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Lee’s vibration forecast for July 2024

Lee’s vibration forecast for July 2024

Lee’s vibration forecast for July 2024

In July, the blocks of collective consciousness shift. The apparent external lull will be filled with very powerful internal changes. The process of shifting the focus of attention of all mankind from old paradigms to new structures is being launched. And this is a unidirectional evolutionary process.
During this period, many people will have unusual dreams. At every step you will hear stories about unusual dreams and the strange events that took place in them. These are signs that subconsciously a person has already made a decision to change the collective reality, and now his mind is trying to digest it somehow.
At night, something like meetings will be organized in which the individual conclusions of some are brought to the knowledge of others, bringing it to public discussion and voting. Something like how the first settlers returned from new territories and tell others what kind of life there is in distant lands. Based on these “reports”, the inhabitants of the “old world” begin to make a decision about moving, discussing details and voting on organizational issues.
After such dreams, in the waking state, people will tend to make rather drastic decisions to change their lifestyle, change their points of view, pay attention to new things for themselves, and in general their tastes and preferences may noticeably shift.
In some regions, there may be corresponding underground displacements occurring at energy blocking points. That is, the Earth vibrationally reflects these processes, showing activity where people are not in a hurry to change. One way or another, the energy of high vibrations will have to be evenly distributed across the planet in a few months. The existing distortions will begin to smooth out.
On a personal level, you can see how sharply some familiar people are moving away from you, and vice versa, unusual types appear in your social circle. You may be surprised that these people lead some kind of strange lifestyle that you didn’t even know about before.
You will also hear new names, learn about the existence of some organizations, new types of animals and new customs. And all this will look outwardly as if it has always been present, but only recently became known to the general public.
However, these are signs of another reality, and not discoveries in the old one at all. In a certain sense, these are fresh circumstances that appeared in the current month, but the story about them from the present time is stretched back in time.
And most likely, scientists will notice these effects of “reverse time dilation” in the collective reality, but they will not yet understand how to interpret them. It will be something like a strange behavior of particle energy and at the same time an oddity in the behavior of stars. Science will take time to understand Time, so the effects will be fixed, but there will be no explanation for them yet.
In July, you can use the above circumstances to confirm that the transition process has started. This will create an additional foothold for you personally. Which, in general, will make it possible to complete a personal transformation much faster than it will take place on a collective level. And then you will need a year or even a couple of months for what humanity as a whole realizes in ten years.
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