, I shall probably have to repeat it again and again. Let repetition be the mother of knowledge, not the father of blunting.



Meditation is self-hypnosis. Because consciousness is focused on the brain to control the physical body, to redirect, to focus on something else, the interaction with the brain must be minimized. This relationship/focus has been built up for many years, the habit is very persistent and the beginning is difficult.
First, the physical control must be excluded, t.well. with self-suggestion, relax all muscles and limbs. Therefore, posture is important, because the uncomfortable position leads to numbness of the limbs, which begins to attract attention, more and more insistently. When we are well relaxed, we enter an altered state of consciousness called alpha. In this state, you can communicate with the higher self, with the higher worlds, you can regress. Whether you lead yourself in the regression or you are led by someone else does not matter much, because all the information is given by the Higher Self, who always takes into account the tasks of incarnation. If you want to learn something out of curiosity, most likely, do not show you anything or any nonsense. If you have serious problems, he can try, show you how to solve them, or at least hint. When you are led by another person in the regression, very often, they become fascinated by their own curiosity and interest – for example, to look into the future.
For a deeper altered state of consciousness (Delta, Theta), it is necessary to disconnect the connection of consciousness with the physical senses so that they do not attract attention. It is also necessary to stop verbal thoughts (Samadhi). Thinking with words automatically directs consciousness to the brain area that controls the vocal cords. With the successful achievement of such a deep meditation, the consciousness can leave the body, as during sleep, t.well. to have a dream at Will, known as astral travel. Depending on your level of development, you can travel through the mental world or into even higher dimensions. But I repeat again, it is only possible if you turn off the mental chatter and the senses. It is desirable to observe your sensations – each one is individual, some have strong inner vision, others hear, others can easily sense fragrances, and there are also those who can sense a little of everything. Basically, these are interpretations/translations of consciousness about the perceived energies-automatically likens them to something familiar, by analogy. At first, they are barely noticeable, but gradually, with practice, they intensify. You may be aware of subtle” whiffs ” of individual energies, but it may also be a complex complex of information (visual, audible, clear-seeing), T.well. you can become a contact.
This, in essence, is telepathy – telepathy with verbal information is possible (through the higher self), but this is, rather, an exception. Ordinary telepathy is wordless, like a package of all kinds of information that can transmit even feelings.
Most likely, the first contacts are verbal thoughts, but because the word is very limited in possibilities, once they notice that you are paying attention, they will try to transmit telepathic wordless information to you, at first, stronger, and as soon as you notice it, it begins to decrease, becoming more and more difficult to detect.
You should know that initially, you should not be sure of your sensations, because you become an obedient performer – you wait for them to tell you what to do. Therefore, it is obligatory to be uncertain in your sensations, this uncertainty leaves free choice for personal interpretations and does not impose will (although there are exceptions). Over time, you begin to perceive more and more nuances and details. But it all depends on sensitivity.
As I have described before, the sensitivity of consciousness depends mainly on two factors: on your ability to lurch into extremes – the greater the extremes, the thicker the “skin” of consciousness and does not feel the weak impulses (that is why there is a subconscious). The second important factor is T.N. filters in the mind, Vol.well. beliefs / programs instilled from early childhood. For example, if you are convinced that 2+2=4, you never assume that it can be 3 or 5. It all depends on how hard you are stuck in your head – the energy accumulates and becomes stronger, which makes the Conviction/Program very convincing / dominant. If you weaken them with doubts, they cease to be absolute and admit other possible options – multidimensional truth.
As you progress in the practice of meditation, cease to lurch into extremes and toward absolute truth, you begin to notice, more and more often, in your usual daily state (beta), those energies/sensations that you experience during meditation. But for this you need an elevated state, high vibrations, and then your daily life becomes meditation.
You have to keep in mind another important point in telepathic communication. The expectation of a response is a focused attention (volitional effort) that does not allow for an external telepathic impulse. Therefore, two options are possible when getting an answer: if they know in advance what you are going to ask, they can try, push the answer to you before you even start, wait, etc.well. immediately, even before you’re done with the question. And the other, when you are relaxed, not focused, most often when you are on the subject, you can catch a hint/thought/idea. It could be after a while, even after days. Don’t miss it! Do not try to suggest that it seemed so to you!
There is only one universal consciousness. The fact that there are separate beings/individuals is due to the different properties that their energy range has – they are aware of different, but these frequency ranges have no boundaries with each other and flow smoothly into each other – this creates the common consciousness/unity. When you are not running around in time and space, when you are in the “here and now” moment, you realize exactly this universal consciousness, but do not wait for something to fall on you – never forget that everything is energy and for anything to happen, whatever it is, it takes polarized energies that attract and repel each other. And intentions and questions are exactly the kind of polarized energies that attract similar responses and desired results. The rest is a matter of interpretation in the mind.
I have already said that suffering creates solid matter, now this fall of God into matter ends and everything must, on the contrary, be dematerialized until the original perfection is restored. Therefore, everything that has created suffering must be removed / neutralized, the frequencies of everything must be increased. Therefore, it takes an awakening-a conscious choice-to stop automatically, to lurch into extremes. It is very important to realize that everything you experience is your own choice, t.well. stop making yourself dependent on external circumstances. This awareness allows you to choose whether to suffer or be happy. These are not empty words – he who has tried has convinced himself. And elated mood/happiness is exactly the altered state of consciousness that occurs in meditation and allows you to overcome the veil, to deal with all the accumulated beliefs that limit objective perception. His practice is his mother.



Choveshkite complex sa trupani in prolongation for many years, through which social inequality is created – through greed and goodies. Chorata vijdat, che ima is successful, and im se iska, yes sa takiva, and when they do not have time, when they are in misery, trupat complex. Tova e samopoddzhashcha se system: vshichki is looking for yes imat a lot and with vshichki they will eat, everything is compounded. Natrupanite complexi se predavat genetically, heritavate complexite and on the genus, on the Si people, on the si race.
Chovek with no feeling of well-being, si nyama trust – can not be deciphered for precenc si, zashoto, from the owner opit, ce e convinced, th not misli successfully. Zatova, trsi competency/success (from negova gledna dot) for yes, we take an example from you and you turn into idols. In extreme sharpness, stava is a fanatical follower / vyarvash and povtar kato papagal vsichko, which he learned from the idol si. The main thing is that we have an educational system, which does not teach a person and misli independently, and we have our own opinion, but we are forced and notched. For every tern, there is such a thing as “govoreshi glavi”, which is stuffed into masovoto’s recognition of the property of the si complex for low value – fanaticnata si vyara in nyakakvi idols.
The main distinguishing feature on the complex is that it is constantly being sought and praised and praised, for yes, even on the other side, what is not the meaning of evil, which is confused. Prematurely, for yes you can, yes you can, open up, dezenyava vshichki, from which we do not depend – so these feelings are not for a little, not for a long time. The complex is constantly unsure of the proprietor of the price and the evidence/confirmation for the TV, i.e. the opinion is authoritative. Vsičko tova sa typicite masks / roles, koito si slagat povecheto chorus. If you do not feel well, give a complex, it is a protective reaction, for yes, it is not a different personality. Zatova and se are squeezed for an alien opinion – they can’t give their own, they won’t allow it, they won’t get the job / not e convincingly.
Imaite predid, fanaticnata vyara e aggressive, just like the lips on the lips are sure of the truth – the fanatic is terrifying, but do not ruin the vyata, protect the soil under the krakata, i.e. the spread of this person is holy, for some reason I have read. Zatova fanatically pull sa convince in-law of infallibility and I will impose on the vshichki, which is not sa kato tah (zashoto gi carat, yes, I will take it). Tryabva yes si priznaya, che veche many years, can’t yes si explain the logic on mnozinstvoto: “vsichki can’t but sin.” Vpreki, che choveshkata history tvrdi obvernoto: vinagi se e deluded mnozinstvoto, and the department units sa gave tlas on promyanata. The only thing that has been explained in a year is that it is possible to change it, that it is on the vsichki, that from nay-early childhood it is suggested, yes it is kato drugite (suggestion turns the horata into a herd). And tezi drugite, sa authority / criterion for the truth, in some way, for yes imat, sho year, nyakwo support. And just for that, tezi drugite, blame them, for the problems of their lives.
Dori choveka da e dobro realiziran professionally in tozi si belly, natrupanite complex for low value in the subconscious, determine the behavior of mu, vv vshichki left the area. Zatova drebnite dushitsi obichat a lot, yes sa vazhni, yes depend on you, yes sa in the spotlight on the spotlight, zhaduvat for glory (sbirat laikove) or yes se swing on the head of the nyakogo. Vijdate gi all den from ekranite on TV, as abuse with vlast and opitvat yes subdue, kolkoto se maybe poveche chorus – samo and samo yes drown torment gi complex. And they are terribly obichat and imitate them to give them a feeling of well-being, che sa rule, pour them a full belly, che tryabva da sa kato drugite.
The main reason is for not feeling well on the horata, sa impose rules, which are not sa in the technical interest, and zatova gi carat, yes, the victim feels like a puppet. Of course, when they take control of the stomach, when they become masters and become sick, th e really depend on you, the well-being of the ground is yes, it’s swaying. But imaite predid, che complexarite, sa nai-fiercely antagonist – how dare you, but do not subordinate yourself to the standard / to the rules! And yet, fear is an absolutely necessary condition, which is why the mind is closed, for which the sheep is obedient. And don’t take fear out of your mind – it’s not a common thing.
In the management system, nyama as da popadnat drugi, oswen complexari, zashoto sa necessary takiva, koito se manipulirat lesno. Tova sa vshichki officialdom and polititsi – chovek ate his own opinion, e vinagi chernata sheep and not all subordinate to the forest.
Jump the price for natural gas, for electricity, generally, for waste water and services, as a consequence of borsovi speculation, and soar for tezi speculation, and from vaxinite. Vaxinite se raincoat from dankoplatzite on celia is holy, i.e. vsichki raincoat, for yes they live in misery, yes they are obedient to the complex, yes they are all bolni, and get rich, so they put everything in a rich way.



