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1 day of fasting rejuvenates by 3 months

1 day of fasting rejuvenates by 3 months

During evolution, humanity has had to starve so many times that the body has developed a perfect defense mechanism against starvation. Starting from the third day of fasting, only 100-200 grams of your own fat per day is enough to fully provide the body with energy. The reserves of trace elements and salts in the body are sufficient for several months of existence. The medically recorded fasting record is more than 250 days, with improved health. As a rule, in the absence of food in extreme conditions, the cause of death of people is not the lack of food, but psychological stress.
“On the fourth day of fasting, the hunger disappears, and you feel like you’re flying.”
“I need fasting as much as I need my eyes; it opens my view of the spiritual world” (M. Gandhi)
Recently, one-day fasting has become popular. Of course, compared to long-term fasting, their effect is weaker. However, under certain conditions, the effect of even one-day fasting, carried out once a week, can increase dramatically. To do this, one-day fasting must be repeated. Professor of Medicine Koda Mitsuo, known for his research on fasting, says:
“If you fast at the end of each week and carefully come out of fasting, you will get the same effect as from long-term fasting. In six months or a year you will be healthy beyond recognition.”
Therapeutic fasting is highly valued by many doctors and enjoys hidden popularity among specialists, as well as entrepreneurs.
Here’s what doctors say about one-day weekly fasting:
If one-day fasting once a week is continued for a year, this will improve a person’s constitution and save him from disease.
Fatigue of the internal organs is largely relieved by one-day fasting. There are many cases where mild diabetes was cured simply by allowing the pancreas to rest for a few days of fasting.
One day of fasting rejuvenates the body for three months.
It turned out that with the help of fasting, even in ancient times, Hippocrates, Avicenna, Paracelsus and other doctors treated the sick. Currently, there is already a lot of scientific data revealing the mechanism of the therapeutic effect of fasting, which stimulates metabolism, rejuvenates the body and prevents aging.
The most amazing thing is that after such therapeutic fasting you look like after spa treatments.
We don’t know what’s going on here, but the body is clearly being cleansed both externally and internally. By the way, if you decide to treat diseases with hunger, then under no circumstances take any medications. You can only drink water – often and in small portions.
By the way, short-term fasting, in addition to cleansing and significantly improving appearance, has another unexpected effect. It is about increasing the power of imagination and the ability to create. For example, John Lennon, one of the legendary Beatles, practiced meditation and was fond of fasting. It is possible that his creative insights in the musical field were the result not only of talent and efficiency, but also of periodic refusal of his daily bread.
T. Toeo, a former member of the House of Commons of the Japanese Parliament, strongly recommended weekly one-day fasting to all doubters as a way to improve health and activate thinking. He repeatedly emphasized that this is not just a diet, because thanks to fasting, the head works better and ideas constantly arise.
Metabolism even increases during short-term fasting.
People feel as if they will suffer from unbearable hunger and will not be able to think properly if they do not eat every 2-3 hours. Take a moment to imagine the consequences from an evolutionary point of view if this were true. Considering that regular periods of fasting and even full-blown hunger strikes were part of everyday life for primitive man, do you think we would have survived to this day if we had not been able to function normally when obtaining food was most critical?
Our body has developed very effective mechanisms for maintaining a certain level of sugar in the blood, even under extreme conditions, because… This is a high priority task. If you were forced to fast for 24 hours and then run for 90 minutes at 70-75% of your maximal oxygen uptake, your post-run blood sugar levels would be the same as if you had run while fed. For your blood sugar level to drop to a level that affects your mental activity, at least 3 days or 84 hours of fasting must pass; and even then this is temporary, because the brain adapts to use ketone bodies for energy. During 48 hours of fasting or severe caloric restriction, blood sugar is maintained at normal levels and does not affect your cognitive abilities.
The belief that skipping meals or short periods of fasting causes “starvation mode” is absurd and ridiculous.
Why are we susceptible to myths?
In countless studies on the topic, show the first signs of decreased metabolism in response to fasting after 60 hours (-8% of resting metabolic rate). Other studies indicate metabolic stability for up to 72-96 hours (George Cahill has contributed extensively to this topic).
A 36-hour fast did not reveal any changes in the metabolic rate of the subjects. Moreover, food does not have a serious effect on metabolism at all.
It may sound paradoxical, but in fact, metabolism even increases during short-term fasting.
Studies have shown an increase of 3.6-10% after 36-48 hours (Mansell PI, et al, and Zauner C, et al). And this makes sense from an evolutionary point of view. Epinephrine and norepinephrine (adrenaline/norepinephrine) sharpen our minds and make us do things. Just what we need to motivate us to search for food, hunt for prey, thereby increasing our chances of survival. At a certain period, after several days without food, this mechanism becomes unprofitable for survival, and rather does more harm than good; instead, the energy conservation mechanism becomes more advantageous. But in any case, metabolism increases during a period of short-term fasting (up to 60 hours).
Fasting was practiced not only to restore health and preserve youth, but also for spiritual enlightenment.
The profound influence of fasting on consciousness and the possibility of using this method for spiritual development is confirmed by the fact that almost all known cultures, religions, and areas of spiritual development have references to it.
All famous patriarchs of antiquity went hungry.
– Moses starved on the sacred mountain several times for 40 days and divine revelations and truths were revealed to him.
– Christ fasted for 40 days before bringing a new religion to the masses. There are references in the scriptures to the fact that Christ fasted for 40 days in several of his different incarnations.
– Buddha fasted for 40 days shortly before his enlightenment, when the path to liberation opened to him.
– Mohammed and Ali, the founders of two branches of Islam, also practiced fasting for 40 days.
– Mahavir, the founder of Jainism, fasted for 12 years and during this period he repeatedly tested himself with fasting.
– The founder of the healing direction of reiki, Japanese Mikao Usui, fasted for 21 days on the mountain, in a place of power. After that, he became a conductor of healing life-giving energy.
Accordingly, most religions and spiritual movements prescribe fasting for purification and development of spiritual strength.
In Christianity, there is a system of fasting that prescribes certain dietary restrictions and recommendations.
In fact, it is a way to switch to healthier foods. Also, during periods of fasting, it is recommended to completely abstain from food 2 days a week on Wednesdays and Fridays, that is, fast from water. In addition, true Christians are encouraged to fast for certain weeks during Lent.
Jesus Christ called on his apostles to fast to cleanse the soul and body, calling the body the “temple of the soul.”
Islam also has regulations regarding fasting. The most devout Muslims are on a dry fast these days.
In ancient traditions and cultures, fasting was widely used in preparation for various rituals. In many tribes there was a ritual for the transition of a young man to a man in the form of initiation. To do this, the young man was subjected to a number of tests. One of the main tests was solitude and hunger, which in some traditions was quite long.
Warriors and hunters made objects of power for themselves in the form of amulets. In order for the item to truly have power, warriors purified themselves through fasting.
The use of fasting was mandatory in shamanic cultures. The shamans retired for several days from places of power in nature and drank only water. During this period, many truths were revealed to the shaman, he gained the opportunity to negotiate with the forces of nature, acquired the gift of foresight, and could predict events awaiting the tribe, weather changes, dangers, surprises.
In the shamanic tradition there is a practice called “vision quest”. It consists in the fact that the subject retires to a secluded place of power in nature, preferably in the mountains or in the forest. He stays there from 1 to 3 days, drinking only water. Being in solitude under the open sky, a person learns to feel more the forces of nature and communicate with them. The basis of this process is the development of mindfulness. It is important to be attentive to all surrounding signs and internal processes.
Fasting as a method of cleansing the body and developing the will and spirit is used in such ancient systems as qigong and yoga. It is known that Paul Bragg also regularly practiced yoga and cleansing pranayama, but emphasized that his flexibility of body, clarity of mind and freshness of breath were primarily due to the effects of fasting.
Scientists have discovered why fasting extends life expectancy.
Back in the middle of the last century, it turned out that fasting significantly increases the life expectancy of a wide variety of living creatures – from single-celled yeast to primates, but the reason for this phenomenon is at the cellular level remained unknown.
A study by American biologists shows that the key to the solution lies in changes in mitochondrial function provoked by fasting.
Scientists from Harvard, Cornell and the American National Institutes of Health, led by Harvard assistant professor David Sinclair, were able to identify two enzymes that mobilize mitochondria, often called “energy factories,” during difficult times for cells. This allows you to extend the life of the cell and delay its death. The mitochondria is a cellular organelle that mediates cellular respiration, which releases or stores energy in the easily usable form of adenazine triphosphoric acid (ATP). In an article published in the latest issue of the journal Cell, scientists showed that fasting leads to the activation of a protein that helps saturate mitochondria with molecules of the coenzyme nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), one of the main energy carriers in the cell.
It is the abundance of NAD, according to researchers, that makes it possible to fully use the “youth enzymes” of mitochondria encoded by SIRT3 and SIRT4 – instead of the natural extinction of organelle activity, which inevitably leads to the death of the entire cell, mitochondria not only restore their performance, but begin to work better than before whatever it was. The increased efficiency with which mitochondria begin to produce energy can significantly slow down the process of cell aging, practically turning off the natural mechanism of suicide of old cells. Moreover, activation of mitochondria can temporarily compensate for the loss of all other sources of life in the cell. Even if its core turns out to be completely inoperative, making further preservation of the vital unit pointless, the mechanism of cellular suicide refuses to start. Scientists do not yet know how exactly mitochondria block cell death.
Fasting and atherosclerosis.
One of the characteristic symptoms of atherosclerosis is low-grade inflammation in the walls of the arteries, which is accompanied by the accumulation of immune cells of macrophages. As scientists write in the journal Cell Metabolism, the waste processing mechanism in such macrophages is damaged. Biomolecules in a cell gradually deteriorate and must be replaced. Instead, newly synthesized molecules come, but the old ones also need to be put somewhere. For this purpose, the cell has special “self-digestion” systems – they break down various molecular debris.
Researchers believe that if you activate the waste disposal system in cells, the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis will greatly decrease. Of course, this opens up a wide field of activity for pharmacists. But, according to scientists, we can try to bring waste-processing enzyme systems to life on our own – through fasting. Food restrictions and a low-calorie diet will force cells to look for additional energy resources, and these may be deposits of molecular debris inside the cells.
Fasting for weight loss.
If you prepare competently and efficiently for daily fasting, and do it consistently and systematically every week, you can achieve good results for weight loss.
American experts say that even 1 day of fasting per month can be very beneficial for health.
Scientists conducted a study that showed that people who abstain from food every first Monday of the month have a 40% reduced risk of developing cardiovascular disease. And in patients with asthma, the number of attacks decreases. According to experts, the mild stress that the body experiences during moderate fasting has a positive effect on the immune system and reduces the likelihood of cancer. Some experts even say that you don’t have to fast all day: you can skip breakfast or dinner. A prerequisite is that if you decide to fast, do it regularly and drink water during this process.
Fasting is the necessary chance, the opportunity that we give our body to recover on its own. The complete cessation of food intake allows the body to direct all its forces to the processes of removing waste and restoring the functions of all organs and systems. The body does everything itself, and we don’t even fully know all the mechanisms by which this happens. Therefore, the concept – fasting treatment – does not reflect the essence of what is happening to us. You simply stop eating, and the body does the rest. In this regard, it becomes clear the universality of this method of recovery, in which the entire body is involved and those limitations that are associated with the inability of the body to fully restore lost functions in advanced diseases.
Headache when fasting.
Headache is often observed during therapeutic fasting. In this case, the pain is concentrated in the occipital region and is of a pressing or bursting nature. Often the pain is very severe and even analgesics do not relieve it.
Usually the purpose of therapeutic fasting is to cleanse the body of toxins. The ancients spoke about this. “Eat for six days, starve for one,” they advised. The fasts spoken of in the Bible are not only a tribute to the Divine, but also a path to healing the body. After the winter of doing nothing and eating hearty meals – Lent. The body is cleansed. The body is healthy. Lightness, spiritual clarity, and inner purity appear.
Man, being the crown of the evolutionary process, has received the most perfect adaptive mechanism. When the body does not receive food from the outside, it switches to its own resources. “Own” carbohydrates, proteins, fats, all outdated old cells, painfully altered tissue, as well as tumors, edema, adhesions, toxins – everything that the body does not need – goes into the “energy furnace”. During hunger, the body is cleansed of toxic substances that accumulate in it as a result of illness, medication, alcohol, tobacco, and poor nutrition. Along with the stimulation of life processes, the opposite process occurs – relaxation, rest of the most important systems and organs of our body.

What to do if you feel lonely in a relationship

What to do if you feel lonely in a relationship

Feelings of loneliness in relationships also happen. Even if you are in a couple, you may still feel lonely. But it’s important to know that in many cases this does not mean the relationship is over. You have a chance to change the situation and feel closer.
These tips will help you and your partner understand each other better and feel a deeper connection.
1. Communicate openly
When you feel lonely, it’s important to talk to your partner about how you feel. Be honest and share your thoughts and emotions without hiding anything. By opening up, you can strengthen your connection and understanding with each other.
2. Spend time together
Try to find time in your busy schedule to spend together. Whether it’s going for a walk or cooking dinner together, spending quality time can help strengthen your connection and relieve feelings of loneliness.
3. Do what you enjoy
Rediscover hobbies and activities that bring you joy and satisfaction. Following your passions not only gives you a sense of purpose, but also helps you maintain your individuality in your relationships. As part of a couple, it is important to protect your interests.
4. Seek support from friends and family
Don’t hesitate to reach out to your loved ones when you feel lonely. Reach out to friends and family members who care about you and are willing to listen. Sometimes sharing your feelings with those outside of your relationship can help put things into perspective and provide comfort.
5. Practice self-care
Take time for your own well-being, both mentally and physically. Take care of yourself by exercising, meditating, or taking a bath. When you take care of yourself, you have more energy to deal with any problems that arise, including in your relationships.
6. Have new experiences together
Spice up your relationship by trying something new together. Whether it’s traveling to an unknown destination, dancing, or tasting exotic foods, exploring new things together can strengthen your bond and create unforgettable memories.
7. Rediscover intimacy
Intimacy goes beyond physical intimacy; it is also a feeling of emotional connection with a partner. Spend time talking openly, doing small nice things and being caring. This will help you get closer and strengthen your bond.
8. Focus on gratitude
Cultivate a sense of gratitude in your relationships by expressing appreciation to each other. Take a moment to thank your partner for the small gestures they do, like making you happy with a joke or being there to listen when you need it. Practicing gratitude builds intimacy, making your connection stronger even when you face challenges.
9. Ask for help
If feelings of loneliness persist despite your best efforts, consider seeking advice from a counselor. Professional support can provide tools to resolve relationship problems. Don’t hesitate to ask for help when needed; taking proactive steps to improve your relationship is a sign of strength.
Marina Karaseva

