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Subtle features of the behavior of a man who only pretends to be good

Subtle features of the behavior of a man who only pretends to be good

Subtle features of the behavior of a man who only pretends to be good

Sometimes people are not who they seem at first glance…
Knowing the signs described in this article will help you recognize men who are only pretending to be nice and avoid disappointment in your relationships.
1. Excessive compliments;
Have you ever met someone who throws compliments left and right? Of course, it feels good to receive praise, but when it seems excessive or unreasonable, it can be a sign of hidden intentions. Men who pretend to be nice often use flattery to gain favor. Real compliments are usually specific and random, rather than thrown around like candy.
2. Manipulation of conversations;
These men often direct the conversation so that it revolves around them. If a conversation doesn’t go their way, they quickly change the topic to something that interests them. This manipulative behavior aims to maintain a “nice guy” image by subtly controlling the interaction.
3. Lack of empathy;
Empathy—the ability to understand and share the feelings of others—is important to any healthy relationship. However, men who feign kindness often do not have it. Their manipulative behavior is aimed at control rather than genuine communication. They may ignore your feelings or be unsympathetic during difficult times.
4. Disrespect for boundaries;
Respecting personal boundaries is a key element of healthy relationships. However, some men often ignore these restrictions. They may make unwanted comments about your personal life, make you feel uncomfortable, or force you to do things that you don’t like.
5. Unavailability in difficult moments;
A truly nice person will be there for you when you need it. However, men who pretend to be good often fail in this regard. They can be friendly when it’s convenient for them, but when you really need support, they suddenly become unavailable.
6. Charm is like a mask;
Such men often use their charm to hide their true intentions. They may appear to be the perfect gentleman, smiling and complimenting you, but there may be something else lurking underneath that charming exterior. Charm becomes a tool for manipulation rather than a reflection of one’s true personality.
7. Constant attention to yourself;
They may show themselves to be kind and caring, but ultimately all their actions are aimed at attracting attention to themselves. They often become the center of attention in any situation, even if this means ignoring other people’s needs and feelings.
8. Neglect of your successes;
When you share your accomplishments or joys, they may show a lack of interest or even try to belittle your successes. This behavior indicates their inability to be genuinely happy for others and highlights their self-centeredness.
9. Lack of long-term support;
They may seem supportive and caring at first, but over time their support may fade. They often promise help but rarely deliver on their promises, leaving you disappointed.
10. Avoidance of responsibility;
Such men often avoid responsibility for their actions. When problems or conflicts arise, they tend to shift blame to others or make excuses rather than honestly admit their mistakes and take responsibility.
Marina Karaseva
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