When they say believe / believe, a person feels under pressure and resists, and the stronger the pressure, the stronger the resistance. Since radical changes are necessary in all spheres of life, this prospect scares many people, because they feel threatened by their worldview, which they have been counting on for a long time, and this pulls the ground under their feet. To avoid this fear, the pressure should not be palpable- the change should be gradual – when the consciousness is ready. Therefore, you should not take my point of view seriously.
The claim to believe claims to offer only the possible truth. This is a dualistic statement: contradicts the truth-lies, and reality is never unambiguous – the only truth is an illusion. To have any real idea, you must be aware of at least several points of view at the same time and not oppose them.
For thousands of years, an artificial miserable life has inspired people with inferiority complexes. People consider themselves incompetent to judge and therefore they are looking for an authority/idol to follow as more competent. Thus, people turn into a herd and jump after Aries into the abyss (an authority/idol who, in order to lead convincingly, is designated as an expert, doctor, associate professor or professor). It is these authorities who are called “talking heads”, which you can see on every television in order to instill the “only possible truth” – them.
To be an obedient herd, artificial idols are created for people, i.e., well. they turn people into parrots, repeating someone’s opinion. So that many people constantly repeat: “Yosif Yorgov said this, that…”, you should not trust me – believe only yourself and do not choose only one truth.
And in order to follow your idols, your attention must be directed outward. So you stop paying attention to your inner voice, to your soul. Since the soul is immortal, it manages to gain a lot of experience and knowledge – all your internal sensations that are not related to the physical senses are reactions of the soul to its energy interactions. Observing your inner feelings, you follow your own interests, and not your obsessive idols who see the world “from their own bell tower”, i.e.. judge reality by your own interactions, which are naturally completely different from yours. Therefore, you should not consider my point of view “pure coin”, it is only my point of view, and you should have your own, based on your own feelings.
The role of duality is precisely to strengthen itself in extremes: therefore, every truth is massively presented as the only possible one, and the denigration of another opinion is intensified in the other extreme. And as I often repeat, any trouble in the extreme causes suffering, and the more flooded, the more suffering (and the more a person suffers, the more complex it is and the easier it is to manipulate). Therefore, avoiding dual obscurations reduces life problems, and achieving a golden environment, balance, creates the necessary calmness and a sense of happiness (feelings of the soul that achieve what is intended for embodiment-satisfaction).



As you know, there are different souls by age, ti. well. those who have a lot and those who have little experience. In principle, more experienced souls should serve as an example, lead the more inexperienced. But, unfortunately, many old souls do not listen to their inner needs, but are carried away by the values of the modern world, i.e. well. they neglect their duty, lead others-this is described in the popular expression “sell your soul to the devil.”
For example, journalists choose materials to please the mass taste, look for yellow sensations, etc. – all this in order to get more profit. Not the slightest, they don’t care about their responsibility for giving young people an example to follow, people with very dubious values, criminal types and corrupt politicians. A very rare phenomenon is those who care about the development of society, most of them protect their salaries. Do you wonder why such a cynical young generation is growing up?
All cultural figures should inspire, elevate people, but massively push themselves to mediocre taste and search for the majority, they begin to hack for the purpose of large incomes, and this is an extremely illustrative example of selling the soul. Very few artists adhere to their lofty ideals and are not amenable to acquisition, so violence, murder and atrocities flourish.
Another common phenomenon is corrupt scientists who sell the principles of their soul and do “individual” research in accordance with the interests of the one who pays.
Of course, there are rarely old souls among people engaged in business, but they also succumb to mass greed and seek ever higher profits, not realizing that they are seizing the means of the population and creating a complex and submissive majority. Already trading is done necessarily with lies and deception – why are you surprised that there are so many sick people?
Every old soul should lead by its own example, i.e., be above the mass average in order to have what the majority is striving for. Unfortunately, such role models are very rare, and this is one of the reasons for modern degradation. Therefore, there are also so many depressions and drug addicts – this is the reaction of the soul, which does not fulfill its purpose, i.e. well. it spoils and deprives life of meaning.


