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The first heralds of the Three Days of Darkness are already being observed

The first heralds of the Three Days of Darkness are already being observed

The first heralds of the Three Days of Darkness are already being observed

Everyone is gradually starting to get used to two suns in the sky, and even the skeptics’ remarks sound somewhat sluggish, but a new trend is gaining strength on the Internet – the multi-moon:
Meanwhile, pastors and sensitives write the following:
In October 2023, I dreamed that I was in an auditorium with other firefighters from my fire department. After exiting the building, I found myself in a familiar area of north St. Louis on Highland and Kingshighway. I knew this place and went to my old house on Vabada Street. As I walked along Highland Street towards Kingshighway, I looked up and saw several moons. I mean SEVERAL.
 They came in groups of two and three and were very large. There was one moon about six times larger than the supermoon, and next to it were two smaller ones. And another separate pair of normal-sized moons. They didn’t provide much light as they were all sort of pastel. But everyone had a different color – white, yellow, red and red-orange. 
I continued walking to the next block, got there and looked up again. The composition of the moons has changed significantly during this time – they have all become much smaller, some have even shrunk to the size of a coin.  At the same time, a wide strip of rainbows appeared in the sky  . It sparkled and made loud crackling sounds, like fireworks, but much louder.
At first I didn’t think about all this nonsense, you never know what I could have dreamed about, but by chance I now came across a vision of Vicky Goforth. I was terribly surprised, because this woman saw almost the same thing!
If we were truly shown what would happen, the order of events would be:  several moons in the sky, followed by strange rainbows, sounds from the sky, and daytime northern lights. And then three days of darkness will come. 
It’s a surprising coincidence that the moon and a rainbow have already been observed:
Thus, what people (many people!) saw in their dreams is gradually being confirmed by observations in real life. There will be more to come, so we’ll keep an eye on developments.
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