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September 30

As you come out the other side of your summer of transformation, new inspirations may be dropping into your awareness. This is wonderful, and a result of the work you have done! What this may involve is suddenly going in a completely different direction than what felt aligned to you only a few months ago. Many of you will be shifting into new timelines that are available to you now, or that have always been available to you but you are now ready to choose, that match your newfound energetic state and the next phase of your incarnation.
Because things have felt heavy for so many of you for so long, it can make you feel as if something is too easy for you if it feels too light. Please know that working within the energies of surrender, faith, flow, and trust is how you navigate in the new energies, and it will feel much easier than the old ways of struggle and effort. Trust in the new heart-centred navigation system. If you feel excited, energized, and supported by new ideas or locations that is your soul giving you a resounding yes. You can never, ever make a mistake as long as you are following your heart and making decisions based on what feels best to you one now moment at a time. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 29

Dear Ones, in times of great energetic change, people are in various stages of accepting or resisting movement. Those who are in resistance are frequently energetically overwhelmed and reactive. It is common for people who are in a state of overwhelm to lash out in their discomfort. What we wish for you to understand is that such reactions are energetic in nature, not personal. They speak much more of where the person is in their release/integration process than anything else. They are in the throes of an energetic overhaul.
So be kind and understand times of transformation can be challenging. Be kind with yourselves, as well, if you find yourself being reactive. If you are unusually short tempered it is an indicator you need to practice some good self care to get back into greater comfort and alignment. Forgive others as you would wish to be forgiven. Hold the space by being the love when you are feeling balanced and know that others will do the same for you. After all, you are all in this together, and part of the grandest shift your planet has ever seen. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 28

If you choose to stay in a space of openness and curiosity, your flow will be able to move at its optimal pace for you, unimpeded by any constraints or attempts at control your inner doubter may try to impose. A non-resistant human being is delightful to work with because they are so easily moved into the perfect right time/right place scenarios. We absolutely love orchestrating divine intersections. It is one of our favourite things to do, using our creativity and vantage point to set things up for you in ways that are sure to surprise and delight you, and then getting to watch your reactions. It is how we experience joyful service for it expands our hearts just as much as it expands yours. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 27

There can be a tendency in enlightening human beings to think that if they have not reached a certain level of mastery, they cannot be of service. Your growth always serves the whole. Your experiences add to the expansion of both your soul and the planet. You will always be a little further along on the path than others who are just getting started, and have wisdom and encouragement to offer them along the way, just as there will be others to assist you on your journey, as well.
While your learning may be a long and winding road based on what knowledge your soul wishes to remind itself of during this incarnation, ultimately all the seeking will lead to the same place, that of love, compassion, peace, acceptance, and gratitude. It is when you choose to anchor and embody those basics that you shimmer and shine the brightest and contribute the most. Never, ever, underestimate the effect of your beingness, or your simple, loving acts of service, for they are far more powerful and transformative than you could ever imagine. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 25

For enlightening human beings, how you interact with your family members and significant others can be the most challenging area to transform. This is because it is the area where your conditioning is greatest, and old habits can be well established, running automatically without your conscious awareness.
So how do you address this? Just like with any other area you wish to evolve, with intention, your true desire to change, and greater awareness. The key is to step out of automatic responses, into more conscious interaction. Try to be more aware. If you catch yourself reacting unconsciously, stop and feel into the situation. Is this an old pattern that doesn’t even match who you are anymore? How would you like to approach this now, based on your latest level of attainment?
If you have already reacted in an old way that doesn’t match how you would like to approach things now, simply address it in that moment. Apologize and readjust. This is a powerful act of shifting the energy.
Consciously practice empathy for your loved ones. Try to look at them with new eyes and feel into their perspective. Take an observant role. What are they afraid of? What are they struggling with? What do they need to feel safe and loved? What can you do to break the old pattern of interaction?
Practice self awareness. What is looking to be acknowledged and healed within yourself to release these old patterns? Are you practicing self care? The more aligned and balanced you are, the more you will be able to stay in an empowered space while interacting with those you love.
Last, we suggest you be the love. Being the love doesn’t mean you accept being treated inappropriately by anyone. It is never loving to support someone in showing up in such a limited version of self. Sometimes it is necessary to anchor love and make the choice to love someone from afar until they can learn to interact in ways that are more appropriate. Holding the space with boundaries that support wellness and healthier connection is transformative.
Be easy with yourself and others as you create these new ways of interacting. Big changes come from small consistent steps. If you fall into reactivity or old patterns, simply be aware and redirect. Like anything else, with practice it will become easier and easier.
So lead with love, Dear Ones, both for yourself and those closest to you as you tackle this area of transformation, and you will be able to change your dance with others into something much more enjoyable for everyone involved. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 24

