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The wife is an abuser

The wife is an abuser

The wife is an abuser

What is the difference between an abusive woman and a woman prone to excessive impulsivity? There is one difference. The abuser enjoys it. From the control, from the screams, from the training, and most importantly, from the kind of pain of the victim. And she will hold on to her victim until the end. He won’t just let go.
When we talk about abuse and domestic violence, we often present such a picture. A trembling woman with bruises under her eyes and an angry man clenching his fists, ready to hit his victim. Indeed, such a distribution of roles is more common. But sometimes, everything happens exactly the opposite. When the victim is a man and the woman is an aggressive abuser.
If the wife is an abuser…
The abuser uses both physical and moral violence against the victim. The ability to manipulate a victim is typical for abusers of any gender.
A female abuser chooses more often than not physical violence. Although he can use his fists. Moreover, it is protected by the rule of public morality – girls are not beaten and, as a result, they do not give back.
A female abuser can be attractive externally. And at the dating stage, she is very sweet and courteous. Gently and tenderly, she attracts a man into her networks. She sympathizes and understands him. And at the beginning of a relationship, a man can enjoy her company.
But gradually other qualities begin to manifest themselves.
Control. Where have you been? What did you do? Why didn’t you call? A full account of the man’s life. She can view the browser history, read personal correspondence. And if a man tries to get rid of control, he gets a large portion of insults and humiliations from her.
The abuser woman is impulsive. Here she is calm as still water, but she explodes like a storm and pounces on a man with anger and fury, showering him with a stream of evil words and unfair reproaches. She does everything to trample him into the mud, seeks to destroy him, to suppress him.
Such a woman may be full of unrealistic expectations from her partner. She constantly demands something from him with tantrums and screams. She proves to him what he should do and what he should be like. And it should be such that only she likes it.
The situation worsens if a woman earns significantly more than her husband.
The abuser’s wife comes up with various punishments if the spouse does something contrary to her demands. Boycott, excommunication, prohibition of communication with family and friends.
The abuser’s woman has a lot of abusive epithets in her vocabulary. Being a skilled manipulator, she quickly finds that painful point of her husband, from touching which he seems to be electrocuted. And she will put pressure on her for a long time and with pleasure, watching the victim suffer.
The abuser’s wife’s favorite manipulation is children. She threatens not only to divorce, but also that she will not allow her children to meet. I.e., she is ready to leave her children without a father, just to hurt a man.
Many people reading this article will think that women are prone to screaming and tantrums. What is the difference between an abusive woman and a woman prone to excessive impulsivity? There is one difference. The abuser enjoys it. From the control, from the screams, from the training, and most importantly, from the kind of pain of the victim. And she will hold on to her victim until the end. He won’t just let go.
But there is also a good difference. Female abusers, unlike those of men, are more often able to understand and accept that their behavior goes beyond the norm and make attempts to change themselves.
Author Larisa Solovyova
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