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Harvard scientists: aliens may have been living on Earth for some time

Harvard scientists: aliens may have been living on Earth for some time

Earth may be hiding an unknown, technologically advanced civilization

What if an unknown technological civilization lurks here on Earth, in bases deep underground, and maybe even appears with UFOs or disguised as ordinary people?
In a new paper that is sure to raise questions in the scientific community, a team of researchers from Harvard and Montana University of Technology suggests that sightings of “unidentified anomalous femonemons” (NAF) – in bureaucratic language simply UFOs – “may reflect the activities of intelligent beings hidden in secret here on Earth (e.g. underground), and/or in the near-extraterrestrial environment (e.g. on the Moon), and/or even ‘walking among us’ (e.g. posing as humans).”
This is a direct quote from the article. Needless to say, the researchers acknowledge that this idea of hidden “crypto-Earth” is an extremely exotic hypothesis that “will likely be viewed skeptically by most scientists.” However, they argue that the theory “deserves a real examination in a spirit of epistemic humility and openness.”
Interest in unexplained UFO sightings by military personnel has grown significantly over the past decade. That attention came to a head last summer when former Air Force intelligence officer and whistleblower David Grush testified before Congress claiming the U.S. had already recovered alien spacecraft as part of a decades-long UFO retrieval program.
Even NASA has opened its doors to researchers to investigate mysterious high-speed objects spotted by military pilots over the years.
But several Pentagon reports later still found no evidence of extraterrestrial life. However, this did not discourage these Harvard researchers. In the article, they offer a number of options, each of which is more unusual than the next.
The first is that a “residual form” of an ancient, highly developed human civilization is still prowling around and watching us. The second is that an intelligent species evolved independently of humans in the distant past, probably from “intelligent dinosaurs,” and now hides its presence from us. The third is that these hidden inhabitants of Earth came here from another planet or time period. And the fourth is that these unknown inhabitants of Earth are “less technological than magical”, which the researchers liken to “earthly angels”.
They write that UFO sightings of “ships and other phenomena (e.g. ‘orbs’) that appear to enter/exit from potential underground access points such as volcanoes “may be evidence that these crypto-Earths may not be attracted to these locations, but actually reside in underground or underwater bases.
The newspaper quoted former U.S. House of Representatives Representative Mike Gallagher as suggesting last year that one explanation for the UFO sightings could be “an ancient civilization that has just been hiding here all this time and suddenly appeared right now”, following Grush’s testimony.
The researchers don’t stop there, even suggesting that these crypto-terrestrial may take on various forms of non-human primates or even reptiles.
As well as staying deep underground, they even suggest that this mysterious species may even lurk on the moon or have mastered the art of merging with humans – a folk theory that has inspired countless works of science fiction.
Another explanation, put forward by controversial Harvard astrophysicist Avi Loeb, suggests that other ancient civilizations may have lived on “planets like Mars or Earth” but “a billion years apart and therefore did not know about each other.”
Author: Ivan Parvanov

Harvard scientists: aliens may have been living on Earth for some time

A new study by scientists at Harvard University suggests that aliens may have been living on Earth for some time.
The research paper, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, suggests that life forms from other worlds may live below the surface of the Earth or on the Moon, and that UFOs and other unidentified anomalous phenomena (NAF) may actually be evidence of their movement.
The study offers an “unconventional” explanation of the topic.
The authors of the paper are from Harvard University’s Human Prosperity Program, which studies the factors that contribute to human well-being and prosperity.
Unidentified anomalous phenomena are any objects or phenomena that cannot be immediately identified or explained by known sources created by man or nature. The authors point out that in their study, the letter “A” in Naph means “anomalous,” not “airborne,” as is commonly explained, since some NAPHS not only float in the air, but can also move underwater.
Anomalous phenomena have been reported to have a variety of shapes, including spheres, disks, triangles, and other shapes ranging in size from small orbs to large ships. Many of them demonstrate flight patterns and maneuvers that do not conform to conventional aerodynamics, such as sudden changes in direction, high speeds, and the ability to hover without visible propulsion systems.
Last summer, 36-year-old Air Force veteran David Grush caused a media storm when he claimed that the remains of several completely intact unidentified aircraft, some of which contained dead non-human pilots, had been found as part of a top-secret US military program.
Report of the Office of the director of national intelligence for 2023 it is stated that in 2022. 510 drones have been observed, more than the 366 seen in 2021. Of these, 171 were considered to “appear to have demonstrated unusual flight characteristics or performance and require further analysis.”
“Hypotheses for such phenomena are usually divided into two classes: a conventional terrestrial explanation (e.g., man-made technology) or an extraterrestrial explanation.well. advanced civilizations from other parts of the cosmos),“ the Harvard researchers wrote in the new paper.
“There is, however, a third hypothesis: an unconventional terrestrial explanation beyond the prevailing consensus view of the universe,” they wrote.
“This is the ultra-terrestrial hypothesis, which includes as a subset the’ crypto-terrestrial ‘hypothesis, namely the notion that NAF may reflect the activities of intelligent beings hidden in secrecy here on Earth (e.g. underground), and/or in the near environment (e.g. on the Moon), and/or even ‘walking among us’ (e.g. passing for humans).“
In the paper, the researchers discuss four theories about how extraterrestrials could live alongside us, with the first of them – the human crypto – crypto theory-suggesting that there could be an ancient human civilization, much more technologically advanced than ours, that somehow survived in secret.
The second theory is that there is a technologically advanced non-human civilization that developed secretly on Earth, created by an ape-like hominid or some “unknown, intelligent dinosaur.”
A third suggests that there are extraterrestrials or people from the future who live secretly on Earth, and a fourth suggests that there are “magical crypto – Earth-like angels” that the researchers compare to “fairies, elves, nymphs.”
“The main weakness of [the final theory], on the contrary, is its utter strangeness, especially for readers who have been taught to limit themselves to ways of explaining within, say, the standard model of physics,” the researchers wrote in the paper.
“While believing in Aliens is acceptable, believing in (something like) fairies is simply not a living option for many scientists,” the Harvard researchers said in a statement.
“While this idea is likely to be viewed skeptically by most scientists, such is the nature of some NAPHS that we believe this possibility should not be dismissed lightly, but instead deserves genuine consideration in the spirit of epistemic humility and openness.“ the scientists said.
However, the majority of experts in this field do not believe that UFOs or NAF are evidence of extraterrestrial activity.
“I think these meetings capture the imagination in different ways for different people,” Joshua Semeter, a professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and director of the Center for Space Physics at Boston University, told The Advertiser.
“As a technologist, my guess is that it could be some form of advanced technology. But I remain convinced that this is human technology. There are next-generation propulsion systems that could explain the observed unknown flight characteristics.”
“For me, jumping into speculations about aliens is too big a leap. But it’s important to keep an open mind while solving this mystery.”says Prof. Joshua Semeter.
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