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The true Light of humanity

The true Light of humanity

The true Light of humanity

A new Light has come to earth, and we have already begun to emit it. Today we are called Lightworkers because we have learned how to exchange them. This light energy acquires a new meaning, as it leads humanity to comprehend new high truths.
New radical changes are also beginning in science, which is on the verge of great discoveries concerning the nature of light. The entire spectrum of light is not accessible to man, so the range of other realities is also not yet comprehended by us.
The way out to these realities lies through a series of 90-degree turns. The ancient Egyptians knew this. Our science stands on the threshold of the interconnection of light and magnetism. Quantum theory has already become a reality, science is delving into small quantities, and there is no end to them.
It will take a little more time, and we will understand what a simple light is. And even if we don’t see other ranges of light with our eyes, we will know the evidence and the reaction of the light. Those who wish can see it today. A person began to realize himself as an observer who changes reality.
Today we are preparing to assimilate into the new time in the fifth dimension. New powers and new abilities await us. But the responsibility for these abilities and their application is also growing. The Earth is also going through its own change, its matter is getting thinner.
Cosmic and solar winds pass through its density. Its core is heating up, lifting out lava masses, and pressure rises on the planet, which pushes out the waters under the earth’s crust. There is a fresh ocean of water there, which is larger in volume than all terrestrial water structures combined.
The Bible says that the Creator divided the heavenly waters and the earthly ones, and this is actually the case. Today, a Chinese satellite brought soil from the surface of the Moon, which turned out to be filled with encapsulated water. And according to scientists, there is quite a lot of it on the Moon.
But it cannot manifest there, due to the fact that there is no atmosphere on it, and the water can evaporate. This is our Creator’s big storeroom. There is a lot of water on all planets and satellites. A new life is always ready to wake up at the behest of the Creator.
Those who have gone through clinical death have planned it in advance. Life after that took a completely different perspective. Now the Light on Earth is passing through this phantom death. A new point of reference for the planet has begun.
The crystalline energy coming from our Sun accumulates in the tectonic plates of the Earth. This energy is sensitive to our bodies. Many felt lost and separated. Many are undergoing the transformation process along with the Earth.
But it’s a Gift that makes us healers, and it needs to be assimilated. Solar flares are signs of this energy and a new light penetrating our world. Prosperity and a new turn in life are brought by this Crystalline energy.
Humanity is always one with the planet, and is its intellectual component. Who makes all the changes on its surface, who excites hurricanes and winds, floods and volcanic activity? No one else does this but the Higher Powers, no, it all excites humanity.
A lot of things have changed since 2012. It’s only 12 years old, and there are a lot of changes. Everyone has changed, even if some people don’t notice it. Humanity glows from within through its centrosomes, and this is clearly visible from Space.
The delicate balance of the past will be disrupted. People have done a good job, stress has brought its result. This energy is well felt by Indigo children. They feel it as confusion, disorientation, anxiety and disharmony.
It may seem to them that their magical powers have disappeared. But this is a temporary phenomenon. Such children deserve our love, guidance and respect. High beings come to Earth today, just as they did at the dawn of our existence.
Do not believe those who say that the man was wild and inept. Man was created perfect. Otherwise, our avatars would not have been possessed by the Asura Gods of that time. They made places for themselves and couldn’t make low-quality capsules for themselves.
There are two ways to work with light now. One is to reflect light, and the other is to be that light. If a person does not see his true self, he can only reflect light. And this limits our work.
Take responsibility for your own happiness and your own reality, and make your choice in favor of our spirit. We are the light bearers! Even the Crystal Energy is a reflection of ourselves. We are united by electromagnetic fields between ourselves and the planet.
Light interacts with the Earth’s magnetic field, and changes it as it enters. That is why science is able to see the connection between light and magnetism. Now we have already adapted to this light, so we don’t often experience stress.
We get used to being light, and let this energy flow through us, triggering our higher changes in our being. To feel comfortable, you need to let your light shine without resisting the new one.
Dare in the most difficult situations, and let your light pour out beyond our being! Being a God in a human body is the most difficult thing. The ego does everything to prevent us from gaining full strength. Our brain, as the true guardian of the third dimension, does not allow us to understand other perceptions.
If a person begins to understand that he is a spiritual being, then the ego stops holding us back. Feel the Spirit inside you! And this will bring confidence in your actions. Wear a hidden inner smile all day long, our body and the surrounding reality require it.
This will allow us to be a light in an effective way in the days of change that lie ahead. Stand firmly in the truth and beauty of your light and fully master its power. Share your spectrum of light with others, with anyone who wants to see the world through your eyes.
Soon we will see new landscapes and new animals. The world will change before our eyes. Our light will show us new dimensions and more than one at a time. Humanity will soon begin to develop new abilities, and gadgets and phones will fade into oblivion.
A person will begin to use telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation. And these are no longer fairy tales. This is a new reality when a person flies at will. The age of technocracy will fade into oblivion. Freedom and new opportunities are the attributes that will guide humanity further.
Touch your light openly and freely to others when it is acceptable. And our light will also increase from this. Our time is challenging us. We already know where we’re going and what’s ahead. There’s a new space, a new time, new opportunities. We are on the threshold. Tomorrow we’ll take a step and fly!
But do not expect, while living this life, that a wizard will come and do everything the right way. We can create a new spiritual world ourselves in our own field, on this very day. Feel your light, this is you, you who are changing your paradigm and the whole Cosmos.
An open heart gives us a unique opportunity to sow the seeds of light and understand who we really are. Every day we live is a stepping stone to a new future. Love and shine as brightly as possible! Yes, it will be so!
With respect and love, Tatyana Ryazanova! “Kvantsin” 06.06.2024
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