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Can Angels help everyone

Can Angels help everyone

Can Angels help everyone?

Of course, everyone!
They are there for us when we need them. And a person chooses for himself whether to accept the help of Angels or not. This is our choice!
And what can Angels do?
They can help us energetically. If you ask the Angels to hug you, you will feel something change inside you. Someone will feel that it has become calmer. Someone will feel happiness, joy, love… someone will feel unearthly grace…
And Angels can also protect us. They, as loving and caring Helpers on the way, are always ready to lead out of dangerous and terrible life situations. You just need to ask them! And the Angels will show the way, show the way out, help you pass, support you on the way … Notice their signs and people-helpers, the most diverse help that they have brought to you. And in an amazing way, you will notice how you are being taken care of.
Angels place thousands of priceless clues on our path every day, so that we get lost less, so that we feel that we are not alone on Earth.
We all came with great Divine support so that it would be easier to go through everything that the Soul had planned.
When a person feels Divine support behind his back, it is easier to go through any experience, any Path.
My dear ones, feel that you are not alone on Earth! Go along with the Light Forces that are called to help you!
With love to everyone,
Magda Funia.
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