SON of helping practitioners

Teacher system – SON of helping practitioners

Channeling: Almaty

Today I would like to highlight a question that comes up for me when working with people lately. When those people who at one time took the path of development, learned certain techniques (coaches, numerologists, tarot readers, healers, etc.) to help people, but are now in oblivion, as if in a dream, and cannot begin to manifest themselves in the external world.
As the Teacher System showed me, at one time they were infused with the impulse of intention, the energy for this insight and training, so that they could later help others in this transitional period, help with their knowledge and techniques to cope with changes in space. But it turned out that when this infusion of energy ended, they stopped, and not just stopped, but fell asleep, although they have an understanding of the situation, what is happening to them, but they have no desire to get out of this state of inaction.
I understand that it was not for nothing that these situations were presented to me one after another. That’s why I want to raise this issue today.
You are right, we sent these people to you with a request to stop their implementation for a reason. Now, when powerful transformations have begun, when these energy flows are increasingly coming to the Earth, it is those on whom we relied during this period who turned out to be unable to overcome this barrier, this state of discomfort and purposefully move on.
It turns out that when they were fed with additional resources from the Higher Powers, they went into development, but when they received an instrument of influence on space and stopped being fed from the outside, they were unable to introduce it into the world?
Yes. Our main task was to bring out those who came here precisely for this purpose – to awaken them, to give them the skills to help others, so that they could talk along the chain about a different vision of the world, that it is possible and necessary to go towards development, into evolution souls and not only talk about it, but also help others using the techniques that they have chosen for themselves.
In fact, it turned out completely different. Of course, we did not expect 100% effectiveness, but we also did not expect that such a large percentage of helping practitioners, as you say, would “merge” from the path.
For what reasons did they stop working with people and talking about their work techniques?
As soon as the infusion of energy resource ended, and they were allowed to freely float to demonstrate their abilities and skills, they turned out to be in fact not only unable to express themselves, but even lost faith that they could influence their personal condition, precisely by those the same ways they were trained.
In essence, they fell asleep again in the deep sleep of illusion. They refused to go further into development within themselves. It was as if they played with it for a bit, and then decided to stay in the old “reality” of their lives.
And if they decided to remain in their reality, which is convenient for them, and not go further in development, this is their choice…
Yes, their choice. But then, firstly, our resources on them were senselessly wasted. It’s like, as they say, a transfusion of new blood did not improve the disease… But the blood resource was wasted…
And secondly, the VY of these people, of course, were also interested in this.
And it turns out that at the moment of ascent, a person progressed in development, as if in a spiral, but when the difficult segment of the path of this spiral began, he was unable to complete it himself. But we cannot feed you constantly, our resources are limited, and most importantly, everything then loses its meaning if you live only on our energy. You must follow this path with your will and intention, but you want to be led by the hand, shown holes in the road that need to be avoided, shown where sweets and gifts are hidden… But this game was created for you, so play it completely with gifts and pitfalls along the way. And not saying like a capricious child that I want only the most delicious and the best. Then, even the very taste of this best thing may bore you…
Okay, now that you’ve brought this issue up to the agenda, what do you propose? What would you like?
We would like everyone who has awakened, who has taken the path of development, to follow this path no matter what. So that each of you, on this path, illuminates it for others, illuminates the entire space of your influence on the world around you. That you shone like fireflies to others and charged them with your light, your desire to move on.
The more people go into development, the more people declare this, and not silently just study tons of information, the more people practice and change their lives towards what they want, the more other people nearby will be charged by this too and realize that There are other ways of how to live, how to manifest. After all, maybe there is a person among you now who doubts his abilities, or is developing, but is looking around in search of a clue – and you can become a beacon for them that will shine and show that yes, I was already at the beginning of this path – and now I’m where I never dreamed of getting to at the beginningb. You will shine for them – some just with a word written on your page, some with an invitation to a joint practice or meditation, some with a story about your life… because in order to manifest yourself in life, you don’t need to do something epic things, sometimes just a spoken or written word is enough…
And if you have also been trained to help others, any of your tools can be your additional assistant. Start talking about it and you will see someone around you want to try it. And then you can move on.
The more you appear in space, using the tools that you choose for yourself, the more you enjoy this interaction, because… previously, you really enjoyed it and saw it as a resource that helped you, and you also wanted to help others with it. So start doing it, it’s only a matter of your choice.
You talked about choice. In one of the works with a client, there was a situation where he said that he had absolutely no strength to act…
Did he really have the desire to act? That’s the main question.
It will not be easy or simple for any of you on this path!
But there is one key – a hint!
As soon as you decide for yourself to direct your attention in this direction – to help others, then this attention will direct the necessary amount of energy there. But first intention – then energy. But not the other way around! Remember this!
No one will fill you with energy, give you a resource so that you become addicted to it, like doping. It is you who revive this energy in yourself when you build a ray of intention, and the energy purposefully flows into a specific action.
Understand that no one will live your life for you! Only you yourself can decide which direction to go, only you yourself can take this specific step!
We can give you tips and support you, but only if you yourself follow this path. And this illusion that you have studied knowledge, received tools to help others, and now everything will become easy and simple – it doesn’t happen! Treat it as if you just learned a new profession in which you also need to work hard, get promoted when the time comes, interact with other employees, etc. Just because you have studied reiki, healing, tarot, numerology, and other methods of help does not mean that you have been chosen by the light, and now you will only follow the bright path in complete goodness and joy. No! But many people have this illusion. What do they expect, since they have chosen the path of helping others with their abilities, that the red carpet should now be rolled out for them.
In fact, you are no different from a miner whose calling is to carry out his mining work. Or a salesperson in a store whose calling is to interact with people in this way and help them choose the best product in the store. Your only difference is in the way you work, in the way you interact with this world. And each of these people, each of these processions has one path – with the help of it they go towards their development, showing their skills and abilities! Into your evolutionary development!
Yes, I admit, when I chose this path, to help people, at the beginning I also thought that everything – now everything would be “in chocolate”, I’m conscious, I help others. As if they should give some kind of prizes or concessions for this. But along the way, I already realized, as you said, “the red carpet” will not be laid out… I am walking along this path, on pure intention, on my choice – and probably it is this intention that leads me forward. But it’s like a daily choice, it’s not like one day I chose it and everything went easy and simple. Every time I encounter difficulties, I pay attention to my intention – and it carries me through these difficult moments.
It’s a choice! This is an example of a choice when, no matter what, you move forward. You see difficulties, you move forward, you see gifts, you rejoice and move forward again. This is the way.
What advice do you have for someone who is lost? Who doubts whether he needs to stay on this path, to be a helping practitioner?
Remember why you started all this? What motivated you then?
Interest? Curiosity?
Now imagine that a person potentially lives next to you, who also wants to know this inside, try it, follow this path of evolutionary development. And you are this guide for him, who will introduce him to a different view of the world around him, of his inner world.
That you are precisely this intermediate link in his life – to illuminate the path for him at this moment in his life.
And note that this is the person for you! He is the leader in this matter. You are only an intermediate link, important on the path of many. But it’s not YOU for him, but HE for you. Those. When considering an aspect of your work, another – you must put another SOUL above all else. You are just an employee performing your duties. And the SOUL in another person, which strives for knowledge – that’s what’s most important here!
And above all, as a tip for you when you start your work, think not about yourself first, but about the SOUL in another person, which you help using your skills and abilities. This is not to say that you should devalue yourself. This speaks to the position you are in when working with others. Because There is an aspect of pride among helping practitioners. But you are essentially equal! And when the SOUL is in front of you in search of a path to itself, you should make this a priority in your work.
But it turns out that the position is not equal, and the client is placed above the specialist he came to. Or did I understand something wrong?
What we want to draw your attention to here is not the moment when you are working one on one. It’s like in coaching, there is a good example where both the coach and the client are in the “OK” position – this is how individual work is done.
We want to draw attention to the aspect when you generally predict, plan your work – think first of all about the SOUL (SOUL) to whom you will transfer knowledge, practices, and help realize something.
When you choose to speak from the interests of the SOUL for which you do your work, you build your manifestation into the outside world differently, you proceed from the interests of the client – what he needs first of all, you explore this issue, you pay your attention to this.
And when it’s the other way around, you do it out of EGO, out of a desire to show yourself and your abilities.
But put yourself in the shoes of the client you are working with – what would you like to receive in his place. And then your work will be more productive.
We pay attention to this because… many helping practices proceed from the concept of what I want to give to this world, and not what the WORLD needs from me now.
This will help you not waste energy and time, but immediately direct your energy in the right direction.
On Thursdays I conduct broadcasts, where my listeners and I discuss various topics and answer questions. I would like to continue our conversation in this format. Perhaps readers will have their own questions on this topic.
We will be happy to continue our cooperation, because… This is an important topic for both us and you.
Thank you Teacher System!

Some people will never be yours no matter how hard you try

Some people will never be yours no matter how hard you try

What is meant for you will find you. Trust…
Some people will never be yours, even if you want it with all your heart. What is meant for you will stay with you forever.
What if you’re striving for something that’s not right for you? Dreams and reality are not always the same thing. Sometimes we fight for things that just aren’t meant to happen.
Your person will strive to meet you halfway. He will make an effort. Everything will happen easily. Relationships don’t have to be complicated.
This is how life works, some people will not truly be yours, despite all your desires. You will waste time, swim against the tide in attempts to achieve what you want, or you can simply continue to live, realizing that you have a different path.
Don’t expect to be able to change anything by force. Don’t waste your life waiting for something that won’t happen. After all, deep down in your soul you already understand this. You realize that you deserve better. Make room for those you truly need. Don’t shut yourself off in hopes that someone who is unavailable will one day change.
Communicate with family and friends, pay attention to what brings you joy. What should be yours will find its way to your heart and home. Trust.
Don’t go all out for someone who can’t make you their priority. Trying to achieve something that is not destined to happen will bring pain and disappointment. Love yourself and everything will fall into place.
Ellina Goffman

5 Things Men Do Before They Leave

5 Things Men Do Before They Leave (Most Women Don’t Pay Attention)

Navigating the intricacies of a relationship can be difficult, especially when your partner begins to pull away. Although the reasons vary from case to case, in men a breakup is often preceded by certain behaviors. Early recognition of these signs can provide insight into the state of the relationship and potentially guide actions to address underlying issues.
Here are five things men can do before they leave:
1. Decreased communication
One of the first signs that a man is starting to withdraw is a noticeable decrease in communication. This may manifest itself in shorter and less engaging conversations, and a reluctance to share thoughts and feelings.
Communication is the lifeblood of a relationship, and when it wanes, it often precedes emotional or physical withdrawal.
2. He doesn’t want to spend time together.
A man considering leaving a relationship may lose interest in spending time together. He may give up previously enjoyable activities, make excuses to stay home, or prefer the company of friends.
This change in priorities indicates a desire for more space and may be a sign of deeper problems in the relationship.
3. Avoidance of plans for the future
Discussing the future together and making plans are indicators of a committed relationship. When a man begins to withdraw, he may avoid talking about future events or obligations.
This avoidance may be caused by uncertainty about the future of the relationship or a reluctance to further connect your life with the life of your partner.
4. Emotional detachment
Emotional detachment is an important sign that a man is thinking about leaving. This detachment may manifest itself as indifference to your partner’s feelings, lack of empathy, or reluctance to provide emotional support. When emotional ties begin to weaken, it often means leaving the relationship.
5. Changes in attachment and intimacy.
A decrease in physical affection and intimacy can be a clear indicator that a man is distancing himself. This may include not kissing, not hugging, or having a lesser sex life. Physical intimacy is an expression of emotional intimacy, and changes in this area often reflect deeper emotional detachment.
Ellina Goffman eto-vnimaniya/

Astrologers say that events will soon become very intense

Astrologers say that events will soon become very intense

In the material, the Solar Eclipse is over, but everything is just beginning. We have already told our readers about a very, very serious astrological event – the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. This does not happen often, but the consequences of such connections are remembered by countries and peoples for centuries. 
The End Times Forecaster approached this issue more broadly and, using a well-known astrological program, discovered the following:
Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus 06/7/1775 – Declaration of Independence and the US Revolutionary War:
Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus May 24, 1858 – American Civil War:
Jupiter-Uranus conjunction 3.3.1914 in Capricorn – First World War: 
Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus 05/07/1941 – World War II: 
To what has been said, we can only add that 1775 is also Emelyan Pugachev and India’s first attempt to create a buza and gain independence. And 1858 is the opium wars (the main phase), sepoy uprisings and less significant showdowns around the world. 
And now, starting from April 19, that is, from today, in the sky it’s like this:
We, of course, are not experts in astrology, but we see correlations between planetary conjunctions and historical events. And based on these correlations, we see the following. 
Firstly, no later than the summer, the Third World War will begin more actively, maybe even as early as April 21st or even today. 
Secondly, Emelya Pugachev 2.0 will soon appear in the swamps and rafts with gallows will float along the Volga. The Urals, as we know, have flooded like never before – and river floods are a mystical sign of the seething of the collective unconscious. Now the flooded slaves will crawl out of Mr., dry out, and go with axes and petitions. 
Thirdly, the Civil War in the USA will repeat itself – there are enough prerequisites for this even without astrology. 
Fourthly, there will be a big mess in India and China, a repetition of the events of 1858. Most likely, their result will be repeated – the Qin Empire will cease to exist, and India will remain the British East India Company, but under a new flag. 
Let’s keep our fingers crossed for Emelya and follow the developments.

April 18

The Real Reason for the Spike in Humanity’s Vibration – Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 18

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
You are exceeding expectations for humanity at this time. You may not realize it, but it is possible for you all to exceed our expectations. You are reflections of us to us, and we understand that, but we also know that you will always have your free, and you will always be able to make your individual choices. We just want you all to know that we are impressed, and we are impressed because of those of you who are there in service to the light and how well you are doing with the task of maintaining a higher vibration in the face of all that you must face there throughout your life experiences.
The reason why we can state with certainty that there is nothing that you have to accomplish there is because we know that the biggest advancements are made for the human collective when any one of you maintains your vibration in the face of some sort of adversity. That adversity may just be a disagreement with another person. It may just be a disappointment that you are facing. Whatever it is, if you are able to maintain a higher vibration in spite of conditions, you are making gigantic progress for yourself on your journey, and because you are a part of that human collective, you are contributing to the progress of all of your fellow humans.
We suggest that you don’t get so caught up in how much you’re doing or what you’re accomplishing, how many people you are reaching. But instead, pay close attention to how you are reacting and responding to what is happening in your world and what is happening in the world, because you do have this ability to experiences it at a higher vibration than the circumstances would generally call for. That’s your strength. That’s your super power. It is not your ability to move mountains with your thoughts. It is not, and excuse us for saying this Yeshua, your ability to walk on water either.
It is your ability to be your higher self in the face of that which is lower, vibrationally speaking, and could potentially pull you down into that lower vibrational state. Your willingness to not go there because you care so much about your vibration is commendable. It is something for you all to feel very proud of, and we recommend that you continue to notice the opportunities as they come up.
You don’t need to shy away from any of these challenges, because you do ultimately want to experience the riding of the wave of that higher consciousness, and the only way you’re going to have those experiences of that higher consciousness is through experiencing those lower-vibrational circumstances. Anything can be seen through a more positive lens, and it can be given spiritual significance. You can find the meaning in everything that you are experiencing or witnessing, and you can grow from it.
And those of you who are awake, of course, know this, and that is why you are able to receive this message. We just want to encourage you to keep it up, because we are noticing the spike in the overall vibration of the human collective consciousness, and we are very excited about seeing that spike.
That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

April 17

Have You Already Ascended to 5D? – The 12D Creators, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 17

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.
We know you all as you truly are, and that is how we serve you the most. We don’t serve you by telling you how to think, what to do, what to believe, how to vote, what not to eat, or any of the other things that you generally go to spiritual teachers for. We serve you the most by reminding you of who and what you really are, and we do that by holding that space for you but also by exemplifying it for you in our vibrational countenance. We maintain the high vibration that we do here in the twelfth dimension rather effortlessly, and we know that you too can hold a higher vibration effortlessly with practice.
When you are tuning in to us and our vibration, you naturally raise your own up. So now, while we will not tell you what to do and not to do, we do like to make suggestions to you, and then we ask you all to see whether those suggestions are working for you. If you put your attention on that which naturally raises your vibration, you will perhaps find that it is easier for you to stay in a higher vibration all the time.
You can remind yourselves of how good you feel when you do certain things, when you listen to certain things, when you watch certain things, and you can make a mental note of which things are bringing you into that higher-vibrational state. It is different for different people, and you have been there now long enough to determine for yourselves through your own experience, what puts you in a higher-vibrational state, what reminds you of who you really are without any effort on your part.
Without even having to speak an affirmation or a mantra to yourself, you can feel more in alignment with Source when you are, for example, playing with your dog, or listening to your favorite music. You can find that alignment by being with the people that you love and laughing and having a good time. You can find that alignment by going on a trip to a place that you know puts you in a higher-vibrational space when you are there.
You are receiving all of this feedback from your own experience all the time, and so you don’t even need to have your guides talking in your mind’s ear all the time, telling you what to do, because you have the feedback of your feelings, of that alignment that you get, and the inner knowing that you have when you are on the right track, when you are facing in the right direction.
Keep focusing yourselves on that which reminds you of who you really are, and gently and lovingly turn away from that which does not, and you will find yourself operating in a fifth-dimensional frequency state so often that you will start to question whether or not you have already ascended. It is very possible to experience yourself as a fifth-dimensional being right now, but it does take practice and a dedication to feeling yourself as you truly are, and you truly are Love incarnate. Every. Single. One of you.
We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”

April 14

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Executors of your legal rights)
April 14, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
As a continuation of my previous message, today I want to talk to you about how you should behave with lower-level government officials.
Since you have to communicate with many of them in one way or another, you need to develop the habit of not looking like supplicants, but in any circumstances maintaining a sense of self-esteem.
And here, as in everything, it is very important to find a middle ground: while showing respect to representatives of the authorities, you nevertheless need to let them know that you are well aware of your rights and in the event of a negative response to your appeal, you will defend your rights to the end.
Remember that this is what every official fears most: a person’s awareness of his legal rights.
Therefore, before addressing any questions to representatives of the bureaucratic apparatus, it is necessary to thoroughly study the essence of the issue in order to formulate your appeal in the most reasonable manner and better with reference to legal acts or articles of laws.
This alone will give your appeal a completely different weight and will force officials to treat it with the utmost attention.
At the same time, it is very important that your petition carries positive energy, which will definitely lead to positive results.
It should not contain any offensive phrases or accusatory notes, but only a factual statement of the essence of the issue, and, what is very important, it should not be drawn up in the form of a petition, which implies a double decision, but in the form of complete confidence in its positive consideration.
In other words, you do not ask the authorities for something, but consider them as executors of your legal rights.
And in this case, you change roles: you gently but persistently let the officials understand that they are not the “arbiters of the destinies” of the people who turn to them, but only their service personnel.
But this is possible only when you completely lack fear of the bureaucratic machine and you are absolutely confident that you are right.
Only in this case will the Law of Similarity work “like clockwork” and your issue will be resolved in the shortest possible time and in the most favorable way.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on April 14, 2024

April 13

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Bureaucratic Apparatus)
April 13, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about the lowest rung of the hierarchical ladder, on which stand the direct executors of the will of the secret world government.
These include minor officials who are responsible for implementing laws passed by the government.
This is the same bureaucratic apparatus that feeds at the expense of the people and at the same time controls them.
And it covers absolutely all areas of your life.
The word “bureaucracy” itself very well reflects the essence of this phenomenon, since it includes the Greek word “kratos”, which means “state” or “power”.
In other words, “bureaucracy” is the power of officials over ordinary people.
And since every word carries a certain energy, this very word instills fear in people and causes a feeling of depression.
Many people associate “bureaucrat” with a stern official on whom they depend, since he solves many of their life issues and administrative affairs.
On the other hand, the officials themselves, feeling their power over people, behave accordingly – sometimes talking contemptuously and condescendingly to the “petitioners.”
The picture is familiar to everyone, isn’t it?
And who makes up the army of bureaucrats?
As a rule, these are those people, and sometimes NON-humans, who energetically correspond to the bureaucratic system of your society.
Or, in other words, these are those who crave power over people.
It is precisely such representatives of humanity that strive to occupy positions
on which they could feel their superiority and the dependence of other people on them.
Unfortunately, in the three-dimensional world it is very rare to come across those who come to power out of a desire to serve people and help them in everything.
But even if they manage to break into the bureaucratic environment, its very energy quickly extinguishes the initial good impulses, and this person begins to play by centuries-old rules, treating “petitioners” with contempt.
Therefore, few honest, decent and benevolent people manage to stay in this environment.
Unfortunately, at all levels of the hierarchical pyramid of power, the same “Divide and Rule” law, strictly observed for thousands of years, applies.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on April 13, 2024

