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The world has never seen such lightning before

The world has never seen such lightning before

The world has never seen such lightning before

In the distant, distant year of 1925, a certain Charles Wilson, sitting by the fireplace, took a sip of cognac and purely theoretically suggested that an electrical breakdown could occur in the upper layers of the atmosphere. After that, he lit a pipe, leaned back comfortably in the rocking chair and began to think about another topic.
However, with the advent of the 21st century, everyone remembered this Charles and rushed around with him, like Mordovians with their grandfathers on sticks. As soon as a strange and wild lightning appears in the sky, we are told that it has always been like this, in 1925 for sure!
And so, in the early morning of June 10, at the Lurila observation deck on Lake Yangzhuo Yongtso in the city of Shannan, Tibet Autonomous Region, people saw this:
Then it became like this:
Light adherents have not yet come up with a name for this phenomenon; it is not yet in the pictures in reference books:
Lightning is similar to the so-called “sprites,” but sprites usually shine somewhere out there and do not extend their tentacles to the surface. And here it is. 
We don’t think these are any “new sprites”. These are the same sprites that have been observed for the last 10-15 years, only the tension has now become greater. They had reached the surface before, but the charge was insufficient to illuminate the atmosphere at the bottom of the lightning. And now there is enough electricity. 
It is difficult to say with certainty what caused this. Maybe some wildly powerful charges began to accumulate in the mesosphere, maybe the mesosphere sank lower, or even some cracks appeared in the dome of the Flat Earth. But now we can assume that the phenomenon will increase until, in fulfillment of the Bible verses, fire descends from heaven, so we are following the development of events.
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