Every single energetic release, shift, or integration you go through allows new opportunities to become available to you that match your new lighter energetic state. It is a process of internal expansion which is then reflected to you by external expansion. It is such an incredibly exciting process to behold because it is filled with ever evolving potentials and possibilities in response to you embodying more and more of the vastness of your soul. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 23

Dear Ones, please understand that there is nothing that you have to do, only things that you choose to do as a means of self expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 22

If you have found yourself in profound resistance, rather than pushing against that resistance, we suggest you simply choose something that feels lighter to you. When you are in such a state, it can be difficult to know what you need in order to allow yourself to move forward with greater ease. While your brain may not know what you need, your body and spirit can easily identify what would feel lighter. So simply ask yourself, “What can I do that would feel lighter than I’m feeling right now?”
Resistance is heavy. Lightness is just that – light. Identifying what feels heavy or light is a skill set that every single human being on the planet has, so there is no special training, understanding of energetics, or enhanced sensitivity required. You can embrace that innate ability because it is impossible to get it wrong since the answer is always unique to you. It is something you will always know without doubt.
As you choose anything lighter you choose to disengage from resistance, which will naturally induce more flow, relief, and forward movement. This will allow you to incrementally move out of your discomfort, without pressuring yourself into any specific practice, since what feels lighter could be a myriad of things. Further, it is an empowering exercise that helps you gain confidence in your self awareness and ability to self direct from whatever energetic state you may find yourself in.
Your heart always knows what is expansive and light, so it is a wonderful way to shift out of the mind and into the heart without the need for specifics. Once you have moved into a lighter state, however you choose to get there, you’ll be much more aligned with getting back into your spiritual and co-creational practices, and before you know it, you’ll be flowing along as if the resistance never even happened. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 21

Being easy with yourself when things come up for healing allows you to shift with far greater ease with the assistance of your own love and nurturing. Every single time something comes into your awareness for healing or release, it is indicating that you are becoming lighter, more authentic, more aligned, more shifted. It is a wonderful thing to celebrate, that it is no longer a match for you to carry that old fear or wound and that you have worked and evolved to the point where it can now be let go. It is proof positive of your own evolution. Isn’t it time to be a loving guide and support to yourself through these moments of transformation that can often make you feel temporarily vulnerable by creating a space of safety with your own care and understanding until you reach a place of comfort with your new level of beingness? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 20

As you continue to step into the new energies that mark the next phase of your incarnation, many of you will be drawn to different locales. This always serves a purpose, both in support of you, and of the area you feel guided to.
One very common theme is that many enlightening human beings are being drawn to be closer to water. As water is a great magnifier of energy, this allows their energy to be magnified and support a greater area of the planet, as well as to enhance their own gifts and sensitivities. You can trust that your soul is always guiding you to the places where you can best serve and be served. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 19

As you continue to grow and expand into living your biggest, most beautiful life expression, old belief systems that stand in the way of where your soul wishes to go will come up for release. The one we would like to discuss today is, “Enjoy yourself while you are still young”.
While it may initially seem like good advice, it is filled with undercurrents that are extremely limiting. It plants and feeds the idea that you can only have fun or live an exciting life at one stage of your life, that enjoyment is fleeting and will slip away from you as you mature. We see so many of you reach adulthood and immediately relegate joy to the bottom of your list of priorities in order to step into what you think is the acceptable model of maturity.
Dear Ones, who ever said you couldn’t be responsible and diligent and still have a life expression filled with joy? You can absolutely find employment you enjoy and embrace new experiences and adventures at any stage of life. In fact, that is what your soul is always calling you to do for it adds to your expansion.
We invite you to examine your beliefs about adulthood and fun. What haven’t you tried that you have always wanted to? How do you deny yourself to honour an old system that in no way supports you having your highest life experience? What can you do to acknowledge and bring forward the part of you that has been so desperately missing fun and allow it to shimmer and shine again, knowing it’s a vital aspect for you and your self expression? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 18