Abaddon – lord of the abyss and death

Abaddon – lord of the abyss and death

Contact: architect

The interlocutor is dark, approach the interaction consciously.
Ch.: Wikipedia: “In the New Testament book of Revelation of John the Theologian – in the episode when the fifth angel “sounded” the trumpet – this is the name of the “angel of the abyss,” the king of the locusts who came out of that abyss, “his name in Hebrew is Abaddon.” (Rev. 9:11)
Abaddon: Let’s stick to the pronunciation of “Abaddon”. Greetings, maiden.
Ch.: Will you introduce yourself in more detail? Talk about yourself?
A.: I will. Not for long. Look further for quotes, I’ll tell you which ones.
Ch: “One of the areas of hell”?
A.: Let’s say. More.
Ch.: “Place of decay?”
A.: Yes, being in my spaces is extremely uncomfortable.
Ch.: “Abaddon and death speak.”
A.: That’s right. I am the lord of death. Lord of the Abyss.
Ch.: As far as I understand, you are also not inclined to use the terminology offered to us by the Co-Creators? It’s just that later readers tell me that I have either high-tech or biblical anachronisms in my books.
A.: Do you strive to please the ungrateful? Be careful not to overstrain yourself. They do not want to realize that they are disrespecting the identity of each higher being. When the tongues were not yet in the project, we were already creating and destroying worlds. And we will continue when everything they knew turns to dust. Why would we talk and think the same? To indulge those who do not want to think and synthesize diverse information? Until lovers of simplifications and combing with one brush begin to move their convolutions, wisdom will continue to bypass them on a long road.
The rest read silently as they give. And they thank you. My respect to these travelers. Abaddon is stern, but merciful to those who experience the contradictory world without pretensions, without demanding that they be respected and served with lackey servility (preferably for free).
Ch.: I see what reader’s question you are pointing out to me: “I don’t understand that suicide is bad for the soul. I don’t understand why teachers are against the soul’s refusal to be in conditions that are unacceptable for it.”
A.: Your life belongs to you, create it according to the right of the Creator, but do not think about death. For death is not in your power. Remember this as a divine truth and avoid many pitfalls.
Ch.: What are the disadvantages for the soul of such an act as suicide?
A.: Look how “happy” the destroyers of life are, locked in the abyss of hunger and despair. They told you about their difficult lot not for the sake of your idle thoughts. The line between the worlds of existence is thin; everyone has the prospect of revealing a thirst for destruction. The destruction of other living beings and self-destruction are only two facets of one impulse directed against God. But God’s life is sacred. And the one who encroaches on the sanctity of life is a murderer. No matter what words this truth is spoken, no matter what arguments it is seasoned with, it lies at the very basis of the universe. All other Konas are built on this indestructible foundation.
Ch.: My soul had one suicide in other incarnations in this Cycle. I worked for a long time in my current life with its negative consequences, and now it seems to me that I have almost healed my soul after such an experience. But still, I did this on Earth, and not in the “abyss.”
A.: “The first time is an accident, the second is a coincidence, the third is a pattern.” If you have thoughts of suicide, who knows when they will arise? The more often a soul makes such a decision, the greater the chances that they will try to “treat” it using methods that cannot be called a pleasant pastime.
Ch.: In “places of decay?”
A: My girl. He gets used to anachronisms and is not picky. I see in you a love for deep speech, no matter what features it may have.
Speech is a tool for conveying ideas. Now fallen in a thick layer of decaying dust, the languages of the past were also once at the forefront of earthly culture. Realize their value for a certain period, and how much life resource was invested in making them a means of communication. The period is different now, but the languages of the past still have the power to reflect the deep essence of phenomena. Nothing has changed: they still represent powerful structured sets of connections connecting disparate Divine manifestations. Moreover, your modern languages have become significantly shallower due to progressive godlessness and disrespect for continuity. The connection with true earthly history was severed. The deep layers of the people’s consciousness were redrawn; they were deprived of a powerful foundation on which the superstructure of modernity was being built.
CH: Did I understand correctly that the languages of the past were more developed multifaceted tools for expressing ideas than modern languages?
A.: Yes, a layer of sacred speech was lost. As a result, the languages of the common people and traders remained. No wonder everyone is so obsessed with carnal pleasures and money these days.
CH: I’m familiar with this idea that language shapes consciousness*. But it still seemed to me that this was an exaggeration. Do you want to say that when people lost some of their words, some deep meanings also disappeared from their consciousness?
A: Do you want to eat food that you know nothing about? Do you want to master an area of knowledge that is not taught in your society placed? Do you want to turn to God using sacred speech if you don’t speak it?
Ch.: Probably, you can address God in any language?
Can i. But you need to know how to turn to God correctly in order to get real results. Imagine that there are healing prayers that work better than your modern drugs. But there is no point in memorizing them in order to repeat them mindlessly. Even if you understand their meaning, this is not enough for them to work. Because these are not just words, but calls to streams that are currently inaccessible to you. You must know, at the level of direct feeling in the subtle bodies, what kind of flow this is and be able to conduct it through yourself.
For example, you have the name of the drug “paracetamol”, but there is the tablet itself that needs to be taken orally. Now imagine that you repeat for the person whose pain you want to relieve, like a prayer: “paracetamol, paracetamol.” Will this empty muttering help him? No. You need to take a pill. It’s the same with prayer: the streams it refers to must be accessible to you, only then will they grant healing.
The easiest way is to cut off the community from previously accessible sacred streams by removing from the language that part that contains direct references to them. This is the first stage of weakening ties. Then some time passes, and people who no longer remember the query words for these flows also forget about past opportunities and lose the opportunity to use the power of sacred connections.
C: You said, “The connection with true earthly history has been severed.” Do you mean rewritten history before the 19th century?
A.: Yes. Including her. This was a questionable decision. The tree was cut off from its roots, moved to a new place, and there a kind of surrogate was added to it in place of its former powerful, native roots.
CH: What are the consequences of this decision?
A.: Nonsense. To put it simply, people have become stupid. A lot of deep connections that went back thousands of years into the Earth have not been preserved. It happens that a person really wants to better understand life and make a decision based on accumulated experience. He tries to dig deeper, and there is a hole. So they hang around helpless, no matter what they do, everything is wrong.
C.: Do you mean that earthlings have lost access to accumulated knowledge about the world, which can be perceived with the help of intuition? Or simply to knowledge from books of the past?
A.: People have lost access to direct living sacred knowledge. As direct and living as the recipe for borscht now, which is freely distributed either orally, in writing, or at the level of demonstrating the cooking process. And it is improved by every housewife with the help of intuition (Smiles).
C.: Why did they do this?
A.: We decided that it was the roots. That the roots came out dark, and the tree suffers because of this. Yes, only it is all created from the same matter. It was necessary to further treat and transform the entire tree. Do not hurry.
C: Who decided that?
A.: Managers, civilizations of the outgoing Cycle.
CH: Is there responsibility for such decisions?
A.: They themselves were torn off the tree now, like a painful growth. And who remains is under close supervision. And already without a saw in his hands.
CH: Therefore, now the apocalypse is not total, but extended over time, with the opportunity to survive and preserve the benefits of civilization? To preserve the roots?
A.: Yes, partly. Although the roots will be fairly empty again and will lose their former juices. There will be a stage of exhaustion, and then – filling with new strength and meaning. I think this is still more correct, softer. But what will come of it remains to be seen.
Ch.: I was told that the Russian folk formation is an ancient structure. Did she stay with her native roots?
A.: They left her part of their roots. Such decisions gave more intelligence, more awareness to individuals. But this partial deepening into the dark past negatively affects the present. You see, there are no perfect solutions. They try this way and that way. They look at how it will be more effective and which option has fewer problems.
By tree I meant the entire civilization. Many of its roots were removed along with the accumulated juices.
Ch.: You mentioned godlessness. Please explain why?
A.: If we put aside religion, then God lives in connections. And if they are torn apart without respect, without a carefully thought out plan, it reduces the abundance of the resource of life in the Universe. That’s why I called those who like to destroy powerful connections atheists.
CH: How is the life of ancient languages maintained that are not used on Earth now?
A.: The Earth is not the birthplace of these languages, but rather a branch where they were used to a certain extent and combination by people of the past. Of course, here the living volume of connections for communication was once increased, new shoots developed taking into account the properties of this particular area of the universe. But all the ancient languages are still alive. They are based on interspatial timeless structures that are capable of growing in any point of our World, if there is a need for them.
CH: I once read a long time ago that the power of ancient languages has weakened. This seemed to explain why the spells from the old books no longer worked.
A: This is incorrect the union of two unrelated phenomena. Ancient spells do not work because there is a ban on magic on Earth. It is possible to bypass it, but it is difficult and unsafe. Such actions can have detrimental consequences for the soul because they are a violation of the orders given to your community from above.
The power of ancient languages for earthlings has weakened, because the array of connections that was once built up here has long been inactive and is not particularly nourished. This is a deeply dormant structure. Therefore, it can be difficult for a person who studies ancient languages to find previous connections with them. But it is possible, and establishing connections with these structures can bring some kind of rich rewards to the seeker. I don’t mean that he will become financially successful. These fruits will enrich consciousness and give more complete sensations of existence. Have you ever read a book from a bygone era that seemed to breathe life? Were you deeply impressed by her? Sometimes the ancient world seems very close – literally at arm’s length. You close your eyes, take a step forward – and you are already there.
Ch.: I see the market straight out of oriental fairy tales. It has a very lively and pleasant atmosphere. The picture seems softened, but more juicy and saturated. It’s like there’s more yellow and a little less brightness. On the contrary, we have a lot of light, but it is colder and harsher. It seems that in your form there is even more life than we have now on Earth. And the properties of that space are different, not the same. uncomfortable and cruel?
A.: This was a period in the history of the Earth when the destructiveness of society was reduced. One of the bright bursts of hope for your civilization, one of the sunrises, after which there was day, and then – still sunset. The space was then full of life, optimism and hope for the future. If you want to strengthen your connections with this vision, you can look at the architecture of Samarkand, Agra and Marrakech. There are other places, but I find no knowledge of them in your memory.
Ch.: Valuable thoughts, thank you. But let’s return to the “worlds of decay.” It was explained to me that a soul whose personality was created unsuccessfully can end up in a destructor.
A.: Okay, let’s not complicate things – a destructor. Those who choose destruction in the broadest sense of the word end up there. Those who by their actions threaten the preservation of the divine source of life.
Ch.: But there are plenty of pests on every corner, and they live in free worlds, not in a destructor. Why then do they go to the destructor?
A.: You are a judge, remember. And I am just a guard. And the gate. And the very essence of this abyss.
Ch.: Am I talking to the controlling essence of the destructor now?
A: What surprises you so much?
Ch.: For some reason it seems to me that a formalized mind would be more suitable for this place. And yours is more like intuitive.
A.: I was formalized. But the researchers of the World wanted to carefully study the minds that fall into the destructor in order to find the patterns of such a disappointing fate. I was given the task of finding solutions to prevent the emergence of such minds. That’s when I became a free thinker and explorer. It was assumed that this would be more effective. But the change in algorithms happened so long ago that I don’t even remember being the same before the transformation.
CH: Can you help me remember who gets into the destructor and who doesn’t?
A: This is too broad a question. We have touched on the topic of suicide for now. So let’s look at it.
The whole soul has its own mind, of greater power. And its embodied fragment has its own, with less power. Both minds are the result of the development of a given soul and exchange information in a certain way. Of course, the whole soul owns the entire volume of data it has collected and patterns of behavior in the process of living. And the human mind has only limited access to this information and accumulates new knowledge in incarnation.
The desire for suicide is a simultaneous failure in many intellectual and sensory processes at once. The mind may well level out, and then this error will be considered non-critical. And the chances are high that a person will later be able to deeply comprehend his destructive aspiration and somehow heal himself so that subsequent failures do not pose a threat to life or do not occur at all. But if suicide occurs, the error of reason is recorded as critical. But it is still considered an error of the mind of the embodied fragment, and not of the entire soul. So, we have “the first time is an accident.” In fact, there may be more than one case. The main thing is to maintain a low percentage of cases of suicide of the soul in its total number of incarnations.
But if this percentage grows, researchers have a question: “Is this an accident?” But since the mind of the soul is the result of long-term painstaking work on its development, no one rushes to conclusions. Thus, the soul remains for a long time in the “second time is a coincidence” position.
Further, if suicides continue in various incarnations, in various conditions and with different compositions of Awareness in its fragments, the soul moves into the position of “the third time is a pattern.”
And then the judicial council and the ex-group get involved Perts, who can decide to partially cleanse the soul from the mind in the destructor. Or about the absolute death of the mind in order to cleanse the soul of unsuccessful patterns of behavior that make it suffer and strive for self-destruction.
C.: Why do they say that the soul “smolders”?
A.: There are certain analogies. After all, cleaning is not instantaneous. First you need to understand what else can be preserved and what only harms the soul. Sometimes the destruction occurs slowly, sequentially, in several stages. And between these stages there are breaks so that such souls can live again and show whether their results have improved. If partial cleaning helps, the soul no longer comes to me.
Ch.: Or maybe it’s not a matter of the mind? What if there is something wrong with the soul itself?
A.: It’s not that the idea is new. But it doesn’t give researchers anything. It is believed that this is an argument for lazy people who look for excuses for failures instead of continuing to look for effective solutions. Therefore, hardworking beings start from the idea that souls are perfect, and minds need to be improved until they become perfect. And with this combination it will be possible to achieve sustainable long-term prosperity.
C.: Probably, out of respect for the readers, I will not ask further about clearing the mind. The topic is unpleasant. Are there any other questions we should discuss today?
A.: I voiced the most urgent. So that those who find their weakness in the dark hour are not tempted by the imaginary ease of an unauthorized exit from incarnation. There’s no need to rush. The time will come, and death will come itself, exactly when it is appropriate. There is no need to take risks so as not to end up from a world where life flows in a stormy stream into my domain, where life only “smolders.” I have dispelled your ignorance and naivety. The knowledge of the abyss and worlds of hunger contains great power and wisdom that encourages us to strive for life in God. Those who are unable to strive will be able to turn away, realizing the real prospects of their initiative.
Create connections through which life flows, through which God moves forward in his search for the recipe for eternal life. Be not the pests that drain its streams.
Ch.: But connections on Earth are now being broken. People say that they broke off communication with many acquaintances because their opinions became completely different.
A.: Strong and promising ties will not be broken, but may even become stronger. They are fed from above.
Ties are broken with unequal exchange, when one takes, but has nothing special to give.
Connections are broken with empty exchanges, when out of boredom they chatter to the point of fatigue, and they themselves cannot explain why they need this idle talk.
Connections are broken when one of the participating souls is no longer ready to nurture this contact bilaterally. Perhaps due to a lack of personal resources and reluctance to borrow.
In a word, ineffective connections are broken. Now only viable ones are left. What good is it if the pieces are held together by a couple of thin threads? Only resources are wasted to continue connecting them while they are already rushing in different directions with all their might.
Decisions to break ties are often made between souls at levels of consciousness inaccessible to humans. If there is a repulsive impulse, you will have to accept the loss. Any connection between souls feeds and expends its resources. But now is the time to tighten our belts and temporarily forget about the delights of the past. The life of those who still read you can become laconic and spacious, like a hermit’s hut, where the only objects are a straw bed in the corner and a cross on the wall. And there will be little communication. And if it does, it will be about the path of the soul, not about the mortal.
Ch.: And for those who don’t read?
A.: Hope that they have enough sensitivity to restrain their thirst at a moment when the gates to the dark worlds are open. Now you shouldn’t strive too hard to preserve or increase what you’ve acquired if it naturally slips through your fingers. Desires can be easily satisfied, but not in vain. Then they will pay and will not be happy about this debt repayment.
Ch.: Thank you for the vision. It seems that the depth of impression will last for several more days. I wanted to read oriental tales or Omar Khayyam. I did not expect such a gift from the lord of the abyss.
A.: I saturate you with a thirst for life after an unpleasant period. It has value to you now. I have to thank you somehow for passing on the information.
If I have any questions, I’ll probably come again. While we refreshed our long-standing acquaintance. See you later, maiden.
*The idea was explored in the film “Arrival” (2016).