In principle, I treat honest information and most of what I plan to describe now, I have already given it, in detail or briefly, over the years, in a variety of articles. And now I’ll try to make something like a summary.
There are two main types of information submission: selected to achieve some goal and neutral/honest information. As you know, everything has a good side and a bad side, and everyone, depending on their goals, emphasizes one or the other. The result is polarized energy( plus or minus), which acts according to the intention and objectives. This polarized energy influences, exerts pressure, manipulates, which causes an internal conflict with the right of free choice and, as a rule, a person resists / doubts intuitively. And the stronger the pressure, the stronger the resistance. In my opinion, any one-sided information should be perceived as propaganda, as manipulation, as advertising, in order to avoid unintended influence, and to accept it or reject it, it is completely consciously decided.
Another way is by loading the cards onto the table (fair), i.e. the maximum possible sides / complete information are presented. Usually such information is balanced, because well, both sides, plus and minus, neutralize each other, and a zero potential is obtained, which does not exert any pressure. Unfortunately, so far many people are united, that is. they do not consider themselves competent to judge what part of the information may be useful to them, and therefore they are looking for idols who can be trusted, i.e. not be responsible for making decisions.
Now a lot of information is being poured out from above, and someone with claims honestly, unfortunately, is dust in the eyes. The best thing, in my opinion, is to be suspicious of this verbal flow, because most people are used to idealizing and succeeding. For example, pay attention to vague explanations and obscure terms, such as “suffering is an illusion”, “modeling”, ” artificial intelligence (AI)” – these are just variations on the topic: how to get people not to dwell on suffering. This approach to various topics prevails in the posts, even if they claim to be “honest”. For me, the most effective way to reduce suffering is for people to stop believing that they are innocent victims. Imagined world injustice is the root cause-you can imagine for yourself how much it hurts when you cause yourself suffering / pain alone, and how much more painful it is when it causes another, especially if you are convinced that you did not deserve anything. However, you must not forget that all this is energy, and absolutely all this is the result of attraction and repulsion between polarized energies. That’s why I keep saying that you should avoid extremes, because they conflict with other extremes, and the golden mean is neutral – neither attractive nor repulsive.
For the ego. All global events are a complex combination of extremely many factors. I will not go into details, because they are not necessary to understand the phenomenon. In short. Imagine that, while traveling through space, the Solar System enters a giant nebula of dust. For this reason, the energy reaching the Earth is reduced to some extent, and this is felt as a threat to life, and people enter into survival mode. The competition for the lack of resources is gradually inflated, and everyone is trying to prove that it is more and more to be worthy and to be harmful. Everyone tries to praise and humiliate others, so most people are masked and hypocritical (without them they feel naked/unprotected). This is how meanness, cunning, greed and cruelty develop, as an attempt to survive. These qualities have been developed over thousands of years and are present, to some extent, in all those who have repeatedly been reborn on Earth due to the accumulation of energy. It is this desire for survival that represents the ego, but it manifests itself in different degrees and not only because of hypocrisy, but also because of the diversity of life – not all life circumstances develop it, there are quite a few communities. But still keep in mind the mass suggestion: the ego is a value in life, that we must be like others (to get an obedient herd), that evil must be punished, and this must be avenged. All these suggestions support what is necessary for mass manipulation, the low self-esteem of a person, which implies that one should obediently follow the smarter ones (but these “smarter” ones are outweighed by media manipulation and represent sheep, after which the sheep jump into the abyss).
The main method of mass manipulation is the fear instilled by division and opposition, especially noticeable at the moment, but it is time for all this to be consciously changed.
The most noticeable in the development of the ego are those people who are weak empaths, i.e. it is very difficult to feel the suffering of others, and even to feel them suppresses their mind. Therefore, their lives are dominated by the mind, not the senses, and they become what we call reptilians-their qualities, indeed, are due to a large number of reptilian genes. This is what unscrupulous people do, who are only interested in their own interests. They have managed, over the millennia, to perfect themselves in human manipulation, which also helps them in the dark forces. This is the current situation: successfully secretly manipulating the earth’s population and experiencing them as the owners of the earth, especially since people put up voluntarily, do not actively resist, but only mutter.
But the Earth is gradually coming out of the dust cloud, and there is more and more energy to it, i.e. there is no longer a sense of lack of vital resources, there is no need for competition and survival. But habits and mental momentum continue to swirl the competition, and many people become profitable, i.e. strive to accumulate underachieving resources for all. This is exactly what is the consequence of the ego, and this is the main problem, because if people stop accumulating, there will be a lot for everyone.
The increase in energy makes it impossible for those who do not want to develop, i.e., adapt to changes. I.e., all those who strive to remain the same as before are in danger of an accelerated exit from the earth-moving to other planets where survival is still relevant, because well, there is a real hell. But I want to emphasize: no one IS DOOMED! Because the problem lies in the human consciousness, which is a personal territory in which only indirectly, with the voluntary consent of the individual, can interfere, and changes can only occur consciously and purposefully. And everyone who wants to continue their earthly life and strives to develop, receives all kinds of support. And there is more than enough information about how energy develops.
Another consequence of competition / survival is the so-called duality. Because with strong competition, winners and winners appear very contrastingly, over time, the belief accumulates that only one truth is possible-winners, successful, and everyone else begins to imitate them, trying to become successful as well. Thus, pairs of concepts are formed, such as true-false, right-wrong, useful-useless, etc. – the list can be very long. This duality begins to dominate in life, that is, in reality. life ceases to be colorful/multi-faceted / each with its own opinion, and becomes black and white, and the strong determines the truth. And the trace of this duality, you see every day around you, because it causes disorder in great extremes.
Keep in mind, the fall of God in matter occurs by reducing energy and an important tool is fear. Since we have already reached the bottom, we must rise, i.e., the accumulated solid matter must be transformed into light energy, and also heal all the damage in the consciousness, the result of the action of fears. The main method of dealing with all these consequences is love, and that is why there has been so much talk about it lately. We are still at the bottom, and displays of love, especially selfless love, are very rare-subtle accounts predominate. But still, love is the only way to get out of the hell in which we live, to unite and solve the accumulated problems together. Do not be disappointed that it is rare and more desirable, but it depends on everyone how effective this method of breaking the deadlock is.
Perhaps it’s time to get used to the idea that a person does not think about the brain. For thousands of years, this suggestion has been imposed, so that you do not guess that the thoughts are not only your own, but also began to control the suggestions. For example, it has long been known that Anatole France had a much smaller brain, which did not prevent him from earning the Nobel Prize in Literature. In addition, facts of this kind constantly appear: a student did an MRI scan and found that he has only 10% of the brain, the rest of his head is filled with brain fluid. And before that, he passed the IQ test and got 140 points. Every neurosurgeon knows that if necessary, he can cut out 2/3 of the brain, without affecting the psyche, thinking, memory. For many years, brain researchers have been trying unsuccessfully to figure out which area of memory, which one is about logical thinking, etc. And although all this is not a secret, everyone amicably continues, dumb and stubborn, to claim that a person thinks with a brain. Maybe because they have no other explanation? In my opinion, human consciousness is focused on the brain, only to be able to control the physical body by inducing electrical impulses in neurons and in specific areas of the brain. Focusing allows feedback and receiving signals from the physical senses, but with this, brain functions are depleted, and thinking, emotions, and memory are fully energized, but these ideas are taboo because they show the manipulation of humanity.
As an honest piece of information, I want to focus on another little-known point. In fact, we all exist in an infinite ocean of energetic particles, but these particles are neutral, i.e., well, there is no attraction or repulsion. This endless ocean is known as nothingness, because when there is no movement, there is no life. To gain being, one needs someone’s will / intention to polarize and stimulate the energy particles. This initial will / intention is known as the Big Bang. And in general, keep in mind, every movement of energy is someone’s will/intention.
Recently, more and more often it is mentioned that the creatures can die. This may be due to a lack of interest in life/ will, which moves everything or artificially erases the personality. And I used to give images of what a person / personality is-the accumulated individual experience in the form of energy pros and cons. And these pros and cons can be reset / removed (called a “second death”), and this usually happens when the personality gets stuck and stops developing. For example, if the soul’s personality is erased, a completely new soul is created-a child who can dissolve into nothingness, but can also begin to accumulate experience/personality, from the very beginning, from scratch.
Also, you should not forget that nothing can happen by accident. Randomness is instilled so that a person feels like an innocent victim and suffers more. Because, all of this is energy, to happen, whatever it is, it requires attraction or repulsion, i.e., the interaction of polarized energies, which is why I often repeat that the more extreme a person is flooded with, the more it hurts, as it is a collision and a powerful energy interaction. Conversely, if you want to suffer very rarely, aim for a golden environment, i.e. well. your energies are close to zero – then the energy interaction is very gentle and pleasant.
So that random things do not happen, take care of both your guardian angels and your higher self, who try to implement the plan adopted for the incarnation as much as possible. Therefore, there are often wonderful deliverances, people miss a plane that crashes, and so on. There are always a lot of tips that protect you from unforeseen troubles, but if a person twists on his finger, necessarily travels on a dangerous plane and does not pay attention to signs and obstacles, let him puzzle. Therefore, do not miss such important signals in your life-never force circumstances.
Keep in mind also that the dark / light division is very conditional and contradicts the Divine commandment: do not divide God into parts and do not resist each other. In reality, it is impossible to exist only dark or only light, as an impossible and unipolar world, because there will be no energy movement / life. There is always some correlation. Those with the dominant type of energy are mostly performers-angels and archangels for the light ones, devils and demons for the dark ones. And artists have about the same ratio of dark and light energies. “Unipolar” artists are good performers, because they lack the internal contradictions that stimulate creativity in “bipolar” artists. But everyone has the right to have only their own energy / energy space, unless they are authorized to operate in the energy space of a higher being, who naturally tracks the results so as not to get carried away.
God’s favorite activity is to hold someone or someone in a corner where they can’t leave and start baking them over a slow fire (a is a favorite because it offers new opportunities and interests). This happens when looking for some solutions (and I mentioned that: those in matter imagine that they are separate from God and forgetting about the general laws, which allows them to go beyond the usual framework, and therefore use us as fantasyori, such as idea generators) – the fact is that a person, if not his money on his ass, does not write, do not think much. And only when the balance is disturbed, his comfort begins to figure out how to restore it over time. Another important point with many trials / sufferings is similar to the current one, i.e. serious changes are coming, and in order to have those who set them in motion, people with expanded powers are needed and a worthy series of tests are conducted in which reactions and motivations are observed that determine actions. Thus, weaknesses are found out, and what can be expected from one or the other person, and with the powers, the direction to which the society is directed is determined. And again and again I remind you: the worst trick you could get is to imagine yourself a victim of evil will!!!
Recently, the emphasis has been on instilling confidence in the Divine Plan. But as always, every thing is useful when measured. But people are trained to be dualistic and stagger to extremes, and I fear that, as with abundance, there will be a lot of frustration. Therefore, I insist that you do not leave with a large basket. However, don’t forget that there is a divine plan, but like any exploration of the unknown, the non-successful experiments were many times larger than the successful ones. And for our experiment to be successful, we need much more individual and collective efforts.



Religions have a right to exist, while people need them. But since they are a tool of manipulation, it is advisable to get rid of everything that contradicts the divine laws. For example, an important tool for turning people into a herd are dogmas and canons – from mandatory, they must become desirable, so as not to conflict with the right of free will. But then they cease to be religions and become a worldview / philosophy, but only in this way can they develop according to the needs of society.
It can be said that to a lesser or greater extent, almost all religions violate the divine laws. For example, God succeeds almost everywhere in the cult, although he has commanded: do not create an idol for yourself, either in heaven or on Earth! But the punishing god is very convenient, and it’s enough for someone to say: “God wants it!” or ” God said it!”and thousands run to kill the infidels, even though the same God commanded: “do not kill!”. It is not clear why all the murderers believe that this does not apply to them.
Calendar holidays and rituals are an integral part of the canon and dogma of each religion, and their periodic repetition is intended to deeply inculcate the same canons and dogmas. In a word, they are tools for manipulating the mass consciousness and, of course, over time, they will lose their meaning.
I don’t know if you’ve seen it, but about a century ago, a silver coin worth 100 leva was issued. At the first outliers, the inscription was printed on the edge of the coin: “Fight with God, honor the king”. It must have been a very popular suggestion when it was on the coins. You can see for yourself what his influence is.
Spiritual habits also turn the brightest intentions into religions / dogmas, simply because it lacks development / evolution. This can be seen in many esoteric movements, in New Age( new era) worshippers, and in Bulgaria it is especially noticeable in the White Brotherhood (melonists), who even registered as a religion, although a teacher was killed if they turned the brotherhood into a religion to destroy it. But there is no one there who can take responsibility, develop his ideas, and so he can only grow.
Someone took the trouble to study the length of human life by profession. And statistics show that kings and doctors have the shortest lives compared to all other professions: 20 years less than the average-why? Of course, the reasons can be very diverse, but there is one that unites them: the soul is in a hurry to escape from too much karmic accumulation and does not wait for the end of the predetermined period. Very revealing statistics!
There’s been more and more talk of disclosure / apocalypse lately, but I remain skeptical. Because of the fanaticism that is fueled in some religions, disclosure can cause huge outrage because of God’s ungrateful role in the earthly situation. Such disclosure can seriously sway bigotry, and many people will feel threatened without losing faith. Of course, you can use various global events to distract the attention of fanatics, but these are temporary measures. The best thing would be for the disclosure to happen gradually, in separate groups and religions, so as not to get a huge explosion / resonance of outrage, which can be dangerous, like a mass panic. And such mass emotions are very difficult to master without mass victims. So I think the boss is going to tiptoe for a long time, t.well. forward a millimeter a year. Of course, distractions can be many other events, and God forbid, this is some kind of global cataclysm – for example, Yellowstone or Nabiro, to show themselves forever-that’s when it will be a complete shock. Of course, if the disclosure is on all fronts, the shock will be too strong to pay attention to just one area. But the boss clearly hopes for a miracle: people wake up only with words, without covering the cases. In my opinion, it is like searching under the ox for a calf or waiting for a train where there are no railway lines. But I know the boss always complained that we were too unpredictable. I wonder what might come to mind tomorrow.



