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June 23

June 23

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Tolerance in the Divine Understanding)
June 23, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to give you one more piece of advice on how to maintain harmonious relationships in the communes of the future.
But you can start following this advice now, which will allow you to acquire the skills that are so necessary for life in the Fifth Dimension.
And it’s about what you used to call tolerance.
But this time we will talk about it in more detail and from the height of the spiritual knowledge you have acquired.
So, what really lies under this concept?
First, let’s figure out how patience differs from tolerance.
Despite the fact that these are words of the same root, their meaning varies significantly.
Patience implies the ability to control oneself and restrain one’s uncontrollable emotional impulses.
And tolerance is a respectful attitude towards the personality of another person, whatever that person may be.
By and large, tolerance also means restraining your emotions towards a person who can annoy you, which happens most often in the three-dimensional world.
But we will consider this concept from a different angle and in the light of the prospects for creating communes that are the prototype of a society of the Fifth Dimension.
Tolerance in the highest sense of the word excludes any negative emotions, such as irritation, condemnation, superiority.
To perceive a person as he is is a great art, which is peculiar to few in the three—dimensional world.
Therefore, people’s tolerance is now most often forced – out of desperation or out of calculation.
Many simply have nowhere to go from people who are alien to them in spirit, whether it’s family or work.
As a result, holding back externally, internally they often “boil” with irritation and resentment, thereby destroying their psyche and health.
As for the relationships of people in the worlds of higher dimensions, for them tolerance is unconditional acceptance of another person and respect for his individual characteristics, which is based on Unconditional Love.
But this does not mean that you necessarily need to communicate closely with a person who does not coincide with you mentally or energetically.
You can gently distance yourself from him, but still be tolerant of him in your heart.
This is very important: to move away from communication with a person, keeping in your soul not irritation and condemnation, but Unconditional Love.
This is the main essence of such a concept as tolerance, in the highest – Divine – understanding of the word.
We will stop there today.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you.
Channeled by Marta on June 23 2024.
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