7 ways to know that your love is real

7 ways to know that your love is real, according to psychologists

You’ve been dating for a while now, and things are going very well between you and your partner: the two of you communicate and enjoy each other’s company, and you definitely have feelings for each other.
But if you’re wondering if your love is real or maybe it’s just chemistry, read on for 7 tips to help you decide:
1. You feel at home
True love does not make you feel anxious, doubt your worth, or doubt the nature of your relationship with your partner.
Instead, you feel secure in your feelings and respect for each other.
When you are together, you feel this cozy, warm blanket of security that will be with you anytime, anywhere.
Communication with your partner doesn’t feel forced or something you need to mentally prepare for.
On the contrary, it seems like the only thing you want to do after a long day at work or stressful time with your family.
2. You are comfortable being yourself.
Feeling at home with your partner means being able to relax and be yourself, no masks required.
You don’t filter your thoughts and feelings out of fear of being judged. You know that you are accepted for who you are. And vice versa.
One sure way to know that this is true is if you both feel completely okay with showing each other your true, vulnerable selves.
When you’re caught up in the excitement of falling in love, it’s all too easy to put on your best, most flawless self, hiding any flaws.
But if it’s true love, you don’t mind being seen when you’re not at your best—whether you’re low on energy, having one of those tough days, or just need to let off some steam.
In a real relationship, both partners accept each other, on good days and bad.
3. You are not interested in other people
Another clear hint that you’ve hit the real love jackpot? You are simply not interested in looking for someone else.
Why worry? You have everything you need: emotional connection, deep conversations and a physical spark. No wandering eyes because you are completely satisfied.
4. You’re willing to put in the extra effort.
Going the extra mile really means true love in a relationship.
Commitment to a relationship requires both effort and time, and manifests itself in different ways.
Whether it’s spending time with each other, being there for each other during difficult times, or even changing personal habits that aren’t conducive to a healthy relationship, it all makes a difference.
5. You feel inspired
When your partner continues to inspire you—perhaps pushing you to try a new hobby or encouraging you to take a language course—it’s a sure sign of genuine love.
Couples who truly love naturally bring out the best in each other.
But wait, there’s more.
You will also notice that you show a genuine interest in your partner, eager to hear his views on things and absorb a fresh perspective. When you are in a true love relationship, you feel like you are living in a world of endless fascination and excitement where you are both constantly intrigued and inspired by each other.
6. You think long term.
When you’re truly in love, it’s natural to start thinking about the long-term path.
I’m not talking about obsessing over your future with someone you just met – that’s definitely not what I mean. What I mean is, when you spend a lot of time together, you communicate and meet each other’s needs. In such cases, chances are you both share a similar vision for the future and see yourself in it together.
Making important decisions together, such as moving, planning a vacation, or even getting a pet, is a clear sign of long-term commitment. This shows that you are both interested in building a future together and a life that includes each other.
7. You are grateful to have this person in your life.
When you’re in a relationship, it’s not just about being head over heels in love with your partner; it’s much deeper. You are truly grateful to have this person around and are constantly amazed at how wonderful they are.
Do you take them for granted? No! You want to show them your love and appreciation.
Whether you leave sweet love notes, plan surprise dates, or just straight up tell them how awesome they are, you always find ways to make your partner feel special.
Remember: recognizing the signs of true love is not just about recognizing grand gestures. It’s about feeling that deep connection, seeing things that matter, and being each other’s biggest fans.
Love manifests itself in different ways. Trust these signs, follow your intuition and know that true love is not just a fairy tale, it is waiting for you to find it.
Ellina Goffman

Relationship killer #1, according to psychologists

Relationship killer #1, according to psychologists

There are many dysfunctional habits that destroy relationships, but after decades of research, Dr. John Gottman has found one important reason. And it’s most likely not what you imagined.
If I asked you what the number one relationship killer is, what would you say? Most people will name things like infidelity, lack of intimacy, lack of time, and maybe even lack of trust. However, none of these answers reflect the results of the study. Gottman, after conducting long-term studies of more than 40,000 couples, says contempt is the number one relationship killer.
Gottman also notes that it is worth considering four problematic types of communication in relationships together:
1. Contempt.
2. Criticism.
3. Defense.
4. Obstruction.
Contempt, says Gottman, is the number one predictor of divorce or separation.
Contempt is a lot like hatred.
It is a form of communication and a state of thinking that can make a partner feel unloved and unwanted.
When contempt becomes commonplace, Gottman says the relationship is doomed. Instead of working together, partners not only move away from each other because of contempt, but can move into an active combat zone.
However, contempt is harmful not only for relationships. Research has also shown that contempt can be detrimental to your health. Research shows that when people are socially contemptuous of others, they are at increased risk of developing a serious illness such as heart disease or cancer.
If you feel like you’re starting to despise each other, you might want to try sitting down and facing the negative feelings together. Plus, if you want your relationship to survive, Gottman says it’s crucial to let your partner know you’re valued, and to be sure to show it regularly.
Ellina Goffman
P.S. It’s always about ego, but not only as selfishness, but what few realize: the attitude of proving everyone is better than others, which is due to an inferiority complex. Everything of the kind of contempt, arrogance, pride, vanity is only a pose, a role, a protective mask for the purpose of concealing the complexes and is the result of staggering from one extreme to another. In order to deal with one’s complexes, one must fall in love and then the opinion of others ceases to matter/weight. Yosif Yorgov

About worries and worries

About worries and worries

Author: Nina Sumire

Once upon a time there lived a Restless Woman. She worried about everything and anything: about family, about health, about what to cook for dinner, about money, about what to buy, about work. She was constantly worried about her daughter and her husband. She often said: “I’m afraid for you. Something is not calm in my heart. Something worries me. This is probably not good.” And drank my heart drops. And no wonder: their house seemed to be a magnet for failures, illnesses, troubles, and all kinds of incidents. There was not a calm day.
One day, my teenage daughter stayed with a friend. It’s already dark. They were expecting her any minute. The restless Woman paced the apartment, wringing her hands and feeling terribly worried. The husband tried to calm her down, but it was all in vain. The wife became even more upset at these consolations and wailed:
– What if she got hit by a car? What if she was attacked? What if she broke her leg and can’t get up? What if no one helps her? What if she’s already dead?
After these words, everything disappeared: husband, home… The Restless Woman found herself in Heaven, visiting the Guardian of the Family.
The Guardian approached the Troubled Woman, introduced herself and briefly explained what was actually happening, and then tenderly hugged her great-great-great-granddaughter and began to say:
– You always thought that worrying and worrying about your loved ones meant showing your love. But that’s not true. Anxiety and anxiety are wishes for evil. Which one? For example, for a daughter to get hit by a car, be attacked by robbers, break her leg and no one would help her, after which she would die.
The Worried Woman exclaimed:
– Horrible! But I didn’t know about it… So what, now everything will come true?
– If you repeat these words, scroll through these thoughts over and over again, then they will really gain strength over time. A mother’s wishes are especially powerful. But don’t worry, everything will be fine. I will teach you the most powerful amulet of a mother and wife – prayer for loved ones. But first you need to learn to trust life, God, the world around you. Then the fear will recede, and the mother’s prayer will gain its magical power. These protective words can be created with words coming from the heart, or you can learn what you like. And now, my dear, you need to come back and send protective words into the world. Your family needs you.
The woman returned to her world, to her room, to her reality. After thinking about what she had heard, she decided that she had had enough of moaning and wringing her hands. In her house there were no icons, sacred objects in front of which she could pray. Then she simply went to the window and, looking at the sky, uttered words coming from her heart:
– I know that You hear me. I trust You and Your care for our family. I ask you: protect my daughter, let her return home safe and sound. I thank You, God, and I commit my family completely to You.
Doorbell. This dear daughter has returned safely! Her parents rushed to meet her, hug her and ask questions.
The woman sighed with relief and said to her daughter:
“I was sure that everything would be fine with you.”
The girl smiled. All the way home, she felt a very kind and loving Presence of the Force, which protected and calmed her.
Trust is the best magic that removes the spell of worry and anxiety.
Wish you happiness!
© Nina Sumire

Everything happens more naturally when we let go of the human instinct to control

Psychologist: Everything happens more naturally when we let go of the human instinct to control

The more we want to control, the less we trust ourselves. The moment we gain confidence that we are good improvisers, the desire for control disappears. This is what psychologist Yana Krasteva said in an interview for “Focus”.
The more we relax and trust the natural course of things, the less we need to control and everything happens much more naturally, she added.
Control is a desire for dominance, which is a natural human instinct, but it is often expressed through aggression and anger. “In fact, that’s where the negative consequences of us trying to over-control things in our lives come from. Control goes to extremes when it manifests itself through a desire to dominate. When control happens through that desire to dominate, not so much to influence in the positive sense of this word by connecting with others, then we only have the minuses of exercising some sort of control,” Yana Krasteva explained.
Lack of responsibility and overcontrol are two sides of the same coin, she said. “In both cases, we don’t trust ourselves that in an unforeseen situation that can have n number of outcomes, we can be adequate to the circumstances of the moment and react adequately. And that’s where this problem comes from. Both extremes in fact, they are a manifestation of our fear of failure, which, however, is inevitable,” explained the psychologist.
Faith in other people and their ability to cope means faith in ourselves, Krasteva emphasized. “And vice versa – if a strong leader believes in himself and can be a pivot, then he more easily relaxes and entrusts other people in his team with smaller and bigger responsibilities. Control has its function and it is a mechanism , which is natural to have.In a business environment, a good leader, not a domineering boss, is good at predicting or observing the needs of his employees so that he responds to them and creates a deep relationship of understanding and support with “I can’t delegate” disappears, commented the psychologist.
Any intense desire for control leads to anxiety, panic attacks, depression. “They are extremely closely related to not accepting the natural course of things and fixing on exactly one particular way out of any situation, not allowing that there are millions more possibilities that can be much more valuable, fruitful and enjoyable for us” , Yana Krasteva added.
According to her, social networks give the illusion of control. “We think we’re in control of a lot of things using the filters, but eventually when we’re in a live situation and we need someone we hit that very wall and it shatters that illusion that we had any control. In real life, we don’t,” the psychologist added.
Teodora Pavlova

A 400-kilometer-long UFO spotted near Earth

A 400-kilometer-long UFO spotted near Earth

A series of several videos about the moon, collected on his channel by Mr. MrMBB333, attracted increased attention to the moon from people familiar with these videos. So, since November 2023, about ten videos and photographs have been taken, which clearly show either the presence of a relatively small satellite with a diameter of about 1000 kilometers on the moon, or the presence of some much larger object located somewhere far beyond the moon. 
However, a new lunar video filmed on March 26 in Arizona raises even more questions. The video starts from the middle of the 5th minute:
The first thing you can and should think about is an object flying against the background of the moon:
However, with high magnification and changing filters, it is clearly visible that the object is BEHIND the moon:
There is not even any hint that the object is closer than the moon. And now, naturally, questions arise about the size and speed of this thing:
The diameter of the moon is about 3500 kilometers. The object fits into the moon 8 times, so its length is about 400+ kilometers. That’s quite a lot. 
The object crosses the disk of the moon in a couple of seconds, so its speed is about 2000 km/sec. This is also quite a lot – 1000 times faster than a projectile and comparable to the speed of light – about 1% of light.  
The calculation is based on the fact that the object is behind the moon, but not very far, gliding somewhere above its surface. But if this thing is much further away, then its speed and its size are much greater. 
Perhaps we are talking about UFOs of the same order that appear from time to time near the Sun – their diameter is comparable to the planets. Or there are no planets and there is no Sun – we live under a dome, around which some decorations fly.
But even 400 kilometers in length and 1% of the speed of light is also very serious. The flagship of the God-Emperor of mankind was 30 kilometers long, and Darth Vader’s Death Star was 100 kilometers in diameter. And both devices moved rather slowly in real space, so this is not the God-Emperor or Luke Skywalker with his gang of internationals.
Perhaps these are some visitors from the warp. In this case, massacre and bloodshed are coming, maybe even a total exterminatus, so we are monitoring the developments.

Couples who become stronger after cheating

Couples who become stronger after cheating

Infidelity is often seen as an insurmountable obstacle in a relationship. But some couples manage to not only survive, but thrive afterwards.
These couples don’t minimize the pain or ignore the hard work needed to rebuild trust. Instead, they meet challenges with courage, resilience, and a desire for personal growth.
As hard as it may be to believe, infidelity can sometimes serve as a catalyst for creating deeper intimacy and understanding between partners.
What distinguishes these couples from those who collapse under the weight of betrayal?
1. Open communication
Communication is the lifeblood of any relationship, and it becomes even more important in times of crisis.
When faced with the consequences of infidelity, the couples who emerge stronger are not the ones who hide the incident. Instead, they are the ones who enter into difficult conversations with courage and honesty.
This does not mean an endless cycle of accusations and recriminations. It’s about expressing emotions honestly, seeking to understand each other’s point of view, and working toward a solution to the problem.
Open communication helps clear up misunderstandings and restore trust, paving the way for reconciliation. This is a clear sign that the couple is willing to make every effort to repair their relationship.
Equally important is the desire to listen. This demonstrates respect and empathy – key ingredients in repairing a broken connection.
However, it is not just about talking or listening; it’s about acting with compassion and understanding.
It’s this kind of open communication that distinguishes couples who can overcome infidelity and come out stronger on the other side.
2. The desire for personal growth
After betrayal, it is natural to want to place the blame on another person. It’s easier to point fingers than to look inside yourself and face your own shortcomings.
But couples who successfully navigate the stormy seas of infidelity understand that growth—both personal and familial—is critical.
They take responsibility for their actions and recognize that each person in the relationship has a role to play. This is not about nitpicking, but about understanding what led to the betrayal and how to prevent it in the future.
This commitment to personal growth often involves seeking professional help, such as therapy or counseling. It’s about learning how to communicate better, manage emotions more effectively, and understand each other’s needs and desires.
3. Willingness to forgive
Forgiveness is a powerful force. This does not mean forgetting or excusing the behavior that led to the infidelity, but it does mean deciding to release resentment and bitterness.
It’s about making a conscious decision to not let the past determine your future. Couples understand this and become stronger after cheating. They know that forgiveness is not a one-time act, but a process that requires patience, understanding and hard work.
They also understand that forgiveness is not only about the person who committed the betrayal, but also about forgiving oneself. After betrayal, it is easy to succumb to feelings of guilt, shame, or self-blame. But self-forgiveness helps release these negative emotions and promotes healing.
4. Accept a call
Overcoming infidelity is a difficult task. However, it is often through adversity that we grow the most. Couples understand this and become stronger after cheating.
They view betrayal not as something that happened to them, but as something that happened to them—a wake-up call, a chance to reevaluate their relationships and themselves. They accept challenges not with humility, but with resilience and determination. They see this as an opportunity to learn, grow and develop both individually and as a couple.
This doesn’t mean they minimize the pain or difficulties. But they choose not to let it define them. Instead, they focus their energy on healing and restoring their relationships.
They recognize that true empowerment comes not from blaming others or external circumstances, but from taking full responsibility for one’s own views, actions and reactions.
This is the path to personal freedom and resilience – qualities that are necessary when overcoming the difficult path of infidelity.
By adopting this mindset, couples can turn a betrayal situation into a catalyst for deep personal and family growth.
5. Priority of common values
Infidelity can force couples to confront the reality of their relationship, especially the values they may or may not share.
Couples who emerge stronger after cheating are those who take the time to re-evaluate and redefine their shared values. They understand that a thriving relationship is not just about love or attraction, but about a shared vision for life. They discuss their hopes, dreams, aspirations and most importantly, their values.
They strive to ensure that their relationship is not just about being together, but about move together in the same direction. This is not an easy process. This is often painful. This involves asking tough questions and facing hard truths. But it’s also honest and authentic.
By aligning their shared values, couples can build a stronger foundation for their relationship that allows them to move forward with clarity, purpose, and mutual respect.
6. Embracing vulnerability
After cheating, it’s natural to want to build walls around yourself to prevent further pain. However, couples who emerge stronger after cheating do the exact opposite—they choose to embrace vulnerability.
Vulnerability is openness, it means showing our true selves with all our strengths and weaknesses. It’s about sharing our deepest fears, hopes and dreams with our partner.
It’s about having the courage to say, “This is who I am, this is how I feel.”
This level of emotional impact can be frightening. This requires enormous courage and trust. But it is also a path to deeper connection and intimacy.
By choosing vulnerability, couples can foster a sense of shared understanding and empathy. They learn to see each other not only as partners, but as fellow human beings navigating the complexities of life and relationships.
7. Focus on the future while learning from the past
When infidelity happens, it’s easy to get stuck in the past, ruminating about the betrayal and what could have been done differently. But couples who, while acknowledging the past, choose to focus on the future, become stronger.
They do not ignore the betrayal and do not pretend that it did not happen. Instead, they learn from it.
They take lessons from these painful experiences and apply them to their relationships moving forward.
By focusing on the future and how they can grow from the experience, these couples can turn a painful event into an opportunity for positive change.
Ellina Goffman

Why is there so much evil, grief and suffering in the World

Why is there so much evil, grief and suffering in the World? Jesus – the view of God and man. The Messiah has already come