I’ve been having a question for a few days now, and I don’t see a reasonable answer.
Our dog is old and can’t even stand up anymore.
It’s clear to people…the reasons are pain, but why are animals given such suffering?
I understand that this will help the person, strengthen our compassion, love, etc .. No, but he deserved what he deserved.
Loyal, loving, good-natured…like many others.
And something else on the old question…
if our higher self censors what would be useful or not for growth and the path, why does it still allow things that could be harmful?
It is clear that negativity, mistakes are mostly taught, but still someone allows serious harm. So, he is not such a censor and a security guard.
And who am I?
The fact that suffering creates matter, I have already written, I will only clarify that the intentions of God are realized as their own from all its parts, including from nature, from all plants and animals. Therefore, when they are born / arise in the material world, they have an inner attitude that they have chosen something unpleasant and “wear the cross”. So your dog suffers a lot less than you do – you have a belief that there are “innocent victims” and that belief increases the suffering because it inspires injustice. It’s a good idea to think about it and get rid of the conviction. By the way, heavy movement in the elderly and animals is caused by atrophied muscles, the result of insufficient movement.
On the second question. I constantly repeat that there is no such thing that is one-sided, i.e., to be only positive or negative. Everything has a good side and a bad side, and people are used to seeing only one, because for thousands of years they have been taught that there is only one truth and everything else is a lie, which is why it is so easy to manipulate.
And the real reality is never so elementary-I constantly emphasize that everything that happens needs thousands, millions of reasons, and in order for this to happen, it is important that the amount that strains the Scales in one direction or another. Therefore, even If I can not do only pleasant things, there is always an unpleasant side of phenomena / actions. Therefore, it is so important that all people are cured of the belief that there may be “innocent victims”.
By the way, there is a very serious problem that is not mentioned in any message/channeling, but what is not said does not mean that there are none. For example, there was a time when more than a million different extraterrestrial civilizations gathered around the Earth. This is due to the “stench” that radiates from the Earth. Our planet stinks of death, and this stench is felt throughout the universe, so different civilizations constantly come to see what the problem is, and what can be done about it. The stench is a consequence of the so-called “death virus”, which arises from suffering, killing the desire to live. And the effect of this virus is felt throughout the universe and reduces the motivation for the life of all beings. This means that they lose interest in being, and when there is no interest, there is no one to move the energy, everything disappears and gradually collapses into nothingness. But, as I have already written, this is not the end, and like a dream, God, like a Phoenix, is reborn for a new existence and begins a new stage/active period/genesis.
As an illustration, I’ll use an explanation I want to make for a recent post: “everything you get for free creates a debt to the universe. “Everything You Get For Free Creates Debt To The Universe”. In order to maintain an interest in life, everyone, from the lowest to the highest, has a free choice that allows them to conduct experiments within certain limits that do not seriously disrupt the overall balance. I.e. in practice, everyone comes up with some games / experiments to deceive themselves. Therefore, God chooses this descent / fall in matter, which is a very unpleasant feeling for him, just to create beings who imagine themselves to be separate, that is. they stop following all the rules of the game and start coming up with exclusive things. That’s why we’re also visionaries and co-artists. And all this keeps God interested-constantly wondering what else he can think of?
But it is so important not to overdo it, because the whole system is very complex and has limited stability. Therefore, unilateral actions (only giving or receiving) upset the balance. And there are overseers who monitor its global state, called the lords / superiors of karma. When they notice that the overall imbalance is approaching critical values, they send warning signals to all the older selves that cause the biggest problems. High school students take immediate measures, first try with direct suggestions, then arrange pressure through events, and if the imbalance continues, restore it on their own, taking something away from the person.
In general, to have a balanced worldview, you should not imagine that there are only light/well-intentioned and dark / malicious forces. Remember that these forces are both sides of the same coin, i.e. God manifests himself as well – intentioned and as a villain-all this is a single whole-you know God’s first commandment: do not divide God into parts and do not resist each other. And if malicious astral beings exist, when you start your spiritual development and raise your vibrations, astral beings can’t do you a trick, they can’t reach you and influence you. And all the shit that happens to you in your life is the work of your Higher Self, who has a program of execution for all incarnates.
In fact, there is an essential difference between the Divine and the human soul. The divine soul (the Higher Self) is a being from the soul world that has the ability to divide into fragments (because energy is easily divided – in principle, 12, but there are exceptions). To embody such a fragment, he creates first a mental body, then an astral body, with which he incarnates in the embryo. They can be incarnated in several fragments at the same time, in different people on Earth, and the rest are taken care of by the incarnated ones as guardian angels / spiritual leaders. But in most cases, in order to do this, they must lower their vibrations, i.e., lower their vibration. they create a mental and sometimes astral body, so they get closer in frequency to the embodied consciousness, and they manage to recognize them. But this support team is constantly energetically connected to the Divine Soul / Higher Self and implements its will. When a person begins to listen to his intuition, he begins to realize the will of the Higher Self and to realize both the planned for the incarnation and the global tasks/will of God. All of these fragments are soul mates, although they also have similar fragments of other divine souls that they have been friends with in many incarnations. And the Twin soul is the fragment with which you are closest, that is, well. you had the most shared experiences, not only as incarnates, but also as guardian angels / spiritual guides/, etc. you have a very common experience.
Always keep in mind that over thousands of years, millions of beliefs are instilled that cause suffering. So don’t ignore every worry and worry – look for a way to neutralize everything that causes them. It is right that in order to make suffering more effective, we forget that we have chosen to suffer voluntarily and have accepted the concept of “innocent victims”. But the time of hell on Earth is over, and therefore it is necessary that everyone get rid of everything that makes him suffer. Only in this way can the earthly paradise be restored and the destruction of the planet stopped.



It is an open secret that the biggest provocateurs of world wars, of all armed conflicts, are the arms manufacturers – they are not averse to destroying millions, just to feel like masters. Now the situation is repeating itself: they failed to ignite a third world war, but they found an equally profitable way: a pandemic. Remember how many billions have poured into the pharmaceutical industry to develop and manufacture vaccines.
A little background: I don’t remember exactly, but it must have been over 30 years since, on some forum, people with a lot of money decided that there were too many people on Earth and they needed to reduce their numbers so they could more easily manipulate them. And they set about this work very diligently!
Because of human inquisitiveness, people constantly ask about the names of the puppeteers. But at various events – clubs and forums – trusted persons go, the actual puppeteers never appear. But the specific names are not so important, the important thing is to know about their manipulations, because they are possible only if people do not suspect them.
Therefore, the system, in order to be effective, must act very cautiously, not to stand out, otherwise it attracts attention and the plans fail, and everything has to start all over again. Therefore, it is difficult to prove that the imposed methods are deadly for people, there is no direct death, everything is an indirect consequence. And they act on all fronts: through genetically modified foods, through chemical additives, etc. E-th (all kinds of colorings and preservatives). Mind you, puppeteers never buy food from the store, they grow everything themselves and live far from cities to avoid electromagnetic smog. In the frequencies used by mobile devices, the most harmful ones are selected, and there are those that are almost safe – after all, they are energy that always has some impact, and the damage also depends on the power. It will be years until technologies are replaced with safe ones for people and nature.
Another of their approaches is to reduce the birth rate. You may have noticed that conception is becoming more and more problematic. They achieve this in many ways, but mainly through genetically modified foods and vaccines. Don’t think that they only vaccinate for infertility in Africa – skin color doesn’t matter to puppeteers. Health problems become typical, indicating that they are not due to individual life, but that people are exposed en masse to influences that produce the same result.
The most influential on the mass consciousness are movies and shows on television because they are watched by millions – how do you think manipulators can miss them? Particular attention is paid to patriotic education, instilling the danger of the enemy – guaranteed to create aggression, setting people and nations against each other, all over the world. In addition, everything that can cause suffering and irritation, everything that causes discomfort and aggression is strongly suggested, because people without balance are very easily manipulated and sway in the direction they need, they only need to be blamed. That’s why so many horror, crime and action films are produced, as well as ones that suggest how much fun it is to be dumb. In general, the suggestions are extremely diverse and are directed through the financing of the productions, setting conditions for the creators.
In addition to movies, the money from the vaccines goes to paid scientific research that proves how safe another poison is, to finance various media campaigns – keep track of who or what is emphasized in the various media – this is not a coincidence, every repetition is suggestion. Suggestion, that is. role models are the so-called yellow news/gossip that exists in every media. Politicians are also role models – what do you think we are constantly being told about, and what will come of this imitation?
Money from the vaccines goes to provoking discontent all over the world, to color revolutions – it is very important that people do not feel safe – so they become even more complex and docile.
The most important thing is to understand that people with low self-esteem do not trust themselves, do not allow themselves to think because their lives are unsuccessful and cling to the opinion of those they consider successful, i.e. become fanatical followers of idols/specialists. And it is precisely this attitude that creates zombie automatons. And these are exactly the ones who constantly explain to you in the various mass media how you should live and limit your life with the belief that since they are fanatical followers of “medical luminaries”, they have the right to impose their faith. It should strike you that medical fanaticism is no different from Islamic fanaticism, ie. Islamic terrorists blindly believe the preacher who motivates them, and medical terrorists impose their faith on “medical luminaries”. Ha now figure out which terrorism is more deadly! Real data is hard to come by, but only the US has a system that records deaths caused by medical errors. And that’s exactly what the puppeteers are aiming for – reducing the world population.
Since you are used to someone else thinking for you and looking for the reasons outside yourself, you immediately shout: “Where is the prosecutor’s office, and why is it not taking measures?”. But it doesn’t hurt to know that the court system has a very big problem finding expert witnesses when it comes to medical malpractice. As the saying goes: “Gargle for gargle, don’t take out an eye” – every doctor realizes that tomorrow he may end up on the dock.
I’m not telling you all this to put the doctors up against the wall and shoot them. If you remember, somewhere in the New Testament it is told how the elders of a village came to Jesus for advice on how to deal with a woman caught in adultery, and tradition dictates that she should be stoned. Do you remember what Jesus said to them: “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone”. You will say that you pay to be treated. And I will tell you that you pay to be sick. You only pay when you are sick, what is the doctors’ interest in you being healthy, they are afraid of starving. To be healthy, you must pay when you are healthy, and stop paying when you get sick. Only then, doctors will be interested in conducting preventive measures and being interested in the causes of health problems.
Fear is a killer of the immune system – notice that everywhere scares you, and mostly doctors. Have you ever asked yourself why they do it – well, they ensure patients, stable income. All of them are aware that fear suppresses the immune system, suppresses all body functions, therefore, makes people vulnerable. And who is interested in fear that paralyzes the will?
Of course, among the doctors there are many different ones, there are also those who try to think (Mangerov, Chorbanov), but they do not have enough courage to rebel against the system, i.e. and they have some faith. There are also those who give up their diplomas, but such are units, there are also those who never treat their loved ones with drugs, but remain silent. But, still, the overwhelming majority remain typical zombie automatons, and with such, they put pressure on you from all sides. A reasonable, balanced person never imposes his opinion because he is not convinced, he doubts – only a fanatic is capable of such extremes – to harass millions – for him doubt is unacceptable, it kills his faith. And despite everything, I am optimistic that if the medics allow themselves to think, they will begin to heal, but the old zombifying system must be destroyed. Just think, all the zombie automatons who want to be constantly in the spotlight are teaching students and creating their likenesses, just like those who taught them and made their likenesses, ie. the system reproduces itself. Only revelation can bring them down.
Keep in mind, for 30 years now there have been no drugs to cure, only drugs to suppress the symptoms. You will say that the death rate should be higher. But you know, there is a doctor’s joke: “If you treat a cold, it goes away in seven days, if you don’t treat it, it goes away in a week.” This is the situation with modern medicine. I.e. it takes advantage of the body’s defenses to win. But the puppeteers have taken care of that as well – all their efforts are aimed at suppressing the body’s defenses, the immune system. And you yourself may consider that if the person is treated artificially, the immune system atrophies as unnecessary. Vaccines have the same effect. Not to mention that heavy chemical contamination of the body also inhibits/disables the immune system. Are the problems in viruses – there have always been viruses and there always will be, and the problems with them are not solved by killing them, but by increasing the body’s protective capabilities. Do you notice that in modern medicine, everything is upside down – do you consider it a coincidence?
You must also keep in mind that there is no area of human life that has not been manipulated and twisted to suit the needs of the puppeteers. I.e. all fields of science, of history, of philosophy, of social life, are directed in such a way as to turn men into herds. It is therefore necessary to review all areas of life because they are set up to cause suffering.
Did you laugh at another world conspiracy? And now just imagine for a moment what kind of laughter falls on the puppeteers – and how can they not laugh, people are such big balls and so easily led by the nose: they only need to be told that they are not competent, to decide for themselves , to listen to the “specialists”, and without thinking, to jump after them into the abyss! You remember what they say in such cases: “Nothing personal – just business!”.




