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Anxiety: physical signs of this condition

Anxiety: physical signs of this condition

Anxiety: physical signs of this condition

Anxiety is a mental disorder that is described as an involuntary reaction of expectation to internal or external stimuli. These may be our own thoughts or certain situations from everyday life. Anxiety is a set of physical and mental reactions that manifest themselves, as a rule, in stressful situations, in the event of any danger or hormonal changes in the body.
10 signs of anxiety:
Chest pain
A lump in the throat and difficulty breathing
Excessive sweating
Shoulder and neck pain
Digestive disorders
Skin diseases
Tingling in the muscles
Insomnia and anxiety
Pain in the eye area
Anxiety manifests itself in different ways for everyone (like all other feelings), depending on the stimulus and the ability to control emotions.
Anxiety attacks are mostly fleeting. However, in some patients, this condition becomes a chronic problem. The worst part is that many people simply ignore it and do not take any measures to cope with anxiety and prevent the consequences that it causes in the body.
For this reason, it is very important to know the warning signals and pay attention to them, even if they seem to be something ordinary.
Today we want to share with you the 10 main signs of anxiety, be vigilant so that they do not turn into a more serious problem!
1. Chest pain
Chest pain is a common occurrence among people suffering from anxiety attacks. In most cases, they are caused by muscle tension.
Although sometimes these pains are so severe that they are mistaken for a heart attack. The difference is that such attacks are short-lived and, of course, do not lead to such serious consequences as a heart attack.
2. A lump in the throat and difficulty breathing;
This symptom is also known as a “hysterical” or “nervous” lump in the throat. It appears as a result of contraction of the throat muscles during stress or before an anxiety attack.
If you feel tension in your throat and have difficulty swallowing food, then these are clear signs of an emotional imbalance.
3. Excessive sweating;
Sweating is an absolutely natural reaction of the body and a necessary process to maintain an optimal body temperature.
However, in the case of an anxiety attack, the activity of the sweat glands increases significantly. As a result, sweat is released in excessive amounts, which, of course, is abnormal.
4. Shoulder and neck pain;
Muscle tension during an anxiety attack usually affects the shoulders and neck.
Sometimes such discomfort is accompanied by numbness of the face or part of it. This can last for several minutes.
5. Digestive disorders;
The digestive system is directly related to our emotional state. It is not surprising that anxiety attacks cause digestive disorders.
Indigestion, excessive production of gastric juices and constipation are the most common problems faced by anxious people.
6. Skin diseases;
An increased level of anxiety often affects how we look. Anxiety leads to the development of skin diseases.
Rashes on the face, age spots or excessive dryness of the skin are the most common symptoms of those who experience emotional imbalance.
Sometimes the skin condition changes on the arms, back or other parts of the body.
When a person manages to cope with their anxiety, the skin regains its normal appearance.
7. Tingling in the muscles;
The feeling of weakness and tingling in the joints also indicates that the body is experiencing situations of increased tension and stress and is struggling with them.
This is due to the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the blood in the extremities, caused by a decrease in oxygenation (oxygen saturation of cells).
8. Insomnia and anxiety;
Insomnia and other sleep disorders are among the most unpleasant symptoms. They are often found in those who suffer from anxiety attacks.
If you have difficulty falling asleep and, conversely, “sleep on the go”, then most likely this is due to emotional problems.
An aggravating circumstance is that insomnia in the long term leads to other physical and mental disorders that greatly reduce the quality of life.
9. Pain in the eye area;
During anxiety attacks, the amount of certain body fluids decreases, or they are “redirected” to other parts of the body.
This leads to a decrease in the natural lubrication of the eyes. As a result, they may turn red and become dry. You will feel a burning sensation due to irritation of the mucous membrane.
10. Migraines;
Severe headaches (including migraines) are directly related to increased levels of anxiety and anxiety.
Tension and circulatory problems are often responsible for the appearance of this condition.
Do you notice any of these symptoms? Then it is better not to wait, but to start taking appropriate measures to cope with the emotional imbalance.
Practice various relaxation techniques and stick to a healthy diet, this will help overcome such difficulties.
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