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About the Messiah and the coming of Christ

About the Messiah and the coming of Christ

About the Messiah and the coming of Christ

Very often people ask about the Messiah. Will he appear on Earth? Maybe it will be the second coming of Christ?
My dear ones, the Earth has lived the experience of the Messiahs for a long time. They came to bring an example of a Divine being. They passed on knowledge, Light and Love to people that they are able to awaken everything in themselves. They showed the Divine spark that is in every person.
Don’t expect the Messiah to come now to change everything around you! To change the whole world!
You will do it yourself! Every one of you! A lot of people are actively involved in changing the world. Someone is more on the energy level, and someone is more on the physical level. Everyone has their own role, their own value, their own unique place in this huge transformation of space.
Every day, more and more Light is being lit in the hearts of people. There are more and more firefly people on the planet who want to live in Light and Love, to manifest their Divine being on Earth.
They’re like fireflies. Little lights that light up all over the planet!
And now there are many, many such lights on it. Wonderful lights — people. Someone is already shining brightly, but someone has just lit up and is learning to shine every day.
It was they who began the transformation of space and have been transforming it for many years. Their light consciousness, expanded, changes the mental and astral field of the planet. They transform the subtle fields of the Earth and bring spiritual knowledge and practices to help everyone.
There are people who are destroyers. Some destroy the planet and everything on it in order to awaken those who have come to help and protect it. Others destroy old foundations, programs, systems… They don’t want to live like everyone else. A huge protest is pouring into the world through them in order to destroy what makes people slaves and does not allow them to reveal their Divine potential.
And then there are human creators on Earth. They create new organizations on the physical level, build spiritual communities and cities, change systems: political, educational, medical, social… Through them, changes appear on the physical plane.
Each person has their own unique place on Earth. Everyone is needed for something. Someone finishes playing old games and destroys the world, someone transforms the space and creates a new one for themselves and those who are ready to live in Light and Love.
There will be no Messiahs! A lot of people will change this world, transform it! And all these people are already here! Christ awakens in every person who is ready. Or rather, the Christ consciousness awakens in everyone — the God consciousness of people.
With love to everyone,
Magda Funia and the Lords of the Akasha Chronicles of the Earth.
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