Recently, changes in typical gender behavior have become increasingly noticeable – a direct consequence of the energy changes on the planet.
To be more visual, I drew a picture with which I tried to depict the previous energy ratio and the current one, which led to attraction and the creation of an energy balance. Of course, the image ratio is conditional, because the differences between different people are in a fairly large range, but the trend is that one person has a large difference between male and female energies, so he feels more alone and is looking for someone with whom to create an energy balance.
And if there is not much difference in a person, he feels self-sufficient and does not worry about the fact that he does not have a mate. And it is quite obvious that there are more and more such people, although external conditions do not favor him. Even after the Sun has raised its magnetism two and a half times, it continues to emit predominantly electricity / male energy. The balanced external energies will come after we enter the orbit around Nabiro, since its radiation is mainly magnetism / female energy. People need time to balance their energies, but it’s also possible now, aiming for a golden environment. Remember, going to extremes creates unpleasant and painful disharmony.
A decrease in male and an increase in female energy in men makes them more feminine, less aggressive, and less combative. In Japan, such men shout “herbivores”, which have nothing to do with aggressive predators. It is the opposite process that occurs in women: they have increased male energy, which makes them much more aggressive and independent. But, as I have already noted, the general trend is to reduce the male energy and align it with the female. Therefore, despite the growing opposition to the dark and light, there is no general civil war, global conflicts do not occur in all states, but only protests diverge.
I hope that reducing aggression on a global scale will lead to the disorientation of wars, but for this to happen, you must be deprived of the opportunities of those who earn from them. Therefore, this Armageddon is also so necessary (the actual meaning of this word is revelation / revelation, and not the destruction of the world, as those who do not want change are afraid of). Only disclosure makes it impossible to manipulate the world and set people and peoples against each other. And stop advertising murder as something normal and necessary. But this requires the accumulation of a critical mass of awakened ones, rather than waiting for the dark ones to die out.
Alignment of energies, reduction of sexual desire and sex as a factor. The attraction of interests becomes stronger, which reduces alienation / alienation and creates spiritual closeness and harmony. All this does not devalue sex, as it is a pleasure that makes life interesting, but constant sexual communication is becoming increasingly rare, because it is difficult to get a good mix of interests and sex-more and more people gather for a day or two to satisfy their sexual needs, and then devote themselves to their interests. These are pronounced trends in modern society, which will only increase over time. Keep in mind that in the fifth dimension, the need for having children decreases, as it has rarer matter, and anyone who wants to incarnate will be able to create a body at the appropriate age and avoid the child period.
The biggest problem in relationships between men and women, and with all living things, is the ego. The ego is an accumulated program / belief about survival, in a highly competitive environment. Everyone is convinced that they must fight to harm the benefits that are not enough for everyone. So they go out of their way to prove that they are bigger and bigger, while downplaying everyone else. And the more complex a person is, the more he tries to make sure that he has to prove it. And this is the biggest source of irritation in all respects. Unfortunately, people do not think about why they do this or that and react “instinctively”, for which I call them “zombie automatons”, i.e., people who do not understand what motivates them. In this way, human relationships become very fake, and everyone tries to make themselves something that they are not. That’s why so many people wear hypocritical masks and don’t dare to show their true selves. This basis is also based on gender dependence, i.e. habit, inertia, manipulation. Under the influence of mass suggestions of films, books and the example of others, everyone lives with the belief that sexual attraction is love, ignoring all other important aspects. Thus, human relations are dictated by lust, and when sexual attraction disappears, people begin to consider themselves enemies and forget about the human inside themselves.



Recently, alternative thinking, more commonly known as “conspiracy theories”, has been demonized in various cases. But people who allow themselves to think can give the impression that ” conspiracy theories “are only ridiculed and scolded, i.e. there is no” other point of view”, i.e. do not look for the opinions of those who have such a point of view. And can there be more evidence / confirmation of “conspiracy theories” than this censorship – one-sided processing of society. Isn’t it obvious that those who run the media are afraid of such alternative thinking, and therefore prefer to crush it. If alternative thinking is so naive and without evidence, is it not easy to refute it in public discussion, or are there guilty rulers who are quite reasonably afraid of losing their power in public discussion?
As they say, the masks have fallen – it is already very clear who serves whom, can no longer make mistakes with a polite smile. The absurdities in this regard are huge: there are also those who praise Soros as a philanthropist, although this is well known: people with a lot of money, through donations, try to drown out their bad conscience (a person with a clear conscience, never accumulates at the expense of others – very little is satisfied). Once, for this purpose, they bought indulgences from the Church-it’s like killing, going to confession and preparing for new feats. Why do people so quickly forget that all this is PR, advertising, image buying? I’m beginning to wonder why they haven’t started praising Peevski as a philanthropist yet. But personally, I am very interested in how consciously this is done by journalists who openly serve the devil.
And for everyone else, I give a universal recipe for who it serves: those who provoke negative emotions (it’s not just about journalists) – all sorts of derivatives of fear-are definitely on the dark side. And those that give hope are from the light ones. Of course, it is quite normal that most of them are not precisely defined and constantly wobble on one side or the other, so everyone must consciously choose who to believe, everyone chooses to evolve or wants everything to be as it was before, i.e., to keep hell on Earth. You understand how absurd, in practice, everyone is dissatisfied with the created situation: environmental, economic,political, social, but requiring real changes, are units. Everyone is talking about changes, but let it remain as it was. How long? It remains to start, wondering why the change becomes forced!
What surprises me endlessly is that no one wants to draw conclusions from the facts that the General trend of infection and increased mortality around the world does not depend on the various measures that are introduced in States, and restrictions do not give the expected results. Is it really so difficult to notice this, and what exactly prevents this awareness, what is the contribution of the media to this attitude? Why don’t people notice millions of obvious things, who, and how did it make them think so stereotypically? And why don’t they want to think at all? What is the contribution of journalists to this attitude? How much more horror does it take to get your brain working? Wake up!!! And it is this lack of logic in the actions of the authorities that deprives them of mass support, although in danger people unite much more easily. But the General absurdity destroys the herd, which is why we so often see the effect of “eagle, cancer and pike”. Very often, journalists are proud to be the fifth power, but they are not responsible in their actions, and they are like everyone who abuses power. How long will they not know about the mass suggestions they are making? How long will they serve the Golden Taurus and put profit before the person – after all, the desire for ratings is precisely because of profit?
The abuse of power is huge, but is there any other way to notice it and change the system? How many billions should be wasted until you start counting? And until you are disgusted, will you take a certain position? When will You finally start to realize that increased mortality is not related to the virus? I have already written before: the soul can leave the body without any disease or disaster, and the virus and other causes are just dust in the eyes, so that there is no panic (i.e., divine expediency).



