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Soft steps to a man’s heart

Soft steps to a man’s heart

Soft steps to a man’s heart

Active and not so active, athletic and feminine, strict and giggly, managers and chefs, brunettes and blondes – everyone wants male love and its manifestations. Any woman melts from the words “the only one”, “beloved”, “you are my soul”, “I have dreamed of you all my life”, “I will not give you to anyone”.
Oh, how many manipulations and tricks women use to get at least an inch closer to these words and feelings.
If we look at women who, today, hear all this and are happy in a relationship, it will be extremely difficult to find common features or actions between them….But if you had been watching and helping to change lives and relationships for 15 years, you would have seen a little bit of those manifestations that helped many people reach that very male love, and not a quick loss of interest, irritation and conflicts out of the blue. So, I’m sharing.
Let’s go from the opposite. Okay?
Let’s imagine that you came to the store for the thing you need, you are greeted unfriendly by an unbridled-looking salesman. Well, that’s how it happens. She doesn’t care what you need, whether she sells you the product or not, she rolls her eyes, smacks her lips. What do you think?
Now let’s imagine that you came to a restaurant. A good waiter takes your order, very interested, with sloppy nails, a dirty apron and dirty hair. How are you?
You choose a babysitter for your children. A dry bore comes in, who mutters monotonously about development, rules, money, working hours, and you don’t see a single emotion, no smile, no participation, a memorized text?
At work, you are given a partner or a partner who tells you everything about themselves, about their friends, relatives, about the intrigues and vicissitudes of their lives. Constantly. Do you have your own affairs, but he or she constantly demands your attention, opinion, support? He takes offense at your busy schedule, and then he talks about someone again…
You meet a guy who loves plush toys, hair gel, endearments and sometimes cries out of awe or resentment. What will you feel like?
1. Appearance is not the main thing, but the most important thing
Both you and I, as well as any person, have the opportunity and choice, we will use them. If I have a choice to buy a beautiful bag or not a beautiful one, rather, I will choose the first option.
Also, when choosing a companion, a man will choose a more beautiful one, because it is easier and more pleasant, firstly, secondly, men do not believe that a beautiful inner world can be in an ugly frame.
It is difficult to imagine a man who would approach an untidy woman with dirty hair, pimples all over her face and say: – A beautiful stranger! Would you tell me about your inner world, I really want to tie my fate with you.
Step one – learn, first of all, to highlight and love your external advantages
Taking care of one’s appearance by a man will be appreciated more than cutlets according to a super recipe, but with garlic under the nails.
2. You have to learn to smile too!
Am I a fool to smile at everyone? I just want to ask, why do everyone in a row, are you a fool?
When you want to make sure that women hate you, go to some lecture and stand in the lecturer’s place, look carefully at the listeners. At best, 1% out of 100% will smile at you. And these are women in safe and even comfortable conditions, they came to receive knowledge and, obviously, the more open they are, the easier it will be to learn knowledge. But that was not the case. Most women burn the first half of the lecture with a look of cold hatred so that it could be used on the battlefield by intimidators of enemies. The most amazing thing is that after that, during the break, one or two of them will come up and say that they are very interested! I never would have thought, really! It is always surprising to me, such a degree of discrepancy between the internal state and the external one. And the man? How can you tell from the stony face that she would be pleased to meet you? You yourself are not particularly pleased with ungracious sellers.
The answer is simple. Many people do not know how to smile. And when we don’t know how to do something, we are afraid of it. The good news is that there is a choice – to be afraid further or to learn. And, God forbid, don’t study with strangers or unpleasant people. Learn by yourself. Every hour, according to a reminder on the phone, smile at yourself, if you want to look in the mirror, if you want to without. In any case, it will be warmer and one less fear. And, at best, you will wield your smile like a weapon that is difficult to resist.
3. Where should I put my mind? I’m not a blonde!
Many women, convinced of their strength and intelligence, exclude any manifestations of femininity, which in itself is stupid.
– Men are just afraid of me!
– I’ll tell you more, women are afraid of you too. Of course, they are more afraid of your integrity and correctness.
This category of women, in principle, does everything according to the rules; a cosmetologist is there, a pedicure, a trendy dress, reads books. But… she’s a soldier. According to the rules!
What is the problem? In high, in freedom, in pleasure, in comfort, in laughter from joy. There is no relationship without inner freedom, which begins with allowing yourself, between all the right things, to enjoy what you really like! Dancing, singing, cooking, shopping, floristry, motorcycles, theater, champagne, shoes, girlfriends, mountaineering, swimming, lecture, traveling, drawing – but not for show, but in order to dissolve into it as one day you two will dissolve into the freedom of your feelings. Wow!
4. The ships tacked, tacked, but did not sail
Learn to answer exactly the questions that you are discussing, or your partner is asking you. Unnecessary arguments, even the most reasoned ones, have never aroused men. Unnecessary chatter has never been valuable and important information. Stop entertaining others with your opinions on all topics in a row. It ‘s annoying .
Learn to ask a question:
– What exactly do I expect from him?
Activity, attention, expressions of love, respect – these are all not specific.
Movies, flowers, dinner, nail the shelf, sex – this is concrete! And when you start discussing plans with him, just include any specific item in them. The man will be only too glad.
When you don’t understand why a man says something to you or behaves strangely, in your opinion, ask him a specific question.:
– What do you expect from me?
And if you get a clear answer, try to accept it. If there is any kind of turbidity: “you have to feel,” “but can’t you guess for yourself?” etc., take care of yourself without hesitation. Well, unless, of course, there is a desire to dig into their inferiority, since they do not come with mud after another.
5. Learn to love sex
Sex is not a job or an obligation. Sex is the result of communication between a man and a woman. Sex without result, but simply because it’s like a rose without a cake, delicious, but not enough.
Of course, there are many trainings on the topic of technique and philosophy of sex, but until you yourself know and feel what you like about sex and how, no training will help you. Masturbation is a tool for exploring your fantasies and body, your characteristics.
Nothing stimulates a man like a female orgasm, sensual, sincere, healthy. First, learn to relax, study your body and your reactions, and fantasize.
By Anna Iotko
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