People need Faith in a bright future.
In the comments to the last article, they accused me of depriving people of their Faith. This means it’s not Faith, since it can be easily taken away.
I’m returning! I return Faith to everyone, even if you don’t need it. The Second Coming has arrived. But not as stupid as many people think.
Most people will feel humiliated here and stop reading. Be patient and you will reach the end, where Faith, Hope and Love are waiting for you.
The eternal questions of humanity about the meaning of life in a World where pain and suffering are not balanced by any pleasures, but only provide a respite from the next torture, have found many different justifications for what is happening.
Nobody wants to suffer, but in everyone’s life there are moments when life becomes unbearable, and if you don’t see the point of fate mocking you, then you just want to disappear. Not even to die, but to cease to exist altogether.
But the mind is cunning, and always tries to justify everything with lofty ideas that make suffering even desirable. On the one hand, it is an instinct of self-preservation for the weak, on the other, it is a crowd control tool for the strong.
God here is kind of an evil, but loving coach. Makes you overcome the pain so that you become really stronger, because he is not indifferent to you. Over the years, the student understands this himself, since this God does not explain anything, tormenting him.
I am not claiming absolute truth here, because there is none. If you want to understand, read carefully, I will explain why truth is multifaceted. As strange as it may seem to many, I consider the realization of Jesus to be the best example for all humanity.
Ideas, not force, rule the world. The powers that be have always understood this very well. We cannot change much in this World, but we can come up with meaning for what we really don’t like. Therefore, religion has always worked together with the authorities, creating a world of ideas for the people, filling their hard life full of suffering with meaning.
Everyone knows that suffering cleanses our soul from sins, and we have a greater chance of going to Heaven. Either by suffering in this life you pay off your karmic debts, and now a new life awaits you in much better conditions.
What’s in reality? Why did God create people and mock them throughout history?
Such questions torment many people. But if we want to find answers to questions, then we need to learn how to formulate them correctly.
In search of answers, we will run into the root cause, and the rest of the conclusion depends on understanding the meaning of our ideas about what or who God is.
All these answers have been around for a long time. They simply dissolved in their interpretation by various religious teachings and philosophical schools.
Do you want to know what it really is? Follow me, as if I am looking from meditation, and describing the world looking from the source of consciousness. This source is Brahman, Tao, Shunyata and other names for the eternal beginning of everything. In short, I’ll write more simply. And I’m not putting you into hypnosis here, just watch.
You’ve all read about chakras, and even though you can imagine that we live in the same physical world, in our development of the energy-information field, it’s as if in parallel realities. It would be more accurate to say – on different floors of the universe.
Although not everything is so simple, since a person is a multifaceted being, I deliberately exaggerate the colors, focusing on what a person identifies himself with.
Most people on the planet live at the Muladhara level, and completely identify themselves with their body. But the body is an animal with its own needs, and in essence it is selfish. Killing a competitor for a piece of meat is the right thing to do! And may the stronger one survive. Where is divine injustice here? The law of evolution, and the improvement of individuals through competition.
So, as we rise through the floors of the universe, we will see the same picture, in which the selection of stronger ones takes place. Completed the quest, go to the next level.
Each level has its own religion! For the first floor, this is Faith in God as a person. Saving and punishing God. For such people, the commandment “Thou shalt not kill” is very relevant, otherwise how can a large community live together in which internal prohibitions are weak? But let us remember that for people on the lower floor, God really exists, and only the “fear of God” keeps a person within the limits prescribed to him.
The “civilized” world, the world of consumption, lives at the level of Svadhisthana. My “I want” is more important to me than the “I want” of others. But for your comfort, you can have a family and children, because this way you can expand the range of your pleasures. God for such people is money. Even in the general Temple, such people pray for a well-fed and peaceful life, and they don’t mind donating money. After all, grace also has its price.
It’s funny that among civilized people, clothes are more important than their own bodies. I put on a beautiful and fashionable rag and felt irresistible.
People of Manipura level identify themselves with will. And will in society manifests itself as power. Sports, business, army and politics are different areas of implementation and such people depending on their abilities. There are few bosses, a lot of subordinates. So with each floor of the universe there are fewer and fewer inhabitants.
For the people of Manipura, God is the egregor whom they serve, and who helps them control the crowd, be it religion or state. The hierarchs of the church, religious leaders around the world, they are all just people, but they feel like representatives of God on Earth.
There are very few people living at the Anahata level; these are people with a high level of self-awareness. But what about the large number of loving people and various altruists? For the most part, all these people live at the level of Svadhisthana, but Anahata sets tons of their lives.
Ideally, at this level, a person does not feel love for others, but a kind of unity with them. This is no longer from the mind, but a real feeling of the unity of all living things. Hence compassion, when someone else’s pain is experienced as one’s own.
Jesus’ mission was to show people what love is. Not human love, but divine love. He called the experience of unity with all things love. As a consequence, it is impossible to do evil. You are no longer capable of hurting others because they are part of you.
“Divine love”, in my opinion, is not interpreted correctly. Like the first commandment – people must love God. Whom to love? Abstraction, instead of your children and parents? Your child is sick or dying in your arms, and you should love God more than him, who is part of you? Use your senses, who believes in this nonsense.
“Love divine” is a feeling of unity with others. And the circle of this unity must expand. It is impossible to see a child suffering. What about killing? And killing an animal for dinner is in the order of things.
Is it normal to treat animals as things or products? For metropolitan residents who only see chicken and veal in packaging, this is probably true. But for those who do it with their own hands? He washed his hands of blood and went to hug his wife and children..
Is a psycho writing? Look into the eyes of your cat or dog. Well done Indians! With compassion for living creatures, they are the best people on the planet. So much for the revelation of the heart center among people. Do you know many of these?
People living at the level of Vishuddhi are the engines of civilization development. The bulk of creative people live on the lower centers, manifesting through the throat center. At this level there are brilliant composers, artists, architects and engineers. Leonardo da Vinci and Tesla, who were ahead of their time in their inventions.
All people can think with their heads, as well as press buttons on the phone. And the history of mankind knows all the giants of thought such as Plato and Aristotle, and there are not many of them, since they structured the mental field of mankind.
Philosophers and scientists who live at the level of Ajna often forget about their body. All their consciousness is in the mental world.
Everyone should think about how much his intellect is capable of understanding the world, looking for ways to realize himself, or is he just serving his own desires?
Sahasrara is considered the center of communication with God or with the Higher worlds. All the mystics rushed upstairs to meet God. Many things have been discovered throughout the history of mankind. Periodically, bright personalities came like Lao Tzu, Buddha and Jesus, who brought new ideological fields in which humanity lives.
Thanks to everyone who expressed their reaction to my last article. Opinions were divided into pros and cons. And now I will try to combine both camps.
From my superficial description of energy and the development of consciousness in people, it is clear that the majority of people live in the lower fields. This is the level of development of humanity now, and we survive as best we can due to our intelligence and abilities.
But every person has a desire for freedom and a sense of self-esteem. That’s why no one likes the caste system. And it is registered in our space.
Brahmins – connection with God, or Gods. There are only a few developed spirits. The state and the army, which have the best brains in their service. Traders are oligarchs, and the bulk of them think and want.
Religion makes everyone equal before God, and this consoles people, although many people think that it is a sedative for the people. Let’s take a deeper look.
Buddha came to a rigid caste system and said that the Path to freedom is open to everyone. All of you are immortal consciousness, and everyone can get out of this madhouse.
He told the truth! Even primitive man is consciousness manifested through form. Theoretically, the path to realizing oneself as a source of consciousness is open to everyone, but only a few can realize this! A high level of mental development and a strong spiritual aspiration are needed to set off on this Path.
Although it is almost impossible to realize this, the declaration that the Path is open to everyone is what made Buddhism one of the world religions.
Jesus came and told people about Divine love. Although people understood this in their own way, that God loves them, and we must first love God.
Jesus himself is a living example of the realization of God on Earth. He himself is his teaching.
Jesus looks at people both as God and as man. If this don’t understand, you’ll never understand what he’s talking about. And in his speech you can hear when God speaks and when man speaks.
How does God see us? Clumps of energy information fields that become brighter and larger as they develop. God perfects this drawing, and does not see people.
We see oligarchs who are fattening, but God is not interested in them, since their fields are degrading and being destroyed.
Someone suffers and suffers, overcoming difficulties at every step. But in fact, God guides him, since he sees only an increasingly brighter field of consciousness.
Not everything is so straightforward, but I want to highlight the meaning.
Jesus as a man eats, drinks, is sad and rejoices. Human feelings are close and understandable to him. But the divine love that he carries with him makes him a part of all humanity. Therefore, he experiences the pain and suffering of people as his own.
Let’s go back to the beginning. Who is God and who is the Messiah? People are waiting for the second coming, but it has already happened. You just need to open your eyes and see.
Imagine that there are no people on the planet. There is no mental field either. There is no human brain, and there is no field. And suddenly a mental field appeared on Earth. Well, it appeared and appeared, so what? There are no people. Think about the meaning of what is written.
So people are waiting and believe in the quantum transition, increasing the frequency of vibrations of the planetary field, Light energies and so on. Well? Where will they come from? Only if there are people on the planet who already live on these energies!
Jesus has left, and there is no connection with the Highest reality that is available here on Earth. All. There is no God on Earth. You can’t reach people.
The Messiah has come, the messenger of God, who essentially is, this is the Field of Light on Earth. Now a lot of people believe in the era of Light, in the quantum transition, in the second coming, why?
Yes, because the field of high vibrations has been on Earth for many years. This means that there is someone who carries this field within himself. Or there may be several of them.
It’s finished. Messiah on Earth.
Sometimes you just have to believe.
God is with those who are with Him.
Ilya Bortnikov

April 16

What These Challenging Times of Transition Are About – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 16

“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have noticed so much about life there on planet Earth, and we know that so many of you are going through challenging times of transition in your lives. We want you all to rest assured that there will always be a huge payoff for you when you continue to go through the challenging circumstances of your lives. You might not like experiencing the challenges as they happen, but as you face them, you are gifted with so many rewards because you must rise up to meet those challenges that you place before you.
It is true that you create your own challenges. Your challenges are not coming to you because of your ancestors or because of your karma. They are coming to you because you, as the soul that you are, knows exactly what challenges are going to get the most out of you. You are always giving yourselves the best and the biggest opportunities for expansion. Now, what do we mean by expansion, you might wonder. It’s a very good question. You are there to recognize who and what you really are as Source Energy Beings, but that recognition doesn’t bring you to that highest of the high points all at once.
You then get to go on a journey where you know that is the end point, and it will always be an end point that is in continuous motion. Therefore, once you understand that you are becoming your true self, you can grow more consciously into the more expanded you that you always have been. In other words, you get to experience what it is like to move from where you have been to where you are going, and that movement feels like you becoming more of you. So if you expand out in all directions, obviously there is more of you to know and to experience.
And we are not talking about your physical bodies. We are talking about the truth of who you are as consciousness that knows itself. Therefore, because you are sentient beings, you get to have the experience of knowing thyself, and who you really are is Source Energy. So these challenges you place before you are for the purposes of getting you to know who and what you really are, and you are meant to know that experientially. You are meant to know it more than just as a concept, or a belief, or an idea.
Therefore, when you place challenges in front of yourselves, they are not just annoyances. They are not just there to keep you from living a life of freedom, comfort, luxury, and joy. They are there to bring more of the true you out of you, the experiencer. As you accept all challenges in your lives right now as your creation, and as being there to get more out of you, then they suddenly they don’t look so terrible. They don’t look like something someone out there is doing to you in order to oppress you.
And then you can stop putting your attention on all of those people who are telling you that there’s a conspiracy about this or that and those conspirators are coming together to keep you down. Once you realize that it is all you and that you are doing it to yourselves for yourselves, then you can bless everyone who has ever been a part of your experience, whether they are known to you and by you or not. It is the eternal expansion of Source Energy that this is all about, and it will always be about that for all of us within this universe and beyond.
We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 15

Our Mission, Your Purpose & Source’s Desire – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 15

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are on a mission, and it is our mission to transform consciousness into its more natural state. We know that there are tremendous opportunities to do just that throughout the galaxy and the universe, and yet we also are very relaxed about the whole thing. You see, we know that everyone is where they are spiritually, because that particular experience they are having is a necessary component of Source’s experience of Itself. And so, if a consciousness is not ready to transform back into its natural state of oneness, love and peace, we simply allow that being to continue.
We recommend you take the same approach to your fellow humans. As much as you want to everyone else to awaken and to be right where you are on your journey, please recognize that being where they are still serves a purpose for the Creator, for All That Is, for the Prime Mover of everything, and let it go. You can allow everyone to be right where they are and still live your life in joy. You don’t have to be sad because someone else is not at the level of joy, because even sadness serves Source, and all of this is in service to Source. That is why when you accept something and go with the flow, you are living your purpose; you are allowing for the service to Source to continue.
When you resist and you insist that something or someone be different, you are attempting to do the impossible. You are attempting to rob Source of an experience that Source wants. Now, the question then becomes, ‘Do you have to have that experience as well?’ And the answer is simple. No, you do not. You do not have to have the experience because someone else is having it. And therefore, everyone plays their role perfectly, and Source is fuller for having had all of the experiences that Source has through all of us. Don’t worry about the state of the world or anyone in it. You can do that from a place of love and compassion, but you are not meant to fix a broken world, and not everyone would receive the healing that you offered, even if you were able to walk up to every other human and offer a healing.
So you might as well do what you feel called to do, and know that the call is coming from Source. You are meant to be unique. Your interests are no accident, and you can trust that every soul is transforming. We know this as well, but we still like to do it. We still like to offer what we offer and see if it is that person’s day to transform back into who they really are as a Source Energy Being. Letting go of the egoic pursuits is something that not everyone even wants, but those of you who do want to let go of your egoic pursuits can, and doing so is the challenge that you face as someone who has already recognized who you really are as a Source Energy Being.
Your lives have been about applying that knowing to the physical and merging the experiences of that which is God and that which is human, that which is nonphysical and that which is physical. And you will create the best of both worlds because you will continue to align with a version of reality where others are doing the same. That is, unless of course, you continue to insist that others be further along than they truly are or want to be. Relax into the unity consciousness that is always present and is always inevitable for all of us to experience in this beautiful universe of ours.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 12

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Criminals at the State Level)
April 12, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
So, let’s continue our conversation about the so-called “arbiters of human destinies.”
And now the conversation will focus on statesmen and government officials who are already directly implementing the plans of the secret world government.
Now, when the Earth is at the junction of two eras, everything has already been exposed to the limit.
And this is explained by the fact that the high-vibration energies entering your planet literally “rip off” everyone’s masks.
Only beings who do not have a soul, of which, unfortunately, there are many on Earth, can not see this.
But people, and especially pure and ancient souls, understand perfectly well what the heads of their states and governments represent.
This is especially true for European and other developed countries, which are under especially close attention of the Dracoreptiles, since they are the stronghold of cultural and traditional values that they are trying to destroy.
And that is why they so carefully select the leaders of these countries, who are completely under their control.
What is happening now in the world can be called, without exaggeration, the apotheosis of decline and decay in all areas of people’s lives.
This is exactly what the Dracoreptiles have been trying to achieve for so long, implanting false and unnatural “values” into human society, leading to the degeneration of people – physical and moral.
And since the heads of state are pursuing such a policy, in order to counteract it, you willy-nilly have to interact with them.
This policy concerns each of you directly, so in this case it is not enough to simply ignore the actions of your heads of state.
And even energy work will not be enough here.
Now the time has come for all awakened, sane people to unite to oppose all the laws that are destructive to people, adopted by the governments of your countries.
And first of all, this concerns your children, whom they are trying to depersonalize and mutilate physically and morally, which is now becoming catastrophic.
As you can see, a whole generation of people has already grown up, deprived of basic moral principles, deep and comprehensive education – that very consumer society, whose members live according to patterns and stereotypes embedded in their consciousness, which do not allow them to think and act independently.
And while people are still alive who know and remember another life – people with a different culture and education, you have the opportunity to reverse the process of moral decay of society.
All your efforts should now be directed towards this, which should include contacts with members of your governments who are responsible for upbringing and education and who adopt laws that are vital for you.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on April 12, 2024

April 11

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Internal Resistance to External Influence)
April 11, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
As a continuation of my previous message, today we will look at the next step in the hierarchical ladder of the so-called “powers that be.”
This category includes Dracoreptiles embodied in human bodies.
They are the main executors of the will of their masters who reside on the subtle plane of the Earth.
And it is in their hands that money and power are located, with the help of which they influence the minds of people and direct political, military and economic processes in the direction they need.
They, like conductors, lead entire countries either into a major or a minor state, depending on their immediate needs.
They cleverly use people’s weaknesses and passions for their own personal purposes.
They skillfully play on national and religious feelings.
In a word, they masterfully build relationships between countries and individuals according to the principle of “Divide and Conquer.”
And for this, they have in their arsenal all the “tools” they need to manage the Earth’s population: the media, advertising, the film industry, show business, entertainment venues, social networks and much, much more.
Their main goal is to depersonalize a person and deprive him of the ability to think and act independently, or, in other words, to completely subjugate his consciousness – turning people into a gray, obedient mass of slaves.
So how can you interact with this category of “powers that be”?
It’s actually very easy and effective.
You can completely ignore all their efforts in this direction.
To do this, it is enough to refuse to watch and listen to official media, which are all, without exception, in their hands.
Do not fall for advertising tricks, listening only to your own needs and desires.
Limit the use of the Internet and social networks, which drag you into the virtual world, depriving you of the opportunity to live in the moment “here and now”, going through your own invaluable experience.
Approach carefully and thoughtfully when watching movies and television programs, choosing only those that carry a bright spiritual beginning.
Avoid stereotypes and templates in all their manifestations, maintaining your individuality and independence in everything.
If you follow these simple tips, you will begin to interact with the current “masters of the world” in the opposite direction to their desires, destroying their program of enslaving humanity energetically, physically and morally.
Your internal resistance to external influence on you from creatures alien to you will begin to quickly and effectively destroy the pyramid of power of the Dracoreptiles, and at the same time the three-dimensional matrix they created, in which they imprisoned humanity.
And the more such people there are, the sooner this devilish pyramid will collapse, losing the foundation on which it is based.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on April 11, 2024

How to awaken your Soul

How to awaken your Soul?

And you put your palms on your heart and sincerely say: “Lead me, my Soul, I am ready (ready) to follow you! Call to manifest you, ask from within! I feel your call!
Say these words to yourself every day. Talk to your Soul. Awaken her Light within! Open up to her!
And the Soul will definitely answer you. She will lead! It will intuitively call you to something, inspire you from within!
Just don’t put any mental conditions on the Soul: I don’t want this, I’m afraid, I can’t handle it….
Just trust the Soul, surrender to it completely and completely. And you will feel an inner call, as if a Divine flower is blooming right inside you.
With love to you,
Magda Funia.