What would happen if you replaced the need for battling against anything with simply embracing self expression? What if you gave up struggle for flow? Doing for being? Martyred service for joyful service? Feel into it. If you pay close attention when you feel into battle and then feel into self expression, you will sense they exist on very different energetic lines of potential. You will feel yourself shift sideways onto different timelines. This is because there are new possibilities that come from every change of focus you make. The same will be with the energetic difference between struggle and flowing, doing and being, sacrificial service vs supported service. Notice how each feels in your body and which ones feel aligned with you and where you wish to go. What choices allow you to anchor the energy of peace?
So we will answer what will happen if you make these shifts. You will start to move forward from the strongest power centre you have – your own authentic power and innate wisdom. You will embrace your divine ability to co-create that comes from expressing your own energetics and choosing the highest energetic matches to who you are and what you wish to experience. You will begin to navigate your life expression based on your own truth, preferences, and what the higher dimensional energies are supporting, which is exactly what will further honour and expand your profound role as a participant in the great shift of humanity. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 17

Gratitude is the way to acknowledge and celebrate what a proficient co-creator you truly are. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 16

Asking for guidance and then choosing to stay in a state of resistance is much like intending to go somewhere, getting in your vehicle, setting your GPS, and then refusing to put the car in drive. Or perhaps you are attempting movement while still in resistance which would amount to trying to drive with the parking brake on. Either way you won’t be getting very far!
Dear Ones, you must be willing to enter into a flow to start to make your way to your destination, and the greater your surrender, the easier it is to get you where you wish to go. You simply cannot effectively guide something that is not willing to commit to motion. Surrendering into the flow and trusting the unfoldment will not only move you forward with the most grace and ease possible, it will also allow you to enjoy the scenery and progress as you go. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 15

Dear Ones, you have spent much time focusing on connecting to your soul and your true divine essence. Now it is time to reclaim your body as the sacred vehicle it is. You would not be able to have the experience you are having without your body.
It has served you incredibly well from the moment you took your first breath and is working constantly to accommodate the higher and higher energies on the planet as well as those you are in the process of embodying through your own growth. Take time to thank it, to nurture it, to appreciate it, and to wonder at all that it does as it continuously serves you in the most miraculous ways.
You have seen your soul and your body as very separate things. Many of you have seen your body as less than and something to get away from. Now is the time to integrate the two, to embody your beingness, to celebrate your spirituality and your humanity, to acknowledge and honour both as equally essential and sacred in this incredible and unprecedented time on your planet. Doing so will open the door for greater healing and presence than ever before. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 14

There is a tendency in enlightening human beings to consider themselves failures if they struggle. Dear Ones, it is ok to feel sad, to not know where you are going, to be human. You are on the planet to have the full experience. Do not allow your momentary struggles to be an opportunity to step into self abuse. Accept that things come up to be felt, examined, and released. Know that as empaths you will sometimes have feelings that aren’t even yours, but that you can still assist with by identifying them and transmuting them. Love yourself through the full spectrum of experiences, knowing that it all serves a purpose. It is not perfection you are seeking, but rather being authentic and holding the space of unconditional love and acceptance for yourself through your highs, lows, and everything in between. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 13

