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I have to remind that the free choice represents not only rights, but also obligations. Directly said – noone else will come to do our job. Everybody wants to make use of the benefits of the free choice, but at the same time is waiting for someone else to tell him what he has to do or, if he does it instead of him, it would be even better. But there are things that noone can do instead of you.
It’s about consciousness. In all the other worlds the work is done not by hands but by consciousness and awareness. So everyone has to take care to master himself on this instrument, there is no way that someone else master your own consciousness instead of you, i.e. there is a way, but you will not be able to use it, with all its consequences.
Let’s start with the idea about ourselves. You are what you think you are. Everybody waits for the promised unity with their Higher Self to fall from the sky. But actually this unity has never been broken – only your consciousness has given up on it, has forgotten about its existence. While you think you are just your body, you will never be able to hear your Higher Self. While you think you are your feelings and emotions – there is no way to contact your Higher Self. While you think that the thoughts in your head are your Higher Self – you can’t perceive it. Even your soul is not your Higher Self. All things mentioned here are just instruments that you use temporarily – did you manage to distance yourself from them or it is just theoretically?
Your Higher Self is the Spirit in you, the presence of God – only if you identify yourself with Him you can become one with the Unity and to use all benefits and knowledge. And here a big contradiction is created in your consciousness: If I am God, why am I so weak? This is the consciousness we talk about. If you want to be a God, get down to God’s problems. God’s problems are solved by realizing the reality, i.e. getting rid of the illusions, the ignorance. And for this you ought to always have the desire to change yourself, and not to leave it for better times. And secondly, to have the divine power you have to realize very clearly that God is a collective being and his power comes from the Unity, from the integration around one goal. I.e. you have to change yourself first – to tune yourself to do God’s work and thus to attract followers. We will find out what collective power means henceforward. There are ancient facilities made from enormous stones, weighing thousands of tones. The contemporary civilization cannot still lift such heavy objects. And in those times only about 20 people have picked them up only with the power of their consciousness. But this cannot be achieved by people who have presumed they were weak and insignificant. The other important condition is that these people have one goal, one wish – you can see how much work is necessary from the contemporary `eagle, crab and pike` to have unified thought and absolute trust. The power of the thought can enter into resonance and increase million times, but only a very small doubt is necessary to crash this resonance. When will you become that balanced so that you don’t let even the smallest shade of doubt? Everything is in your hands – there is noone to do it for you.
Another direction to work with your consciousness is the perception of the environment. In the decomposed body of a dog Christ can see beautiful white teeth. And what do you notice? Ohhh! How awfully it stinks! What really happens: Christ can see the beautiful and passes by the unpleasant and it cannot break his balance, peace and happiness. And to you – the stink can ruin your whole day, even your lunch. Let’s not even talk when you are in a bad mood how many more people’s mood you can spoil. But the perception of the reality is in your hands and it is absolutely not beyond your abilities to change your point of view. It is absolutely enough to get used to the thought that everything that exists has a positive, beautiful side and at the same time – a bad and a mean one. In the beginning it will be necessary to deliberately search for the beauty, but after a while it will become automatically, and you will also automatically not pay attention to the things that you dislike now. You will have to give the right to the other people to make mistakes and not to instruct constantly – don’t forget that they also have the right of a free choice, not only you. When you learn how to pay attention only to the beautiful, you will always feel wonderful, nothing will be able to depress you or get you out of your balance. You might say it is an escape from the reality. No, it isn’t. It is only a sound sense and getting rid of the illusions. Because as I have many times repeated, our consciousness is a traffic warden, or even more visually you can imagine that your consciousness is a giant spotlight. Where you point it to, this is where the energy stream flows. You enlighten the darkness and it disappears, it melts. When you notice the bad thing, you supply it with energy and it grows and multiplies. Multiply the beautiful, the good!