4 things that are important to know about your inner child

4 things that are important to know about your inner child

For most of my life, I was either very hard on myself or denied the feelings that came up. For example, as a teenager, I struggled with anger. As I got older, I realized that emotional outbursts were unhealthy, so I began to mask my anger with passive aggressiveness. However, the shame remained because there were times when I still felt intense anger. I just got better at hiding it. Or so I thought.
I felt angry quite often and could not bear it. I was angry at myself for being angry.
The same denial and frustration applied to other emotions that made me feel vulnerable, such as shame, guilt, or judgment.
A lot of time passed and I realized that all the time I was suppressing my anger, my inner version was asking for acceptance. She wanted to be seen and acknowledged without being judged. It felt like my inner child was trying to get my attention and show me something (like children do), but I kept pushing it away by doing other things.
The moment I turned to him and gave him the attention he needed, he calmed down. Over the years, I have realized four things about the inner child (of each of us).
1. Our inner child wants to be seen.
When we act on our triggers and behave in ways that we know are bad for us, it means our inner child is acting up. I always imagine a scene in which a little girl or boy is tugging at their mother’s sleeve, trying to show her something. They seem to say: “Mom, look. Mom, pay attention to me. I want to show you something important.”
When emotions arise that we don’t like, or we act in old, judgmental ways, our inner child is simply trying to get our attention. He or she wants to be seen, recognized and acknowledged.
One of the questions I ask my inner child when he/she is acting up is: “What are you trying to tell me?” When I do this with my eyes closed, the answer comes almost instantly.
2. Our inner child wants to be appreciated.
Most of us have had the experience of being hurt and not receiving an apology.
We have also had experiences where the person who hurt us sincerely apologized. I guess at least half of our healing happened at this point. Instead of being ridiculed or rejected, we were recognized.
The same applies to our inner children. As I described earlier, it was only when I validated my little girl’s emotions rather than rejecting them that I experienced emotional release and healing.
Since working with the inner child is about re-educating ourselves, we can understand it this way. I look at my subconscious as my inner child. This is where all my beliefs, perceptions and triggers are stored. My consciousness is my parent. This part of me is logical, able to question my limiting beliefs, and actively acknowledge and heal existing wounds.
The beauty of working with our inner child is that we don’t need apologies from those we feel have wronged us.
3. Our inner child is bored and looking for love.
Once we recognize and acknowledge our inner child, we can soothe it with loving affirmations and words of encouragement.
Here’s a simple exercise:
Close your eyes and take three deep cleansing breaths. Imagine a simple bench on which you and your inner child sit together. First, ask your inner child if you can hold his hand. Having received permission, gently stroke the child’s hand and say the Mantra three times.
“I’m sorry.
Please forgive me.
I love you.
Thank you”.
4. Our inner child is the gateway to love.
Often when I see a child, a certain softness enters my body. I attribute this to the innocence and kindness that children represent.
Imagine that you are upset, and suddenly a three-year-old child appears in front of you and starts smiling. Whether you like it or not, it will affect you and you might even smile back.
The more we practice feeling love, compassion and empathy for our little selves, the more accustomed we become to feeling these emotions.
Although guilt, judgment, shame, or anger may still arise, instead of judging or denying them, we can use compassion and curiosity to understand what these emotions are trying to tell us.
By validating and accepting how we feel, we can make amends, heal our wounds, and begin to live from the most powerful place of all—love.
Ellina Goffman
P.S. Just to remind: the inner child is our soul that resents when we follow someone else’s rules. Yosif Yorgov

Collapse of the Space of Transformation

Conversation with the Architects of the Universe: Collapse of the Space of Transformation

