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A supernova explosion will occur in the summer

A supernova explosion will occur in the summer

A supernova explosion will occur in the summer. And then – the dark ages  We’ll probably see a supernova explosion this summer. Astronomers say this will happen in the constellation Corona Borealis. The exploding star will be bright enough to be visible to the naked eye, even from sunlit cities.
NASA artist’s concept of the T CrB binary star system:
“This is a once-in-a-lifetime event,” says Rebecca Hounsell of the Goddard Space Flight Center. “I believe this will create a lot of new astronomers.”
T Coronae Borealis (T CrB) is a binary system 3000 light years from Earth. It consists of a white dwarf orbiting an ancient red giant. The red giant’s hydrogen is pulled onto the surface of the white dwarf, accumulating to a critical mass. This will eventually cause a thermonuclear explosion.
The last time T CrB exploded was in 1946. About a year before this explosion, the system suddenly dimmed, a phenomenon that astronomers called a “pre-eruption failure.” In 2023, T CrB’s brightness dropped again, foreshadowing another eruption. If the 1946 pattern repeats itself, the new star should appear between now and September 2024.
The outbreak will be short-lived. After the eruption, the nova will be visible to the naked eye for just under a week, but Hounsell is confident it will be quite a spectacle. The expected magnitude is between +2 and +3, similar to the stars of Ursa Major.
“Typically, novae events are faint and distant,” says Elizabeth Hayes, director of NASA’s Goddard Astroparticle Physics Laboratory. “But this show will be very close and will be watched by many. We can’t wait to get the full picture of what’s going on.”
Editorial Comment of The Big The One: We told our readers about the imminent explosion of T Coronae Borealis (T CrB), however, this news on is already news in itself. In March, NASA wrote about a possible waiting period of up to six months, but now, if astronauts say summer, it means summer.
True, the light adherents need to be supplemented a little. 
Firstly, not one, but THREE supernovae await us. There is also Betelgeuse, which has long been questioned, and there is also HP Tau in the constellation Taurus . She can also bang at any time:
Secondly, we do not share the optimism of the bright adherent Rebecca about the supernova. The first and last supernova observed by humans is the so-called Crab Nebula. A supernova exploded there presumably in the 11th century, and since then there has been a cloud in its place:
We do not know the consequences of a nearby supernova explosion. No one knows. People, of course, will not die out after this, but how the Sun will react is an interesting question. In any case, the period after the fall of Rome (V century) and the beginning of the so-called Renaissance (XIV century) in history is called the Dark Ages. He knows very little of them.
We only know that in Kyiv in the 10th century, the son of Svyatoslav Vladimir, the Grand Duke of Kiev and Prince of Novgorod, built the Church of the Tithes, and where Moscow is now – on a hill in the swamps there were fir trees and Udmurts in skins sat on them. 
To explain such paucity of information about the Dark Ages, historians have proposed several theories, but all of them are based on one or another cataclysm: internal (supervolcano eruption) and external (supernova explosion, meteorite). Something in those days made a big bang and demolished Rome, which could not recover from the disaster and was conquered by the barbarians. And then no one wrote the chronicle for 1000 years because there was no one. 
Therefore, so that astronomers don’t sing about the beautiful spectacle, after the supernova explosion the sad story of the Dark Ages may repeat itself, so let’s follow the developments.
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