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An ominous astrological forecast from 1995

An ominous astrological forecast from 1995

An ominous astrological forecast from 1995

Today, thanks to the Internet, video hosting sites are filled with a million talking idiots broadcasting something on astrological topics, and against this background we can’t help but remember with longing the times when horoscopes were printed on paper. Then, if the wang did not come true, the astrologer had his horoscope glued to his forehead and was no longer invited to this newspaper. But now, when there are a great mass of mutterers, it is unrealistic to keep track of everyone, and therefore listening to forecasts loses all meaning. 
Nevertheless, whoever searches will always find, and today people have found a video posted in 2011, and recorded, if not in 1911, then somewhere like this: the author of the horoscope plays on Windows 95 and uses astrological programs under DOS , which Pavel Globa played with as a child:
The author seems to be Indian – his English is terrible, you need to listen to it three times to understand all the words, and his astrology is also very unusual, where all the planets dance around Neptune and its 164-year cycle:
At the time the horoscope appeared, it is unlikely that anyone in their right mind would have looked at it, since Wang was there for the period 2024-2026. In the days of Windows 95, few people were interested in this. But now…
The first thing the guy starts with is that in Great China, in 2020, right at the very beginning, there will be something very, very ominous, the consequences of which will stretch right up to 2024. And then, according to the astrologer, complete violence begins, which will affect the Middle East, the Pacific Ocean and Muscovy:
 Iran will have nuclear weapons in 2025 and will take them on Israel, which will have a hard time. And by this time Muscovy will be waging some kind of long war, for which in 2025 it will pay in full:
All this will happen against the backdrop of partial solar eclipses in 2025, that is, on March 29 and September 21. 
China will gain enormous strength by 2024 and will flex its muscles until 2026, when it will invade Taiwan. All this will be accompanied by an unprecedented financial crisis and terrible natural disasters. 
The bald vassal of China will no longer see this. An enlightened astrologer made a video about this a month ago and said that the **** will die in the middle of 2026, when Saturn appears very well in his horoscope:
We don’t know how correct Comrade JH’s predictions are, but with the pandemic he hit the nail on the head. The next couple of years will show whether he will do just as phenomenally with everything else, so let’s keep an eye on the developments.
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