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October 8

As you continue to move through these accelerated times, changing direction will be a common occurrence. For every shift you experience, new timelines and potentials become possible, all designed to reflect your latest level of attainment. Change is your new constant, and that is a wonderful thing because change is exactly what you wish to create both for yourselves and your planet.
The key to working with these energies is to simply stay present. Make decisions one Now moment at a time. Be fluid. Understand that continual unfoldment is what is allowing the magic and wonder of these times. All you have to do is make your highest choice from where you are, assess, then make your next highest choice.
While we understand you are used to using predictability and control to create a sense of safety for yourselves, please know that this is the means of creating more comfort for yourselves than ever before because you are continually choosing what matches you, time and again, from the present where you have the most power.
Dear Ones, you can’t figure it out because it is all unprecedented. Rather than making that a frustration for yourselves, please see it for the miracle it is, because that flow is what will continue to surprise and delight and support you. It is a blessing that the mind can’t figure it out, because it will make it necessary to shift into navigating from your heart, and that is a change that will make your soul sing. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 9

Sacred sexuality will be something many of you explore as you heal beyond the wounds of abuse. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 10

Many of you have negative connotations attached to the idea of change. We invite you to substitute the word change with evolution. You understand the process of evolution moves you forward in new and improved ways that are always better and designed to support you. When you look at it that way, there really isn’t much to resist, is there? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 11

Dear Ones, coming through a corridor of transformation such as you have experienced over the past several months is much like being a rock in a tumbler. It’s very intense when you are in it and it can be difficult to get your bearings or have a true sense of what things will look like when you are done. But when you emerge, you are beautifully polished like never before. Your rough edges are removed, and you feel smoother and more comfortable.
This will be reflected in how you feel about your personal wounds, issues, and challenges that you have been working on healing for so very long. You will find you think of them less, and when you do they will simply not have the energetic charge they once did. They are no longer driving your experience, but rather, a part of your past.
These changes will be subtle. In fact, you may not even notice at first. But as you move forward, you will start to move into an awareness that the roughness of the past is dissipated, replaced with the true beauty of your beingness shining through. It is always a blessed time when you realize the fruits of your labour and fully recognize and embrace your new energetic state. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 12

Being willing to receive is an essential aspect of manifestation. When you don’t accept help you don’t just deny yourself, you deny others the joy of being of service. You also restrict the universe’s ability to serve you. Being open to accepting help in the myriad of ways it can arrive, is moving yourself out of separation and into the flow of abundance and support that has always been there for you. It is your birthright as a beloved part of the whole. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 13

Some of you don’t like to accept help because you are afraid it comes with strings attached. There is a difference between someone giving with a hidden agenda and someone giving to experience the joy of service. You might consider one 3D assistance that comes from a place of separation, lack, and a desire to serve the one, and the other 5D assistance that comes from a place of unity, abundance, and a desire to serve the whole.
The first might give resentfully or in order to get something back, while the other simply gives because it allows them an opportunity to experience loving service as an expression of self. If you stop and feel into it, you will always know the difference. Don’t let those old experiences with people who weren’t helping from the heart lead you to deny the loving supports that do exist for you from sources whose greatest joy is to assist and it is absolutely safe for you to receive from. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 14

If you make sure that service, both for you and for others, is the driving force behind your creations, and stay open to receiving the many, many supports the universe wishes to provide you in that service, you will always be expanding into your highest life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 15

Many of you, due to the old conditioning that glorified martyred service, believe that you can either be of service, or be prosperous, but you cannot be both. Can you shift into accepting that abundant service is something that is completely available to you? The more you can express your true essence, which is a beloved and essential part of all that is, the more you will be able to move into your highest service, whatever that may be, and also experience all of your needs being met with ease because you are no longer denying your soul’s desire to live your purpose joyfully and abundantly. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 16

There are two streams of abundance that most people work with. The first is the limited, external stream. This is recognized by the mind. It is the abundance stream that only holds so much, is outside of you, and you must fight for your piece of. The second is the Source stream of abundance. This is recognized by the heart, and is an expansive, never-ending stream that you have always been part of and will flow through you if you allow it.
If you are trying to thrive on the first limited stream, it is much like struggling to pump out the last few drops of a well that has almost gone dry when right next to you is the biggest, most beautiful, ever replenishing fresh water source you could ever imagine, that you have always had complete access to. Isn’t it time for you to shift into the acceptance of the greater abundance that is, and always has been yours? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 17