A few years ago, I wrote that hell and heaven are currently being created. I would like to return to this topic.
Nowadays, due to the absurd situation, it is becoming more and more viciously stratified by people, such as those who allow themselves to think, and those who do so rarely. Everything depends, first of all, on self-esteem: people with sufficient self-esteem allow themselves to have their own opinion, and those with low self-esteem cling to someone else’s someone else’s, because they do not feel competent, they judge correctly. This is why manipulations with quoting experts flourish.
It is for these reasons that mosquitoes create a personal hell, because they trust and hold others responsible for their own woes. As it is, they shut up even more, because they don’t change their lives, and they have nothing left to do but run amok on the streets.
Those who allow themselves to think manage to maintain some balance in their lives and make it much more comfortable, precisely because they are convinced that everything depends on them, do not blame others (do not imagine themselves innocent victims) and do not wait for someone else to solve their problems.
It is those who give up, take responsibility for their lives out of frustration, become drug addicts and drunkards.
These are the ones who steal, lie, and kill.
They are the ones who become profitable and try to assign labor to people in every possible way.
It is these people who don’t care about nature, and they have turned the whole world into a garbage dump.
These are the ones who show off cars and houses to drown out deep frustration.
These are the ones who want to rule the whole world, out of fear, to find even more cunning.
And their problems are solved very easily – you just need to decide that everything depends on them, and success will create the necessary self-esteem. Already expires in an era of competition and survival, creates ego, but heaven reaches only those who develop, and those who want to be as before, kkryat in katrana on samoszdadeniya hell.
And a few words about how to create a Paradise in your personal life. All the feelings listed in the picture are reactions of the soul (positive and negative). The soul is satisfied and happy when it does not waste its life / incarnation in vain, because well. when it implements the planned. A is unhappy and depressed when she behaves according to the mind and rules of others, and you do not pay attention to your conscience/intuition, i.e., well. about your mental reactions.
So, you always choose whether your life is heaven or hell, regardless of whether you do it consciously or unconsciously, so be very careful what or who you trust! Remember, right now they are sifting through those who are able to move to the next evolutionary level-they do not evaluate you by measures and fantasies, but by deeds, by your attitude to this or that. It’s not like you left with a big basket (expectations) and not a finger! Have you overcome all your fears, or do you still imagine that these are reasonable arguments? If you miss this train, the next one is only in 4-5 years.



As I hope many of you already understand, the modern world depends on fear. Fear is the main driving force for most people, but they imagine that this is a reasonable argument – if they really thought it was just fear, they would be much more successful, cope with it, and have a minor impact on their lives.
There are all sorts of factors that inspire fear, for example: everywhere we are filled with horror movies and stories, the media trumpets about murders, accidents and viruses – and although people get used to them and it seems that they do not pay attention to them, they accumulate in the subconscious, increasing anxiety and fears about their own lives.
It is clear to everyone with a medical background that fear suppresses the immune system and not only reduces the speed of the urinary system and all vital functions, but in practice you will not encounter a doctor who does not try to intimidate you. This has become a self-preservation instinct-true, if you have a normal immune system, it won’t work. Therefore, the entire health care system makes great efforts to avoid healthy people. Of course, few do this quite consciously, most listen to the devil in themselves and do not think much. This is why there is so much accumulated discontent in the mass consciousness that causes” nothing untested violence ” against medical professionals, and I suspect that this issue will not begin to be resolved until the discontented start killing them. And so I continue to say that everyone who constantly scares with the coronavirus, including the media, is the main causative agent of the pandemic, and if people get sick and die, the main cause is fear, not the virus!
Another mass fear is inspired by religions with their concepts of sin, aimed at perpetuating dogmas and canons that block evolution. Most people don’t see this as a problem because of their weak interest in religions, but this fear of sin has been accumulating for thousands of years and is creating a herd under the motto: “Everyone can’t make mistakes” or translated into pure Bulgarian: “Petko drum with men”.
And the most powerful mass fear is the fear of death. It seems to me that if this is not the fear, there will be no people left on the planet – everyone will run, because suffering kills interest in life. Of course, there are many other mass concerns, but I’m not going to list them, but just focus on them.
The solution to these problems is always associated with understanding why a person acts in one way or another. And awareness is primarily influenced by the devil and the angel in everyone. As I often say, when a person suspects that they are manipulating them, they control the impact, and they lose their effectiveness. This is why it is so important that everyone consciously chooses what they want, rather than being guided by what they suggest is right. Always check your inner feelings and try to assess who benefits from your choice-however, you must carefully study your value system and rid yourself of everything that harms you and others, as well as the entire Earth, and above all, how it corresponds to the commandments of God and how much you justify their violation. The struggle with past deposits of fear also occurs with their awareness / acceptance, but they can only be neutralized by a positive attitude – this does not happen quickly, but someone who has the desire will cope.
If identical events are observed all over the earth, it should impress any reasonable person that there is a General guide, a guide who pursues certain goals. Normal diversity in people’s lifestyles and mentalities does not allow for such unanimity. What is observed all over the earth is sufficient proof of the one will, but there are always those who, under the dictates of the devil within themselves, laugh at the theories of the world conspiracy and try to cloud the real reality. But this only makes it more absurd and more obvious, even to those who have no interest in these issues at all.



I use this term very often, but it is not particularly popular, so I will make a brief summary.
Duality is the result of conditions in the dark age (Kali Yug) – when there is a lack of energy, people begin to survive, fight / compete for the missing resources-so they always surpass their achievements and reject the alien ones in order to harm the limited (ego development). Thus begin to flourish the extremes that give rise to all conflicts on Earth.
As I always emphasize, everything has a positive and negative side, and duality is the result of clinging to one of these countries in the struggle for dominance. Thus, a black – and-white world appears-everyone, in accordance with their interests, sees only what brings them, and pretends that there are no other possibilities – this is precisely the dualistic subjective perception that generates the ego. The damage that they have been creating in the extreme/duality for thousands of years is accumulating, and ultimately creating the hell that we live in now – in a word: s’rbame its poparata.
That is why it is impossible to change the created situation with the help of any organizational measures. Only an individual change of consciousness and the habits accumulated in it can change our collective world. Only the rejection of competition will eliminate all conflicts and lead to permanent peace and mutual tolerance. Therefore, it is crucial that everyone stop waiting for someone to make changes, but take responsibility. Duality / attenuation in the extreme, forces the choice of the only possible option, which excludes a possible compromise. Therefore, the first step to overcoming dual flooding is to assume different opinions. Accepting that everyone is different and it is perfectly natural to think and understand things in their own way is the first step towards much-needed equality. After all, thanks to duality, everyone tries to prove themselves by rising above the rest. But the motivation created by a lack of energy ceases to work-the energy increases every day – and competition loses its meaning. And equality is a necessary basis for creating a harmonious relationship between all.
The first of God’s commandments comes to the fore: “do not divide everything (God) into parts and do not oppose them”, which was deliberately changed to ” Let you have no other God but me (Archon/Devil/Satan/The Prince of this world), namely duality divides and resists, so the first commandment disables/disables it, and therefore was changed. Note that the separation of higher beings, angels and archangels, is also a duality that contradicts the first commandment-duality creates hierarchies, and equality creates unity.
For thousands of years, people have existed only on the basis of God’s commandments, without the need for constitutions and other laws that create additional contradictions, so to speak. they do not in any way solve the problems for which they were created, but no one tries to decide whether they are really necessary. And although such generators of contradictions persist in human life, peace is impossible-you notice that the more precisely paragraphs are described, the more meaningless they become, because they become valid in very few cases (they lose their universality). Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to abandon the dual / finite thinking and achieve a balanced / balanced attitude to everything that makes the Divine commandments a fully sufficient basis for universal well-being.
You should also consider that the criteria of right and wrong are typical dualistic derivatives – there are no objective criteria and there can’t be-so it’s pointless to impose criteria, and equality is so necessary to achieve social peace. It is repeated constantly: all this is an experience, i.e. everything has its positive and negative sides, and by choosing at any time, we create our own reality. Keep in mind: patriotism is a sigh that creates conflicts between peoples-a typical dual derivative!
Duality excludes an individual approach, choosing the most appropriate dose-creating standard rules for all occasions, turns the drug into a poison. The degree of overflow depends on the individual’s tendency to extremes-the more balanced the person, the less dualistic / egoistic. Never forget that duality makes you subjective: until you give it up, you will always try to Express yourself and downplay others. So to accept the other, you need to stop pretending that you are more and more.
When you trust someone else,you don’t trust yourself. When you trust yourself , you don’t need to trust anyone.
And you don’t believe yourself because you have low self-esteem, you consider yourself incompetent, and this has been instilled in the mass consciousness for thousands of years, including with the suggestion of religions about sin. Low self-esteem is also created by the constant seizure of the means of subsistence, under a variety of pretexts, by the state, but, above all, by insatiable profits. Therefore, the boost in confidence is definitely a necessary condition for the overcoming of duality.



