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A series of magnetic storms

A series of magnetic storms

A series of magnetic storms

For a whole month, every day we will be hit by magnetic storms, warns the Space Weather Prediction Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
The center warns that the forecast is dynamic and undergoes changes on different days.
For most of the week the value of the Cor index is 3, and for today, June 18 , it is 4.
On Wednesday, June 19, powerful eruptions of The Sun are predicted, which means that we are hit by a powerful magnetic storm with a yellow hazard level. The storms are expected to hit us by June 23. Then, with varying activity, they will continue until July 13.
After this date, each day will have a different magnetic storm.
Storms last from a few hours to several days, and their intensity, according to meteorologists, directly affects our well-being and mood.
However, according to Urga, the strength of the magnetic storm for June 18 is in the red zone, after which the values will be lower in the coming days.
The online forecast for solar eruptions and storms that offers and perplexes is calculated using satellite systems Urgant, perplexes and scientific international meteorological laboratories around the world.
The forecast is updated online, as such data is obtained from solar activity (usually every 10 minutes).
Also posted video of solar flares for the entire week starting June 16.
Weather-sensitive people may experience severe headaches, sleep disturbances, disorientation in the vestibular apparatus, and especially changes in normal blood pressure.
The effects of magnetic activity have also been associated with a significantly increased incidence of anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder.
Among the other negative effects of magnetic storms on our health are heart palpitations and a feeling of general malaise.
People with cardiovascular diseases, migraines and various chronic disease conditions feel more strongly the impact of these phenomena.
To reduce the signs of malaise in more sensitive people, experts advise to follow the following simple rules:
avoid heavy mental and physical work
– avoid alcohol use
– to practice breathing exercises
– if possible, avoid long standing outdoors in the sun
– drink plenty of water and prefer unloading activities
Maya Yordanova
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