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The man who learned to control the universe

The man who learned to control the universe

The man who learned to control the universe

Seeing this man on the street, for sure, many people will have the first association — an alcoholic / homeless person / blogger… In fact, this is Grigory Perelman, a brilliant St. Petersburg mathematician who shocked the scientific world by proving the Poincare hypothesis — one of the most difficult mysteries of the millennium. The scientist refuses all prizes awarded to him by the scientific world, including those who refused to accept the Fields Medal or the $1,000,000 Clay Prize. “I know how to control the universe. And tell me, why should I run after a million?” — He says.
P.S. You see a typical case of a person with content, without complexes, who is not interested in other people’s opinion, who is only interested in being comfortable and pleasant. Compare with the posers who replace the lack of content with appearance, and why it is important to have someone else’s opinion about them. Yosif Yorgov
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