When it comes to creating, if what you wish to experience is not coming together for you, we suggest you stop and examine your beliefs about it. Do you think it will be hard? Impossible? Do you only see it happening one way? What statements are your mantras about it? Do they match what you wish to create?
Stop and think how you can expand it. Can you cast your net wider? Look at your project. Are there specifics that can be loosened up? Can you surrender it into its perfect expression of self rather than insisting it show up a specific way?
If you are struggling with this, we suggest you connect with a master manifesting guide by simply asking to connect with one. Trust this guide’s expertise and allow it to take the reins and lead you to the perfect match for you.
The greatest way you limit yourself in your manifestation attempts is by settling for things that are too small, or by only being open to potentials you can imagine. The bottom line is your greatest creations exist outside the bounds of what you have already experienced. That is because the mind works with what it has already knows. Your soul wishes to continually expand beyond what you have already done.
You are ascending human beings on an ascending planet. You are the pioneers, so allow yourselves to play in the energies of the great beyond, to stay open to new wondrous potentials, to embrace miracles and magic, and to find fun and excitement in the entire process. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 18

There may be some people who are simply not in a vibrational range that allows them to see you in your truth. Do not let that make you second guess yourself. In fact, it can be a wonderful opportunity for you to self explore and get even deeper clarity about who you really are and shine even brighter, understanding that what is most important is that you know your own worth, and truth, and express yourself from there. You get to choose whether you wish to use the experience to give your power away or empower yourself into greater knowingness and self expression. When seen through these eyes, you can recognize it as a gift to find your way back to yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 19

It is your inner being that stays the course during the storm. Connect within and allow that wisdom to guide you, and you will always find your way to where your soul is trying to lead you, even if your human self has no idea where that is or how you will ever get there. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 20

Meditation serves many purposes. It shows your intention to connect. It is an action to honour yourself. It is a means to receive information or guidance. You might consider it a reset point if you’ve had a challenging day.
What some of you might notice is if the energy is particularly intense, your meditations may become less profound than usual. You might not feel your guides as much, or perhaps you won’t be able to get information as easily as you usually do. If this happens, please know it is not that you have done anything wrong, nor have your guides forsaken you. The main purpose of such meditations it to help you shift into a new energetic state.
Meditation will always offer you exactly what you need. Know that however it unfolds it is always profound and divinely perfect. There is never a wasted meditation or one that fails for it always serves you on an energetic level. The practice will always provide whatever has to take precedence for your wellness and evolution. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 21

Many of you, in a desire to take back control or keep yourself safe after a situation has hurt you, have taken vows that you will never do something again. It might be, “I will never love again” or “I will never trust again” or “I will never let anyone get too close again” or any other declaration of denial.
We wish for you to examine any of these you may still be carrying. You will have a recognition, a knowingness, or perhaps have a memory surface of a time you have been hurt. Once you are aware of what you may be carrying, we suggest you then ask, “Does this really reflect my current wisdom?” “Does this support or hinder my expansion?” “Does this match who I am today?” “Does this move me toward what I really want or does it keep me stuck in old energy?”
You heal old limiting beliefs with new declarations of self. You might wish to replace, “I will never trust again” with “I trust wisely and with discernment”. You might switch “I will never love again” with “It is safe for me to love and be loved, in fact, that is what I am here to do”. You might change “I will never let anyone get too close again” with “Connection now supports me in all ways and feels wonderful”.
Such separating vows and declarations were created by the knee jerk reactions of your wounded self. Is that part of you qualified to direct your entire incarnation? You are ready to be the wise, healed, and benevolent leader of your life, Dear Ones. Isn’t it time to assume that role? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 22

Your greatest purpose is to embrace being your authentic self. The more you shine in your unique truth, the more you embody the exact traits, abilities, and energy you came onto the planet with to serve both your own path and the whole. The more you allow yourself to shine, the more you expand and the more you draw to you the exact circumstances that support you and your purpose. It all starts with simply acknowledging that being authentically you is not only more than enough, it’s the whole point and then letting that true soul essence lead the way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 23

