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June 25

June 25

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Social Needs)
June 25, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to continue talking about the peculiarities of life in the communes, which you need to be prepared for.
In addition to psychological difficulties and the ability to overcome them with dignity, you will also have to face the fact that many will have to master a completely new business for them.
This will mainly concern those people who do not have any pronounced abilities, which means that they will have to adapt to circumstances and do what is most important and necessary for the residents of the commune at the moment.
Therefore, you need to be prepared to take into account not only your own interests and desires, but above all social needs.
At the same time, it is very important to tune in morally so that the new job does not turn into a heavy burden for you.
So, for example, for people who have never been engaged in agriculture or did not like cooking, you may suddenly have to become gardeners or cooks.
But in order for a new job to bring you joy, you need a special attitude.
For sure, at first you will have experienced mentors who will teach you all the subtleties of a new craft.
And the main inspiring factor should be for you the idea that with your work you are making a feasible contribution to the common cause – the development of the commune that you have dreamed of for so long, or, in other words, that now you are creating for the highest good of all, not only energetically, but also physically.
This attitude will help you easily and quickly master a new business for you, and the gratitude of others will be your main reward for your work.
Gradually, as the commune is formed and developed, everything will fall into place, and each of its residents will definitely find their own business to their liking.
But the more diverse your activities and acquired skills are at the beginning of your journey, the easier it will be for you to find your place in the commune in the future, because you will understand exactly what you do best and what brings you the most joy and return.
Therefore, my dear ones, do not be afraid to take on any job, because there is nothing more valuable than the acquired new experience.
This is what will help you find yourself and finally understand what your purpose is.
We will stop here today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you.
Channeled by Marta on 25 June, 2024.
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