The next important problem in front of the consciousness is the abundance. On the Earth there are goods enough to satisfy the needs of a TEN times bigger population. But someone has the interest to maintain the public consciousness in a constant stress from the shortage of this or that. Won’t you finally realize this manipulation and get rid of its clutch? This mass insinuation leads to overstocking, i.e. it stimulates the increase of the profits. But the biggest part of the overstocking is never used and is thrown away. Therefore, in order not to exist hungry, barefoot or naked people on Earth, do not overstock, do not throw food, clothes or shoes. You should realize how many things are covered with dust in our homes and you use them so rarely. Don’t you think that some other people could use them so that they don’t feel the shortage and that the abundance exists for them, too? The shortage and the abundance (as anything else) are subordinate to your consciousness. You constantly think about the shortage of this or that, you don’t have money for other things – your consciousness feeds the shortage and if it doesn’t increase, it stays constantly at the same level. If you enjoy the abundance you have, you feed it and it grows. I.e., be constantly thankful, every day, for what you have – don’t keep in you mind what you miss. This way you will be always joyful and happy. You will become more and more centered and harmonic and nothing from outside will not be able to get you out of your balance and cause you unpleasant emotions.
The universe is a harmonic unity and it constantly aims to keep the harmony where it’s been already created, just like the dark powers try to keep the people in a constant fear and depression. It depends on you what you will choose. If you are in harmony, the moment you feel the smallest shortage, a process in the Universe sets in motion, which tries to fill in this shortage and to restore your harmonic balance. But the Universe is smart and does not fill molehills with water (no matter how much water you pour, you can’t fill it). I.e. most of the people, no matter how much they have, they always think it is not sufficient, because someone else has more. This is why while you are focused on the shortage and it upsets you, there is no chance to understand what abundance and satisfaction are. Is it really so difficult to be content with what you have?
I hope that most of you know about the changes that happen with the Earth. It has been reached by more and more energy and consequently the frequencies and the amplitudes of its energies are raised. And as all the people are one with the Earth, there is no way to ignore these processes. According to their energy condition, there are three types of people (conditionally divided). Those who are obsessed by the illusions and the ego due to constant depression, vibrate on lower frequencies than those of the Earth. Due to the fast changes it leads to a quick degradation. If some time ago the deterioration of people’s health has been noticed from one year compared to the other, now it’s been observed from one month compared to the other, and in some cases the deterioration can be even quicker – it depends for how much time they manage to come out of the depression. It is known for a long time that the depressive condition reduces the immunity. Now it is especially strong. The mass scale of this phenomenon will bring to the development of a new disease similar to the AIDS, which directly or not, together with the natural disasters and the military actions, will bring to a reduction of the Earth population with about FIVE BILLION people in the next 20 years. In a year or two it will be obvious for everyone that the mortality progressively increases and after that the big horror starts. This collective emotion is very strong and will ruin the fragile balance in the Earth layers.
The second group of people who fall in comparatively rare depressive situations, they manage to follow the changes in the Earth energies. When the mass psychosis starts, which I call “the big horror”, these people still have the chance to save themselves from the collapse of their emotional situation, i.e. from reducing their energy vibrations, which would automatically move them to the first group. I.e. these people still have the chance to survive the critical Earth period. It is good that the biggest part of this group consists of young people.
And in the third group are people who, for one reason or another, are in a harmonic situation, they enjoy life actively and this keeps their vibrations to a high level and in some sense, even anticipate the raise of the Earth frequencies. These people enjoy good health and a wonderful immune system and have the biggest chance to pass unhindered all the problems of the critical period. Due to the active energy, these people shine, even not with a visible light. This is reflected to the people around them, and can even get them out of depression. During the big horror there will be a great need of these people, if, of course, they manage to stay balanced and harmonic. Thousands of panicked people around them will need their calmness and their smile – to give hope in such moments is a salvation for many people. But I have to emphasize: the strong-willed calmness doesn’t work – compassion and love have to be given, and if you feel frightened from inside, you will not be of a big benefit. A really stable balance is necessary and it is reached by the above-mentioned transformations of the consciousness. Many people have a big wish to serve God and during the big horror they will have the possibility to do it. There is still time to prepare for this, but only if they get down to their consciousness seriously. If they rely on the changes in the Earth to drag them under tow, they will not be able to help their family, and even themselves. You can estimate yourself (if you treat the issue seriously) – will you keep a cool head during a mass horror?
These people are the Earth’s chance to keep the balance in certain limits, so that the planet will not be destroyed. These people will have to neutralize the mass horror with their own energy. The better they manage, the more people have the chance to survive the critical period. Do you want to do it? NOW is the time to make your choice. Changes in the consciousness, as I hope, you know well, don’t happen with a magic wand – they need time. And that’s why you have to start immediately. Good luck!
Translated by Anna Karshovska
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