Channeling: architect

Ar-ITec (Co-Creator Triad): Hello, we are glad to be speaking to you and through you again. It seems to you that we have been gone for a long time. But what a year is for a person is a moment for us. So, it’s as if we didn’t say goodbye (Smile).
Ch.: Hello. I’m glad to talk to you again.
A.: Did you remember our dream?
Ch.: Yes. I wake up in bed as usual. It seems that it must be about 9-10 am now. But then I see that it’s already 18:30. I’m terribly confused, we couldn’t sleep for so long. I think maybe the watch is broken? I check the time on my husband’s phone – it’s also 6:30 pm. But I still don’t believe it. It seems that something very strange has happened with space or with time. This makes me very disorientated.
A: In this dream, you only slept an extra half a day. And you can no longer believe in the naturalness of what is happening. Now imagine that you wake up, look at the calendar, and there, conditionally, is 2065.
Ch.: It’s hard to imagine. Despite the fact that I know about the illusory nature of the world and understand that such a situation is theoretically possible, it will be a shock for me.
A.: Such a transfer of a subject from one point in time to another is called a chronological break. The ability to adapt to the chronological gap varies greatly from person to person. For some, this is simply severe stress, but the prognosis for adapting to new conditions and maintaining a stable psyche is positive. But for others, it’s too much of a burden, there’s little chance of adaptation, and there’s a serious risk of losing one’s sanity.
But this is just one of the negative effects of your hypothetical movement into the future. Imagine how many events have happened over these 40 years? How has technology advanced? How many new things have been invented? How many discoveries have been made in science and medicine? How has culture, way of life, morals, world economy and geopolitics changed? And how many significant shifts in public consciousness have occurred in connection with these changes? Several new generations were born. And, as you know, each generation is significantly different in thinking from the previous one.
So, you find yourself in a new world, and it is completely alien to you. The spirit of the times that filled your consciousness, saturated you informationally and sensually through collective processes of energy exchange – it no longer exists. And the new spirit of the times into which you are now forced to immerse yourself is completely unfamiliar to you.
Imagine that you decide to take a bath. You dive into the water and realize that its properties have changed. Now it is thicker, like jelly, and its color is blue. Something completely everyday and vital suddenly became completely different. And no matter how you try to get used to these changes, the most normal, natural water in your mind will remain liquid and colorless.
The same is true with immersion in the new spirit of the times. On Earth, it tends to change quite radically every 20 years. If two such updates occur, which a person does not live naturally in civilization, but simply skips, there is a high probability that he will not be able to adapt to a world that he no longer recognizes.
The situation with everyday life will also be ambiguous. Do you ever reach out to light a kerosene lamp? Is there a habit of bringing water from a well into the house to heat for washing? Are you going to harness the horses to go on a visit? Everyday habits are very deep, automatic, so you will periodically try to solve your everyday needs in a way that is completely outdated at this point in time.
Let’s say that you are well prepared for the transfer to the future together with your Teachers. And, in order to somehow alleviate the stress, you were given false memories of how you lived these 40 years. Some basic work on your introduction into this world has been done. But oddities will still appear through everyday habits. If you are transported into the future with a group of people, then you will very quickly realize that something is wrong with you. Because what seems like normal life to you now will change in 2065 and very significantly. But your mind can pull out an old pattern of behavior from the depths of memory out of habit. And this will cause strong dissonance – just like trying to light a kerosene lamp now, instead of pressing the switch button.
Therefore, these are serious risk factors for the human mind – both chronological disruption and immersion in a radically changed zeitgeist.
However, it is precisely such a sharp move into the future that would help awakened or simply conscious people to see significant positive changes in your civilization. The Transition to the updated earthly spaces 3.3 and 3.8 was based on the idea of such a movement.
It is impossible to “connect” fundamental changes in your world right away tomorrow. They need to be built sequentially. If a new building is to stand on this corner of the city, its construction must be initiated and the workers given 2-3 years. If it is essential for a person’s destiny to receive a certain education, it is necessary to formalize it study at a university and give him 5 years. If a scientist is to invent an effective new drug, an idea must be planted in his mind, resources must be given, and he must be given several years to research and develop the formula.
Nothing can fall on your head; any changes are introduced into your world naturally by someone’s living hands. That is, you first need to create conditions, provide people with resources, give them time, and only then expect results. Time is also a resource. To have breakfast, a person cannot do without food; to get serious results in any endeavor, he cannot do without time.
What is important to understand now: the future of the Earth naturally lived by the entire civilization after 2042 does not yet exist. The future that has already been calculated up to this date is unsatisfactory; nothing valuable can be built from it further. This is a total dead end of civilization. But it is impossible to quickly spread out the updated world for people selected after testing, like a tent. It needs to be calculated, built, and someone really needs to live it all.
Therefore, there was a plan for the period from 2025 to our conditional 2065 to be built by selected people through the most realistic dreams. This 40-year-long void had to be filled with some real, truly lived experience. Otherwise, the feeling that many people have slept for many years for unclear reasons will be inevitable.
The souls selected for the Transition to the updated spaces 3.3, 3.8, while in the space of transformation, dreamed at night about their possible future. That’s why it felt like time was racing. Souls actually lived a double life. Their perception of daytime was shortened so that they would have the energy to construct their possible future in their dreams.
There was no need to live these conditional 40 years in dreams completely. After all, in the life of any person there are many routine, unforgettable days. Therefore, it was enough for people to capture some important points, memorable events, thanks to which they would retain the feeling of a natural, sequential passage of their life path. Recreate bright moments and stretch between them chains of unremarkable days of earthly worries, which are so often not remembered because they have no special value. It is not difficult to dream of routine days in a short time in sufficient quantity. As a result, according to the plan, people should have had completely realistic stories about how they came to our conditional 2065, and what they did before it. Everyone would receive their own “photo album”, confirming important facts of their past.
Ch.: Let’s say a person is 40 years old. If he lives in dreams for another 40 years, what age will he be when he wakes up in the renewed space?
A.: He will still be the same 40 years old. It’s the easiest way. There is no point in doing anything with a biological body unless absolutely necessary. If a person is very important for global tasks, and he needs strength and health, he might even wake up rejuvenated.
Ch.: That is, a person may not remember his life that he lived until 2024?
A.: That’s right. A coherent chronology will definitely not be preserved, but there may be some adapted memorable events transferred to the future. It’s different for everyone, as many souls as there are so many situations. A person’s history is changed by specialists in life scenarios. This is painstaking work. Therefore, we will not explain all the subtleties of the process of creating false memories now.
CH: Did you plan to separate the families?
A.: There is also no single answer. As agreed with the souls.
Let’s restore the chronology. In 2012, the Transition did not happen, because virtually no one was ready for it. You yourself then took only the first steps towards your true awakening. You can use your example to compare how many valuable changes have occurred in you over these 12 years; in fact, you have gone from an earthly girl to a warrior of the spirit. Many promising people have achieved significant results in their development.
2012 was a time of great hope and great disappointment, as the promised Transition did not happen. The next 12 years were undoubtedly difficult for most people. And yet, the result of many people’s internal work was very tangible: during this period they became, in the good sense of the word, completely different people.
The space of transformation was deployed in 2020, when we, the Triad of Co-Creators, and then the Adjustment Group began to correct the earth’s future. Not all people came here, but only those who were awakened or asleep, but capable of some serious actions.
The bulk of sleeping earthlings, who floated with the flow and lived exclusively in their limited world of everyday worries, remained in the basic event flows, since no shaking or corrections could stir them up or encourage them to show their bright traits (positive or negative), since such traits are simply not manifested in them yet. Their minds are too young and their thinking is too directive and independent.
The space of transformation also assumed several apocalypse scenarios. Some of these dramatic events have been lived and are now still being lived by people in the current flow of events. You didn’t see some of them, although you could have seen them in realistic, frightening dreams. The peak of the apocalypse fell in 2023; the total amount of destruction during this period across all event streams was maximum.
The two streams no longer exist, they were cleared out by the Reapers (dark high-level civilizations) and collapsed. The maximum amount of human hatred was spilled in these subspaces. All these bursts were collected by the corresponding participants in evolution and taken beyond the boundaries of the earth’s energy exchange networks. Radical impulses to destruction in the earth’s megastructures have become significantly less.
If we imagine that there were many active volcanoes and even supervolcanoes on Earth, then the chances of their powerful eruptions in the future have decreased. But they will still cause the earth to tremble, smoke and periodically pour out some amount of lava.
All destructive potential cannot be removed from the Earth, because positive changes also often require decisive action. Otherwise, stagnant processes will creep and expand due to the lack of strength of those who want to disperse this stagnation and set new rapid vectors for situations. That is, the lack on Earth of the shade of Awareness “swiftness”, which gives strength, will not allow more positive processes to unfold and gain speed.
The event flows remaining in the transformation space should also be curtailed soon, since most of the useful work for which they were formed has already been done.
The mind of each person, who was supposed to move to spaces 3.3, 3.8 according to the plan, was tested for resistance to direct transfer to the future. Everyone dreamed of some kind of relatively smooth story.
Also in dreams, souls lived in the most realistic simulation mode for the first ten years in updated spaces, that is, after 2065. People who remember dreams may have seen corresponding stories about how they arrived in new communities and looked for their place in them, made acquaintances, tried to do something together, etc. Thus, through living in dreams, people tried to work together and make friends.
But still, for many people, the memory of their nighttime activities is too “high” to be reached by ordinary daytime perception. Therefore, all these memories could merge into a single stream. As a result, it seemed to the man that he had dreamed his whole life, but he forgot everything. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s just that now it should become clearer what kind of work has been done in dreams in recent years.
In these trials, people were given time to adapt, to cope at their own pace with all the side effects of direct transfer. The start couldn’t have been smoother. Therefore, they gave a serious deadline: for ten whole years, souls in dreams made and stumbled, were inspired and disappointed, built and destroyed, joined new communities and fell out of them. The adaptation processes were very contrasting: both positive and negative.
The results of these attempts to create a direct and harmonious vector from the past to the future turned out to be very ambiguous. In general, for all tested people, the situation with direct transfer to updated spaces is as follows:
– probability of inability to adapt to the new world – 70%,
– the probability of receiving incurable mental injuries is 65%.
That is, it was not possible to quickly and effectively update the lives of selected people due to their low resistance to direct transfer to the future. Therefore, many of them are left with only the conservative path of natural living, since attempts to be a courageous “time traveler” ended unsatisfactorily for many souls, according to the test results.
Therefore, a new, revised plan was developed.
1) Collapse the space of transformation, since this is an inferior place for the life of souls.
2) Pour the selected souls back into the existing stable event flows of the Earth, from where they were previously removed for testing.
3) Provide improved conditions for the realization of the potential of each of the selected souls. Individually mitigate for them the global destructive processes taking place in the earth’s space.
4) Bring these people to the renewed future of the Earth through the natural living of this period of time, through the consistent absorption of all significant changes in society.
5) Provide opportunities to reasonably extend the service life of bodies for those who want to live longer in the conditions of the new time. That is, active people who follow the tasks of developing their souls may still have a very long life ahead, without significant loss of ability to work even in old age.
Now let’s discuss the details in more detail. Maintaining the space of transformation is costly, and the benefits of souls staying in it are becoming less and less. In addition, there are not sufficiently saturated collective flows of energy exchange here, because there are relatively few souls here. Many of the people in the tra space The information is not fully present, but rather in the background – as support for those who came here for testing. Supporting people do not feel fully alive, but not because they are not real, but because their main energy exchange is concentrated in other event flows of the Earth.
Due to the weakly saturated collective flows in the space of transformation, people who came here for testing felt that the world around them was quite empty: there was a picture, passers-by were walking along the streets, there was a lot of news about dramatic events, but there was still some significant lack of fullness. space with life.
As has already been explained to you, large populations are necessary for a rich life in civilization. It is the diverse crowd, each of whom lives his own active life, that creates the feeling of a real, living space, and not a “matrix”. Many souls, daily making many energy exchanges with each other, set the necessary speed of flow of the streams of Awareness. And this is felt as the vitality of the processes taking place in society. A significant number of souls animate those places, those structures in which they conduct their regular activities.
Accordingly, if souls are divided between streams, then significantly less life is felt in each of them. This is where the relative emptiness of the transformation space comes from. In addition, many people here experienced a significant lack of opportunities, limited development of their own potentials, which is also associated with a lack of people. After all, the more participants in a civilization, the more extensive networks of contacts are built between them, and the more opportunities there are through these extensive connections: more interesting acquaintances, more clients and contractors, more opportunities to create something, etc.
The infusion of souls back into stable event flows will not be instantaneous. Everyone will move there at the optimal moment in time.
A return to one of the basic event flows for a person will be accompanied by a gradual revival of the surrounding space, the appearance in his life of people who moved away several years ago, a partial restoration of opportunities from the past, and the emergence of new opportunities.
The teacher system plans to open many new guides who will be able to maintain the necessary connection between higher levels and awakened earthlings. Spiritual knowledge and support from the Forces will flow to Earth. Conscious people will continue to develop, find each other and unite. There will be no stagnation and emptiness. The spiritual life of earthlings striving for development will be able to be maintained at a decent level.
But the spiritual agenda will gradually change. She has already started to change. There will be less and less talk about sudden changes, about the Transition “right tomorrow” or “in a year.” And you need to be prepared for this. We explained the reasons honestly. Through some channels there may be messages that the exchange rate is the same. But the point here will rather be in the information policy of the Force providing the channel (restriction on the transfer of high-level information, silence in order to alleviate stress for fragile minds, etc.)
In addition, not all executives above the Earth promptly respond to new directives coming from higher levels. The new decision was communicated to everyone. But, since not everyone quickly learns the news, and not everyone immediately understands what to do next, a certain inertia and inconsistency in the information provided from above can be observed in the information space. Also, the reason for misinformation may be the conductor’s personal faith and reluctance to hear about changes, since it hurts his feelings or does not correspond to his plans and interests.
But in a couple of years, what we are talking about now will become clear. And everyone who trusts the information from our channel will already be warned, will be able to adapt first and move more easily to the new stage. They will no longer waste time looking for answers about what is happening, or more precisely, why what they have been preparing for so long is not happening.
However, there is also a small group of people who are quite resistant to direct transfer to updated spaces, but who will not move into the basic event flows. Since they managed, through joint dreams or in reality, to unite with the same stable like-minded people, at least 2-3 people each, they will move directly into the future. In the renewed spaces, their souls have already prepared everything for themselves. And most importantly, they prepared themselves for what awaits them there. We wish these brave pioneers the best of luck in their new lives.
Everyone who has not shown resistance to direct transfer during testing is gradually transferred to the main event streams. Life for some of them can be quite difficult, since no one hides the fact that humanity, living in the basic streams, is going to a dead end. But they will be provided with the necessary support from above.
We believe that people constructing their possible future in their dreams has benefited them and will help them realize many things in real life faster and easier, since they are already more experienced and trained. So their efforts were not in vain; they will benefit from everything they learned from this period.
There are chances that you won’t need to live all these conditional 40 years. It will be possible to move from one important point in time to another faster. Lead teams will monitor their team members’ readiness for more rapid change and help them move forward. This is especially true for people who are not too attached to their environment or place of residence. For those who cannot overcome the 40-year period in one transfer, alternative options for several smaller transfers can be created. Such people can travel either alone or in small groups. For example, a family that has changed their place of residence. Radical moves help to neatly bridge temporary gaps within 5-10 years and logically justify a person’s disorientation.
In a word, no one will keep people in the event flows of the closing Cycle if they are ready to move on more quickly. A few small shifts into the future will help people save time and get to updated spaces at a younger age. This is the most important advantage. There are souls who are focused on the future and prefer to hurry up. They will choose this option.
But we also understand people who are generally satisfied with their life, their work, their family, their environment. If this is so, then the soul itself does not want any sudden movements. The choice of many souls will be to live out in the old spaces and leave incarnation there. Next is to move into a new Cycle through birth. If we are talking about younger people, they will smoothly merge into new spaces, living for a specified period together with civilization.
People who remain in the event flows of the closing Cycle will be able to personally observe radical changes in the fate of humanity. In the process of renewal of civilization, whole blocks will break off and elements of social structures that now seem to be an unshakable part of earthly life will become a thing of the past. And at the same time, radically new elements will be introduced. These innovations, like powerful locomotives, will travel along clearly laid rails at high speed. And it will be extremely difficult to oppose their movement or stand in the way.
The main problem of the adopted plan is that radical changes that will renew humanity require external help. Civilization has not undergone natural selection. And, from the point of view of normal evolutionary processes, the changes that will be introduced are a very serious compromise. If a civilization has not found sufficient strength to overcome unfavorable, stagnant processes within itself, in its next serious crisis it may also show critical weakness. And reanimating non-viable structures every time in Divine evolution is an undesirable practice.
Nevertheless, the interests of very serious participants intersect on Earth. And they decided, by joining forces, to “roll through” the next conditional 40 years on their own. In fact, carry earthlings over the abyss in your arms. Therefore, there will be a new Cycle, the Earth will have a future. We hope that your civilization will be able to accumulate the missing internal strength capable of ensuring long-term effective evolution later.
The 12-year cycle that began in 2012 ends. The decision is being made this year because it is time to plan the lives of earthlings for the next 12 years. After this cycle, at least two more years (24 years) are planned, aimed at radically updating the existing event flows of the Earth.
The spiritual communities of the Earth will experience a certain reorientation, rethinking, and will come to new inspiring meanings. Although the inability to move to updated spaces in the near future, of course, may be perceived by some people as a failure. But Teachers will help you overcome this period of confusion, time will put everything in its place, conflicting thoughts and feelings will eventually settle down in your head. And a new understanding of how to live and what to strive for next will come. This is not the end of the world – in every sense (Smile). Rather, it is an opportunity to give yourself extra time to become stronger, more resilient, more adaptive, and prepare for a renewed future.
Individual development of people will not be interrupted under any circumstances. Resources will be allocated to ensure that earthlings can easily find important esoteric knowledge, and in general, answers to their questions about the universe. The presence of the updated Teacher system in the lives of awakened people will only expand.
In a word, for those who remain in the event flows of the completing Cycle, the next period will pass in the mode of individual assistance if they continue to strive for spiritual development and follow the needs of the soul.
But the world will remain difficult, negative events may happen to people around. And in order to get through the next period with minimal discomfort, you need to learn to separate the events that happen in your life and the events that happen. walking in the lives of others. If a person has the feeling that the world is protecting and helping him, there is no need to try on all the negativity that happens to others. Because this can only signal that a person has an interest in the dramatic experience, that he wants to try this situation on himself. And such involuntary wishes can be fulfilled. Therefore, it is better to carry out regular thought hygiene and not get involved in negative experiences. And if a person needs to go through a difficult situation to expand his understanding, then he is unlikely to bypass it, it will simply enter his life.
Therefore, we suggest checking whether the unpleasant situation is going on a tangent or hitting you straight in the forehead. If it goes on a tangent, it means there is a choice. It is better to make such a choice consciously, strictly monitor your desire or unwillingness to take part in the next drama of life, and at the same time get a couple of painful bruises yourself. Although this could have been avoided thanks to ordinary restraint and common sense.
Ch.: Although they never promised heaven on Earth through me, people still expected at least some significant changes from the Transition. They will probably decide that this result is a failure and will be upset.
A.: Experience and useful conclusions can be drawn from every situation. You are growing creators. Every experienced creator already knows that there are only two ways out: either create the space you want to live in, or live in the space that others create. You too need to realize this truth. Creating comfortable living conditions for yourself is not easy, but expecting that someone will provide it to you in the best possible way is pointless.
When people think about “karma,” they first of all consider the cause-and-effect relationship: if you acted badly, you received a fair response from the world. But the problem of your world is another, less obvious “karma”. Many downright harmful decisions have indeed been made by the people in power on Earth that have led your world to its current disappointing situation. But it’s not only that. One might even say: this is not the point at all, because it is quite simple to destroy and break the power structures on Earth that rule cruelly.
The problem is that there is not enough new valuable seedlings to fill the void. Old “plantings” are rotting, but humanity has grown very few new, more valuable ones. Accordingly, if you destroy everything old, then everything will end in “bare earth”, “desert”. It is easy to collapse a state, but in the current conditions it is impossible to form a new, fairer one in its place. And then the question arises: for what good purpose can it be broken now if there are no worthy alternatives to it in the space of options?
The main problem of earthlings is not that it was done poorly or incorrectly. Your civilization is still young, so mistakes are inevitable. The problem is that it was not done, was not created, was not thought out, did not exist even at the level of a wild dream. There are very few of these embryonic potentials, new “seedlings” that can now be saturated with the juices of the earth and protected from cold winds so that they can grow and become stronger. From these rare sprouts it is not yet possible to build a truly new, living, dynamic world.
Accordingly, in the coming decades on Earth, the Higher Powers will increase the volume of new, more promising projects and enterprises that would meet the requirements of the new time. And, of course, nothing can be done without the enthusiasm of the people themselves, because any changes in your world are carried out by the hands of its direct participants.
Your civilization is essentially an early stage of a single composite Creator. And, of course, an important task of his development is to learn to create himself and the world around him in such a way as to be satisfied with the results of his own creation.
Ch.: Can we say that the Transition has been postponed for 40 years?
A.: It is impossible to postpone it, it has been going on for many years. Preparations for it began in the twentieth century. But some souls needed more time than expected and wanted. And more radical methods of improving something are not suitable for everyone. In any case, we focus on the needs of souls.
Any parent would like to have at hand one universal “magic pill” that would quickly help his child with any ailment. But each child is a complex, unique organism with its own potential for internal strength, recovery time and individual intolerance to certain drugs. As a result, the child feels bad, and the parent has sleepless nights looking for ways to help him. But there are no universal remedies that are equally suitable for all children.
In the same way, those who manage the development of earthly civilization are now forced to select for each person means of assistance that will give him some kind of result. “Magic pills” for quickly updating the life of souls turned out to be non-universal. They helped some and will continue to help, but not others. Because you are all very different – that’s how it was intended. It’s different Brazil is wonderful, but effectively managing the development of such diverse populations is very difficult.
If the “magic pill” did not suit some people, those managing the development of civilization will not force their personal processes, but will simply provide them with gentle support in the current conditions. These souls will independently try, using their internal reserves, to strengthen themselves, renew themselves and find within themselves the impulses for subsequent activities at the next stage of life – in the world that exists now.
Ch.: What is the situation with those moving to new levels?
A.: As the transition continues, the space of the Earth will be open for another 60 years. Those who want to catch up and try their hand at higher levels are an excellent choice (Smile).
CH: Many people had Groundhog Day. Will returning to basic event flows make their lives more diverse?
A.: Partly yes. But you need to understand that boredom has internal causes, it is a consequence of the lack of saturation of the soul.
Ch.: People are probably not interested in getting enough of what they have.
A.: That’s true. And there are two ways out of this situation: create something new yourself or live in a world that seems not boring to those who create it. Everything you see around you was created by someone’s hands, because someone found it interesting enough to invest their effort.
The lack of saturation of souls, which often manifests itself in states of boredom and meaninglessness, is a collective phenomenon on Earth. This often happens in young, unsaturated civilizations, when there is a lot of valuable information and areas of activity, but many participants do not want to be interested in the world around them with more enthusiasm, and do not want to create something of their own.
As a result, boredom drives boredom – this is the state of the “anti-creator”. Boredom and meaninglessness inside the soul, like a black hole, suck in grains of value, beauty and meaning of the surrounding world. And nothing comes back. If given free rein, this black hole can grow. Such states are healed by transitioning either to the state of the creator, or to the state of preliminary saturation, when a person studies the existing creation, looks for what interests him, so that later he can try to create something of his own.
Many people are now at the stage of preliminary saturation, because in order to be a creator, you need to accumulate a certain potential, a store of existing knowledge. There is a lot of information on Earth; the Internet has created wide opportunities for knowledge. But not everyone is interested.
Those who created this world also don’t know what to do. A table is set with a bunch of dishes, some eat with both cheeks, and some stand with sad faces and refuse to eat. But he doesn’t know how to cook and isn’t too keen.
Boredom and meaninglessness are the hunger of the soul with poor appetite. What can you do for yourself to improve the situation? You can eat more prepared, varied dishes. You can learn to cook yourself.
Of course, you can patiently wait for the chef who will prepare new delicacies for you every day. But from our experience, such chefs are a very rare occurrence. Their delicacies are never enough to satisfy the entire long life of the soul.
Therefore, we suggest that bored people continue to saturate themselves with the existing creation and little by little think about what they would like to create themselves.
We can say that from the point of view of absorbing values and meanings from the surrounding world, there is the state of a stone and the state of a sponge, and between them there are many intermediate meanings.
When a person is in a state of stone, he repels most incoming information from the world. For example, depression, when you don’t want anything, is a state of stone. On the subtle plane, the soul closes itself off from the surrounding space and refuses to feed on it.
When a person is in a sponge state, he is saturated with information to the limit, reaching such values that he is no longer able to retain everything that he has learned.
So, the stone is heavy, dense, and has low porosity. And the state of consciousness of the stone is also difficult. It can take a lot of effort for a person to open even one pore within himself for saturation, so that at least something from the outside world begins to seep through it. The easiest way to overcome such conditions is through acute need. When a person simply needs to learn something new, because his survival depends on it.
The sponge is light and very porous, these are states of consciousness when, on the contrary, everything is interesting, and you grab onto everything. But if you imagine a sponge that is too saturated with water, then it already flows back out. That is, the extreme state of the sponge is also weighting, although of a different nature.
The balance, as usual, is somewhere in the middle. But if in the states of a sponge the excess simply cannot be retained, then in the states of a stone a person’s internal system may collapse due to unsaturation. In the state of the stone, there are processes of formation of internal cracks, from which it can crumble. For a person, this can manifest itself in some kind of attack, illness, or death.
So allowing yourself to remain in stone states is dangerous. It is necessary to maintain an average level of saturation with novelty coming from the outside world, even if you don’t really want it, even if it seems like you’re fed up, and everything is the same. Continue to look for the state of a sponge within yourself, continue to eat. The point here is not that one is actually fed up, and not that everything is the same, but that the condition of the stone itself creates such sensations. The human mind misinterprets the signals of the soul, its internal sensations. The reason for the state of “nothing else fits” is not satiety, but closed pores that do not allow continued saturation.
The key point in transitioning from a rock to a sponge is that the sponge is lighter. Your attitude towards life can always be made easier. The heavy state of “I don’t want anything else” can be replaced with a more airy, childish and adventurous one: “What if it’s easy? What if you try something new a little every day?”
Ch.: People write to me that they are tired of living in all this.
A.: Their fatigue is understandable. And yet, the reasons why they are tired and find it difficult to continue living are individual for everyone. Moreover, for some, some properties of the earthly world are its undeniable advantage, while for others it is a reason for deep disappointment.
That is, you can take a very long time to remove from this world the reasons why souls do not like to live in it, it will become increasingly poorer, but there will always be those who sigh heavily about its imperfections. As a result, one can reach the point where only the Divine fundamental principle remains, the fabric of the universe from which this world is woven. But even then the souls will not be happy. They will say: “It is unbearably difficult for us to hang in this emptiness, where absolutely nothing happens, give us back the world to live in.”
But there is no world that pleases everyone. The cohabitation of souls is truly a difficult experience; their diverse needs constantly create conflicts among themselves. But solitary living of souls is also practically impossible. We checked. The ideal separate dream world for each soul, where everything is arranged according to its taste, and where there is no one but itself, ended in either flight or madness.
There are simulation technologies where you can order everything to your liking: a house, a job, a spouse, children, pets. Paint the grass on the lawn near your house either pink or purple. Any wildest fantasies. Everyone who has used these opportunities says the same thing: “at first it seemed cool, but then it became unbearable.”
All these souls eventually went back to the joint worlds of development. And they were very glad that these worlds did not satisfy them completely, 200%. They felt there was more vitality in the experience of living together, where the world did not revolve around their desires. Imperfect family, imperfect job, etc. – all this was regarded as more alive and real.
Souls must interact with each other, souls strive for other souls. Only when they are together can they fully feel. The most fulfilling feelings in souls arise not for impeccable fantasies, but for each other when living closely together. This is not yet clear to all those who like to daydream, but these are the facts.
We just have to accept that being together is difficult, but being alone is unbearable. Since the preferences of all souls are different, any joint worlds of residence are always one global compromise. But this is also an opportunity to draw unique meanings from other souls, due to which a very important process occurs – the mixing of experience.
The ideal personal world becomes unbearable because each soul has a limited set of meanings. When she exhausts her potential, it becomes unbearable for her to be alone with herself and with her fantasies, beyond which she is unable to go. This is accompanied by degeneration of Awareness within the soul. Circulating in a vicious circle, it becomes dull from monotony and begins to die. Therefore, the soul inevitably returns to the worlds of collective living so that new streams of Awareness begin to flow to it. The highest quality mixing of meanings between souls occurs in complex dynamic destructive worlds, including on Earth.
Of course, there are still worlds of monotony. But it is unlikely that any of the people who are dissatisfied with their experience of living on Earth will be happy if they find themselves there. In such worlds, the minds for souls are initially formed according to a completely different principle, with restrictions on individualism. Then they can live comfortably there.
We invite each person to clarify for himself: what is the complexity of his life, what exactly is he tired of?
If the issue is boredom and meaninglessness, the karmic task of the soul may be to heal these conditions and deepen interest in life in all its manifestations.
If the fact is that the world is not happy, the karmic task of the soul may be to expand the potential of its own joy.
If something doesn’t work out and you want to give up everything, the karmic task of the soul can be to bring any difficult task to the end, despite the obstacles.
If a person has had a serious failure in life and does not want to start something new, the karmic task of the soul may be to develop an easier attitude towards failures.
If a person believes that this world is too cruel, the karmic task It is possible for the soul to develop a calmer attitude towards an integral part of creation – destruction. Creation is impossible without destruction. This means that we must allow him to be. Don’t approve, but at least understand that you can’t do without it.
And in general, the main cause of psychological fatigue is a person’s evaluative thinking. For many people, even with the clearest minds, this is still an insurmountable obstacle. The forces can only remind again and again through all possible channels that evaluative thinking is the basis of suffering and an obstacle that does not allow souls to live a more fulfilling life in the collective worlds of development.
The cause of psychological fatigue and dissatisfaction must be sought first of all within yourself. The soul and mind are carriers of specific properties that give rise to experiences that a person does not like so much.
Many phenomena that seem external and from which you want to distance yourself can actually be internal. And you won’t be able to distance yourself from them. Just transform your personal properties. If the current world were not at all suitable for the soul for such a transformation, if it could not fulfill its karmic tasks here, it would have already left. And those who continue to live have chances, there is still hope to do something useful for their development.
To be awakened in a world where everyone is asleep is a unique state in which the soul can develop truly rapidly. But bringing a person to a sustainable awakening is very difficult. If this can be achieved, the soul will take full advantage of such luck.
In 20 years of incarnation, an awakened person can have time to do more to develop his soul than in many lifetimes in sleeping mode. Therefore, the awakened ones need to correctly understand why they are here, what is the value and uniqueness of their position. They have achieved rare states of waking consciousness in the illusory world, and this must be used as long as it is possible to continue living here.
Ch.: I received several chens about the earthly guardian system from the future. But, if civilization lived only until 2042, then where does this structure exist?
A.: This alternative future of the Earth exists due to the paradox of time. Everyone who lives there has experienced a serious chronological disruption. We can say that these are successful time travelers. And they were able to form a guardian system so successfully because they are resistant to chronological gaps, paradoxes and other anomalies.
Guardianship involves living in non-linear time. And the young people who work as timeline keepers can be physically 20 years old, but psychologically 90. In artificial sleep, they can view events lasting months and years. Of course, such a life is not for everyone. And this space does not exist for everyone. It is like an island in the ocean of time, where one cannot swim intentionally, but a person’s paths can lead him there, since he will be called from above for such service.
Ch.: It turns out that the future until 2042 has actually been lived, and even in many versions. Why do we need another 20-plus years after it to get to the updated spaces?
A.: It will not be possible to implement significant changes faster. After 2042, it will inevitably take another couple of decades to complete construction for the zeitgeist to change more radically.
CH: And who will live on Earth all this time?
A.: Souls for whom this experience suits. Any historical period provides a specific experience for which there are those who wish.
C: Did I understand the original plan correctly? 1) People from the main event streams would continue to build the future in real life. 2) People who have passed testing in the space of transformation would immediately move into the future, into updated spaces.
A.: As you remember, there were more paths from the space of transformation. Some moved to higher levels, others went into the apocalypse. And promising souls continuing their path on Earth really had to move into the future. The Earth’s development managers wanted to move the strongest, most active and talented from the end of the closing Cycle to the beginning of a new one.
At the beginning of the Cycle there are always many difficulties, but also many opportunities. There are souls with suitable properties who themselves enjoy such stages, and they can bring enormous benefits there. They were planned to be moved into the future as adults, conscious people, capable of quickly starting new activities in order to strengthen humanity at the start in updated spaces.
Ch.: We have already discussed spaces 3.3, 3.8 with Nikolai. But I still wonder what has already been created there in 2065?
A.: The first hundred years of a new Cycle of civilization always exist in some form, they are calculated in the basic forecast version, based on the best achievements of the previous Cycle. And you can already live in such a space. Usually souls go there and “prepare the ground” for the main civilization. A characteristic feature of such a space is relative emptiness, a small number of ready-made solutions and a huge space of possibilities. For a person who wants to create something new, such space is not emptiness, but a blank canvas for creativity. There are few restrictions such as bureaucracy and taxes – all these shackles that tied people’s hands will not remain.
When the planned 40 years of the life of civilization with all the changes are lived out, the future after 2065 will become much richer, the main population will significantly enrich the flows with its activities. But those who find themselves in the updated spaces first will be able to turn around and achieve and build a lot. It’s like a first settler who can choose the most successful and picturesque place for his home, because he is the only one who wants it, there is actually no competition yet. A lot of empty space – a lot of options to choose where to build your happiness. The main thing here is not to be afraid to be a pioneer and to have ideas.
Let’s discuss another important point. “Everything is the same as before”, “everything is the same” after the transition to basic event flows will no longer exist. Much has been done to avoid this.
Firstly, the composition of the Teacher System has changed.
Secondly, the composition of the governing civilizations has changed. The influence of new, less destructive civilizations will increase, and the number of projects on Earth under their patronage will increase.
Thirdly, the cycle until 2020 is closed. This point is the most important, but we put it in third place because the positive effect of this change is the most difficult for people to comprehend. Any older person understands what a “load of years” is. For a civilization, the “weight of years” is felt most strongly at the end of the Cycle. Therefore, many, in fact, from childhood were tired and burdened by the centuries-old history of civilization. Although, of course, people didn’t know about it. They just felt uncomfortable.
The “burden of years” has been lifted from civilization. Soul connections to Earth’s past were analyzed for usefulness and relevance. Many of them were simply closed due to their uselessness. The tangles are untangled as much as possible. Although it is impossible to do such a job perfectly. Connections tend to get tangled, and unraveling them can lead to the loss of valuable results. But significant work was done to streamline connections and close those that were not useful.
This will manifest itself in people’s lives with new creativity, new ideas and projects that they will most likely want to create completely in their own way. Without looking back too much, just take it and do it as you want. Since there are fewer connections to the experience of the past, the authority and exemplary nature of even the most effective existing methods will no longer weigh so heavily on people.
The changed composition of the governing civilizations is entirely responsible for investing in new beginnings on Earth. They have a different system of values and priorities, not connected with super-profits and “enslavement” of the workforce, which is what the corporations of the closing Cycle were so guilty of. It will soon become virtually impossible to build the next predatory colossus; investments from above in entrepreneurs will not occur until they learn to create projects and enterprises based on the values and priorities that will be introduced by the new governing civilizations.
Their absolute priority is effective cooperation and the creation of work teams that are support and a source of additional opportunities for each other. It is quite difficult to explain all the details of their plan to build a new work activity on Earth. But networks built according to their principles will create, on the one hand, incentives to increase the efficiency of their work, to increase professionalism, because there will still be competition between specialists. On the other hand, there will not be such a sharp difference in income. The fear of dying from hunger will also decrease. Part-time flexible work opportunities will be created so that everyone can earn some income.
The managers of the civilization of the outgoing Cycle allowed themselves to invest too much in the most successful projects, which, as they gained power, began to significantly abuse their power. But, if you don’t pour too much life resource into even the most successful businesses, then they won’t be able to endlessly gain power. In this case, good ideas will simply be adopted between work groups for a fee – now this is called “best practices”. They can also simply be peeped and copied. But no one talented and ideological will go hungry. Such people will be supported and well nourished.
Patent law will be abolished because there have been too many cases where ideas for inventions came down from above for all mankind, but in the end some “bone languishing over gold” came along and put the patent for the invention in his desk, never to be seen again. Thus, quite a lot of valuable technologies that improve people’s lives were not introduced into everyday life due to the fact that it was not profitable for someone. The abolition of patent law will make promising technologies much more accessible and allow humanity to develop go faster.
Overall, there are a lot of changes planned for the near future of the Earth. But our conversation was already quite lengthy. We think we have already provided enough food for thought.
Concluding our message today, we would like to thank the people who have bravely dealt with difficulties over the past few years and continued to move forward and develop. Many of you did well and were highly rated by the dark teachers in terms of resistance to temptation. Every virtue and strength of yours was noticed, taken into account, nothing was missed or devalued. Wherever these people go next, new opportunities are sure to arise for them. Their life will be built around pitfalls, luck will be on their side. The main thing is not to be afraid to move forward and continue to develop.
We wish everyone a good day and good mood,
Ar-ITec triad