The more people Wake up, the more they realize that their suggestion as correct and true is very often false and pursues interests that contradict their own. And so everyone starts looking for new criteria to navigate this absurd world. What I can suggest is to keep everyone in mind: there are General principles based on a common environment, identical physical bodies, but each of them is unique, unique in personality, so the General principles must always correspond to their own individuality, i.e., in the prevailing cases, foreign experience cannot be applied uncritically. That is why, you should get used to paying attention to your individual inner feelings, and not to what you have stuffed, how correctly and correctly – this approach gives the best adaptation to the existing reality, and not someone’s authoritative opinion.
You should always keep in mind that there is only one universal consciousness, and people who are considered separate people only imagine it. Of course, individuality is based on differences, but as a clear example, I will suggest the colors of the rainbow-each color has different properties, but the borders between colors are fictitiously invented by people-the real one, there is no discernible border-the shades smoothly pass into each other. Similarly, this is the situation with individual consciousnesses – they are self-determination, not real reality. So don’t think that all the thoughts and emotions that you are aware of are only yours – there may be many other individuals in the General awareness.
It is this feature of the General consciousness that has made possible individual and mass manipulation, since well. everyone pursues personal goals, at the expense of others. However, you should keep in mind that manipulation is only effective if you are not aware of it, and if you assume that they are manipulating you, you begin to control what they are trying to suggest to you, and the suggestion loses its power. Therefore, I am constantly reminded of dyavolcheto and angelcheto, which are whispered to each, and always necessary to evaluate consciously whether you accept or not, one sentence. I repeat, IT only WORKS if you FANTASIZE THAT it IS your OWN, if you DOUBT that IT IS not YOURS, you are CRITICAL of IT.
As a guideline, you should keep in mind that the devil can only inspire you with negative thoughts and emotions. Feelings such as elation, joy, and satisfaction relate to your soul (angel), and you can use them when evaluating each situation or something specific-this is exactly your individual reaction that indicates what suits your personality, and, as I said, impressive rules are, in most cases, harmful, i.e.. they are only useful for a very limited number of people.
There are two types of problems that make internal feelings difficult: global and personal. Global ones include going to extremes and filters in the mind, while personal ones are the result of personal experience accumulated-if your inner feelings did not protect you from any troubles, you stop trusting them (neglect). Of course, the experience of past lives is extremely important, especially if you had a so-called psychic experience – then trusting your inner feelings is a practiced and natural reaction, following the already well-trodden path. This is very important, and the importance of being surrounded by family and friends-they can both encourage and eliminate any interest in inner feelings.
The main obstacle to awareness of internal sensations / energy interactions is the sensitivity of consciousness. Given that all this is energy, the power of energy pulses is of great importance. Therefore, when you tend to go to extremes, you are exposed to strong influences, i.e. your consciousness becomes rough in order to be able to resist them-the sensitive consciousness can go into pain shock and turn off / lose consciousness with strong impulses. Therefore, we are talking about the subconscious-energies that you are not consciously aware of, precisely because of a weak sensitivity, but still they determine your behavior, since a weak sensitivity does not exclude energy interactions.
As you reduce your immersion in extremes, gradually you also increase your sensitivity, and you become aware of more and more diverse energy shades. The main contribution to this process is to avoid negative emotions that cause extreme reactions. The constant pursuit of a good mood and positivism leads to an increase in personal frequencies / vibrations-that’s right, attenuation does not allow you to increase the frequency-imagine a pendulum-the more it swings, the less the number of deviations makes per unit of time. This desire for a positive life creates a middle ground, i.e. well. you consciously avoid extremes and negative experiences. In this way, you get a much more adequate judgment and reaction based on internal sensations (energy interactions), and this further strengthens your moderate and positive attitude to everything-you should keep in mind that the Golden mean is not a point or a line, i.e. it is not a fixed value, but a range-weak beats are normal and natural landmarks.
There is another very important factor increasing the sensitivity: of focus of attention. This focus concentrates energy on everything that is directed, and thus, over the years, directed at the mind, it has gained more power and began to dominate the consciousness. To correct this dullness, attention should be focused on the soul, on the feeling of energy interactions. While you are dealing with your daily problems, the use of the mind is unavoidable, but when you have free time, it is advisable to redirect attention from the mind to the sensations-so the mind will stop dominating energetically, and the soul will come out of the subconscious and become equivalent to the mind. In this way, the intuition that few people feel now will become the leading one and restore the lost balance, as well as unity with everything.
Another major problem is filters in the mind-well-known in psychology, but not people. In short, when you are convinced of some truth, it is very difficult, and even impossible, to recognize as possible other options. For example, if you are sure that 2 + 2=4, You will never guess that it can be 2+2 = 3 or 2+2 = 5. Such filters / beliefs/programs, in the mind of each person, are infinitely numerous and are crucial in their life choices and reactions. Such beliefs have gained a lot of strength from repeatedly repeating who we consider to be an authority – usually parents, family and friends, and whom we trust. Therefore, it is very important that such beliefs are questioned, so the world stops being black and white and becomes colored-we begin to accept many versions of the same truth and accept different opinions. And this directly contributes to increasing our inner sensitivity, which we usually reject, believing that it seemed so to us.
Therefore, it is very important not to put yourself to sleep with the belief that you are doing everything right. Your mind must constantly monitor everything, question everything, but then there is a big problem for people with low self-esteem, who are afraid of doubts, mistakes, because of lack of confidence that they are able to solve them correctly-and fear can disrupt all attempts. And the importance of self-esteem becomes extremely large-without it, you can not adequately use someone else’s experience, which you need to adjust for yourself-low self-esteem makes you parrots without your own opinion. But if you notice your inner feelings as adequate helpers for solving everyday problems, your self-esteem will grow many times.
And find out, finally, the more you want to make sure how much more confident you feel, the more extreme you become, the more extreme you become. The Golden mean is not defined, “neither cancer nor fish”, i.e. a place where nothing is precisely defined-a place with an infinitely large number of possibilities. Precisely defined truths are suggestible illusions, because nothing is one-sided, i.e., accepting something as true, you turn a blind eye to other possible sides and live in an imaginary truncated reality, the result of which is that your reactions are mostly inadequate.

About the current situation-August 2020

About the current situation-August 2020

I’d like to offer you my point of view – it might work.
First, I definitely believe that changing the Constitution is useless, not because it is not required, but because it is confirmed by the old system’s programming-they will not allow it to be shaken, shaken, changed in any way. To replace the system, there must be at least 2/3 of people in Parliament with new thinking, otherwise there will be an overflow from empty to empty. Unfortunately, people with new thinking don’t care about power!
The current moment is a conflict of ideas: some believe mass suggestions that pursue cortical interests, while others do not trust them. Believers are so fanatical that social injustice has made them complex, people with low self-esteem who do not trust their own judgment, and therefore easily trust the “experts”. Like football fans, they become a mad herd, and they really want to prove themselves as heroes, bring down the system, and they do not care that they do not change anything, it is important for them, despite their complexes, to line up on the barricades. They are not bothered by the feeling that they are being used, that it is important that they are meaningful.
The current chaotic energies cause convinced “innocent victims” to rush to even greater extremes, and it is enough for someone to point out the culprit to pounce like mad dogs. And those who believe that they are to blame for their problems are much more balanced and reasonable, and the increased energy calms them even more – just the opposite of”innocent victims”. People, for thousands of years, were an indeterminate gray mass, but now more and more, two diametrically opposite worlds-Black and white, and the indeterminate-are shrinking every day.
There are no innocent victims, and there can be no random things-all this is energy, and for this to happen, whatever it is, it requires the attraction and repulsion of polarized (+and -) energies. Therefore, anyone who is considered an innocent victim does not want to consider that this is such a polarized energy that attracts in the likeness, and the only salvation is the Golden mean, avoiding extremes.
Such unrest on a global scale subsides only after a global cataclysm-only then do people forget about their contradictions and accusations and begin to unite with their thorough opponents. So stop being hysterical before it’s too late – you can destroy millions.



Ten years on Earth, the Kingdom of God has actively reigned, i.e., rules and laws that make coexistence harmonious and joyful. I.e., every day it becomes more difficult for those who survive, alone against all.
To reign in the Kingdom of God requires a change in the worldview of people, i.e., well. they should start living by completely different criteria compared to the previous ones. For example, everyone knows about the commandments: “don’t steal, don’t lie, and don’t kill,” but everyone believes they can’t survive if they observe them. This is what the restoration of the Kingdom of God is all about: accepting and observing the divine commands / laws.
The main problem facing the Kingdom of God on Earth is the millennial assumption that everyone should be like others. This suggestion turned people into an obedient herd, into puppets without an opinion of their own. The concrete belief that they are right / righteous is created by elementary logic, that everyone can’t be wrong-they can and still can, isn’t the chaos around them indicative enough? To change this collective belief, they need to have at least a third of their doubts, and allow for other possibilities than those that exist in mass representations. a critical mass (the hundredth monkey effect) is needed to shake and crack the belief in its infallibility, and people begin to think EN masse about how they ended up in such a cesspool. Since the herd has been created over thousands of years, there is no area in human life that is not set up in accordance with the interests of the puppeteers. A typical and very illustrative example of a democratic society is that everyone is convinced that something depends on them, but no one wants to notice that no matter what changes happen, the result is the same. No one wants to take into account that any party in power, any intention, will eventually do the same as everyone else. Everyone wants to change the system, but no one knows how. That is why it is necessary to change the individual consciousness, which will lead to a change in the mass consciousness and, ultimately, to achieve a change in the system.
As I hope it is clear to many, everything in the Universe is subject to rhythms, i.e., well, there are favorable and unfavorable times in everything. Therefore, the time of earthly hell ends, and again comes a favorable time for Paradise on the planet. And so the planet is moving away from everything that supports the old hell and prevents change. All the energy prerequisites that stimulate overflow to extremes and establish those that cause balance and harmony change. Including climate change, which, in the end, should lead to a uniform favorable temperature throughout the Earth, i.e., well. all conditions that provoke large temperature differences will disappear and establish a constant ubiquitous temperature, a prerequisite for the restoration of Paradise.
Humans have had the ability to change the system / matrix for thousands of years and have made countless attempts, but they have never been able to reach the critical mass that would allow significant changes to be made. All the more so because the interested parties made great efforts to neutralize the mass desire. But we are already moving to a critical moment when change requires force and it is simply impossible to avoid, the only question is, how long will the agony last? How many people will Wake up from deliberately imposed rules and make sense of what they really need.
It would be nice to note that there are protests anywhere in the world, because well, regardless of the specific political situation, they find something to protest about. The common denominator is social discontent with forced physical and economic restrictions aimed at creating easily controlled puppets provoked by the General energy chaos on the planet. What always, find the Dodgers to take advantage of any situation. But I want to draw your attention to the picture-you see people without a future, not only because there is no place for hatred in the Kingdom of God, but because these are typical cases that do not worry, which makes them act one way or another, so they do not evolve, do not adapt to the dynamic earth energies. Of course, this does not mean that it is fundamentally impossible to change them, but since they are trained from early childhood, like others, to start, to listen and look around, to begin to doubt their previous principles, they must, at least partially, change most people. This changes the pressure of the collective consciousness and allows for other possibilities. Until then, many will miss their chance.
The main technique for neutralizing possible changes is to search for the culprits-that is, human consciousness turns to external factors that are not their control, and internal factors that can change everyone, distract attention. And no one wants to take into account that no matter how the players change during the game according to the same rules, the result will always be the same. Everyone is deeply convinced that mistakes should always be punished, and therefore, with ease, they notice the pollen in someone else’s eye, but the tuft in their own is not. Everyone has an intolerance for other people’s mistakes, and at the same time they hope that others will be lenient with their own-where is the logic and meaning?
As I have done so many times, I want to emphasize: it is not my business to tell you what is true or untrue, what is right and wrong. My job is to offer an alternative point of view, and each of you must compile from a variety of possible points of view, your own – the only way it leaves the easily managed herd. Only from one’s own point of view and with respect and tolerance for foreigners is peace and well – being possible on the planet-one can always find common interests.
I also want to emphasize that the dual “smart” and “stupid” are aimed at instilling that you were born this way, and you can’t change anything else. In fact, all people are equally smart, even Gypsies/young souls. To clarify, I will use the analogy with a computer: all people have a very powerful, multi-core processor, with a lot of RAM and a huge hard drive. Some people use these huge capabilities on their computer for complex scientific calculations or audio or video processing, but quite a lot of people use their powerful computers just to build solitaire games or decide what to wear and how to hide in their work. So, the mental capabilities of a person are not physically limited, but are directly dependent on the interests of a person, i.e., well, from his personal choice, and this awareness is not beneficial to manipulators. Therefore, in spiritual development, people often talk about expanding consciousness, i.e., to expand the circle of interests.
It is clear to everyone that “joining makes strength”, that division and opposition are easy to manipulate. But no one wants to draw conclusions from all this, no one wants to take into account that patriotism, military and borders were created to easily set peoples against each other. The current abolition of borders in the European Union is very indicative in this regard, but since it is based on pseudo-democracy, the development is not very successful. But in order for the Kingdom of God to reign, all borders must necessarily disappear, not only between States, but, above all, in human beliefs.
To sum up in a few words: there is an old system / matrix based on competition and survival that spawned the acquisition monster (worship of the Golden calf). This system created the existing hell on earth and destroys everything human in people. There are favorable conditions for this system to be replaced by another, in order to neutralize all the causes of conflicts. To do this, it is necessary to change the human mentality and value system. Since it is about the consciousness of each of them, the change can only be made by them, no one else. To do this, everyone must begin to understand why, and what makes them act one way or another, i.e. to start living consciously-to make their own choice, and not wait for someone to tell them what to do. This new system should be based on a shared interest,not someone else’s. The guiding principle is “no harm!” and profit comes last.
Perhaps, for many, this system will seem too utopian. But, just watch as people leave the accelerated earth, how quickly, various crimes and everything hidden-comes out. If earlier, in the old system, the crimes of the soul were its problem, now, in heaven, they try their best to make people notice the consequences of their actions, so that they do not think that they will get away with it. Observe and draw conclusions – which system do you choose?



