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Pastors warn about July 20th

Pastors warn about July 20th

Pastors warn about July 20th

In one of our recent materials, we once joked that in the relatively recent past, Vangas for the End of the World were a relative rarity, but after 2020 they disappeared like crazy.
Today, so many people are promising a geological catastrophe, World War III, or something like that, that paying attention to every forecast is pointless. However, sometimes very interesting specimens are found. 
 On April 12, 2024, I was praying in the spirit and suddenly I saw a calendar in front of me with frightening clarity. The date was shown there: July 20th. Unfortunately, I was not able to review the year. 
 I kept thinking about this topic for several weeks and on May 28, 2024, before falling asleep, I prayed to the Lord for a long time to show me the meaning of this date. And that night I dreamed the following.  
I was in some school class or even in an office. I was at the last tables and desks. A woman with blond hair walked past me, approached the teacher’s desk, where there was a folded map of the world, and asked: can I take this map? 
The teacher (or perhaps the administrator of the office where I was located) forbade her from doing this. Nevertheless, the blonde  still took the card and left with an insolent look. 
Feeling some importance of this card, I ran up to the teacher and began shouting to him that I urgently needed to call the security service. And at that moment I looked behind the teacher. There hung another unfolded map of the world, where some huge black blot blurred before our eyes. 
 I tried to look at and remember the geographic area where it was, but then I woke up. The only thing I remember is that the blonde was kind of angry. 
If this were one single prophecy about July 20th of an unknown year, it would not have been given much attention. In the end, the person did not see the region of the world that was filled with a black blot; there is no year either, which means there is no subject of conversation. However, by mid-July 2024 there were already a lot of gloomy vangs. 
What could this black blot mean? Cloud from a mega-volcano eruption? A new hotbed of war? A new pandemic? Or will a huge meteorite crash somewhere? It is possible that there will be some clarification in the visions of other people, so we are monitoring the development of events.
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