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Conveyor for the production of moral cripples

Conveyor for the production of moral cripples

Conveyor for the production of moral cripples

I’m a child psychologist, and sometimes I get terribly overwhelmed. My main problem is the parents of my little clients, who themselves disfigure them. I don’t know whether I’m personally so “lucky” or whether, in fact, almost half of the children who are referred to a psychologist by doctors or teachers with suspicion of various disorders (this is how most clients come to me) have the same diagnosis: surrounding adults – idiots.
A four-year-old boy behaves aggressively, attacks other children on the playground and offends his little sister. After just ten minutes of communication with his mother and stepfather, everything becomes obvious. In the family, even adults do not know the words “sorry”, “please” and “thank you”; they usually communicate by yelling at each other, promises “I’ll hit you right now” and so on. The kindest thing they said to a child in front of me was “Shut up, you bastard!” And in general, it seems to the child’s stepfather (an aging gopnik, who according to his passport is over forty, but according to his mind is 13-14 years old) that he should teach the child to respond to any words of his grandmother with “Shut up, you old bitch!” – a great witty joke. In general, the boy does not have any disorders, he just looks like his parents.
A six-year-old girl, Sasha, talks about herself in the masculine gender and tries to convince everyone that she is a boy, Sanya. Gender identity disorder? Nevermind. It’s just that mom and dad wanted a second son and from infancy they tell their daughter what a pity it is that she wasn’t born a boy, and in response to any sign of weakness they say: “Why are you like a girl?!” (hello, garage, your child is actually a girl!), and a request to buy beautiful shoes is perceived as a sign that the daughter will grow up to be a prostitute – she already knows this word very well. At the same time, the girls rush around their older brother like he’s wearing a dirty bag: he’s a boy. Sasha, naturally, has two options: either forever recognize himself as a second-class person, or try to somehow become a first-class person. She chose the last option, and this is completely normal for a person with a healthy psyche (even a small one). It’s not normal to mess up a smart and precocious girl’s head like that even before school!
The first-grader constantly tries to get into other children’s pants, sits behind him, simulating sexual intercourse, and persuades girls to dance a striptease… The alarm was raised by the parents of a girl whom he offered to, I quote, “suck his pussy” for a chocolate bar. Increased interest in this topic at such an early age may be a symptom of several larger problems. Either the child was corrupted, or he has a serious hormonal imbalance (an adult hormonal set in the child’s body), or some problems with the cerebral cortex… However, it turns out that the child’s father simply considers it completely normal to watch porn on the computer in the presence of his son: “What’s wrong, He’s small and doesn’t understand anything. And if he understands, let him grow up to be a man, gee-gee-gee.”
A ten-year-old girl literally hates all boys and any hints of intergender relationships, and her neighbor at her desk, who said she was beautiful, flew into a fury and broke his nose. We find out that the whole situation arose because of the girl’s mother. This is a single mother. A woman with a stormy, but not very happy personal life. A series of “new dads,” some of whom did not last even three months (and one of them also beat the girl), and “she and I are like friends, I tell her everything.” That is, the mother made her daughter a confidential person. From early childhood, a child knows which of his mother’s “uncles” has problems with potency, which has a jealous wife who watches for his mother at work at the entrance (after which he had to put two stitches on his face), who “is a miser, didn’t even buy a ring.” , from whom she had three abortions, and so on. Mom sincerely believes that she is preparing the girl for adulthood. The girl believes that “adult life” is just endless fights with someone’s wives, abortions and erect penises, and she saw all this in the coffin (and in this case it’s hard not to understand her).
Ten year old boy. A rare case: the child was brought by the mother. With the request “Do something, he’s annoying the father” (in general, searching for a “button” that can be pressed to make the child comfortable is a favorite topic of parents who bring their children themselves). In general, the situation is almost classic: dad from time to time finds a new love and leaves for her, then mom “wins” him back with borscht and silk robes, the family is idyll for some time, and then everything repeats. The intervals are becoming shorter and shorter, and the child generally “ruins everything” – he treats his dad as a dad, and not as an Eastern padishah. Recently – just think! – asked a parent suffering from a hangover to help him solve the problem (he was sworn at and received such a slap on the head that he flew against the wall). The answer “It’s better, damn it, prescribe healing kicks for dad!”, of course, is not within the scope of professional ethics, but this is perhaps the main thing that comes to mind in this case.
All the cases described are literally within the last month. So far, all these (and many similar) children are just normal kids who were unlucky with their family. But very little time will pass – other people’s children and, as you know, they grow very quickly – and they will turn into fully grown, fully formed ghouls who will cripple the next generation of kids. And I don’t know how to stop this conveyor belt for the production of moral cripples.
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