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June 1

June 1

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Joint Evolution)
June 1, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
In continuation of my previous message, today I want to tell you about another feature of the last twelve-year cycle of development of the Earth and humanity as a whole.
Since you are all one with your planet, the process of its evolution involuntarily draws you into this orbit.
But this does not happen to all inhabitants of the Earth, but only to pure human souls, who are potentially able to perceive new high vibrations, which gradually displace vibrations of the third dimension from the Earth.
As you already know, your planet is inhabited not only by humans, but also by a huge number of low-vibration creatures embodied in human bodies, as well as biorobots and clones, of which there have been especially many on Earth in recent years.
And since these creatures, by virtue of their origin, are under no circumstances able to make the Transition with the Earth, they are present on it in the form of ballast.
Moreover, this ballast is not harmless at all, since it is these creatures that make up the very gray mass whose consciousness the Dragon Reptiles and their puppets in power have learned so well to control.
They are the ones who give in to panic and fear so easily and obediently follow all the instructions and instructions of the authorities, sincerely believing that they are not capable of causing them any harm.
Thanks to this ballast, the Dragon Reptiles manage to restrain the transition to the Fifth Dimension of the conscious part of humanity, capable of perceiving new vibrations of the Earth.
And in order to further slow down this process, more and more clones are being created every year, which set the tone in society, blindly following the alien programs and new “normalities” imposed by the Dragon Reptiles.
These are, for example, all kinds of transgender perversions, which are no longer just advertised, but also aggressively imposed on humanity.
Unfortunately, not only biorobots and clones fall into this monstrous “cage”, but also young human souls, accustomed from childhood to the new realities of life, in which the moral principle is no longer present.
In many ways, this is why, my family, the Transition has slowed down so much, because you have to overcome not only low-vibration energy “barriers”, but also unthinkable moral obstacles that the puppets of the deep state erect in your path.
We will stop here today.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you.
Channeled by Marta on 1, June 2024.
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