The time has come on Earth when fantasy will become reality

The time has come on Earth when fantasy will become reality

As we have already told our readers , during the solar eclipse on April 8, very strange objects that looked like huge rods were flying in the Texas sky. However, as it turned out, this was not the only observation.
In the same Texas, but in some other town, people observed the following:
And this one flew to Missouri:
Here are two videos combined. The second UFO is in Texas, the first shows a similar object over Mexico:
Mexico again:
And this miracle happened in China. It’s very hard to believe that this is not some kind of space portal:
UK, rod almost hit a plane:
Here, unfortunately, the location of the shooting is not indicated, however, the video is interesting because it captures the speed typical for a UFO:
However, the most interesting footage came from the USA:
The first thing you might think of is a half-deflated balloon, a large balloon. If this were a photo, we would say so. However, the camera is in the car, the car is driving, the landscape changes and allows you to estimate the distance to the object. It is located behind the tree line, which is several kilometers away.
From such a distance, even the heaviest airship will seem very small, but this is something huge, some kind of thing from a science fiction movie. And it clearly hovered with the blessing of the US government – there are no fighter jets or cannons firing at the object in the frame. 
Although it cannot be said that before April 8, the brothers in reason did not spoil us with their performances, now they have become increasingly strange and more widespread. This allows us to think that if the brothers in mind have been planning something all this time, then it seems that these plans have entered the stage of implementation, so we are monitoring the development of events.

New celestial anomaly over Texas

New celestial anomaly over Texas, but NASA already has a great “explanation”

On April 10, 2024, freelance artist AbdurAstro, living in Texas, looked into the sky and saw the following:
Topography of the spot against the background of the constellations:
Puzzled, Abdur turned to theThe SportoloNASA, where they answered him the following:
This happens a lot in Texas. On April 10, around 2:14 a.m., amateur astronomer Abdur Anwar looked up from Big Bend National Park and saw a glowing red blob sliding across the starry sky. “I photographed this with my Google Pixel 6a phone in night mode,” he says.
“Is this a new aurora phenomenon?” asks Abdur.
No, it’s SpaceX.
About 90 minutes before the red blob appeared, a Falcon 9 rocket lifted off from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida, carrying 23 Starlink satellites into low Earth orbit (Starlink Group 6-48). After the satellites were deployed, the rocket’s second stage deorbited, creating a nearly spherical red light.
This is not the first time sky watchers have noticed this phenomenon. “We see two to five of these objects every month,” reports Stephen Hummel of the McDonald Observatory in Texas, who photographed a spectacular example last November.
The red glow is created by a chemical reaction. When Falcon 9 rocket engines deorbit, they release water (H 2 O) and carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) into the upper atmosphere—as much as 400 pounds of exhaust gases. A complex series of charge exchange reactions between these molecules and the O+ atoms produces red light with a wavelength of 6300 Å—coincidentally, the same color as red auroras.
If we sat on the Nobel Committee, then every second prize in literature would be given to science fiction writers from NASA. who can explain almost anything. And every second peace prize was awarded to Elon Musk, who was ready to take on any anomaly. However, balance and bulldoze do not match among science fiction writers. 
The official space age began in 1957, when the first official Earth satellite was launched. And since then, everything has flown, but there has been no red light from it. At the same time, rocket fuel has not changed since 1957 – oxygen and kerosene for the first stage, oxygen and hydrogen for the last – and even then not always. 
And red balls appeared in the sky only recently:
They are observed all over the world and quite often, but an order of magnitude less often than the launches of Falcon 9 or other rockets. And for everyone it was a mystery, no one explained anything to anyone. And then it turns out that it’s Elon Musk again! He is already just like Osama bin Laden – he is always to blame for everything. Not today or tomorrow, environmental activists will crush it and drown the ashes in the sea. 
We will not say that this red spot was Nibiru, which became visible, but something is definitely happening in the sky and Falcon 9 is not involved in these processes. And everything goes to the point that clarification of everything will happen in the coming months and years, approximately within the 1260 days of Daniel, so we are monitoring the development of events.

An insider spoke about the CERN experiment

An insider spoke about the CERN experiment on the day of the eclipse on April 8

After the well-known events of April 13-14 and in anticipation of the events that would certainly follow, the world somehow instantly forgot about the solar eclipse and many of the oddities associated with it. CERN, FEMA, FBI, FAA, NASA are serious organizations, they all warned about something and carried out deployments. However, nothing happened except for a wave anomaly in Antarctica.
And then a strange friend appeared on the Internet…

The video does not belong to the author of the channel – he simply drags to himself all sorts of things for which there is a stir. We will retell in a nutshell what it is about and at the same time illustrate the story with real events that we previously reported.
The voice in the video seems to be a certain “NASA employee” who broke the pots with the management and ran to the network to tell what the bosses are doing. And he has a roof in the form of very big bosses who are in the know, but slightly screwed up when they realized what they were doing. 
According to this “informant,” it all started in 2012, which the Mayans warned about and in which nothing seemed to happen except the discovery of the Higgs boson, also known as the “god particle,” which is incorrectly translated as “God Particle.” But this was the official version.
In fact, CERN made a portal to an unknown location, which attracted the attention of some super-civilization, which immediately stretched a “coaxial cable” there – some kind of device similar to the one that zoologists stick into a hole with rats to see what there and how. And information about this device began to be leaked to light adherents. 
Some of the information concerned instructions for the construction of various simple devices such as Artificial Intelligence, new energy sources, new materials, and so on. But the main part involved building a portal through which something larger than a camera with a fiber optic cable could be shoved into a rat hole. But this required energy, the collection of which took 12 years to prepare.  
Part of the energy was supplied by CERN, launching another miracle experiment. 
Part of the energy was provided by the Sun and the planetary configuration at the time of the solar eclipse. 
Part of the energy (this energy is called loosh) was supplied by several billion people who, in anticipation of an astronomical event, actively discussed it, worried and released that same metaphysical energy
And so, when the “eclipse” began, the portal opened and began to pump energy out of the Sun, which everyone saw through telescopes:
When enough energy was collected, a black sphere flew out of the portal, which NASA identified as a “ship”, since the natives had no other words at this stage of development.
The “ship” solved a certain problem for the native leaders – it caused an eclipse of the Sun, which could not have happened, since after 2012 and the opening of the portal, the Earth fell out of orbit and now rotates something like this:
And after that the “ship” set off for Antarctica, slightly stirring up the sea:
Now this “ship” continues to remain somewhere in the region of the South Pole, continuing to collect the mental energy loosh, which people emit during strong emotions, and some bosses at NASA were scared and worried that the black sphere would not finish them off. 
We don’t know, of course, what kind of “informant” this is – it’s possible that the guy is just another schizophrenic, of which there are quite a few on Tik Tok and YouTube. But perhaps not. Besides, maybe the dude himself has a portal in his head and gets something from there. Note that Iran began to escalate the situation just in the area of the eclipse and immediately after the eclipse.
The Israeli military sent many glorious Shiites to the virgins, but every time in Tehran they sat on their butts. And the Shiites can be understood. When the same Soleimani died, the office was immediately vacated and its new owner immediately brought his girls there and deployed his people. And then the Israelis killed seven woodcocks at once with one shot – that is, they vacated seven offices, helping people grow in rank. 
Here we must rejoice and thank the Israeli military, and also send a kickback. But instead, the Shiites were pushing: we’ll hit it here, we’ll hit it here, we’ll hit it in 24 hours, we’ll hit it in 48 hours, and so on. And the whole world was on edge, releasing precious energy for the alien brothers. Therefore, with schizophrenia, not everything is so simple. Therefore, if this “informant” is at least 50% right, soon the masses will release more energy, much more, so we are monitoring the developments.

April 14

Receiving More from the Pleiadians, Sirians & Us – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 14

“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so intricately woven into your stories there on Earth because of our participation in your lives in this moment. We have been watching, observing humanity for quite some time, and of course we have always helped from afar in all the ways that we could. But now that we have made ourselves known to those of you who want to know us, you have included us in so much of what you think and what you believe. And therefore, we can be more powerful contributors in your experience. We also want to help, and that plays such an enormous role in how much help you receive.
You know that you have helpers. You know that there are beings and collectives like us throughout this universe who want to assist, and you like receiving help. Now is the time to open up to more of the help that is being given, and that is because so many more of us are showing up at this time. There are so many more who are willing to say ‘yes’ to the human collective. We want to know how we can help.
We also want you to know that the upgrades and activations that are coming to you at this time are all about making you better receptors of the help that you are receiving. It can bounce off of you if you are not welcoming it in. It can also be too much energy for your bodies to handle. And so, you are getting upgrades to be able to handle all the help that is coming from us, from the Pleiadians, from the Sirians, from all of the other helpers that you have heard of and from many that you have never heard of.
You will continue to receive help from the beings in the spaceships in your skies, as they know how significant you are in the unfoldment of the shift in consciousness that is happening all throughout this universe. We have told you on many occasions that it serves you very well just to sit and relax and open up and receive what is coming to you, but do you realize that right now you could receive so much more? Do you realize that not only is more help always on its way but also that the help that has being given and has not been received is still there? Energies are around you at all times to be utilized by you for whatever purposes you have for them.
This is why we are helping you in this moment to be better receivers, better receptors physically, emotionally, and energetically, of all that is available to you. We will continue to help and to serve, and we will continue to enlist others in our dimension to put their attention on you at this time, as we know this is a pivotal time for humanity, and so many more of you are awakening every day. What you want to awaken to is just how worthy you are of receiving all that is coming to you from above.
We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 13

Going Where No Other Human Has Gone Before – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 13

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are quite fascinated by humanity’s ability to go beyond where others in human form on Earth have gone. We have seen it many times in your evolutionary history, and we notice that those who break the mold so to speak do so because they feel the itch within them. And we know that those of you who receive these messages have that itch. We know that you feel ready to move beyond where the rest of humanity is at this time, and we want you to recognize that the itch doesn’t have to be uncomfortable. It can feel like a calling; it can feel like a warm, loving sensation that is inviting you towards a particular endeavor.
Perhaps you will feel inspired to say something to someone, and that will be your itch. Or perhaps you will feel that the leap of faith you need to take involves your work, your career, or starting a new business. And sometimes you will find that your calling has to do with something that is seemingly not that important, like whether you get up and dance or not at a wedding.
You see, everything matters; every moment is an opportunity to be more of who you are, and those of you who are seizing those moments are making the biggest difference there on Earth. Most importantly, however, you are giving yourselves an opportunity to be more of who you are as Source Energy Beings. Oftentimes, we hear you express the itch in a variety of ways, including the desire to be somewhere else. We know that other places in the galaxy feel more alluring to you than Mother Earth does at this time. And yes, life is easier in other parts of the galaxy and universe, but you didn’t want the easy ride in this life…not at first, anyway.
When you recognize that you have the ability to take something that seems like an insurmountable challenge and turn it into a fun, joyous experience, that’s when you know you have attained mastery. When you take something that looks difficult and you turn it into something that is easy, that’s when you know you have risen above the level of consciousness that you once found so comfortable. We know that you are ready to make the quantum leaps that are possible for all of you, and we know that there has never been a better time than now to do so. We also trust that whatever it is that you are feeling called to do or say or be, that calling will get louder. It will take over, and you will feel that all you need to do is let go and let yourself be who you really are, without all of the impediments that you placed around who you really are in this lifetime.
And you don’t have to single each and every one of them out and pluck it away or destroy it. As you make a commitment to yourself to be who you really are, all blockages melt away. All obstacles suddenly become helpers. You change everything when you change one thing, and the one thing that is calling you right now is something that you cannot deny any longer within yourself. You have gotten to this point now where you must do what you must do, you must say what you must say, and you must become what you must become. You still have free will, of course, but we see you exercising that free will in the most positive way possible, from this moment forward, in this lifetime, on planet Earth. We know it; we feel it, and we witness it every day with those on Earth who are ready to take that leap of faith and go beyond where any other human has gone before.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
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