Have you ever had an idea, an inspiration for something you’d like to create or experience, and feel so excited about it only to move into doubt about it a short time later? We want you to know this is completely normal and why this occurs.
When you discover a new direction your soul would like to expand into, its immediate response is joy and excitement. It feels light and right and full of potential. This is your soul giving you a resounding yes! It is once you start to really sit in that energy and consider making it a reality that the doubt creeps in. Why does this happen? It is the work of your ego.
Your ego is much like a toddler who doesn’t care much for sudden change. It is very invested in everything staying the same and feeling in control, and thus, will rail against moving forward in new, unexpected ways. It reacts strongly with fear and doubt, which you, in your sensitivity, will feel. Do not let this stall your forward movement.
All your ego is really looking for is your assurance that it will still be important and cared for. It simply needs your reassurance that it will be coming with you moving forward. To try to eradicate the ego, which is an essential part of your human self, would be to deny a vital aspect of yourself. Unconditional love for self means loving and caring for all aspects of you, and shepherding them forward in ways that meet their needs.
You can simply reassure the ego of its importance and vital role for you. You might even give it a job to help you move forward such as telling it you need it to take care of your body and make sure all its physical needs are met. You might even tell it you will treat this like an experiment and it can keep track of how you are doing. If you understand what is going on you can start to see your ego as a growth detector. It simply would not be activated if you weren’t onto something that has value for you and your soul’s expression.
As many of you will be changing your service, and experiencing expansion in new directions as you move forward in the next phase of your incarnation, inspiration followed by doubt will be a very common experience. With your wisdom of why that happens you can simply stop, address the part of you that needs the reassurance and support, and move forward knowing all signs are pointing to your growth and next grand experience. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 12

Dear Ones, you are meant to move with the ebb and flow of the universe. That means sometimes you release, and other times you integrate. Sometimes you rest, sometimes you take action. Sometimes the focus will be the divine feminine and others, the divine masculine. Sometimes you give, and others you receive.
It is not about finding one specific thing, rather, it is moving with whatever is being supported at any given time. This means placing your focus on whatever is taking precedence, and to trust in the divine intelligence of the universe, as well as your ability to harness and work with the energies.
This allows you to move with far greater ease and to be much more efficient with your efforts. It also allows you to experience more joy and satisfaction because you will be willingly working within the surrender, faith, flow, trust model that is the operating system of the new energies. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 11

What these continual energetic shifts are showing you is that you were ready for far more transformation than you ever could have imagined. Isn’t that an amazing thing to realize? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 10

Many of you are in the process of releasing old belief systems, many of which have been conditioned into you by others. One of the most prevalent is that you are not enough.
Dear Ones, it is impossible for you to ever be not enough, for you are exactly, perfectly you – a beautiful individuated aspect of Source, showing up with the exact traits you required for your growth, expansion, and self expression, and desired experiences throughout your incarnation.
Anyone who has tried to tell you that you were lacking in any way, was, by that very action, letting you know that they were not qualified to judge you, for any being who truly was qualified to see you in your truth and judge you would have no interest in doing so. All they would see is your divine perfection, and look at you through the eyes of acceptance and unconditional love, and celebrate you for being exactly as you are.
Isn’t it time to shrug off that old idea that you can ever not be enough and simply start to shine in your beautiful, ever-evolving truth? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 9

There is great joy to be had in the process of creation. As you birth an idea and begin to allow it to manifest and unfold, we encourage you to savour each phase just as you would enjoy the growth and development of a beloved child. Each stage can be filled with delight and discovery as the elements come together and take on shape and form, and as such, will increase your gratitude and presence, which further adds to your satisfaction and enjoyment of the entire experience, not just the intended end result. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 8

Allowing your inner beauty and truth to shine is embodying your version of heaven on earth. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 7

We were recently asked, “How do you handle competitive people when they want to compete against you and it triggers you?” We would like to address this today.
As you continue along your enlightenment journey, you will notice a deepening divide in how you create for yourselves compared to how others who may still be in 3D attempt to create for themselves. Those who still operate from 3D view the world as having a limited amount of what they seek. This will cause them to fight mightily for what they desire, and use all kinds of tactics to achieve it. This is, at its core, driven by a fear of there not being enough to go around, of seeing only through the eyes of success or failure, win or lose, and looking for an external to make them whole. It is trying to find success from old energy approaches that are not nearly as supported as before, which adds to the intensity of their actions. They also must approach from a place of separation (making the opponents the enemy) in order to support their agenda.
Those who are creating from a more evolved space find their success from shining their authentic selves and knowing that whatever matches their energy, and their purpose, will naturally align with them. It is a calmer, actuated approach, because you do not fear lack. There is no need to make the other person the enemy because you know there is more than enough for everyone, and if this isn’t your match something else is. The contest becomes a means of self expression, of being rather than doing, of valuing the experience because you know whatever the outcome is, it moves you closer to your ideal situation and your highest purpose.
When you are triggered, it is because you are feeling like you need to sink to that same level to have a chance, but you know you can’t because you don’t play in those energies anymore. It may also be an opportunity for you to release old wounds where you were treated unfairly, were victimized, weren’t seen for who you really are, felt powerless, or otherwise dismissed. A moment of simple acknowledgment of those feelings and a willingness to label them and let them leave is all that is required.
So how do you handle a situation where you are trying to stay in higher energies while others are still playing in the old energies? By understanding they are simply operating from the only system they know and that it is not personal. By knowing that there is nothing more powerful as a co-creation tool than you simply operating from your alignment, truth, beingness, and best intentions. By seeing it as an opportunity to express who you truly are, and to do things in new empowered ways. It is choosing to stay on an energetic layer that will support your ultimate success. And if your competitor does win over you it simply means that it was not your highest energetic match and that the universe, and your soul, has something much better in mind for you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 6