There is a belief that the universe sends you tests or lessons. This is simply not true. The idea of lessons or tests implies that you are being judged or graded and nothing could be further from the truth. It also suggests that you are powerless in what happens to you, and that is also simply not true.
What you do have are themes that you have chosen to experience throughout your incarnation. They are learning opportunities in particular areas that you are desiring to explore. And the fact that you have chosen them as your specific major of study means that the full potential is there for you to move into a much greater understanding and mastery of them. You would not choose to focus on an area that you were not ready for or did not have the prerequisites to be successful with.
You are on the planet to evolve in whatever unique direction your soul wishes to explore and expand into this time around. You are sovereign in all the decisions, and delighted to have the opportunity for your own perfectly chosen focused field of study. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 24

If you have found yourself in a painful place, it can become very easy to stay focused on what is not working for you. It can also be very difficult to remember what you know from such a dark place. If you are in such a situation, the key is to very gently and incrementally begin to disengage from the resistance you are in.
How do you do that? You cannot resist resistance, for it will only beget more of the same. And acceptance can be too great of a leap for many of you to make from such a painful place. So we urge you to simply understand that your discomfort exists as a redirectional tool, and start to lead yourself to things that you can be less resistant to.
It can be difficult to even imagine joy from such a place, so look for something that will feel a bit lighter to you. It might be watching a show you love, or reading a book you’ve enjoyed, or just getting up and moving your body, or getting outdoors into the sunshine. You are just looking for something that isn’t as dense and that you can be non-resistant to.
Once you are ready to start paying attention to what might feel a little better to you, you can start to recognize that there are things that are working for you. From there it is just a small step to gratitude. Even if something felt better to you for one minute, it is something you can have gratitude for. And that practice will help anchor in more of what you desire and deserve. It also helps you to be non-resistant, because you simply cannot practice gratitude and be resistant at the same time. It will also shift you into more presence, where real change can occur.
Just keep it simple. Now is the time to get back to basics, not to make great vibrational leaps. There will be plenty of time for that later, for every time you find your way back to the light and your true divine essence, great things become possible.
We also urge you to call on your guides and angels for assistance. From a space of density it can be difficult to feel their subtle energies, but know that your request is always, always heard and responded to. You may not feel them, but you may, if you pay close attention, feel a lightening of your energy. Ask them to take the lead and watch for the signs and synchronicities that they are present.
Be kind and gentle with yourselves if you have become weary, Dear Ones. Love yourselves. Nurture yourselves. Forgive yourselves if you have become temporarily lost or overwhelmed. Keep your expectations of yourselves realistic. Stepping out of the darkness is enlightenment, and is done one incremental shift at a time. If you make one decision at a time that is better feeling, even if it is the tiniest amount, it will add up before you know it, and you will be making solid progress toward where your divine spark is trying to lead you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 25

Dear Ones, if you have a situation that once served you well but starts to feel not as good to you anymore, it is simply a precursor to change. You will always start to get uncomfortable in anything that is not supporting you in your growth and expansion. Your discomfort occurs to help you to start to detach from it and become open to a new better experience.
So if your job, or where you live, or any other area of your life once served you well, but no longer feels quite as good or supportive, know that it is because it is reaching the end of its energetic road and rest easy in the knowledge that something else is preparing itself for you. Let this reassure you that a new better match is already taking form.
Do you see? Your discomfort is not a sign that you need to start manifesting, it is a sign that manifestation is already occurring. Something better for you is in the process of creating its way into existence. Your job is to stay open, aware, and non-resistant, which allows you to be moved up into the experience of the next great match that will support you through the next important phase of your incarnation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 26

What does the tender, innocent child part of you need from you today? Can you commit to allowing that little one a voice and then wrapping yourself up in your own delicious love and understanding? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 27

The more you acknowledge and tend to the many different aspects of self, the more you will find moving forward on your path filled with greater grace and ease because all parts will be in cooperation with that forward movement. It is difficult to make great progress if aspects of yourself are uncooperative, resistant, or trying to run in the other direction! Take the time to listen to what needs you have within yourself that are looking to be addressed, healed, reassured, and included. Become your own kind and gentle shepherd and you will be amazed at what becomes possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 28

Dear Ones, if you deny any aspect of yourselves, you will be perpetually agitating any abandonment, separation, or trust issues you may have. As you recognize, accept, love, and guide all aspects of self, you will be holding the space of healing and unity consciousness, which will be reflected in your experiences moving forward.
Your ego, your fears, your insecurities, your wounds, are not meant to be eradicated but rather understood and soothed with the inclusion of your unconditional love and acceptance. From there all healing can occur and the divine wholeness that is your essence can be rediscovered. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 29