“There are many turbulent times and energies of change going on at the moment .
Fears, low energies are cleared, the division into people’s worldview is palpably felt, and so on.
As they say, he turns around about everything.
I will be happy if you publish your opinion, opinion, recommendations for people.
Although the messages from all over the world are similar and clear enough, and although you live in countries of everyday experience and society, you know and understand what is happening. Many of the people who are confused, scared, and wandering will be useful to anyone who can encourage,guide, and lift them-you know that. I feel that we have already reached the limit, the edge where people have to make a decision and choose where to go, I see, and how many young people are leaving massively and quickly. I understand that from the point of view of a person we look too narrowly, and from a higher plane of the sun. well, as it should be, and nothing is random. However, I still have an unclear question… no matter how predetermined and clear it is, how everything will develop, however, each of our choices also depends on the final result. I think that from the highest point of view, it would not be allowed to self-destruct, and at the same time, how can we allow this option, if we continue to refuse to change and live in the old way. There are reports everywhere about how the upcoming months of this year are crucial.
I would be happy to read your opinion on things and upcoming changes.
Two days before I found out and informed the hackers that they had hacked my email, etc.I had a dream about 2-3 young men trying to attack me with a knife through a small narrow window. I grabbed him by the arms, and he turned out to be one of these children, shiny, long, but plastic, bent. The dream was clear, brief, and revealing… I learned to calculate them correctly, but I got scared in my sleep and in my sleep. I realized that I was removing old fears, perhaps from my life. I still wonder where these clues come from. From the heart or from the drivers…?
I missed something…
I’m thinking of going through a hypnotic regression. I hear a lot of good reviews and I’ve listened to a lot of recordings like this,
they definitely have an exceptional auxiliary effect for solving and solving everything that is our problem.
After all, I am divided…If I did, it would definitely be a curiosity, not a necessity.
On the other hand, I have repeatedly received answers to my questions through sleep, suggestions, feelings-sensations…
So, if we need something along the way, and it’s important, it will be provided to us, one way or the other. way. However, I know that if I allow the outside to guide me through regression at all, I will have something to learn…”
I want to emphasize once again that no one is doomed in advance. I have been saying for many years that there is a lot of cleaning going on on Earth-but to get a clean planet, you need to have less pollutants than cleaners. There are two ways to do this: through evolution and leaving the planet. All those who are too wobbly at the extreme and age leave the planet quickly, in this case, it does not matter. The submerged person melts suffering and karma, and the soul tries to avoid this, but, having lost hope that they will pay attention to it, leaves the body – nevertheless, these accumulated problems will have to solve them with subsequent incarnations. So please don’t be alarmed, despite the ever-increasing mortality rate. As I have already said, the Problem lies in extremes-such people cannot raise their vibrations, so they cannot adapt to the increasing energies. Only those who strive for moderation, for a Golden environment, manage to develop along with the Earth. And those who are interested, stay on the planet and make every effort to fight their habits, get intensive help from above. Don’t get attached to any deadlines-those who seek change, when they do, have a chance that they will even need decades. Only those who do not want to get rid of their old beliefs lose their chances-as you know, violent beauty does not work. Don’t expect anything to change dramatically soon-as I say, the boss goes on tiptoe while there is a danger that people will panic EN masse. It seems to me that the boss won’t be settling in any time soon, despite all the reports to the contrary. Therefore, the changes will be mostly cosmetic and only for the awake, and most people will continue, sleep and leave this world. But you should not be surprised at the tension / expectation that has been maintained , because they do not allow people to relax, to fall asleep again. But because our desire for all of this to happen is huge, we inflate the expectation, and in my opinion it’s a big craze followed by a lot of frustration, so I’m also trying to “calm the ball down” to reduce expectations.
The most important necessary change is to understand the internal leadership, i.e. well. people should stop being complacent about the rules / herd and take responsibility for their lives – only in this way can they develop, keep up with natural changes. Humans have been trained for millennia to be an obedient herd. For example, the pandemic is another training, how to become an obedient sheep. What makes me happy is that people in masks are very rare on the streets, where it is not necessary, i.e., scared and obedient. It’s hardly more than a few percent-and that’s what’s leaving accelerated Earth. You should keep in mind that such people also have their chance, but in order to realize it, you must awaken at least 50% of all people. Because they imitate others-they lack self-confidence (there are compexars-unfortunately, 99% of people are compexars-to a lesser or greater extent, in one or another sphere), and therefore do not allow themselves to take responsibility for their lives, consider themselves insufficiently competent, and therefore become obedient performers of “specialists”. A man becomes a beneficiary when he finds that he has not realized that he has success, and he is barely making ends meet, so he is also forced to take the means of subsistence of the majority of the population in order to become obedient sheep-people without an opinion of their own. This is why poverty is maintained throughout the world. Therefore, the whole world is infected with the “American culture” of acquisition (pilgrimage of the Golden calf).
“What faith are you from, grandfather?
“I don’t believe it. That’s why I don’t trust anyone but myself, ” the old man replied quickly and decisively.
“But how can you trust yourself?” Nekhludoff said, interrupting the conversation.”You could be wrong.
– Not in life, – decisively beat the old man.
“Then why so many veris?” Nekhludoff asked.
That’s why there are so many of them, because they trust others and they don’t trust themselves… Faith is many, but the Spirit is one. In you, in me, and in him. So everyone should trust their own spirit, and everyone will be together. When everyone is for himself, everyone becomes one.”
I use this quote from Leo Tolstoy as an illustration of the main problem at the moment. All human problems can be solved if a person ceases to trust others and begins to trust only himself – only in this way he ceases to be a sheep of the flock, ceases to be right.
I have already described this, but obviously I will have to repeat it at every opportunity: if you accept the existence of God, and for you it represents everything that exists, yet an intelligent being, you must accept that there is only one being, with one consciousness. And everyone else just imagines that they are separate minds. Consciousness is formed by beliefs that we accumulate as a result of current or past experience, or are the result of suggestions from authorities/idols in our lives (parents and relatives, teachers and popular personalities). These suggestions are so strong that we overestimate the source, and we put ourselves lower because of low self-esteem. These beliefs become illusions because we do not adapt them to the changes that time imposes, or to each particular case – because each person is unique. Thus, beliefs become a veil that distorts real reality, and when we have low self-esteem, we tend to become fanatical followers and impose our opinions by pressure/violence. This phenomenon is well known in psychology: there it is called “filters in the mind”, if you are interested, you can search for more information .
Therefore, be very attentive to everything that you feel as a conscious process: thoughts, emotions, sensations – pay special attention to nuances that are usually ignored. All this includes various visual effects, the feeling of sounds, smells, and even imaginary tactile sensations. All these are energies that circulate in the so-called” universal consciousness”, part of which is also yours. The idea that everything is happening in your brain and is only your imagination is that you will not be guided by your soul / The higher Self, i.e., well. to suffer. If you are tired of suffering, you will need to accept the existence of your higher aspects, which have experience available for billions of years, both to you and to everyone in the Universe. Do not underestimate it-still, it is actually a salvation!

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