There is nothing to fear from embracing the path of your unfoldment for it is much like a flower beginning to bloom, gradually opening to display more and more of your beauty within. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 5

Dear Ones, your purpose and your service are your unique energetic contribution to the world, as well as your own personal expansion path. As you grow and evolve, so may how you wish to express those offerings. Many of you are going through a shift of purpose and service due to the transformative energies you have gone through.
Just as your enlightenment journey is its own special blend of elements that resonate with you, so will be how you wish to express that energy. Listen to your soul. Know that your own purpose and service are perfect for you. There would be no point in having everyone doing the same thing! As souls on the planet to assist, your roles will be vast and varied, all designed to serve the whole in a myriad of ways.
You are pioneers in what you are creating and how you are evolving and ascending. This means giving yourself permission to express yourself in the ways that are right for you, and encouraging others to do so, too. Your service won’t ever be the exact same as anyone else’s for it will always be a blend of what you offer plus your own particular energetics, and that is exactly how it is meant to be.
So shine, and trust yourself to guide yourself as the expert on you, and allow the unfoldment to lead you to your ever-evolving, highest, most beautiful expression of self. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 4

We were recently asked what the difference between purpose and service is. We would like to address this today.
Your purpose is the main theme or themes your soul has prioritized for experience during your life expression. Service is a means of showing love, compassion, and/or assistance. You can have many different forms of service that are tied into your purpose, and others that are not. Both purpose and service add to the expansion of your soul, as well as the whole, and are a means of self expression, so the two will frequently intertwine.
The main difference is your purpose tends to be a more specific focus of experience and self expression, where service can be experienced in a myriad of ways. For example, reaching down something from a high shelf for a stranger in a store is a loving act of simple service, but it is not directly tied into your soul’s purpose of being an inspiring teacher to a class of 8 year olds.
Do you see? You might think of your purpose as being your major in your field of study on the planet. Your service may not always be your purpose, yet your purpose will always be your highest service, and ultimately all of it serves the whole. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 3

Dear Ones, your soul is always calling you to the right time/right place intersections on your path. You might think of it as being on a cosmic treasure hunt, picking up the essential pieces that lead to your next beautiful expression of self as they become available to you due to the work you have done. This is the next natural phase of unfoldment, of the expansion and self expression you seek. Trust and allow it to lead you, for it knows not only your highest potentials but also the fastest way to get there complete with all the supports you need. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 2

Some enlightening human beings still have trouble with the concept of self love. They see it as being selfish, small, or exclusionary in some way. While self love is none of those things – it is merely making yourself equally important as everyone else, we understand it can be challenging to move beyond old conditioning and belief systems.
So we suggest, why not just commit to being kind to yourself? You may find yourself less resistant to that idea, and find it easier to apply. Kindness is love and compassion in action. In fact, putting your focus on simply being kind might make it much easier to be the love that you wish to be, not just for yourself, but for everyone. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 1

Simply put, beauty in its many forms is the presence of heaven on earth. Magic is experiencing energies beyond what you thought possible that surprise and delight you. So choosing a beautiful, magical life is surrendering with intention into experiencing the presence of heaven on earth in ways that surprise and delight you. Doesn’t that sound like co-creation and change you can whole-heartedly embrace? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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