You simply cannot judge and deny yourselves and come Home to yourselves at the same time. Some of you continue to be hard on yourselves because you fear if you don’t you will stop growing or evolving. Unfortunately, self denial keeps wounds hidden and self judgment keeps pain active.
Dear Ones, your own unconditional love will support the full experience of self you’ve been yearning for and allow any healing you have found elusive thus far to finally occur. Remember, it is your unconditional love, understanding, and encouragement that creates the ideal, safe environment for all parts of you to have the courage to come forward and receive exactly what they’ve needed for so long. This is what allows true transformation to occur. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 30

What compassion and encouragement do you so willingly give everyone else yet deny yourself? Why? What difference could it make to you? When you decide to commit to including yourself in your own love and support, you will finally have what you need to take a huge leap forward in your growth and evolution. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 31

Shelley’s Note: Everyone once in a while a reader will share a daily message on facebook that was posted long ago. That was the case with this message yesterday, and I thought it was exactly what we needed to hear today so I decided to repost it. Thanks to Milton Foster for bringing it back around for all of us. I honestly don’t remember the day it was originally channeled but I do know it is just as pertinent today as it was the day it came through.
Dear Ones, we want you to know that it is all alright. If you meditate, or if you don’t, it is alright. If you are patient and loving and then you are not, it is alright. If you shine brightly one day and then don’t for a week, it is alright. It is all alright.
You see, you are growing and expanding, and you will do it at your own unique pace. In some areas you will move forward quickly, in other areas it may take more time. You get to choose how you wish to do things. From our perspective, all movement is forward movement.
Whether you are taking great strides, or stalled out in full blown resistance, it will all lead to forward movement, for even the greatest resistance ultimately leads to surrender and growth.
We do urge you to find how to move forward with the greatest amount of ease for you, for discomfort is not a necessary pre-requisite to growth. You can embrace your evolution, and through surrender and flow, expand beautifully. But it is completely and totally your choice what is your preferred way of doing things.
But Gabriel, how do we know we are growing, you ask? The answer to that is simple, Dear Ones – because you are in the body, on the planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 7

Gratitude, simply put, is giving positive reinforcement to the universe. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 6

Dear Ones, your increased sensitivities are indicative of the fact that you are embodying more love. The more love you hold, the more difficult it is to be exposed to the absence of love, and the more compassionate you become. As you get used to the greater expression of love that you are, you will learn to lead with it, and allow it to be the blanket of comfort it is both for you and for others. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 5

Dear Ones, faith and trust are the antidotes to fear and doubt. The more you nurture your faith and trust, the more peace, comfort, and acceptance you can anchor into your experience, and from there hold the space and be of service.
As you go along your enlightenment journey you will have times when you step out of your faith and trust but you will always find your way back home to that centre, time and again. You will discover those times become fewer and fewer until you no longer have to leave that base in order to come back and rediscover it. You will have integrated the energies to the point where they are your solid base, your foundation, and the place you operate from. Faith and trust will become a natural part of your beingness.
So be easy with yourselves and understand that like everything else, the anchoring of faith and trust is an energetic process. The more you leave it and come back, the more it will become your preference. This is all part of your evolution and mastery, and part of your embodiment process as you come Home to yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 4

Dear Ones, you simply can’t step into your mastery if you don’t trust yourself. Self love is the precursor to self trust. When you truly start to love and care for yourself, you know you can trust yourself to make choices that are for your highest good. While self love starts the process, self love and self trust, when employed together, are the dynamic duo when it comes to stepping forward as the empowered leader of your life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 3

The enlightenment process is about stepping into your authentic power. At the core of that is trust – learning to trust yourself, your own mastery, your divine capability, and your role as the empowered expert of you and your own incarnation. There is much focus on the importance of self love but self trust is equally important and rarely spoken of.
It is the essential element that will allow you to step into your sovereignty and embrace being the empowered co-creator you truly are. So trust, Dear Ones. Trust in your growth, your wisdom, your authentic power, your role, the process, and your abilities, for that is the next natural step of your evolution. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 2

Surrender is not giving up, it is giving UP. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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