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Summer of Transformations

Summer of Transformations

Summer of Transformations

My dear ones, this summer we all expect sharp vibrational jumps: up and down.
And they can be felt as amazingly beautiful flights vibrationally upward, when it is blissful, easy and inspiring to live inside. As well as sharp falls down, when you seem to plunge into dense matter and lose lightness, and this makes it hard inside, the most diverse negativity can come out.
Why is this happening? What is all this for?
This is a very important moment of your transformation and of the whole planet.
Calibration and space alignment are underway. The planet is being tuned to a new vibrational frequency, as a transition to a higher stage. At the end of summer, a very powerful vibrational leap awaits you, after which the Earth will move to a new spiritual level, as a step.
Sudden fluctuations in vibrations, of course, can negatively affect humanity, since people who live on low vibration will be very short-tempered and aggressive. It’s like all the blackness will come out of them. The masks will fall off and what the man was hiding in himself will finally come out.
For those who wish to keep up with the planet, to move with it to a higher vibrational frequency, it is necessary to stay in the Light.
And in difficult moments of inner purification, remember that this is only a Divine transformation. Try not to cling to the negative that comes out from the inside, do not give him attention, and therefore strength. Release it faster and align yourself to shine again.
Whatever comes out of you, live Consciously! Embrace the cleansing process and help it. The sooner you calm down and come into harmony, the easier the transformation will be.
It’s like a test for you to be ready to live in the Light. On the willingness to choose it every day, which means living at a higher vibrational frequency.
And no matter how you fall, no matter how many mistakes you make, remember that right now you can change everything. Right now, align yourself, transform all the negativity and shine! Remember that there is only Now. And right now you can make a lot of changes.
Have a wonderful transformation!
With love to everyone,
Magda Funia.
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