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May 29

May 29

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Reorientation of International Organizations)
May 29, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
At the end of the conversation about international organizations, I want to tell you what future awaits them on the Fifth Dimensional Earth.
Many of them will cease to exist, since their goals and objectives correspond to the realities of the three-dimensional world, which will gradually fade into oblivion.
Only those of them will remain that can be easily reoriented to the needs of the world of the fourth and then the fifth dimensions.
What will these needs be?
At first, these will be centers for the distribution of finance, food and other material goods.
What is happening now in your world cannot be called anything other than a crime.
The bias towards the so-called developed countries is all too obvious.
For example, their food abundance is “paid for” by hunger and poverty in the “third world” countries, which include dozens of the poorest countries.
But if there were already a center for food distribution on Earth, based on the unity and equality of all countries and peoples inhabiting your planet, there would not be a single hungry person left on it.
The same goes for finances.
All cash flows are concentrated in the hands of representatives of the deep state, who profit from the slave labor of the population of the poorest countries in the world, while simultaneously pumping out the richest natural resources from the depths of these countries.
This went on for centuries, but in recent years dozens of these countries have begun to free themselves from their colonial past, asserting their independence and the right to manage their own natural and human resources.
Gradually, the focal points will take this most important component of your life into their own hands.
In the absence of borders and social stratification, all natural resources will be distributed in such a way that no country and no people feel deprived.
While this is difficult for you to imagine, since the dual world dictates its conditions, but in the absence of boundaries and the division of society into social classes, these processes will become natural and understandable to you.
By and large, your planet will gradually turn into a single commune in which each person will receive everything they need according to their needs.
But this will not mean at all that some people will live at the expense of others, since only those who are ready to share the best that they have can get into the world of the Fifth Dimension: their talents and abilities, the generosity of their soul and the desire to come to the aid of those who needs it.
This will be a society of conscious people, and the best of them – the wisest and most talented – will lead associations and organizations that will become the basis of a new world order on Earth, acting for the highest good of all.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 29, 2024
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