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How Gandhi taught a violent professor a lesson

How Gandhi taught a violent professor a lesson

How Gandhi taught a violent professor a lesson

When Gandhi studied law at the University of London, he had a professor Peters who couldn’t stand him.
Gandhi was not a guy who could be intimidated.
One day, the professor was eating in the dining room, and Gandhi sat next to him.
The professor said: “Mr. Gandhi, do you know that a pig and a bird cannot eat together?” “
“Okay, Professor, I’m flying out…” replied Gandhi, who sat down at another table.
Deeply annoyed, the professor decided to take revenge on the next exam, but Gandhi brilliantly answered all the questions.
Then he decided to ask him the following question:
“Mr. Gandhi, imagine that you are standing on the road and notice a bag; they open it and find wisdom and a lot of money.” Which of the two would they choose? “
“Of course it’s money, prof.”
“Ah, I would choose wisdom. “
“You’re right, Professor; in fact, everyone chooses what they DON’T have!” “
The professor wrote the word idiot in anger and returned the test to him.
Gandhi read the test result and immediately returned.
“Professor, you signed the exam, but you forgot to evaluate it! “
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