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This is how solar flares affect us

This is how solar flares affect us

This is how solar flares affect us!

A solar flare occurs when magnetic energy stored in the solar atmosphere is suddenly released.
Radiation is emitted across virtually the entire electromagnetic spectrum, from radio waves in the long wavelength region to optical radiation and x-rays and gamma rays in the shortwave region.
The pineal gland, which regulates circadian rhythms and melatonin production, is sensitive to magnetic fields.
According to the Russian scientist A.L. Chizhevsky, 80% of the most significant events for humanity occurred during a 5-year period around the peak of solar activity.
What effect do solar flares have on us?
A recent study published in New Scientist magazine points to a direct link between solar storms and the human biological system.
The channel that controls the weather on Earth through the magnetic field on Earth is the same channel that facilitates the influx of charged particles from the Sun through the magnetic field (aura) around the human body.
The increase in the frequency and amplitude of solar geomagnetic storms is causing widespread planetary changes, including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tornadoes and storms. There is also evidence of human intervention as a result of solar activity.
Geomagnetic activity affects human consciousness
It is known that solar activity affects human consciousness. Solar flares affect the central nervous system, all brain activity (including balance), human behavior patterns, and all of our psychophysiological (mental/emotional/physical) responses.
Symptomatically, solar flares can make us nervous, anxious, restless, jittery, dizzy, irritable, lethargic, exhausted, nauseated, and malaise.
Some people become unusually forgetful, while others experience heart palpitations. People may also suffer from pressure in the head and headaches for a long time.
Erasing our cellular memory
Solar flares and photon waves emanating from the Sun change the fabric of our physical reality as they have a powerful effect on our physical cellular level, awakening and clearing our cellular memory.
Unprocessed emotions from past traumas and experiences are stored as cellular memories as low frequency energy. Photon waves from the Sun are composed of high frequency energy that increases the low emotional frequency of our cellular memory.
As these cellular memories are retuned to a higher frequency, we may find ourselves spontaneously releasing the lower emotions of sadness, anger, and grief without knowing why.
These sudden periods of “relaxation” can last up to twenty minutes and may also include a warming sensation in the body in the form of “hot flashes”. It may feel as if a wave of unexpected feelings came out of nowhere and just as suddenly dissipated.
Awakening our soul’s purpose
Elements of our divine blueprint are woven into our cellular memory. The recent infusion of photonic energies amplifies our cellular memory and causes various elements of our divine blueprint to leak into our waking consciousness.
As a result, many people begin to remember their soul’s purpose and suddenly begin making changes in their lives to align themselves with a higher purpose.
Immediate manifestation
Another consequence of the influx of photon energy is that because it represents a higher frequency, it increases the strength, speed and ability of our thoughts to manifest.
We are capable of “instant manifestation” in the truest sense of the word; Whatever we think, we create immediately. We have never experienced such an increased level of potential manifestation before.
Photon energy mixes with the vibrational frequency of our thoughts. Therefore, it is extremely important that we focus our attention on what we want to create rather than on what we do not want to manifest in our lives.
We quickly become aware of the direction of our thoughts, and it is up to us to decide where to direct our attention.
For those of us who are in the process of positive change and transformation, this energy is empowering and beneficial.
On the other hand, those who are stuck in the past due to victimhood and anger will continue to exhibit even more negativity until they are ready to let go of the old way of “being” and move into a higher, more positive vibration.
The good news is that we have free will and can decide how we want to use this rich and easily accessible resource of electromagnetic energy.
Additional effects of recent solar flares
Increasing the frequency and intensity of solar flares helps break down old patterns that are no longer needed, allowing new patterns to emerge.
This is a dynamic and inevitable process of change that has caused unrest and uncertainty among many people in recent months. Solar flares also caused damage to technological tools such as computers.
As solar activity continues to increase, new symptoms appear. The dimensions of time and space begin to “swing” randomly.
Some people lose track of time and/or lose words during a conversation. For others, the day simply disappears.
Many people have trouble sleeping, toss and turn at night, and often have unusual dreams. Others report that when they close their eyes at night, the world revolves around them.
Some of us feel huge surges of energy in our bodies; These surges are often accompanied by a drop in energy levels.
There have been reports of nausea, body aches, pain and dizziness. Some people experience a feeling of overwhelming sadness, while others experience euphoria. Vision problems, inner ear problems, ringing in the ears, throat and thyroid problems, and cold feet have been reported.
What to do if you are sensitive to solar storms?
If you experience any of the above effects, don’t worry – be happy! We are given a unique and powerful opportunity to consciously participate in the rapid advancement of our evolution as energetic beings.
Our auras/energy systems are recalibrated to vibrate at a much higher and finer frequency. The more informed and aware we are of the changes that are taking place, the more able we are to accept this process as a necessary step towards improving our lives. We are moving towards mental, emotional and spiritual awakening with the extraordinary help of the Sun!
On a practical, physical level, we can mitigate some of the more challenging effects of our energetic development by getting more rest and drinking plenty of water.
For those who live near the sea, a walk on the beach (or better yet, swimming!) helps balance the incoming energies. In the meantime, we can all fasten our seat belts and enjoy the ride!
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